the-lone-witch · 4 years
I wanna make a masterlist of lgbt+ witches on tumblr
so reblog this if you are a witch and are lgbt+ pls!
alsoi wanna follow all of you
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
So, tarantulas don't use their web to catch prey, but instead to build their homes, so their intent upon making their web isn't to bind something. That "binding energy" is what the web is used for.
You can definitely feel free to try though! I'm not sure how well it will work, but it may turn out perfectly fine, especially if you're working with Athena/Minerva, Neith, Great Mother, Grandmother Spider, Anansi, Uttu, or any other spider associated deities. They may see it as an offering and give you the boost you need.
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Spider Web Spells
To Catch Someone's Eye:
Red or Pink Candle
Spider Web
Sugar or Honey
Carve the name of the person into the candle. Roll the candle in the web. Nestle the candle in sugar or honey and light it while thinking about them and the good things you see in them.
(Note: this is NOT a love spell. This will only open their eyes to you. It won't make them fall in love with you. It will not take away their choice or free will. Think of it like someone offering you a dessert that you didn't know was available. The dessert was there all along and if you want it you can accept it. If you don't want it, you're still able to decline it, the choice is yours. I do not support love spells that take away a person's own choices or thoughts.)
To Attract Luck or Fortune:
Cinnamon (ground or stick)
Pine Needle (or three drops of pine oil)
A Bay Leaf
A penny
Spider Web
Green Candle
Jar or Satchel
Old Purse or Wallet
Gather cinnamon (ground or stick), nutmeg, pine needle (pine oil works too) , a bay leaf and a penny. Wrap all of these in spider web. It doesn't have to completely cover it. If you're using a jar, put everything in the jar, close the lid and melt the candle wax over top. If you're using a satchel, melt some of the wax over your bundle before placing it in the satchel. Place the jar or satchel in an old purse or wallet for monetary fortune. Carry the jar or satchel with you for an extra boost of good luck.
To Keep Someone Away From You:
Paper (small scrap)
Spider Web
Write the person's name on the paper and roll it in the web. Cut the bundle in half and burn each half separately.
(Note: This spell is meant to help bind the energy between you and the person and sever ties. Be completely sure you want to cut this person from your life before you do this spell.)
Spider web is also a great addition to a number of different spells to bind energy/intent or to even help target the focus of your spell.
Please use caution when adding spider web to hexes and curses. Not only will it bind and focus, but it will also magnify it and make it harder to get rid of, because webs are sticky and hard to get out of.
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
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Spider Web Spells
To Catch Someone's Eye:
Red or Pink Candle
Spider Web
Sugar or Honey
Carve the name of the person into the candle. Roll the candle in the web. Nestle the candle in sugar or honey and light it while thinking about them and the good things you see in them.
(Note: this is NOT a love spell. This will only open their eyes to you. It won't make them fall in love with you. It will not take away their choice or free will. Think of it like someone offering you a dessert that you didn't know was available. The dessert was there all along and if you want it you can accept it. If you don't want it, you're still able to decline it, the choice is yours. I do not support love spells that take away a person's own choices or thoughts.)
To Attract Luck or Fortune:
Cinnamon (ground or stick)
Pine Needle (or three drops of pine oil)
A Bay Leaf
A penny
Spider Web
Green Candle
Jar or Satchel
Old Purse or Wallet
Gather cinnamon (ground or stick), nutmeg, pine needle (pine oil works too) , a bay leaf and a penny. Wrap all of these in spider web. It doesn't have to completely cover it. If you're using a jar, put everything in the jar, close the lid and melt the candle wax over top. If you're using a satchel, melt some of the wax over your bundle before placing it in the satchel. Place the jar or satchel in an old purse or wallet for monetary fortune. Carry the jar or satchel with you for an extra boost of good luck.
To Keep Someone Away From You:
Paper (small scrap)
Spider Web
Write the person's name on the paper and roll it in the web. Cut the bundle in half and burn each half separately.
