at this point my reaction is usually just like
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remember the fifth of november?
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“skip dinner and become thinner” more like “skip dinner and you have an eating disorder please get help”
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Do you accept member?
who are you
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Why you should never ask Bri anything ever.
Mj: why does every influential person in us history have john, adam, or smith as part of their name.   Mj: john adams, adam smith, john locke, at least 5 presidents, samual adams, john jay, john marshall MJ: thats not even all MJ: obviously
Bri: Because john has kinda always been a popular, middle of the road name.
Cat: ???
Bri: Everyone knows that when they don't want to pick a name they either choose a family name or one from the bible. Bri: Now with bible names you want someone popular right? Obviously you can't straight up name your child Jesus, unless you're in latin america. If you really want people to know you're a hardcore Christian you pick an old testament name like Shamgar or Abednego or some other weird name (see 17th century puritans) but that's not too common now so you mostly stick with the a few old testament and most of the disciples and apostles.
Cat: babe wtf are you talking about did I miss something?!
Bri: Now for old testament you gotta stick with a few safe ones right? Daniel, Noah, Joseph, David (although I personally think he's super sketchy), Aaron, Joshua etc. but you stay away from the weird one's and anyone who Messed Up™ Like Samson, Jezebel, Cain, Jonah and Saul. New testament is much easier cause you have so many people to choose from plus you can obviously just straight up name your child Christian. Seriously the only one you really have to avoid is Herod, Pilot, and Judas but other than that it's fair game.
Cat: jfc wtf is going on
Bri: The thing about the name John is that there's a ton of good people named John. John the Baptist, a couple of disciples, 4 books of the bible, It's a gold mine.
Cat: Babe seriously what is this about
Bri: Now if you really want to get into it there's also a lot of other historical people named John. Aside from all the ones that you named MJ there's a couple of kings and multiple saints and lots of legends. And given that it translates very easily into other languages (Juan, Jean, Jóhann, Giovanni, Jan, Yaḥyā) it's even more popular.
Cat: wtf when did mj name anyone Cat: @mj @bri someone please explain
Mj: Oh goddamn
Bri:  NOW! That brings us to the why is that name so popular in the US? Well first of all considering that most of the first settlers are puritans and other English Christians... It's kind of a given BUT according to Wikipedia the name John reached it's height of popularity in 1912 when the number of babies born with this name increased by 118.6%. What was happening in 1912? Well nobody asked but I've already spent like 30 minutes on this anyways so I'm going to tell you, the industrial revolution. And you know what was happening in the industrial revolution? Bri: A TON OF IMMIGRATION Bri: Now we get into what my brother and I call "Ellis islanding" In which immigration officers didn't know how to pronounce eastern european and yiddish names so they just kinda gave you a new one on official documentation. And even though that's not a 100% correct, a lot of people who were immigrants wanted to give their children American names and what's a name that's very easy to pronounce and translatable into their native language? John. Bri: Wow I cannot believe I pulled all of that out of my ass except for the statistic 😂
Cat: Jfc I am terrified 
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[ordering cake over the phone]
“And what would you like the cake to say?”
Bucky: [covers phone to ask Mel]
Bucky: Babe, do we want a talking cake?
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Alex: Ugh, the milk expires tomorrow.
Natasha, hinting at their anniversary: Tomorrow’s a real special day, huh?
Alex: Not for anyone who drinks milk.
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Kat: Drinking water with a minty mouth is like the cold version of spicy.
Mel: [trying to not get hit by the bad guys] This is a mission. We are on a MISSION. Shouldn't you be thinking about other things
Mj: But is she wrong?
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Alex, screaming: YOU MEAN A LOT TO ME!
Mel: Wh-
Mel: Why are you screaming?!
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Cat: You were supposed to do something about the raccoon under the porch. Kat: I did! I named him Lord Moseby. He likes Fruit Loops.
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Cat: being gay isn't a choice
Cat, holding bri up a la lion king: it's a game and I'm winning.
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Cat: Ok here are my notes from arson class today
Bri: Thank you for supporting your local arsonists, true crime fanatics and pyromaniacs
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Steve: Now, what are the three stages of life
Bri: Birth
Laura: What the fuck is this
Mel: Death
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Laura: How much longer do I have to live
Doctor: You'll live, you're only here for a scrape.
Laura: Yeah but how much longer do I have to?
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There's just so much sass and i live for it
So glad you're enjoying the shit show!
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Laura: Mothers and fuckers of the Jury-
Bri: Your honor, objection.
Cat: I'm going to allow it.
Bri: Why?
Cat: Because they've got a point.
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Bri: why are we laying on the ground?
Cat, laying next to her: you hit yourself on the head with the football and it knocked you unconscious
Cat: so I laid down next to you so it'd look like we were chilling.
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