thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 21: The Wall and the Runes
The Scream Sleuths continued on into the dark tunnels, hoping to come upon any signs of the missing soldiers. They walked for a while before Filiadel and Kathra began to grow curious about the caves they were walking through. They seemed different than the other sections of the Underdark they’d traversed.
After sliding her hands along the walls and taking a good look at the stone, Kathra was able to surmise that the tunnel they were currently in was not manmade. Instead, it seems like something had created it by burrowing through the ground. Something big.
A bit more investigating led to the realization that there were two other tunnels nearby, smaller burrows through the stone. Filiadel used her magic to unearth one of the small tunnels and advised the others in the group not to step in certain places, unless they wanted to fall into pitfalls.
The Scream Sleuths followed the burrows down to the end of the tunnel which tapered out into a fork where they could choose to go left or right. In the middle of the fork was a large worm-like creature, folded over on itself, dead. The group cautiously approached the scene and inspected it over before noticing a huge gash in its side. A Wood Elf lay in the gash, part of its body outside of the dead monster. The Scream Sleuths figured that the Kerianic was swallowed by the creature and had enough energy to rip through it from the inside but no strength left to pull itself out. The group also found two smaller burrows that looked like they were fleeing away from whatever confrontation occurred, otherwise the group didn’t find anything else alive nearby.
But, this was a sign. Clearly the missing soldiers had been here.
The party decided to burn the corpses as to not attract more of those carrion crawlers. While Filiadel, Kathra, and Brinne helped with setting the fires and saying a few words, Sengo began to help Faylen look to see where the soldiers went next. After a bit of walking back and forth, Faylen was able to pick up a trail moving to the left.
The party headed off after Faylen, following her down the gradual slope of this new tunnel. Once they were far enough away from the fiery burial, Filiadel conjured her tower so everyone could rest for the night.
During the evening, Sengo approached Filiadel and asked if the two of them could chat. Within the walls of Filiadel’s conjured sauna, Sengo told Filiadel that he was familiar with the magical fighting technique she used. He didn’t possess it himself but his grandfather did, which showed in the way Sengo fought as he was trained with his weapons by his grandfather. Bladesinging, as it was called, was an old and revered fighting style amongst the Elves. Each Elven civilization seemed to claim that they knew it’s true origin. Sho’Ania believed that Corellon taught the first Kerianics the technique, which was why Sho’Ania’s warriors were respected. Talabrina was supposed to learn the ways of Bladesong but when tensions between Sho’Ania and the Obsidian Burrow began to grow taught under new leadership, her mentoring was stalled and eventually terminated. The awkward conversation ended when Filiadel realized Sengo didn’t have any more information he could provide her with.
The next morning, the Scream Sleuths packed up their things and headed further on their way.
The tunnel Faylen was leading them down grew more dark and intense by the hour. The group found no light in this tunnel, not even the glow from the luminescent foliage on the cave walls. Instead, the walls were barren and void of any life. It was clear to the Scream Sleuths that something had uprooted the plants. Darkness also continued to descend upon the party, almost clinging to them in a suffocating manner.
Eventually, the party picked up on two new unsettling details. The scent of blood hit them from further down the tunnel. With it came a crimson hue that tinted the incredible darkness they’d been marching through.
The party paused then to talk briefly about moving forward with caution. Kathra used her familiar, Balsen, to scout ahead where the group could now see a bend in the tunnel. Balsen flew forward around the bend and immediately found himself amongst a gory scene. There were corpses everywhere. Red plasma dripped down the walls into dried puddles supporting an array of candles all burning an ominous crimson flame. Amongst the bodies, Balsen saw one particular creature floating above the chaos. It’s form was bloody and it had it’s one sickening eye trained on Balsen.
Immediately, Kathra notified the group of the threat and they began to prepare for battle. Confident that they were already spotted, Filiadel took out her whip and began to strike it against the walls as the group rounded the bend.
