themirroredmoon · 1 year
how do you store a ouija board when not in use? should i keep it hidden away or is it okay to leave it on a shelf in a main area?
Hi Anon, I personally do not own a Ouija board so I am a bit unsure if there is a more proper way to store them. I suppose, when it doubt, store it in its original box/container?
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - December
Turquoise promotes spiritual attunement and wisdom. It enhances intuition and dispels negative energy. This crystal promotes self-realization, assists in creative problem-solving, aids in creative expression and  calms the nerves when speaking in public. It’s ideal to combat exhaustion, depression and panic attacks.
Tanzanite facilitates communication, as well as inner and outer journeying. It brings the higher mind and the physical body into contact with one another. This stone changes color when viewed from different directions, which helps raise consciousness.
Zircon is believed to attract prosperity, honor, wisdom, and self-confidence. As it opens up the heart through compassion, it aids with self-love and love for others. Zircon is a grounding stone which inspires and motivates; helping the carrier remain goal-oriented.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - November
November is my birth month and happens to also have two stones that correspond with it-
Topaz promotes truth, forgiveness and self-realization; it brings generosity, abundance and good health. It is traditionally known as a stone of love, good fortune as well as bringing successful attainment of one’s goals. Citrine is a very powerful stone for attracting abundance, prosperity, and helping manifest dreams into reality.
Citrine attracts the tools, connections, people, information and opportunities necessary to attain a goal. This crystal improves self-esteem, mental clarity, and restores vitality. It encourages one to follow their dreams, making it perfect for entrepreneurs and personal development. This gem works mainly with the solar plexus and is believed to be a powerful manifestation tool.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - October
Yet again, October is a fun month because it has two stones that correspond with it-
Opal is said to help accessing and expressing one’s true self. It brings loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity. This stone helps you understand your true potential and self-worth.
Pink Tourmaline is a powerful stone that teaches the importance of self love so that it may be expressed in one’s relationships. Pink tourmaline enhances patience and empathy while attracting joy into a person’s life. This gem works directly with the heart chakra, teaching its carrier how to give and receive love.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - September
Sapphire is a stone of learning and wisdom. It  heals the mind while lending strength and focus. It allows one to access a deeper level of consciousness to provide a fuller understanding of themselves. Sapphire helps a person to embrace order, structure, and self-discipline. This stone is known for helping a person accomplishing goals and manifesting ideas into reality.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - August
Peridot is also known as olivine. It raises optimism, confidence and self-esteem. It enhances personal growth and nudges an individual to undertake new beginnings. It helps to attract abundance, harmony and protection against negative vibes. This is a stone of action, ideal for motivation when chasing your goals. It aids with manifestation and energy renewal. Peridot also removes guilt and helps to get out of difficult situations.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
hello hello, have a bit of music for your trouble. Your blog is beautiful
Hello Anon!
Thank you so much for the song, I loved it so much! I caught myself humming along <3
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - July
This crystal enhances self-esteem, vitality, motivation, goal setting, positivity, love, passion and bravery. It is a very powerful and protective gemstone that calls for compassion while encouraging people to become more attuned with their higher selves in order to defend and bring justice to those in need. The ruby is like a flash in the dark that helps awaken a person’s higher purpose while keeping them grounded in this physical reality.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - June
June is another fun month because it has three corresponding stones-
Pearls carry energies of healing, love and transformation. Pearls radiate a relaxing energy, thus relieving stress and anxiety. They also encourage compassion, patience, dedication, prosperity, abundance and cultivating self love. As a goddess stone, it helps empower women, awakening the divine feminine within. Alexandrite is also a June stone. It is said to bring luck, good fortune and love. This stone reminds people of their  life purpose, and gives hope to those in despair. It also strengthens intuition, creativity, and imagination. Moonstone helps develop intuition and psychic abilities. It amplifies any existing connection to the spiritual realm. It enhances spiritual growth and helps calm emotions. This crystal represents the power of the moon and the divine femininity.  Moonstone is also known as the traveler’s stone; it is believed to protect a traveler on any journey, while helping to attract positive people and situations along the way. This gemstone is also a great crystal for those embarking on a journey to seek new love.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - May