(Note: This spell is meant to help bind the energy between you and the person and sever ties. Be completely sure you want to cut this person from your life before you do this spell.)
Spider web is also a great addition to a number of different spells to bind energy/intent or to even help target the focus of your spell.
Please use caution when adding spider web to hexes and curses. Not only will it bind and focus, but it will also magnify it and make it harder to get rid of, because webs are sticky and hard to get out of.
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
I Want To Get Into Witchcraft Can You By Any Way Help ?
Your question is quite a broad one, but nevertheless, still a great question!
My advice is to start with research. Find people/blogs with similar interests and beliefs. If you're not sure what your interests or beliefs are, just try new things. I'm my experience, finding your niche can sometimes be trial and error, but don't give up. Finding things that ignite passion are worth the effort.
With that said, every person has their own individual relationship with their practice. Do what comes natural to you. Spend time reflecting inward on what makes you feel your "witchiest".
For me it's my connection with the Earth, my preferred deities and my divination. I enjoy plants, crystals, tarot and kitchen witchery.
I hope this gave you a little insight and I hope you enjoy learning about yourself as you grow into your practice. 🖤
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
I want to start getting into loose teas. Does anyone have any recommendations for tea brands/companies, tools, hacks, or witchy tips that could be helpful?
There's so much info out there, and it's a little overwhelming, so if you have any advice or can signal boost TIA. 🖤
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
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Bread Recipes! 🥖🍞
(recipe 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
Why Your Spells Don’t Work
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You set your intention. You had all the correct correspondences. You even timed your spell with the appropriate moon phase. And yet – no results. What gives? 
Failed spells happen to the best of us, and for a variety of reasons. But a spell gone wrong doesn’t necessarily mean that magic isn’t real or that you’re bad at witchcraft. Magic is complicated, and there are a lot of reasons it might not behave the way you want it to. Here are some of the most common causes of ineffective spells: 
1. Lack of real-world follow through
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Magic is meant to be used as a tool to supplement your mundane efforts – not as a substitute for them. How can you expect your job hunting spell to bring in results if you aren’t applying for jobs? 
Magic does not exist in a vacuum, and it can’t make something out of nothing. If a spell doesn’t bring you the desired result, make sure that your non-magical actions are aligned with what you are trying to manifest. 
2. What you’re trying to manifest isn’t a realistic possibility
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Wait, what? Isn’t magic supposed to be, well… magic? Shouldn’t you be able to ask for whatever you want and get it? Yes and no.
Magic is simply a way of directing energy. Magic can’t defy the natural laws of the universe. It can’t make something happen unless it was already a potential possibility.
If your intention is unrealistic for where you are right now, try splitting it up into a multi-step process. No spell is going to make you a billionaire overnight, but magic could help you get hired at a better paying job… and then get promoted… and then get offered a profitable side gig… etc. Starting small and working your way up is always going to produce stronger results, because you laid the foundation first.
3. Your intention was either too vague or too specific 
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Whether you use written petitions or spoken incantations, clearly stating your intention is an important part (maybe THE most important part) of any spell or ritual. A good intention is specific enough to get you the results you want, but open enough to let those results manifest naturally.
Let’s say you do a money spell, and your intention for the spell is simply, “I have more money.” If you find a penny on the ground the next day and pick it up, technically that is more money than you had before. A better alternative would be to use an intention like, “I have enough money to buy ___,” or “I have enough money for everything I need and want.”
Using an intention that is too specific creates the opposite problem. Let’s say you want to manifest a scholarship to a specific school. You do a candle spell with the intention, “I have been chosen for the John Smith Scholarship at Jane Doe University.” But maybe the John Smith scholarship had already been awarded by the time you did your spell. Maybe there’s another scholarship at the same school that would be a better fit for you, or maybe you’re eligible for a grant that would make tuition more affordable. A better intention for your spell would be “I have enough financial aid to easily and affordably attend Jane Doe University.”
