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A witch’s take on a wind chime. Well, I was going to make a Valhalla ladder with cinnamon sticks (though it’s typically made from driftwood), the bug of the full moon bit my ass and I was compelled to make this. Made from large cinnamon sticks, of which I kept two for top and broke up the others. Bay leaves woven in between, 3 roses I have dried myself. What’s important to know is that the yarn was anointed with a sacred ritual and protection oil (I rubbed the oil on my palms and threaded the yard through as I made everything). Cinnamon sticks are amazing for protection, cleansing, banishing, and grounding. Amazing prosperity and health. I anointed this while a cedar spray, protection spray, anointed (dipped a feather in each oil and brushed over everything) with Go Away Evil, Protection, and Thor oils. You can hang this up in your home and it serves a number of benefits (don’t get me started on how rad bay leaves are). I braided some yarn and let it dangle while thinking of intention. This keeps your home safe, happy; full of love, laughter, health. It wards from sickness, evil eye, negativity energy from work or otherwise. It is also very telling for those in the spirit realm, to tread this path with respect (on both ways) and to keep any from causing any mischief in your home (well, not too much that is). Thor was petitioned as well, to wield his hammer and smash anything that threatens my family/hearth/pets. Witchcraft is just so much fun and I love the beauty that comes from it.
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Spell jar ingredients and sealing wax
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✶*✧Introduction to Spell Sealing✧*✶
Everything must come to an end.
This is an area of spellcraft that doesn’t get a lot of publicity because for most people it just becomes a natural part of the process.  However, if you want to mix up how you do it, try something new, or otherwise let go of the way you were originally taught, this might be a good resource for performing rituals!
What are Sealed Spells?
In the context of magic you usually hear about sealing and binding like binding a person or something from being able to do something.  Here we're talking more like a binding contract.  This is a binding or seal locks in an action or intent.  It is binding in the way an agreement is binding.  You have given it firm parameters that it must follow and you have endeavored to finalize the action.  You have provided certainty, locked in your answer, sealed the deal.  
The benefits of this are inherent in the finality.  You have a set thing that now is much harder to alter and is much harder to waver in its purpose.  This is no longer some multi-purpose object.  It has varitably been christened for this and this alone.  The work to undo it will be just as rigorous as the work to do it in the first place.  A light cleansing of your materials afterwards might not be enough.  You're gonna need the spiritual bleach.
To some extent you might just feel that something needs to be finalized.  If you feel it in your gut like you need something to formally end the working, these are what you might be looking for.
More Common Than You Think
This might be more familiar to you than you would initially think.  Signing your name on something at the end is a common one, but even in a ritual sphere there are many examples.  This is going to be your “so mote it be”, your “Amen”, and your other declarations of finality.  Even purely secular situations often have rituals of finality.  I think you’ll find that when these things are left out, there is sometimes a feeling of the energy hanging in the air.  In a lot of ways it does not feel right.  Whether this is the social convention of signaling to everything and everyone present that the ritual has come to a conclusion, or just to announce you’re finished, there is some power to it.
Types of Seals
There are several different ways to express finality in your workings.  Here are just a few examples.
Shutting the Door and Sealing the Envelope
If your work involves some kind of lid or package, you can physically seal it.  Whether this is corking a jar, sealing with wax, tying a string around something etc.  If this is a possibility it is a good way to finalize a spell.
Written and Spoken Seals
Whether this is through signing something like you might finalize a formal contract or expressing that it is finalized verbally.  A few examples of this are listed above that you may have heard before, but there is really nothing stopping you from making your own.
Kiss Seals
Sealing with a kiss.  Kissing something to finalize has historical precedent and takes no extra tools to complete besides your lips.  Whether this is physically using your lips or the other means, this is one option for a quick seal.  Just don’t kiss poison.
Burning, Burying, and Bestrewing
Few things are more final than destruction.  Once you’ve set the flame, you’ve pretty much confined what you’ve set on fire to that purpose forever.  Burying something in the ground would be another example of this.  Whether you feel the finality is from returning it to the earth, or because you are sealing it in a tomb of soul, this will certainly signal that it is done.  Some feel like things are not complete until they’ve scattered the ashes, in which case throwing something to the wind could be your version of finality.
Whether this is through signing something like you might finalize a formal contract or expressing that it is finalized verbally.  A few examples of this are listed above that you may have heard before, but there is really nothing stopping you from making your own.
Sigil Seals
An extension of the written or spoken seals are sigil seals.  It accomplishes much the same thing, but can be a little more formal.  Some might think this is kind of a stretch, but wax seals, like what might go on a letter, could fall into this category, technically.
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So you wanna make your own incense?