In the metaphysical world, emerald is believed to have its own special kind of “magic”. Many believe emeralds can attract wealth and prosperity while bringing hope for future achievements. Emeralds can ignite a fire in people’s hearts, inspiring them to manifest their soul’s deepest desires. It energizes, heals, and motivates by awakening ambition. Emeralds rejuvenate the soul and help a person to find true passion in life.  This crystal is ideal to reconnect with Mother Nature.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - April
Diamonds are believed to be pure crystals that radiate purity, strength and love. This is why people often associate diamonds with love, marriage and honesty. Some of the benefits of diamonds are; increase self confidence, happiness in marriage, amplifies love in relationships and promotes empathy towards others.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - March
March is a very fun month as it has two stones corresponding to it-
Aquamarine is a rare gemstone that helps balance emotions, calm overactive minds, relieve stress, enhance self expression, eliminate hate, dispel fears, combat phobias and cleanses one’s energetic field. Aquamarine works mainly with the throat chakra and it enhances public speaking abilities, writing skills, self-expression, confidence and other communication skills. Bloodstone is a great protection stone, but it’s also great for stimulating the determination to accomplish goals. It is believed to heighten courage, decision making, confidence, strength and vitality. It is an excellent companion in rough times; it combats loneliness, eliminates perceived limitations, increases energy levels, enhances sleep, uncovers hidden talents and helps to overcome shyness.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - February
Amethyst can help raise people’s vibrational frequency and consciousness. It does the same for the energy within a specific space or object. It is best-known for transmutation effects; transforming negative energy into positive. This crystal helps to overcome fears, facilitates dreaming, relaxation, develops intuition, enhances mental clarity, brings spiritual connection, reduces stress and anxiety. Amethyst also stimulates focus, optimism, motivation and self control. This gemstone works mainly with the third eye and crown chakra and it allows one to reconnect with the divine source by purifying and regenerating the connection with the universe.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Birthstone Correspondences - January
Garnet is a very powerful energy stabilizer and is ideal for putting an end to chaotic energies throughout difficult chapters in a person’s life. This crystal is like an anchor that helps revitalize the body, mind and spirit. Garnet is also a protection stone; it repels negativity, evil eye and helps its user overcome overwhelming situations. This gemstone purifies, regenerates and rebalances a person’s energy field while clearing blockages. It can enhance an individual’s motivation, confidence, courage, determination and inspiration. Garnet is an excellent grounding stone, and can assist with restoring balance, love and control.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Hello, I’ve consulted with two people who have done readings on me and both have said I had an evil eye placed upon me. I wear my evil eye jewelry and practice affirmations but I still see myself being affected by it. The psychic who I consulted told me I needed to cleanse myself heavily and I wasn’t sure what direction to go with. Like a protection spell or return to sender spell? And how would I go about it??? It’s all very worrying. And also idek if I was scammed by them both :( I just wanna take control back of my life
Hello Anon,
If you want to believe the people who told you that the evil eye was placed on you, I would recommend taking a cleansing shower. It can be as simple as while you're washing up, envision the negativity melting off of your body and going down the drain. A protection spell and return to sender spell are also very good ideas for the added oomf. After that, perhaps look into setting up a few protective wards in the spaces you live in/frequent most if possible because energy can stick to places like it does to people.
If you have any more questions or need more clarification, please feel free to message me again!
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Breathwork is the active form of consciously working your breath to bypass the mind and enter a different state of awareness. This is what most people seek when meditating, and breathwork takes you to that place very quickly. The practice gives the brain's executive functioning something to focus on, so you can bypass the mental level of consciousness and drop into a deeper state of consciousness, where healing, spirit, and love reside.
There are many types of breathwork techniques, and each form of breath has a unique purpose and creates a different effect. As you breathe, you will become aware of thoughts, feelings, memories, and patterns that are not aligned with love and self-love. Even though many of us have processed childhood, beliefs, patterns in psychiatry, therapy, coaching, or healing, breathwork offers an opportunity to release any energy that has been unconsciously residing in the body or energetic system. Once those energies are released, there is more space for your inherent life force to flow through you.
There are little-to-no rules when it comes to establishing your own breathwork routine: You can practice in person with a teacher (in a group or solo setting), tune into a digital session, or guide yourself through a breath sequence from home or even in the middle of your work/school day.