Magic always follows the path of least resistance, so you want to make sure that your intention is specific enough to give your magic a clear direction, but open enough to allow it some flexibility. 
4. Lack of focus/concentration
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We all know the struggle. You’ve been planning this ritual forever, and it’s finally the full moon, but you’ve got a really full schedule today. If you hurry, you can probably squeeze it into the thirty minute window between school and work, right? 
If you say a few quick words and burn some incense before you head out the door in the morning, that totally counts as a spell, right? 
Not so much. Rushed, lazy, and/or half-assed spells rarely, if ever, work. Spells revolve around the raising and direction of energy, and that requires two things: a clear intention (see above) and intense focus on that intention. If you don’t have the time/energy/mental capacity to focus, it’s best to take a break, have a self care day, and come back to your spell some other time. 
5. You’re subconsciously blocking your own results OR you did a spell for someone else who isn’t open to it
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I decided to lump these two together, because they’re different variations of the same issue. 
Whenever you are doing magic on yourself, it’s important that your mindset is aligned with your intentions. You can do love spells all day long, but if deep down you don’t believe that you’re worthy of love, that belief is going to block your spells from working. This is why mindfulness, psychology, and self care are all such important parts of a successful witchcraft practice. It’s also why I recommend doing the mental work before you sit down to ritual. 
If you did a spell on yourself, or are trying to manifest something for yourself, and it just isn’t working, I highly recommend setting some time aside for journaling and meditation and asking yourself 1.) if this is really what you want, and 2.) if you truly believe that you can have it.
The whole mindset thing gets even more tricky when you’re doing magic on behalf of another person, because their energy is also at work in the situation and could be at odds with yours. For example, if you do a spell to help a friend land a job, but that friend believes that they’re totally underqualified and could never get it, they probably won’t get the job even if you did everything “right” in your spell. 
This should go without saying, but it is extremely unethical to use magic to mess around in someone else’s head. Even if you think you know what’s best for them, they need to be open to it. If someone is blocking the spells you do on their behalf, all you can do is try to be supportive and find other ways to help them out.
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Other (Rare) Reasons for Failed Spells
If a spell goes wrong, it will almost always be for one of the above reasons. But maybe you did everything “right” – you did the mental work first, had a strong, realistic intention, put lots of focus into your spell, and followed through in real life – and you still aren’t seeing results. There are a couple of other things that could be blocking your spells, but they’re very uncommon so I’m not going to talk about them in as much detail. These may be things you want to look into if you really, genuinely can’t think of any other cause. 
It’s possible that another witch has done magic that cancels out or blocks yours. This is not common, and it does NOT mean that someone has cursed you. It could be as simple as two witches unknowingly casting spells with opposite intentions, which end up cancelling each other out. (For example, maybe two different people both cast a spell to get the same job. Obviously, they can’t both get that job.) This is why it’s never a bad idea to incorporate a protective element into your spells to block outside interference.
There is a very, very remote possibility that someone has placed a curse on you specifically to block your magic. However – and I cannot stress this enough – this is VERY uncommon. If you were cursed you would know it, or at least know that something was very wrong in your life. If you feel like you have been cursed or hexed, I recommend looking into uncrossing spells, which are specifically designed to undo negative magic.
It’s also possible that a higher power is intervening. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a deity, although it certainly could be. Most witches believe in some form of fate or destiny, and it’s possible that your spell didn’t work because what you asked for is not in alignment with your destiny. In these situations, really the only thing you can do is surrender to the bigger picture. 
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
Calling all chronically ill witches!
I’m in the process of revamping my “Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms” post and am struggling to find witchy content in the following categories:
Autoimmune and/or immune system
Muscle pain/symptoms
Nerve pain/symptoms
Respiratory symptoms
Reproductive system related issues (endometriosis, PCOS, etc.)
Skin related symptoms
Sleep (specifically created with chronic pain/symptoms in mind, there are plenty of generalized sleep magic posts).
