themanandthepen · 18 days
Il vettore di ottimizzazione delle AI è la generalità. Le capacità emergenti ed impreviste rendono ipso facto ogni sorta di previsione (almeno dal lato delle capability) pressoché impossibile. Non partire da questo assunto rende, a cascata, ogni discorso suscettibile di svariati cortocircuitk logici.
La creazione dell'unknown unknown, tramite gradient descent.
Volete veramente scommetterci? È un attimo diventare i nuovi "eh ma fa le mani con quattro dita"...
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themanandthepen · 18 days
The higher the barrier of entry, the lower the chance of sloppiness (can you really have a "bad" astrophysicist?).
And that's writing's deceit.
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themanandthepen · 18 days
Commenting on Devin, someone recently said that he couldn't wait to see all these AIs comply with the managers' stupid requests. That this alone would be enough reason to dismiss Devin as a true SWE (and indeed anything after that as any kind of polyedric FTE). Fair enough -- I do think he had a point. But then what, do we really buy this story? Do we believe that's the upper limit. I, for one, don't. And indeed, that's the interesting part: teaching AI to say no when not appropriate. Not because of RLHF, but because "Hey, boss, you actually can't do that. Because if you do you're not getting what you want." I don't know if that's AGI, but arguing -- when knowledge is real, strong, trustworthy -- is the step beyond thinking. The "interaction" step, if you will. And we will absolutely get there.
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themanandthepen · 1 month
I am but the sum of all my weaknesses / sono nulla più che la somma di tutte le mie debolezze
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themanandthepen · 2 months
more driven away than driven
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themanandthepen · 3 months
Oh how good was it to live / when the future looked uncertain / and the present smelled like fun
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themanandthepen · 4 months
chi lo sa? nessuno lo sa.
ma la mia sensazione
è che il '24
è l'anno che non durerà
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themanandthepen · 6 months
wasting my life away, in comfort, somewhere I don't belong
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themanandthepen · 6 months
ambitions, desires, pathways — it's all a big ole' ball of
I don't know, man
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themanandthepen · 6 months
La geoempatia e le età si guardano negli occhi; a volte specchiandosi, a volte ignoti all'altrui causa
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themanandthepen · 6 months
Lamentele di oggi:
1. La gente che va in Erasmus parlando dell'esperienza come se avesse avuto un'illuminazione è spesso quella più troglodita
2. Se il tuo sito di trattoria sperduta del cazzo (o di celeberrima attrazione) recita "Vivi un'esperienza unica...", devi andare a fare in culo
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themanandthepen · 7 months
The academic/scholarly writing style is the dehumanization of words
(how can you make something so beautiful so ugly?)
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themanandthepen · 7 months
we too were kids
and then we turned into people
(ain't that beautiful?)
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themanandthepen · 7 months
monochrome rainbow
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themanandthepen · 7 months
La verità è che siamo tutti degli idioti; c'è solo chi si sforza maggiormente per esserlo meno.
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themanandthepen · 7 months
Communication might be the single most defining human trait — and everything is language, as LLMs have so plastically shown. Not just what happens inside our brains, but the ability to reason it out and share it with others.
So if you are not able to express yourself properly -- not even "clearly", necessarily, as something might be clear to some and less so to others, and that's fine -- how intelligent can you actually be?
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themanandthepen · 7 months
devilishly complex input, exquisitely simple output. the cleanest filter funnel.
you don't need to know how to understand it — you just do. more: you feel it.
pure emotion.
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