Breathing practices are on the rise, and there's a reason why: Unlike meditation, where we are aware of our mental chatter, breathwork allows us to disconnect from the mind and reconnect with our body and energy. From this elevated state of awareness, we are able to heal, grow, and expand.
While meditation is an extremely useful form of self-reflection because it allows us to see the pace, substance, and truth of our thoughts, it also keeps us stuck in our mind, while many people are seeking to get out of their own heads. Meditation is a slow and steady practice that over a period of time will shift our perspective. But many people are seeking relief now, and meditation does not bring the relief they are looking for. Breathwork, on the other hand, can be easier to drop into when you are seeking more immediate feedback. It's a great tool to pull out when you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or off-center.
There is a misconception that healing arts are for individuals who are struggling or suffering. And yes, breathwork is very supportive for stress, tension, overwhelm, anxiety, depression, fear, trauma, insomnia, etc. But breathwork is also nourishing for someone who is doing well and feels ready for the next opening—the next layer of love, peace, gratitude, clarity, connection, and insights.
Some of the side effects that someone might experience during breathwork include tingling, buzzing, warming, cooling, or tightness in certain parts of their body. They may see colors or images or have downloads and insights. No matter what, whatever is happening is supposed to be happening. Your body has an innate intelligence and wisdom and it will support you in releasing what no longer serves you.
Breathwork, on the other hand, is an active form of meditation that allows us to disconnect from the mind and be guided by our body and heart. As we breathe out thoughts, beliefs, memories, actions that do not support our growth, we return to our wholeness and feel more equipped to handle stress, anxiety, and lingering trauma. There are many different breathwork techniques, and each one has a unique purpose and effect on the body. Here are three beginner techniques that deserve a spot in your repertoire and some recommendations for how and when to use them.
The Relaxing Breath from Andrew Weil, M.D., also known as 4-7-8 breathing, helps to slow down and calm the body. It slows the heart rate, brings our consciousness to the present moment, and slows the nervous system, bringing a feeling of calm and peace. This breath is ideal when you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious, angry, triggered, and have trouble sleeping. It has the added bonus of teaching the body to take in less (in a culture where we saturate the mind and body with external stimulation), how to create space between inhale and exhale, as well as how to release excess energy and thought from the body.
HOW TO DO IT The traditional way of doing 4-7-8 breathing is to empty the lungs of air, breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, exhale out of the mouth for 8 seconds, and repeat at least 4 times. As you breathe in, imagine the grounded and nourishing energy of the earth, mountains, trees, plants, flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs coming up into your body. As you hold your breath, visualize the breath spiraling up the center of your body and pulling any energy or thought that does not serve you. Then as you exhale over 8 seconds, imagine that excess energy releasing out of the mouth, and visualize light pouring through the top of your head back down to your feet and the earth below you.
THE 4-4-4-4 BREATH
Box Breathing comes through the Navy SEAL lineage and is also known as Square breathing, or 4-4-4-4 breath. This breathwork technique slows the heart rate and deepens concentration. It heightens efficiency and performance, as well as provides stress relief. It's best to use in the morning to wake up, in the middle of the day if sleepy, or before a big project or meeting that requires your focus.
To practice this technique, start by releasing all of the air from your chest, and hold your breath for 4 seconds, then breathe through the nose for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 4 seconds, then exhale out of the nose for 4 seconds. Repeat this cycle for 5 minutes to feel the effects. As you are inhaling, imagine the earth element of the north rising up and nourishing the physical body. As you hold your breath, imagine the breath swooping through the mind like the wind element of the east, clearing out any thoughts that do not serve and keeping the thoughts that do serve you. As you exhale out of the mouth, imagine the fire element of the south that resides in the center and heart of our body, burning any thoughts and feelings in our emotional heart and belly to release through the mouth (traditional box breath exhales out of the nose, but some like to exhale out of the mouth to incorporate the heart's energy).
While our natural tendency is to breathe at a rate of two or three seconds per minute, Coherent Breathing, or the 5-5 breath, is a controlled and conscious breathing practice that slows down our breathing to 4 seconds and then 5 seconds. The 5-5 breath is ideal for an overall sense of calm and can be practiced throughout the day.