If you have, or know of, posts relating to any of these categories (or any other categories on my post), please send them my way!
To clarify: I’m not looking for advice on this post, I’m looking for posts that I can link in my masterpost!
Thank you! 💕
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
Gardens of the Witches
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Already starting to plan this years garden so I thought I should do a post on Witch Gardens
Moonlight Garden
A garden that blooms in the moonlight, a great place to perform night time rituals, meditations, or to just take a midnight stroll. A garden that is full of magick even after the sun sets. 
Plants to add in your moonlight garden:
Moonflower: (Ipomoea alba) A nocturnal relative of the morning glory. Has fragrant flowers that open at dusk and close by dawn.    
Evening Primrose: (Oenothera biennis) Has beautiful, scented flowers that bloom only at dusk. 
Night Flox: (Zaluzianskya capensis) A sweetly fragranced flower that only unfurls its pinwheeled shaped flowers after dusk. 
Four O’Clock: (Mirabilis jalapa) Its scented flowers bloom at around 4:00pm (hence its name) and do not close up until morning. 
Queen of the Night: (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) A species of cactus whose flowers only open at night. Attracts moths and bats!!!
Night Blooming Jessamine: (Cestrum nocturnum) Strong, sweet scented star shaped flowers that only bloom at night. Attracts moths and bats!!! All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
Angel’s Trumpet: (Brugmansia) Produces a strong scent on warm summer evenings. All parts are toxic, do not ingest!
Evening Stock: (Matthiola longipetala) Produces lots of small blossoms that produce a perfume described as a mix of vanilla, rose, spice, and cloves only after the sun sets.
Ever-Flowering Gladiolus: (Gladiolus tristis) Release a strong almond fragrance after dusk.  
Lilac: (Syringa vulgaris) Although has a perfume during the day, it is said to be a lot stronger after dark. 
Flowering Tobacco: (Nicotiana) Open in the late afternoon and have a fragrance that smells of jasmine. All parts are toxic if ingested!
Summer Snapdragon: (Angelonia angustifolia) Preferably in white, to reflect the moonlight. Has a scent apple-scented foliage. 
Silvermound: (Artemisia schmidtiana) Has thick foliage that will shimmer under the moonlight.
Jack Frost: (Brunnera macrophylla) Hdeart shaped leaves of silver and green, perfect to add more highlights of silver to your moon lit garden. 
Any plant that blooms after dark or has white, lavender, pale pink, pale yellow on it is a perfect addition to your moonlight garden. 
Things to add:
Stepping stones that have the phases of the moon.
Fairy lights
A place to sit
A small fountain to sing along with the insects and birds of the night
String charms and bells on tree branches for a soft jingling every time a gentle breeze passes. 
Herb Garden
For witches who need a more practical garden for uses of healing, tea crafting, drying, and growing plants used in their practices.
Plants to add to your herb garden:
Anise: Helps to ward of the evil eye, find happiness, and stimulates psychic abilities. 
Basil: Use for anything pertaining with love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. Dispels confusion, fears & weakness. Drives off hostile spirits.
Bergamont: Corresponds with money and prosperity. Provides with protection from evil and illness, improves memory, stops interference, and promotes restful sleep.
Borage: Corresponds with courage and psychic powers. 
Cat Nip: Is sacred to the Goddess Bast. Brings forth beauty, happiness, good luck, and good spirits.
Chamomile: Corresponds with love, healing, and sleep. Is known to reduce stress.
Chervil: Brings a sense of the higher self, placing you in touch with your divine, immortal spirit.
Coriander: Corresponds with love, health, immortality, and protection.
Dill: Corresponds with money, protection, luck and lust. 
Lemon Balm: Corresponds with love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development. 
Marjoram: Used to cleanse, purify, and to dispel negative energy.  
Mint: Promotes energy, communication and vitality.
Oregano: Corresponds with joy, strength, vitality, and added energy 
Parsley: Calms and protects the home.