The second the group was face to face with this floating aberration, they attacked. During the battle Brinne and Kathra grew entangled in the creature’s many tentacles. Brinne was able to free herself but Kathra found herself getting squeezed, forcing blood to ooze from her open wounds. But as quickly as the battle began, it was finished.
In their victory, the Scream Sleuths took some time to look around the strange cavern they’d arrived in. Of the creatures that lay motionless on the floor, the group was able to pick out some humanoid figures. There were four Elves amongst the wreckage: Wood Elves and Drow. One fallen Wood Elf in particular captured the group’s attention. She was laying on her stomach, her arm outstretched towards a smooth wall that cut the cavern short to the left. Her face was also tipped in that direction, her eyes still seemingly trained on the wall. What killed her seemed obvious to the Scream Sleuths: a large wound was visible on her back, as if something had torn straight through her.
Sengo knelt down beside her and identified her as Erelarra, the Obsidian Knight he had Kathra try to contact during their march through the Underdark.
Together, Faylen and Brinne approached the wall and began to inspect it. Up close it didn’t seem so smooth. It had claw marks and scorch marks in some areas, but still held its form. In checking out the wall, Brinne and Faylen heard a raspy voice call out from the other side. After a brief conversation the two were able to piece together that three soldiers were alive on the other side of the stone wall. They were trapped their after their magic users conjured the wall and died.
Kathra and Brinne quickly began to work on dismantling a portion of the wall together. After some time passed, they had a hole that could be easily crawled through. Sengo wasted no time at all and crawled through to meet the missing soldiers. He helped the three move through the small passage where the Scream Sleuths then helped them to safety.
Meanwhile, Filiadel was exploring the other section of the fissure the group had somehow arrived at the bottom of. It was completely dark, and was hot and humid. She traveled in the darkness for about two minutes before turning back to rejoin the group after hearing that Faylen and Brinne had found living soldiers. When she arrived back with the rest of the group, she began to use her magic to dig graves for the dead soldiers.
After giving the living soldiers some food and water, Filiadel started to head back through the tunnel the way they’d came. She wanted to set up her tower to allow the rescued soldiers a good rest but didn’t want to set it up with all the dead bodies around. And the tunnel didn’t have the height and width required to properly conjure it.
Following Filiadel’s lead, the group helped the soldiers up back onto their feet and began to head back into the tunnel after her.
When Brinne was about to step out of the cavern and back into the tunnel, she felt something prickle at the base of her neck. Something seemed to be tugging her toward the darkened section of the cavern. She quickly notified the group and her and Faylen went to go investigate.
The two walked through the same darkness Filiadel had traversed earlier. After about four minutes they reached the end of the cavern. The walls were covered with repeated symbols drawn in blood while the floor was littered with more bodies. Among the bodies was a perfectly clean circle on the floor, the only section of the cavern not drenched in death. In the middle of the circle sat an Elven woman with brown hair that fell down to her waist and almost touched the ground as she sat. She spoke to Brinne and Faylen, her back still turned to them, and told the two they could take the soldiers if that’s why they had come. She wasn’t holding them hostage and could care less if they were gone. When the woman finally stood and turned, Faylen and Brinne were able to see rusted green eyes that seemed almost... unnatural in a way.
The second the woman laid eyes on Brinne her whole demeanor changed. Before she seemed almost uncaring, but that was quickly replaced with a more defensive tone and stance. She identified Brinne as an Aasimar and asked who had sent her. Both Brinne and Faylen had no idea what the woman was talking about and told her that they were sent by Sho’Ania to find the missing soldiers. The woman didn’t seem pleased with this answer. She asked again who had sent them and began to spout off unfamiliar names. That is, until the name “Seraphina” left her lips. Brinne’s reaction seemed to confirm something in the woman’s mind and she began to muse out loud about Brinne’s connection to Tempus. She then asked Brinne to deliver a message to “that crying bitch” for her: she requested to be left alone and could not be stopped. She then continued, saying, “the King will claim his kingdom and the Fair Defender will fly again”.