To start, focus on the natural rhythm of your breath to obtain a baseline length of each inhale and exhale. Then for 1 minute, breathe in for 4 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds. Then repeat for 5 seconds, then repeat for 6 seconds, and if you want to, gradually expand to 10 seconds. Start with 5 minutes total and work your way up over time to 20 minutes. Imagine the earth energy rising up into the body, and then the thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations in the body that you no longer want to hold on to, releasing out of the body through the exhale. The best way to know which technique is right for you is to first identify what you are struggling with and what you are seeking. These are suggestions, but as with any healing modality, it is best to experiment with each form to see which one feels most aligned with where you are. Remember, your breath is your inherent healer and guide inside of you.
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themirroredmoon · 1 year
Different Ways to Develop Your Intuition
1. Meditate. Messages from your intuition tend to be quiet, so spending time in silence will help you hear and interpret these messages.
2. Start noticing all that you can with your five conventional senses. Doing so can raise your sensitivity to your sixth sense.
3. Pay attention to your dreams. When the cognitive mind is busy, it can override the intuitive right brain and the subconscious mind, the wellspring of intuition. But when you're sleeping, your cognitive mind rests and opens space for the subconscious mind to signal you in dreams.
4. Get creative. Engaging in creative activities, such as drawing, scrapbooking, or free-flow journaling, quiets the cognitive mind and allows your intuition to speak up.
5. Divination. Learn to use a tarot deck, or try a deck of oracle cards, and interpret the card's messages for yourself before you consult a guidebook.
6. Test your hunches. Got a feeling which horse will win at the track? Getting a sense that it will rain tomorrow even though the weather forecast says it won't? Do you just know your best friend's new guy is bad news? If you have feelings about what might happen in the future, write down your hunches, then check them later. See how often you were right.
7. Consult your body compass. Your intuition speaks to you through your body, and the more you cultivate somatic awareness, the more sensitive you become. If you get an uncomfortable physical feeling when you're trying to make a decision, pay attention. Do you feel light or heavy? Got a sick feeling in your gut? Saddled with a headache or diarrhea? It could just be the result of stress responses activated by false fear, but it could also be your intuition ringing loud and clear.
8. Escape from your daily routine. Get away. Slow down. Go on a retreat, take a sabbatical, or just spend a day in new surroundings with nothing planned. When you're overly busy, it's hard to be sensitive to the quiet voices of intuition. Try clearing your schedule and see if your intuition pipes up.
9. Spend time in nature. Being in the natural world, away from technology and the cognitive mind's other temptations, can open up the kind of intuition we needed when we as a species lived outdoors and relied upon it to keep us safe from the elements, predators, and other true fear dangers.
10. Learn from the past. Recall a negative experience from your past, ideally something fairly recent. Before this thing happened, think back to whether you got any feelings that urged you to steer clear. Maybe you got a gut feeling something wasn't right. Maybe you had a foreshadowing dream or a vision. If so, did you pay attention to that feeling, dream, or vision, or did you talk yourself out of it? Try to remember exactly how you felt. Recall as many details as possible. The more you can get in touch with the part of you that tried to warn you, the more you'll trust it next time.
11. Feel more, think less. The mind thinks, always chattering away, arguing with itself like a crazy person. Intuition, on the other hand, feels. If you're not sure whether you're listening to your fearful mind or your trustworthy intuition, see if you can differentiate whether you're thinking or feeling.
12. Engage in repetitive movement. Run. Dance. Chop carrots. Play the piano. Paint. These physical actions can calm the cognitive mind and open up your intuition.
13. Align with your values. Your mind may steer you away from your integrity, but your intuition never will. Become comfortable with how you feel when you're betraying your values, and you'll learn what intuition doesn't feel like. Learn what it feels like to behave in alignment with your values, and you'll start to sense your intuition more clearly.
14. Practice sensing people before you know them. See what kind of information you can glean from observing people and feeling their energetic signature before you talk to them or learn anything about them from other people. The more you pay attention, the more you'll realize you already know things you couldn't possibly know with the cognitive mind.
15. Release your resistance. Don't call yourself crazy when you get an intuitive hunch. Often, the cognitive mind argues with intuition rather than trusting it. By doing this, you may rationalize yourself out of intuitive knowing that could change your life for the better.
16. Breathwork practice. Breathwork- the intentional manipulation of the breath- can yield powerful insights very quickly. Tomorrow will be the post about this point specifically.
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