thehedge-witch · 2 years
Someone made it into a shirt 🤣🤣
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thehedge-witch · 2 years
Dude, they also have I Survived RiotFest 2022 🤣🤣
i got covid in the riotfest mcr pit and all i got was this stupid t-shirt
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thehedge-witch · 2 years
I found this while scrolling through Etsy. Did you actually make these?!
i got covid in the riotfest mcr pit and all i got was this stupid t-shirt
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thehedge-witch · 3 years
It’s time to start listening to the words of my soul. I can choose anybody else, everybody else. But denying this twin flame connection is denying me. That’s why I’m so depersonalized recently, why I’m okay with consuming more alcohol than usual. I hate this journey, yet I love it at the same time
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thehedge-witch · 3 years
Twin Flames
Okay, so I have unfortunately been awoken on this path. My twin flame and I are in separation...yay? No! It sucks! But the work has to be done. And I’ve made progress with myself and my childhood traumas and my karma and all that. And it feels like as soon as I start really healing one issue, another one gets brought to my attention. It feels like a never ending cycle of trauma and self-healing that has to be done! And it sucks! Because I know he’s going through the same trauma stuff and he gets to use unhealthy coping mechanisms, while I’m over here trying not to fall back into addiction and self-destructive behaviors because I have to be the one that’s spiritually awoken to all of this! I kind of wish I could go back to being a normal witch, where my only concern was how much money I was spending on tarot cards and crystals. Now, this has thrown me for a loop. I don’t like it. But I love him unconditionally. Which means I’ll do the work because I deserve it. And so does he. 
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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© Nona Limmen {via Instagram}
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
Reaching out on here because why not. It's worth a shot. I'm a healthcare worker working with covid patients regularly. And I have asthma. I'm running low on rubbing alcohol -- which I use to sanitize and disinfect my shoes, bag, stethoscope, pens, etc after each shift. Every store I've been to is currently out, and Amazon isn't allowing personal use orders for most medical supplies. If anybody has some extra rubbing alcohol that they're willing to donate, contact me. I'm also willing to pay market price because it's only fair considering you bought it first. Please, help a girl out 😁
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
Ancestry Link
Has anybody done their ancestry? If so, do places you’ve never been look familiar? The picture below is of Haus Vittinghoff in Essen, Germany. I’ve never been to Germany, but my ancestors did. In fact, they lived on the land pictured below. This is the same area my meditations bring me to. 
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
Lavender Sugar
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Lavender buds
A jar
Food dye (optional)
Layer sugar and flower buds in a jar.
Place lid on the jar and place it in a cool dark place for at least a month.
Sift out the flower buds.
Optional: Add food coloring a drop at a time to make the sugar a light purple color just because its kinds cute.
Uses: This sugar with a light lavender smell is often used on wedding cakes. You could also use some in love spells/potions.
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
The gods see you. They hear you. You are not forgotten. Your prayers have not been ignored. What you need will come soon. The gods see you, even if you don’t see them.
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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All About Pan
Pan is the Arkadian Pastoral God of Nature, Animals, Lust, Music, Freedom, & Merriment. Friend of Dionysos & the Satyroi, and often seen as "Madness Incarnate" (tho this aspect has more to do with Dionysos). As a God of Sexuality, Pan represents untamed lust, carnal desire, & the freedom to be yourself. The sound of His Syrinx is intoxicating as it unleashes your wildest desires. I don't believe any of the "birth records" of Pan as He is much older than any of the Olympians, and is a Titan himself. He is the Lord of the Wilderness, the Primal, the Fun, the Powerful. He is the true Lord of the Sabbat as He is the God of Witches and we are His Satyrs & Nymphs of modern day, who dance to the Pipes of Pan. The original mask of the Adversary! He has the beard, horns, & legs of a Goat (or a Stag depending on where you are/what you believe); is often erect & frolics through the wooded places playing His Panpipes. He has attended every Witches' Sabbat since time immemorial. Pan is the embodiment of Nature in all of its Divine Masculine aspects. His best representations are goats, the sun, oak trees, & the erect Phallus. His consort is many for He is polyamorous & is all about free love. He has both male & female lovers in myth, but in my experience loves all humans (including nonbinary, intersex, etc). He is often paired with some form of Hekate or Diana as those are powerful Divine Feminine archetypes. He is also paired with Dionysos in his androgynous form for those who prefer a more Androgyne character. Lord Pan LOVES worship, gifts, offerings of sex, food, & alcohol, music (especially Panpipes), blasphemy (where applicable), & original Sabbat Rites.