Rosemary: Protects, cleanses, purifies, and aids memory. 
Sage: Used for self purification and dealing with grief and loss.
Thyme: Attracts loyalty, affection, and the good opinion of others.
Things to add:
A place to dry herbs
A place to compost any herb scraps
A place to leave offerings before you harvest
Bee Garden
Make yourself a sanctuary to watch bees frolic and thrive
Plants to add to your bee garden:
Bee balm
Snow Drop
Wildflowers/Any native species
Anise hyssop
Black eyed susan
Sweet peas
Things to add:
Bee houses
Bee waterers/bee baths
Bee feeders
A place for offerings to the bees
Some other ideas for your garden:
Hummingbird garden
Medicinal garden
A garden whose plants and decorations represent/correspond with your practice.
Butterfly Garden
Faerie Garden 
The options are endless! I hope this gives you some ideas for this years garden.
Happy planting!
==Moonlight Academy==
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
Green witchery: The basics
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Being a green witch basically means you want to incorporate plants and nature into your craft! Other names include: nature witch, plant witch, garden witch, forest witch, etc.! I’ll talk about some of the basics being a green witch could entail, but this certainly isn’t an all-encompassing list!
On gardens and growing plants:
Whether you have a flourishing garden filled with everything one could possibly think of, a little windowsill herb garden with the bare essentials or one potted succulent; there’s no denying the joy that comes from helping green things grow!
A container around 2-3 feet deep and filled with soil is perfect for growing potatoes! Plop ‘em in, water them occasionally and harvest in the fall.
Plant things for the butterflies and bees!
Sage, rosemary, basil, mint, thyme, oregano and cilantro are all helpful herbs that you might consider planting.
Daffodils, marigolds, roses, sunflowers and primroses are my favorite witchy flowers.
Eggshells and banana peels are your friends.
These food plants can easily be regrown.
#garden witch / #garden magic / #garden tips
On bringing the green in (houseplants):
Let’s be real, not of all of us have access to areas for planting gardens, or infinite space for indoor plants! It can make being a green witch a bit tricky. 
Spider plants, lucky bamboo, air plants, aloe vera (succulents) and cacti are all pretty easy houseplants.
Terrariums are adorable and you can make them into mini gardens!
Grow one plant for each area of your life (happiness, mental health, etc) [source]
You can get bulbs for grow lights that fit into normal lamps, just be sure to put the plants directly under it!
Watering plants with rainwater will make them happy!
#houseplant magic / #houseplant tips
On incorporating nature:
Find a place outside you can safely visit. Try to spend at least five or more minutes a day sitting and watching. Quiet your mind and just be. (This could be your front porch or backyard, it doesn’t have to be in the forest)
Wander on some nature trails. Visit the local body of water. Walk outside.
Start taking pictures of beautiful wild places, or wildlife.
Learn about what birds and animals live in your area, and perhaps what their tracks look like.
Climb a tree, go swimming in wild waters, take your shoes off and feel the ground beneath your feet, remove invasive plants and plant native ones, pay attention to weather patterns, collect rainwater, etc.
#nature witch / #nature magic / #connecting to nature
On wild plants:
Get some basic plant field guides. I really like Audubon and Peterson, along with Botany in a Day. 
There are also plant apps and websites. 
Learn what plants have poisonous look-alikes and how to tell the difference.
Get a calendar. Go out at least once a week and document what stages the different plants are in. For example: March 4th. Oso berry leaves almost open. Nettles small but fully established. Bitter cherry has unopened flower buds. Salmonberry leaves almost open. Also worth adding where (elevation/location) which is SUPER helpful for harvesting reference later.
Pick a plant a week and research/journal it. Points include: What it looks like, what look-alikes there are, ecosystem + elevation it grows in, medicinal uses, edible uses, magical uses, etc.
Harvest plants and use them for medicine and food after safely doing research*.