During this conversation, Filiadel and Kathra were making their way towards Brinne and Faylen. They didn’t want to be split from their other party members for too long. Sengo opted to remain behind with the rescued soldiers. Filiadel and Kathra arrived in time to hear the Elven woman’s message for Seraphina.
The second after the woman finished her message, she threw her hand into the air. In the same moment, a large hulking mass of leathery flesh with wings broke off from the shadows and grabbed at the woman. Kathra quickly recognized that the beast was casting a spell and reacted to counter their magic.
With the escape thwarted, the party then dove into a long and treacherous battle.
The Elven woman wielded magic and an incredibly sharp weapon while the large, gargoyle type beast used its claws, tail, teeth, and the occasional spell. The Scream Sleuths used everything they had against the two, slicing them with weapons and burning their magic stores. Each of the Scream Sleuths (except for Kathra) fell unconscious at one point in time. Eventually, the battle came to a close when the Elven woman and her beastly companion were able to successfully cast a spell and remove themselves from the action.
In the wake of the battle, those that were still conscious healed those that were down and helped them to their feet. Faylen and Brinne opted to leave the cavern and rejoin the rescued soldiers and Sengo while Filiadel and Kathra decided to hang back for a few minutes. The two looked around the area the woman was sitting in before the battle and uncovered runes drawn in thick layers and lines of blood in a circle. They were of an older magic and had the purpose of locating something across planes of existence. What that was, Filiadel and Kathra didn’t know. When the two were content with what they’d uncovered, they turned to rejoin Faylen and Brinne after quickly doing what they could to mess up the carefully drawn circle. If the woman was to return, she wouldn’t be able to use the circle again.
When the four finally reunited again, they headed back down the tunnel in which they came. They were tired and absolutely in blood. Part of the way down the tunnel they ran into Sengo and the soldiers, who said that once they heard fighting break out in the darkness, they decided to flee. The soldiers were in no state to help in the battle and Sengo did not want to risk them disappearing into the tunnel without him.
Upon emerging from the tight tunnel, Filiadel conjured her tower and wordlessly, everyone entered and prepared for a well deserved rest. But before settling down, Filiadel had a flash of recognition as she suddenly remembered why those symbols on the wall looked so familiar to her. They reminded her of a tapestry, one filled with abstract yellow flowers that graced the wall of a mansion she’d been invited to in Ruorhiel. Back then, she didn’t pay much attention to it but now she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something more to it...
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Things my players say
From Recap: 20: Magic and Steel
(Filiadel heals Kathra in combat after Kathra nearly drops unconscious. She’s barely standing at 1 hit point and has been screaming “You can’t touch this” at her surrounding foes for rounds upon rounds.)
Kathra: ...turns out you can touch this
Filiadel: Is that an invitation?
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 20: Magic and Steel
Last we left the Scream Sleuths, the party had frozen as a bloodcurdling shriek filled the cavern they were in. Everyone began to speak in hushed tones, trying to decide if they should head onward or turn back. Sengo let the group know that after a minute the foliage should stop screaming, but this was more Talabrina’s area of expertise than his own. Thankfully, the screaming did stop and allowed for an uncomfortable silence to fall upon the tunnels.
Immediately, Brinne began to keep an eye out for things that may have been alerted by the shrieking moss. She strained her hearing and, in the distance, began to hear rustling along with a now all too familiar clicking noise rushing towards them. Heeding Brinne’s warning, the party braced for battle.
The swarm that descended upon them was much larger than the small group the Scream Sleuths had fought before. They wrestled against the poisonous monstrosities, taking their fair share of damage before they finally were able to kill every last one of them.
Panting and exhausted from the battle, the Scream Sleuths holed up in Filiadel’s conjured tower where they rested and wrapped their wounds.