You've come to the right place sweetness. For clarity's sake I want to specify that I am not a professional. This is simply what I did to make the incense that I use. Always research your herbs and herbal mixtures, be aware of your allergies, and remember to use herbs from high quality sources to protect your health. And remember, the best witchcraft is safely practiced witchcraft.
What you'll need: Herb of choice (no correlations listed here, otherwise we will be here all night)
Coffee grinder (or a mortar and pestel, but baby we are in the 21st century work smarter not harder)
Tap water (charge it if you want for extra pizzazz)
Optional: oven, preheat to 190 degrees Fahrenheit
Step one: grind up your herbs in the coffee grinder, the finer the better. My herb was food grade lavender.
Step two: Divide the ground herb into two separate bowls, a wet bowl and a dry bowl. Into the wet bowl, mix into the herb with some water so the consistency is a modable clay. Sacred water is great for this.
Step three: Form the clay into a cone shape in any way that makes the most sense for your body. For me, that involves using my thumbs and middle fingers, but whatever way works best.
Roll the wet cone into the dry bowl, coating the cone in a layer of powdered lavender.
You can either leave the cone to dry over night, alternatively---
Place in oven for 40 minutes to an hour to dehydrate the cones!
Ta-da! I hope these directions inspire you to give this a shot yourself. I know I had a lot of fun making this lavendar incense, and I know I'm excited to make more in the future. Don't stop creating lovelies.
<3 Magnolia
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Practical Magick: Magick Using Things You Probably Already Own
So often I come across people that want to begin practicing witchcraft but they don't know where to start, more specifically how to practice with little to no money. Which really shows how deeply we've gone into the whole "you need lots of money for everything you do" rabbit hole. Just to clarify, I see absolutely nothing wrong with spending as much money as you want on your craft but I personally don't think it should be a prerequisite as to whether you can practice or not. Magick is for everyone, from the person that has a negative balance in their bank account to the person averaging $100,000 or more a year. Below are some super affordable things you can use in your craft that you may already have.
Salt: This is one of those things that can literally be used in so, so, many ways. Salt can be used in a cleansing bath, to anchor your chime or birthday candles in a bowl (be careful with this one and make sure to watch it because if the candle isn't anchored just right it can fall over), to cast a circle (indoors), etc.
Pen & Paper: These two items can be used to make sigils, you can also use a pencil if that's what you have access to. The paper can be an old receipt, a napkin, just something that you are able to write on. Cleanse the pen (or pencil) and paper, either using smoke or with your intent, then write your sigil. This sigil can then be placed wherever you choose, inside of a shoe, your wallet, purse or backpack, your pocket, it's really up to you!
Coffee & Tea: Coffee and tea are not only a wonderful vessel for placing your intention into but coffee can also speed up a spell. You can drink teas that correspond with your intention, they don't have to be fancy teas. You can literally go to the dollar tree and they almost always have a selection of green, black, chamomile, peppermint, and sometimes apple cinnamon tea. Other affordable brands include Carrington Tea, The London Tea Company, and Celestial Seasonings, also check out store branded teas.
Seasonings & Condiments: I'm talking about the ones you might already have in your kitchen. Such as ground cinnamon, dried oregano, vinegar, even seasoned salt, all of these things can be used in your craft in a variety of spells. Even if you don't have access to them yourself and you go to someone's home and they offer you a cup of coffee or tea, when you add any fixings to your cup you can use those as correspondences for your intention. For instance if you add sugar or honey to your coffee, you could then enchant your coffee for having a sweet day as you're stirring it in.
Water: Water is a wonderful holder for intentions, you can get a glass of water and write your intention, a word that embodies your intention, or a sigil onto the glass that you're drinking from. Or just place your intention into the glass.
Ramen: I know this might sound strange but believe it or not, even ramen can be magickal! Ramen is made from wheat flour (I'm not sure if it's all ramen but the affordable ones that come in those little individual packages is made from wheat flour.), which is associated with abundance, prosperity, fertility, friendliness and rebirth.
I hope this gave you some ideas or at the very least showed you that magick is not something exclusive to those that have access to fancy supplies and ingredients. And even things that appear mundane can become magickal in the right hands!
- Erika, The Clumsy Witch
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a releasing ritual
hey witches (or whatever term you prefer)!
in honour of the current waning moon, i wanted to write out a simple releasing ritual you can perform. this can be used to let go things such as people/relationships, attachments, thought patterns, situations, draining spirits/energies, or any negativity that is impacting you and no longer serves. this is super simple and can be done any time, however the vanishing moon phase is a perfect time for releasing.