Misc Info:
> Do NOT call Pan around noon or any time around lunch time. He loves His naps & can get cranky if summoned during this time.
> Be sure to give frequent offerings to Pan! As mentioned above He LOVES attention & can get rather mad if ignored or if you ask for something without providing an offering at some point.
> Once Pan falls in love, He will remain by your side forever (even after death).
> Pan enjoys entertainment! He will watch movies with you (especially if they involve Him or His symbols), videos, music, etc.
> As Lord of the Forest & Nature, Pan can provide Familiars upon request. Depending on your needs & devotion, these can take form as animals or as one of His Satyrs (Incubi). Treat them as your best friends as they can help in pretty much anything.
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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I made myself a phone background and i love it so much oh my goodness ((::::::
Thank you @bitter-pagan for the words!!
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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I did the whole candle wax Soulmate first letter thing. The first one ended up mumbo-jumbo with maybe a p or a t. The second one is either a B or a backwards P. What do you guys think?
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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Look at this strong ass flame with my Soulmate Manifestation candle. Oooh yeah, I'm hopeful
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thehedge-witch · 4 years
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On February 9, we will experience a passion-filled Full Moon in the sign of Leo. This Full Moon is one that will bring about heightened energy and courage and give us the initiative and strength to chase our greatest desires.
This is the first of two Super Moons we will experience this year and will reach its peak at 2:33am EST. Super Moons occur when the Full Moon is closest to the Earth as it moves about its elliptical orbit, making them appear up to 30% brighter and larger than usual.
This incredibly luminous Super Moon will see us experience more heightened energy and vibrations as we are showered in radiant moonlight. This Full Moon was originally named the Snow Moon by Native American tribes because of February’s winter and snow-filled weather.
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Leo is ruled by the Sun so anytime that we have a Full Moon in Leo, we experience a super-charged energy portal that shines a divine light down on those things in our lives that feel heavy and dark. This Leo Full Moon will ignite a fire in our souls and allow us to connect with our inner Sun, clearing away anything that seeks to dim our inner flame.
We are reminded that life is made to be experienced, not controlled. The Universe will help us feel more connected than ever before to our true life’s path. We are asked to take some time for self-reflection.
What brings you a sense of purpose? What sets your soul on fire and fans your inner flame? We will be showered with the divine clarity to clear away anything that separates you from your purpose and fails to bring peace within your life.
This is an incredibly strengthening and motivating Moon filled with incredible restorative energy. We will feel more connected to the present than ever before as we tune into the Full Moon’s energy and infuse it with our own. We are being supported in letting go of that which no longer serves us and that which seeks to weigh heavy on our soul.
This Full Moon relates back to the Lionsgate portal we experienced in August 2019 and we may find ourselves revisiting themes that arose during this time or harvesting the seeds that were planted during this time. As we push past old fears and barriers, we usher in a time of tremendous breakthroughs.
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With the Sun opposite the Moon, our relationships will come into clearer focus in the next few weeks. We will naturally put our attention towards our relationship dynamics and intuitively realize what is causing disharmony. Our emotions are at their highest during a Full Moon which can sometimes cause tension between our inner and outer selves and can sometimes feel draining.
