theempathswriting · 4 months
"Sadly life isnt like all games i've played and dreamed about being in. There is no restart button, even if i was to start over, i would still be stuck with these memories"
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theempathswriting · 9 months
What city are you in?
I'd rather not say, but i can say that I am from the united states!
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theempathswriting · 9 months
"Loving someone and wanting only the best for them while watching them leave you... And wondering if it's truly the end, is one of thee most painful and beautiful types of love"
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theempathswriting · 1 year
"I wish i could make you understand how i really feel inside..."
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theempathswriting · 1 year
"If someone told me I had one day to live, i'd celebrate, i wouldn't waste a single second moping or cursing whatever it is that is killing me... i'd simply make the most of what time i had left."
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theempathswriting · 1 year
just checking in... love your blog sweetie <3
I really appreciate the support, i am still around, and im sorry i havent been posting at all, things have been very hectic and im just trying tp survive rn... im trying to post when i can and plan to keep writing for yoy guys as soon as possible, love you guys! Thank you for everything😌
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theempathswriting · 1 year
"Every night i spend my tears wondering what its like to be loved... i never realized you were always there catching every single one"
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theempathswriting · 1 year
"Somedays I just want to be loved, others I just wanna disappear..."
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theempathswriting · 1 year
"Watching the one you love slowly drift out of your life while you do everything to hold onto them... that shit just hits you different."
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theempathswriting · 2 years
“I used to dislike being sensitive. I thought it made me weak. But take away that single trait, and you take away the very essence of who I am. You take away my conscience, my ability to empathize, my intuition, my creativity, my deep appreciation for the little things, my vivid inner life, my deep awareness of others’ pain, and my passion for it all.”
— Unknown
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theempathswriting · 2 years
"Ever end up so lost inside your mind that you forget to breath, or blink, or just your exsistence, it's just you and that one thought for all of what feels like eternity?... yeah, me too."
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theempathswriting · 2 years
Flying high
"Like a young robin, preparing to leave the safety of its family, the warmth of its mother, provision of its father, and company of its siblings, we prepare to take flight, one mighty leap away from freedom, but upon you're leap, something different happens, something prevailing. Life took a different turn, a harrowing turn, with the world almost shaking around you in mid air, the winds roar and the thunder cries as lighting cracks like a whip around you, the rain pelts you with every blow as you desperatly try to gain lift. And as you spiral out of control, you close your eyes and reflect, on everything you've been through, you remembee your mothers warmth as she'd spread her wings around you, your fathers strenght as he provided for you, and your siblings joy as you played with them. As you open your eyes you realise, you're not descending, you're flying, wings spread out strong into the storm as the wind dances around it. You begin to rise up through the downpour as you remember everything you hold dear to your heart, and slowly but surely, you raise above the storm, soaking in the beauitful sunset and the easy breeze brushing agaisnt your feathers, finally enjoying the love and freedom of life an family."
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theempathswriting · 2 years
Stop talking yourself out of opportunities because you don’t feel like you’re “ready” yet. It’s time. You’re ready now.
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theempathswriting · 2 years
“It is said that if you want peace, you must be ready for war It’s the same thing with yourself If you want to have inner peace, you must be ready to have war with your inner demons.”
— “Inner Peace”, anastasiasyah (via anastasiasyah)
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theempathswriting · 2 years
"Funny how where you come from can change how where you go. Kinda like soil, you can be from deep rich soil full of beautiful clover, yet end up a barren field. No fortune, no luck, just a pitiful plain with all the ruins of something once great."
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theempathswriting · 2 years
"One second, started a war, one hour tested us, and one day destroyed everything we thought was true..."
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theempathswriting · 2 years
"Growing up, I used to think I would be a hero, the guy who always ran towards the fire, the random man who'd help out a stranger, always there to save the day for anyone... I guess the younger me would be disappointed, sure I help people, friends, family, strangers, put myself in danger and do everything I can to support those around me; but the glory I always dreamt about, it never exsisted... I'm just a guy trying to survive his own demons and make everyones lives a bit better at the same time..."
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