#plant magic / #plant witch / #wild plants
Helpful links:
Green witch tips
Garden witch guide
Plant witchcraft: A beginner’s guide to growing
Tip: When your plant is dying
Keeping plants alive when you leave for a trip
Researching herb safety
Anatomy of plants
USDA plants database (external site)
Wildflower identification tool (external site)
Collection of helpful plant websites (external site)
Butterfly plants list (external site)
Bee friendly plants (external site)
Crystals and houseplants
Garden blessing
Plant growth spell
Spell to heal a wilting plant
Desert plant correspondences
Dealing with plant spirits
How to communicate with plant spirits
Bedridden witch: Nature edition
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
Types of Spells & Basic Methods of Casting
Attracting - fill a small jar with honey and add a written statement of intent to the jar - seal and set the jar in direct sunlight to manifest your intent; stir your morning coffee or tea in a clockwise motion while focusing on the intent of what energies you wish to attract for the day; fill a jar with herbs and crystals that represent what you want to attract and add a statement of intent; charge a crystal and wear on your person to attract certain energies; create a sigil and either draw it on yourself or on paper and keep in your pocket; create a talisman, charge it, and wear it to attract various energies
Banishing - take an item that represents what you wish to banish and: throw it in the trash, flush it down the toilet, burn it, bury it, drown it; burn the item and sweep the ashes out the back door or bury them; carve the name of what you want to banish into a black candle and let it burn down completely; transmute negative energy into a stone (preferably a black stone like onyx) and throw it over the fence in your backyard (or whichever direction is south in reference to your home); stir your morning coffee or tea in a counter-clockwise motion while focusing on the intent of what energies you wish to banish for the day; using incense that is associated with banishing negative energy, walk around your space in a counter-clockwise motion with the lit incense in your hand
Binding & Sealing - wrap a string around a poppet or other representation of the target or item you wish to bind; put the poppet or other representation in a plastic bag filled with water and freeze it; place the item in a black box and seal it - store in a dark place or bury the box in your backyard; drip wax over the item
Blessing & Consecrating - anoint an object with holy or blessed water/oil; place the object in a dry bath of herbs or flowers that are known for blessing; pass the object through incense smoke that is associated with blessing
Cleansing - leave the item in the path of direct moon, sun, or starlight; place in a dry bath or herbs or flowers that are associated with cleansing; place the item in a bowl of sea salt; pass the item through incense smoke that is associated with cleansing; pass the item through running water; anoint the item with a cleansing oil or charged water; bury the item in soil for 3 days so it may be “reborn” when unearthed; place a cleansing crystal on top of or next to the item; hang a wind chime outside of your home to negate negative energies before they have the chance to enter your home; open doors and windows; physically clean your space
Cursing - fill a poppet with baneful herbs and crystals, seal it, and store in a black box; add baneful herbs and crystals to a jar with a piece of paper that states the target’s name or a description of them and seal it; create a poppet or other representation of the target and destroy it (commonly by burning); stab the poppet with pins and needles; curse an item and gift it to the target
Dreams & Sleep - fill a sachet with herbs associated with restful sleep and peaceful dreams and hang above your bed; place the sachet under your pillow; wash your bedsheets and sleep clothes with a few drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil; alternately, choose fabric softener that is lavender scented to wash your sheets or sleep clothes with; create a sigil for peaceful dreams or dream recall, charge under the light of the moon, and place it under your pillow before you go to sleep; drink mugwort, peppermint, or valerian root tea before bed for vivid, lucid dreams; drink chamomile tea before bed for restful sleep; drink lemon verbena (vervain) tea before bed for dreamless sleep; when bathing at night, create a sachet that matches your intent and place in the bath or shower
Glamours - anoint the containers of beauty and hair products with Pluto oil or moon water (for transformation and metamorphosis); leave the item you wish to cast a glamour on under the full moon; charge a talisman with the effect you wish to have on others and wear when you go out for the day; add Pluto oil and moon water to a bath for a full body glamour (write your intent with bath crayons on the tub or shower wall for an extra boost); create an energetic shield over yourself in which the outside mirrors what you want others to perceive of you