Filiadel and Kathra were adamant on learning more about the creatures that they’d just cut down. With Brinne’s help, the two brought one of the dead -and still slightly twitching- body into the lower level of Filiadel’s tower. Upon dissecting the monster, Filiadel was able to identify it as a Carrion Crawler. Kathra was able to extract it’s poison gland and pocketed it for future use. Once the two had finished their dissection, they tried once again to substitute magical components to cast spells. Again, the spell backfired and ended up harming both Filiadel and Kathra but not as severely as their previous attempt.
Meanwhile, on the tower’s second floor Brinne, Faylen, and Sengo struck up a conversation. While speaking, Brinne and Faylen began to learn more about Sengo. He was able to cast magic, but not a lot of it. He was more familiar with steel as he worked alongside his father in one of the Obsidian Burrow’s forged and blacksmithing shops. He didn’t mind the work but it didn’t fulfill his sense of purpose. He felt like he could do more. So when he caught wind of something called the “Triad”’s plan to ask the Kerianics to help defend the Obsidian Burrow and locate the missing soldiers, he begged for the chance to prove himself. After having his sister vouch for him, he was bestowed with the task and sent to Sho’Ania with a few other Drow to speak with Olthana. Their conversation was the one the Scream Sleuths had overheard.
When it became painfully obvious that Olthana would not help, Sengo returned to the “Triad” to tell them of his failure. He was absolutely humiliated. Brinne and Faylen tried to cheer him up a bit, reminding him that they had arrived to help and that Olthana’s rejection did not mean he didn’t try.
Over the many days Sengo had been traveling with the group, this was the first time Faylen and Brinne had seen him let his guard down and smile.
The party as a whole then rested a bit before packing up their things and heading back out into the dark cavern. As they began to leave the tower behind, Faylen received a message indicting that Lady Evangelina Barmitelli back in Relttic had found some answers to her questions. Upon the group’s return to Relttic, they could set up a meeting to learn just what she had discovered. But first, they had to finish up their current quest. They hoped they wouldn’t be trapped in the Underdark for much longer....
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
This might be just a DnD shenanigans blog, but we’re still people that care
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 19: Ripples in the Water
We last left the Scream Sleuths at the edge of a suspicious subterranean lake in the Underdark. Four creatures had been alerted of their presence after Brinne expertly skipped a stone across the surface of the water. The Scream Sleuths only had a second or two to prepare before the slumped, grey creatures began their attack.
The group did their best to quickly cut the grotesque beasts down. They dodged claws, bites, and even their super adhesive tongues (”this is NOT what I meant when I said I wanted to learn tongues!” - Filiadel). However, during the battle Kathra kept her eye on the murky lake. She shouted out to her party members to be careful of the water. Kathra chose to run past the encounter --she was so sure something was going to come out of the water. If it did and the group decided to run, her little Dwarf legs wouldn’t carry her as far as the others. She didn’t want to be the one left behind!
When the last of the creatures was cut down, Brinne, Filiadel, Faylen, and Sengo decided to follow Kathra’s lead. Something was rippling in the water. They didn’t want to stick around to see what it was.
Kathra had identified a tunnel leading away from the dark waters and broke into a sprint towards it. The rest of the group followed, running as fast as they could towards the now visible exit.
Suddenly, something broke through the surface of the lake.
A large head emerged with beady eyes and a scaled snout. It screamed as it erupted in a wave that splashed hard against the ground by their feet. This was what Kathra was expecting! She’d been preparing a spell to send at whatever emerged and quickly cast it and the large beast. When her spell wasn’t successful she developed a new plan: run.
The creature lumbered out of the water towards the group, spouting a stream of acid in Kathra’s direction. It doused her and practically knocked her off of her feet. Horrified at what the creature just did, the group again took Kathra’s lead and tried to make a run for it. The Scream Sleuths didn’t think the creature could fit far into the tunnel they were running towards. If they could all get inside, they might make it out alive!
Using the rest of their energy up, the group one by one made it into the tunnel. There was a moment while trying to outrun the beast where Sengo turned to attack the monster, trying to allow the rest of the group to get away safely. His decision was not the wisest, as the monster then focused on tearing through him. He was able to withstand the attacks before suddenly vanishing from sight. He appeared back into existence at the mouth of the tunnel with the others and wordlessly ran past them.