However, it’s important to use this moment of increased subconscious awareness and connection to self to look at your relationship from an outside, balanced, and impartial perspective. The Universe is providing us with the clarity to see our circumstances and the power to make the necessary changes to create more harmony in our lives.
This emphasis on creating harmony is furthered with the Full Moon trine Mars. Mars is the planet of motivation. It blesses us with the courage and motivation to move from a follower to a leader, allowing us to make the first move and take the lead. Your intuition is at its peak as your instincts kick in, you realize exactly what it is you want to accomplish, and you see a clear path on how to get there.
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If you are a normally shy person, prepare to unleash your inner passions as you naturally become more assertive. Don’t be afraid to speak out. You are being wholeheartedly supported by Mars as the entire Universe stands by your side. Continue to move forward with honesty and sincerity, pushing past the fears that seek to dim your inner light. Mars becomes a motivational speaker standing firmly by our side. It offers us the support and motivation to move forward with confidence
The projects that we start during this Full Moon will blossom into something truly beautiful. Mars allows us to acknowledge the fears that have been holding us back, the pains that we have been carrying, and the things we have tried to avoid resolving. It creates a space for change, for progress. Allow yourself to shift, releasing those things that rest heavy on your spirit. Feel your body, mind, heart, and soul lighten as you awaken to your divine inner light.
As Mars and Neptune both increase our emotional sensitivity, we may feel conflicting emotions that can stir up confusion and tension. The lesson here is balance. If you feel tensions rising, take a step back. Become at peace with your situation and circumstances.
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Find the balance within your life as notice the positive shift that this conjures. Find the balance between service and sacrifice and emotional sensitivity and emotional outbursts. By having trust and faith in yourself, those around you, and the Universe, you create a foundation of pure love.
The two major fixed star alignments that will come into play during this Full Moon are the fixed star Ras Elased Australis and Ursa Major. Both of these stars will act as the planet Mars does and help to further reinforce the alignment of this Full Moon trine Mars.
Ras Elased Australis at 20 degrees Leo showers us in bold energy and a heightened power of expression. It allows us to look at our situations carefully before deciding to forge ahead. However, once a decision has been made, our journey down our life’s path will be divinely powerful as we let no challenges stand in our way.
Ursa Major will bless us with the gift of patience. As Mars ignites the fire within us, Ursa Major gives us the self-control we need to find balance.
We are being encouraged by the Universe to let go of past fears as we move forward with passion. We are showered with the confidence to act boldly but are reminded that any action must not be done out of selfishness. This Full Moon is all about balance.
By finding the balance between emotional sensitivity and pure bravado, we find harmony within ourselves and unleash our innate power. The Universe is reaffirming that it is this balance within ourselves that is the key to having our greatest desires fulfilled and the key to manifesting our wildest dreams.
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We are being taught to always move from the heart. Our heart is our soul, it is our inner truth and our most powerful tool. By liberating our hearts from the self-imposed shackles, we have created, we give ourselves permission to try, fail, learn, and evolve. Vulnerability is not weakness; vulnerability is power. Allow yourself to be vulnerable, even in the face of fear.
You are never alone in anything you face and will always find yourself supported by the Universe. It is by looking fear in the eye and saying “not today” that we see our biggest and most incredible growth. It is this shift in mindset that helps us find our inner strength and confidence, helps us to break free of our chains, and allows us to level up on our journey.
This is a Full Moon dedicated to standing in our power. This is the time to walk in alignment with our highest calling and connect with our Higher selves. Leo is a sign ruled by the Sun. It is time to connect with our own inner suns and the core of who we truly are. The core of our being is our ultimate reality and this Full Moon is here to show us our divine truth.
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Article Source : https://www.moonomens.com/february-super-full-moon-2020/
Image Sources :
https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TmKYnnX- /?igshid=18n6hpusbnuhr https://www.instagram.com/p/B8VMrUxh3rc/?igshid=1acfng7h5ztz1
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