Goal & Wish Manifestation - write your intent on a bay leaf and burn it; turn your intent into a sigil and store it in a jar filled with herbs or other items that represent said intent; place a written description of your goal or wish in the center of a crystal grid using stones that are associated with manifestation and power; place a coin in moon water while focusing on your wish or goal (leave container under direct moonlight overnight so that it may charge); light a candle whose color matches your intent and while focusing on your goal or wish, blow out the candle
Personal Power & Effects - create or enchant a talisman that represents your intent, charge it, and wear it on your person; take a ritual bath filled with herbs that are associated with personal power; create a potion from herbs associated with power and drink in the morning
Warding - sprinkle a mixture of protective herbs around the perimeter of your home while walking clockwise; leave protective crystals at each corner of your space; hang a protective amulet above the door to your space; wear a protective amulet for personal protection; create a protective witch bottle and bury near your front door; plant herbs or flowers that are associated with protection outside at each corner of your home; draw a protective sigil or symbol on the outside of your front and back door with sun water; hang witch balls or a witch’s ladder near your front door; create an energetic shield and place over yourself, your loved ones, or your entire home
*Please be wary when drinking herbal mixtures and putting essential oils directly on the skin or on items that your skin may come in contact with*
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
The Mortar and Pestle
I can think of no tool in a witches’ arsenal which requires more finesse than the mortar and pestle. So often people will pick one up, looking forward to pounding and grinding, not realizing it takes so much more than brute force. Resins will gum up, herbs will be stirred with little to no effect, roots will refuse to powder, all causing a great deal of frustration to those who so looked forward to using this marvelous set. But here’s the secret to using a mortar and pestle: brute force is rarely ever needed, and will not work well in most cases.
Working with resins, herbs, spices, flowers, and more can be maddening with a mortar and pestle, as each of these requires different ways of grinding and working. You cannot approach each the same, as each is entirely different. Simply pounding away at everything will not produce the fine powders so often hoped for. In some cases, a powder is simply not attainable. But, with a little patience and cunning, the tool will serve you well. But before we get to any of that, it’s important to note that if you’re having excessive trouble with working with a mortar and pestle, and the set came from a specialty occult shop, it might just be best to toss it aside. Most of the time these sets are too smooth, not having what it takes to actually grind the materials down. A mortar and pestle made for culinary use is usually the best way to go. Such sets are generally not expensive, and will last you a lifetime.
With that in mind, left’s get right to it! Below are a few examples of the different grinding methods I use.
Resins- Resins can be notoriously difficult to powder properly, often succumbing to the friction between the mortar and pestle and gumming up. Even pounding the resinous chunks too hard will result in sticky pieces. When it comes to tree resins, you must consider what it is you are grinding. Don’t pound the chunks with all your might, or try to grind them with force. No, resins require a delicate touch. Use the pestle to gently hit the chunks until they crack apart. Then use the pestle smoothly, gently, with patience. Resins will take time to powder, giving you plenty of chance to focus your will as you work. Before you know, the gently circular grinding motion will produce a fine powder for any use. Be aware, though, that you cannot use one technique for all resins. Copal powders easier than Dragon’s Blood, which powders far easier than Myrrh.
Dried Herbs and Flowers- Another example of a place where brute force will not serve you, though dried herbs and flowers are much more forgiving. Rosemary, jasmine, lavender, and vervain are all good examples here. Simply stamping at these will not be enough. Often times it takes a gentle grinding of these ti create a suitable material for a powder. Some dried herbs, like mugwort, simply will not powder, whereas Jasmine flowers will be reduced to a fine powder in mere seconds. As with resins, take your time. Be gentle. When you grind dried herbs, you’re either working with botanicals you have dried yourself, or that come prepackaged. If you’ve dried them yourself, you’ll have a much easier time. Prepackaged herbs, while useful at times, are very difficult to grind down any further than the state in which they are purchased. It’s possible to do though with yet more patience.