With the group together again, they sprinted for a bit before the sounds of the monster screaming behind them grew fainter and fainter. When that moment came, the group was ready to collapse. They were absolutely exhausted.
Filiadel began to conjure her tower for a night’s rest; but, before she did she threw some choice words at Sengo. He’d lied to her. He could do more than he originally let her believe.
When the tower was finally up, the group quickly entered. Filiadel offered to wash Faylen’s hair, something that surprised Faylen and made her... suspicious of Filiadel. While combing the gunk out of Faylen’s blonde hair, Filidael told Faylen a bit about her past. She’d grown up in Rourhiel and was taken in by a band of minstrels when her mother passed away. She stayed with them for a while, learning about different instruments and performing along with the troupe. Eventually, she left and headed north where she then introduced herself to the Scream Sleuths. When prompted by Faylen, Filiadel also opened up about her dislike for nobles. Though, dislike wasn’t quite strong a feeling. What Filiadel had was more along the lines of hatred.
Meanwhile, Kathra was copying one of Filiadel’s spells into her own spellbook. She paused for a moment to question Sengo on what he’d lied to Filiadel about. He wasn’t entirely sure, but he thought it was because he hadn’t been truthful about everything he could do in combat. He then told Kathra about his Filiadel’s spar back in the Obsidian Burrow. Kathra wasn’t sure if she completely believed him, but seemed like he was telling the truth. She wasn’t sure. All she knew was that if Filiadel had a problem with Sengo, than so did Kathra.
For the rest of the evening, the party took turns cleaning themselves off in the washroom. When it was Sengo’s turn to wash off, Kathra pounced on the moment to ask Filiadel about Sengo. Filiadel told Kathra exactly what Sengo had previously told her: Sengo failed to show Filiadel everything he could do. She never thought her fighting style was special until Zolmer mentioned it back in Sho’Ania. Filiadel wanted to learn more about it and she couldn’t ask her mentor. When she saw Sengo sparring with his uncle back in the Obsidian Burrow, something about his fighting style seemed familiar.
With that question answered, the group bunked down for the night.
In the morning, the Scream Sleuths packed up their things and were ready to continue on. As they walked down the tunnel, splotches of that luminescent fungi and foliage dotted the cavern walls. Kathra sent her familiar, Balsen, ahead to again scout the area and to investigate the glowing plantlife. He dove towards some moss and reached out to grab it in his talons per Kathra’s request when a bloodcurdling scream erupted from the plant. Balsen pulled back and poofed back into his pocket dimension as the scream echoed down the tunnel, reaching where the Scream Sleuths stood.
Will the Scream Sleuths investigate the strange, screaming foliage? Or will they quickly run past it, unsure if the loud scream had attracted more creatures to their location? Tune in next week to find out what happens next!
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 18: The Luminescent Caves
We last left the Scream Sleuths carefully making their way through the tunnels burrowing deeper into the Underdark. Following their chosen guide, Sengo continued to lead the adventuring party further and further away from the Obsidian Burrow in the hopes of finding and saving the missing soldiers. The group had been successful in avoiding the other residents of the Underdark but were nervous their luck was running low.
After making their way through yet another tunnel, the dark air started to subside to an array of purples, greens, blues, and pinks. Strange foliage were more present on the walls of tunnels now, each one glowing a different shade. Sengo warned the crew not to mess with the plant life and to keep moving onward. Everyone took to these instructions except Kathra. A patch of pink luminescent moss held her attention. It was one of the items on her list.
Kathra began asking Sengo and her other party members just how dangerous touching the moss would be. After coming up with a few different theories (what if she picked off some of the moss through magical means?), Kathra decided to leave it alone. If the group was successful -or, still alive- they’d be returning to the Obsidian Burrow through the same tunnels. She could grab some then.