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paper and pen (black ink is great!)
a black candle (can substitute for white, just make sure to set intentions); if you can’t have a flame that’s okay stay tuned for a simple alternative!
a white candle (i use both black and white; black for releasing, white for cleansing). you can always use a fake candle for effect if you wish
fire safe bowl (as above if you can’t have fire)
a black crystal, like black tourmaline, onyx, obsidian, smokey quartz, the like
method below!
you’ll want to start this ritual by grounding. whatever method works for you, i like to meditate and imagine roots growing from the base of my spine down through the earth. open your circle (if that’s how you practice), and call in any spirits, ancestors or deities you wish.
light your black candle and the white candle, setting the intention to release any negativity holding you down, and replacing it with positive vibrations and energy
on your piece of paper, write a list of the negativity in your life that you are wanting to let go of - be as specific as you can and write as much as you can/want to
once you’ve written your list, fold the paper AWAY from your body, and as you do so, imagine the negativity being pulled away from your body. i like to fold 3 times, but that’s just my preference
tear the paper into pieces - as big or as small as you like
(if you cant have fire, sub this for part 7!) light those pieces of paper on fire using the flame from the black candle, dropping them into the fire safe bowl, imagining any attachments to those things being burned away and stripped from you
instead of burning, you can always flush the torn pieces down the toilet (tear the pieces up small!), or throw them in the trash. continue to step 8.
as it burns/is disposed of, ask the universe/source/whatever you like to replace that negativity with positive, high vibrational energy, seeing it fill your space and the spaces within you left open by the releasing
blow out the black candle. leave the white candle/fake candle burning for however long you like, to help cleanse away any lingering or stagnant energies before blowing it out/turning it off/letting it burn down. thank the candles for their time, and close your ritual however you choose to do so, thanking any spirits you welcomed in.
i hope that this ritual is useful for you, please let me know if you try it and how you go! if there’s any type of ritual you would like to see from me, please send tour ideas to my ask box.
love always, taylah xo
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Simple methods of passive protection:
For the home:
• obsidian, cinnamon sticks, or rosemary placed at each threshold
• a drawing of the homes layout in a jar with black pepper, soil, salt, a plain rock, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and a small mirror.
• indoor plants such as ferns, aloe, and ivy
• an iron nail driven into the earth at the four corners of the property
• a bundle of lavender and rosemary hung at the door
• painting a protective sigil with clear nail polish on the walls of the home, interior or exterior.
For the body:
• Wearing protective crystals: obsidian, red jasper, hematite, jet, black tourmaline, and malachite
• a drop of rosemary oil on the shoes
• a sachet of lavender, black pepper, and frankincense worn on the body
• writing “I am safe” on your skin
• wearing black articles of clothing
• Adding protective oils to your lotion such as: frankincense, lavender, myrhh, and sandalwood. (Make sure these oils are safe for your skin first)
• carrying rocks (literally any rock)
• Using a warding oil such as the one in the link below!
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The best time for...
Tuesday / Saturday
Waning / Dark Moon
Tuesday / Thursday / Saturday
Waxing / Full Moon
Waning Moon / Blue Moon
Waning Moon / Dark Moon
Tuesday / Saturday
Waning Moon / Full Moon
Thursday / Sunday
Full Moon / Blue Moon
Enhanced psychic power
Full Moon / Blue Moon
Love / Friendship
New Moon / Waxing Moon
Waxing Moon / Blue Moon
Waxing Moon / Blue Moon
Wednesday / Thursday / Sunday
Waxing Moon
Waning / New Moon
Courage Strength
Waxing / Full Moon
Intelligence / Wisdom
Monday / Wednesday
Waxing / Full Moon
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Egg shells in witchcraft
Save your eggshells and make them into a powder. You can use them for protection, peace and cleansing!
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Also, can be used to make Black Salt. Just add some incense ashes!
Just rinse them, allow them to dry, crush in your mortar and pestle and store them in a labeled bottle.
Powdered Eggshells can be used in your magical workings to cast circles or for protection.
To add some extra oomph, add a pinch of salt and dragon's blood resin in your protection blend.
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Fire Cider Ingredients
2 cups apple cider vinegar
1/2 to 1 cup honey
1/2 cup horseradish
8 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/2 onion
1/2 cup ginger
1 sliced jalapeño
1/2 cup fresh turmeric OR 1 tbsp dried turmeric (optional)
1/2 lemon (optional)
1/2 orange (optional)
1 tsp peppercorns (optional)
2 whole cinnamon sticks (optional)
2 rosemary sprigs (optional)
4 thyme sprigs (optional)
Prepare ingredients and place them in a sterilized quart-sized glass jar.
Pour the apple cider vinegar and honey in the jar until all of the ingredients are covered and the vinegar reaches 1/2 inch from the jar’s top.
You can use a glass fermentation weight on top to keep the ingredients submerged, but that is just a preference.
Shake well.
Store in a dark, cool place for a month, shaking daily. It’s in vinegar, so it won’t go bad!
Once done, strain, bottle, and label
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Aug 2022.
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Sea Magick
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