Dried Roots, Barks, and Berries- Don’t let anyone tell you these are easy to grind because holy mother, that is a lie. Dried roots, bark, and berries are prbably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to grind in my life, and these botanicals are some of the only ones where brute force is your friend. Each of them requires a great deal of power to break down. However, once you’ve pounded them apart, the force is no longer needed. You’ll still have to give it some welly, but it won’t require near as much effort once you’ve broken the materials down. Mandrake root is a good example of this. When dried, mandrake becomes wood-like. It’s very difficult to break down. However, once you’ve got it worked down, you can powder it as you would anything else. Other roots are not so forgiving which is why, if you pull your iwn roots, I encourage you to slice the root pieces into disks. These are much more managable than even small pieces, as the larger surface area gives you more to work with. Bark should be handled much the same. As far as berries, you have to be sure they’re comoletely dry before attempting to work then down. Some berries are far easier to powder than others. Juniper berries (not being real berries) will give you hell. But, as always, keep your patience. It will serve you well.
Fresh Botanicals- This is where you’ll want to forget about powdering. When it comes to fresh botanicals, it’s often only feasable to draw out the juices via stamping and bruising of leaves and flowers, or making a paste by the addition of warm water. Roots will create a paste of their own, as will mucilagenous plants like aloe-vera and marshmallow. Berries will simply muddle down. If you’re trying to get seeds from fruits or berries, you can use a mortar and pestle to (gently) muddle the materials, then add water. After some time, the seeds will sink to the bottom while the body of the fruit/berry floats. Using fresh botanicals in a mortar and pestle can create a great poultice, as well as helping release the volatile oils and constituents of a plants for an infusion or decoction.
However you choose to use your mortar and pestle, remember that it will take time to really understand the tool, and longer to get the hang of it. However, the nortar and pestle is, I feel, and integral part of witchcraft practice. One can learn so much from working their botanicals down, smelling them, hearing them, feong what it takes to break them down, and more. While the mortar and pestle have a great deal of uses beyond just grinding, it’s a great place to start. Happy grinding!
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
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🌷🌿 spring witchcraft 🌿🌷
a list of things to do through the spring months, as a witch 🌷
🌿 studying flower and herb correspondences for spellwork
🌿 going outside and letting the wind and sun hit you to recharge
🌿 putting your bare feet in grass or soil and imagining being rooted to the earth to help with grounding
🌿 planting wildflowers around your house to save those bees baby
🌿 working with fae and other nature spirits and guardians
🌿 starting an herb or vegetable garden
🌿 spring cleaning to get rid of any old energy and welcome new, clean energy
🌿 opening your windows and letting spring breeze into your home to invigorate you
🌿 harvesting flowers to use for spells (ask nature spirits for permission first and maybe leave a lil somethin in its place as an offering)
🌿 making sunwater/flower teas
🌿 making wishes on dandelions
🌿 spells involving new ideas, growth, and refreshing your mind and body
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the-lone-witch · 4 years
Come Hell or Highwater Spell 🌊
a spell to prepare you for difficult times ahead, and give you the power to rise. 
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🌊  gather: a jar, twine, high tide sea water, honeysuckle, lavender, lime peel, black salt, wax, and a self representative object.
🌊  prepare and dry the herbs, in the oven or naturally
🌊  charge with personal energy, and add the representative object  
🌊  ring the jar’s lid with black salt and seal thoroughly with wax, bind bottleneck with twine, secure with a strong knot. 
🌊  go to the beach when the water is at high tide, hold the bottle in the water as it comes in, letting the waves wash over it. while doing this, chant:
“come hell or high water i rise with the tide this time and after the sea will be on my side.”
🌊  do not litter the bottle in the water, take it back with you, keep in case you need to perform the ritual again. 
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