Not too long after, the group was continuing on down the tunnels when the architecture of the tunnel widened. Filiadel, Faylen, and Ievos all stopped in their tracks when they noticed two spherical creatures floating in a natural outcropping.
Filiadel quickly identified them as beholders.
Warning the group of the threat in front of them, Filiadel recommended the group not engage in combat. They needed to be quiet and move past the creatures as quickly as possible if they wanted to survive to finish their quest. With Filiadel turning the louder members of the Scream Sleuths invisible, they were successful in moving unseen past the threats.
The group paused for a brief moment to have Kathra’s familiar, Balsen, fly back and scout out the outcropping for any dead soldiers. When Balsen didn’t see anything, Kathra had him scout ahead of the group. He could hear clicking ahead in the direction the group needed to go. This bit of knowledge helped the group prepare for battle before blazing forward again.
Charging ahead, the group finally came face to face with the creatures that have been making the terrible clicking noises they’ve heard throughout their journey so far. The Scream Sleuth’s worked quickly to dispatch all of them, all the while being careful of the poison in their tentacles. A few times party members became paralyzed but Faylen worked hard to ensure her traveling companions were able to magically shake off the poisonous effects.
After the battle, the Scream Sleuths continued onward before stumbling upon a larger cavern. There were three tunnels bridging out of the cavern: left, middle, and right. Faylen noticed more clicking sounds heading their way from the left tunnel so they had to think fast. Would they go straight or to the right?
Quickly, Kathra had Balsen fly ahead to survey the tunnels. The right tunnel grew dark and thick with heavy webbing while the middle tunnel led to a subterranean lake of some kind. Wanting to avoid the webs, the group charged straight ahead.
They ran for a bit until the clicking grew fainter and fainter, allowing the crew to slow to a walk. Eventually, the tunnel opened up to the lake Kathra had seen through Balsen’s eyes. A horrible stench wafted through the air while the group surveyed the grotesque, murky waters. Brinne could’ve sworn she’d saw a ripple form in the water but wasn’t quite sure. To see if there was anything lurking beneath the surface, Filiadel suggested Brinne toss a pebble into the water. Brinne did so and was rewarded with a few more ripples and the attention of some slumped over, grey creatures that had been at the water’s edge further down the path.
Will the Scream Sleuths have to cut these creatures down to continue on their quest? And just what is really in the gross lake? Tune in next week for the thrilling continuation!
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Things my players say
From Recap 17: Tunnel Vision
Kathra: What about this. If you scream, I’ll banish you.
Faylen: Will you wake me up first?
Kathra: Oh. No.
Faylen: Well, if you wake me up I’ll stop screaming!
Kathra: ...I did not know this so it’s good we clarified.
Later on
Faylen: Did I do something wrong? Are you gonna banish me?
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 17: Tunnel Vision
The first to awaken, Brinne and Faylen meandering down to the tavern area of the Iron Gate. They scanned the full tables and quickly found Talabrina seated at a booth. She waved them over and, reluctantly, the two joined her.
The three had an awkward conversation while waiting for Kathra and Filiadel to casually wake up. During that time, a man approached the table and asked if any of them were called “Kathra”. He had a package he was supposed to deliver to her. Brinne informed him that they knew Kathra and he could leave the parcel with them. They’d be sure to give it to her. After an awkward moment, the man accepted this and was on his way.
When Filiadel and Kathra finally joined the other half of their party, Talabrina informed them that there was someone the group had to meet. He would give them the information she felt was too confidential to discuss in the public place.
Quickly, the Scream Sleuths gathered their things and followed Talabrina. She led them further into the Obsidian Burrow, bringing them through the city’s twists and turns. The city itself had a strange, subterranean beauty to it. Buildings were carved out of massive stalagmites and stalactites. Faint blue and purple lights dotted the streets, providing a natural luminescence for the city dwellers’ ease.
