We can work hard at building our family, we can be diligent to guard our kids from harm, we can make sacrifices to provide what they need. But if God’s blessing is not upon our home, we are wasting our time. A satisfying, blessed home must be built by acknowledging our own inabilities and by daily seeking God’s gracious blessing.
Psalm 127: 1-2
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Often the greatest opportunities for ministry that God gives us come disguised as frustrating or confusing circumstances, where we seem to be restricted from reaching our goals. If we view those circumstances from the human perspective, we will grumble in discouragement and miss the opportunity for ministry. But if we submit to God’s mighty hand, He can use us in such a way that He alone gets the glory.
Acts 25 
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If we have personally received mercy at the cross, then we should view every circumstance, no matter how frustrating, as an opportunity to proclaim God's mercy to others. If Paul had been focused on his frustrating circumstances, he would have thought, "Not this again! How long do I have to put up with these same enemies and these same false accusations?" And he would have missed the opportunity to bear witness for Christ. If we put our focus on our frustrating circumstances, we will miss the opportunity to tell others of our great Saviour and of the mercy that He offers every sinner.
Acts 25 
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If we know the sovereign God, then we can trust Him to defend and protect us according to His purpose. It is a comforting truth to know that the sovereign God is orchestrating all of the circumstances of our lives, no matter how frustrating or confusing they may seem to us. We can trust Him to work all of the trials together for good for us, because we love Him and are called according to His purpose.
Acts 25
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If you are serving the Lord in some capacity, expect that Satan will oppose you, either with open hostility or with subtle compromises that are equally destructive. When this happens, you know you have done something great for the Kingdom of God, and God is well pleased with you.
Acts 25 
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The power of God can overcome any plot against us. Once we’ve placed our trust in Jesus, we stand before God as His child, justified, declared righteous, destined for a greater purpose than anyone — including us — can possibly imagine. He knows us, He knows what He wants to accomplish, He sees beforehand what threatens to undermine His plan, and nothing can stand in His way.
Acts 23:11-24
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You might think that things are bad right now, but you may not even know the half of it. But Jesus knows, and he still says to you, be of good cheer. Why? Not because everything is fine; but because God is still on His throne, and He still holds to His promise that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
Acts 23:11
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Paul had been miraculously delivered from jail cells before; but this time, the Lord met him right in the jail cell. We often demand that Jesus deliver us out of our circumstances, when He wants to meet us right in them. We sometimes think we are surrendering to Jesus when we are really only demanding an escape. God wants to meet us in whatever we face at the moment.
Acts 23:11 
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Our responsibility is to bring the Word of God and to testify of Jesus; the results are God’s responsibility.
Acts 23:1-11
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God never asked us to meet life’s pressures and demands on our own terms or by relying upon our own strength. This self-reliance produces only an anxious, turbulent existence in which we become increasingly hardened and insensitive to God’s leading. When we stop wrestling against an issue over which we have no control over, we learn to find strength in God’s peace.
Acts 23
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No matter what we are or what we've done, the truest thing about us is who we are in Jesus. Christ has taken our sin and borne it on our behalf. So though we're guilty of countless things, we're not identified by them.
Acts 22
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Do it afraid. God will provide your needs and more when you step out in faith doing His will.
Acts 18:9-11
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Closed doors don’t feel so frustrating with the right perspective. When we trust in God’s plan, knowing He’s in control and always does what’s right, anxiety melts into calm confidence, irritation yields to surrender, fear gives way to trust.
Acts 16:6-11
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Before the Lord can turn us, He often has to stop us. Closed doors means He’s stopped us. That’s the time to pause rather than panic. Find time to be alone so you can pay attention to what’s going on within you and around you. God wants us to see something before moving on; there’s some perceptive we need or important information we lack.
Acts 16:6-11
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When we are following the plan of God, dead ends are never mistakes.
Acts 16:6-11
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Every major breakthrough is met with a corresponding resistance by the enemy. We’ll try one strategy and the enemy will be ready with another. And the resistance always feels overwhelming compared to the joy of progress. This is normal. Expect the enemy’s counterattack in breakthrough. It’s a backhanded compliment that what we’ve done is effective. When we learn to see the resistance of evil in those terms, perseverance becomes easier. The last thing we want to do at this point is give up. Until we throw in the towel, the enemy hasn’t won.
Acts 16:16-17
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Anyone can be happy in pleasant circumstances, but real joy comes only from within, and is a gift available to God’s people at all times.
Acts 16:25
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