While walking, Filiadel asked Talabrina a few questions about who the group was going to meet and asked for information on the Obsidian Burrow in general. Talabrina told Filiadel that three dens made up the city’s population: Den Cobenna, Den Kiltar, and Den Tlintaer. They were ranked in that order, from largest and most powerful to the smallest. Currently, Talabrina was leading the group to speak to someone a part of Den Kiltar. Talabrina also took a moment to explain a few cultural customs, hinted at a popular religion, and ended by vaguely mentioning the Obsidian Burrow’s gender gap. Filiadel was pleased to find that, unlike in other places she’d been, women had a higher ranking in the Obsidian Burrow than men.
Eventually, Talabrina stopped and entered into a slightly-larger-than-average carved residence. Inside, the Scream Sleuths passed multiple rooms before coming upon a living room that had all its furniture pushed to the walls. In the middle of the room were two Drow, their weapons drawn in mid-combat. One was very muscular and wielded a large, two handed cleaver while the other was leaner and held a shortsword in each hand. The Scream Sleuths immediately recognized the leaner Drow from the Richekeria a few days ago.
Filiadel recognized more than just the Drow’s looks. Something about the way he held himself while fighting was also familiar to her.
Drawing her sword, Filiadel stepped into combat with the Drow. After a very quick conversation, the potential fight was subdued and the Scream Sleuths were offered a seat and refreshments.
Talabrina introduced the familiar Drow as Sengo Kiltar. After the group took a moment to introduce themselves to Sengo, he wasted no time filling them in on the situation. In the past few months the city had been attacked by creatures flooding out of the eastern tunnels entering/leaving the city. They’d been coming in waves and it got to the point where they city began to theorize that there was something going on deeper in the Underdark that was forcing the natural creatures out. They’d sent Obsidian Knights and Kerianics to try and discover what was happening but they were unsuccessful in doing so. Eventually, soldiers stopped returning from the missions which made the city worry even more. The Scream Sleuths were to first and foremost dive into the eastern tunnels to find and rescue the missing soldiers, if they were still alive. Sengo would provide the group with whatever they needed to make their mission a success. He answered any and all questions the Scream Sleuths had for him before before exiting the room with Talabrina. The other Drow, introduced as Sengo’s uncle Tarroo, began to gather up the requests the Scream Sleuths made in regards to food rations for their journey.
Kathra took the time alone with her group to discuss just how much she hated Sho’Ania. That’s when she hatched a brilliant idea: she’d create and bunch of flyers and hang them up at a local tavern. If she got enough people to hate Sho’Ania too then maybe she could ruin their tourism economy and get the town to change. She quickly recruited Brinne and Faylen to help her draw up the posters. Meanwhile, Filiadel wandered off to find where Sengo had gone off to.
While roaming the halls of the house, Filiadel overheard a distant conversation between Talabrina and Sengo. He talked about how humiliating it was to explain himself in front of something called the Triad. Cutting their conversation short, Filiadel shouted for Sengo to join her. She convinced him to train with her and was disappointed when she realized he was certainly holding back during their skirmish.
After a few more hours of preparing for their journey (and traveling to the nearest tavern to put up Kathra’s flyers), the Scream Sleuths were finally ready to head out.
Sengo and Talabrina led the crew back out into the city streets and weaved their way towards the eastern tunnels. The closer they got the more soldiers and barricades the Scream Sleuths saw. At multiple points, Sengo conversed with Obsidian Knights and Kerianics until they allowed the group to continue onward.
When they maneuvered around the last barricade the group was met with darkness. Both Sengo and Talabrina took turns leading the group further and further away from the civilization until all light and sound had vanished. Sengo and Talabrina then gave the Scream Sleuths a choice. Sengo or Talabrina could act as their guide moving forward. The adventuring party could choose either one, both, or neither of them to aide their quest. After a decent deliberation, the Scream Sleuths chose Sengo to stay with them and sent Talabrina back to the Obsidian Burrow and asked her to check in at Sho’Ania’s town hall if they also went missing since someone there was tracking Kathra’s whereabouts. In her parting remarks, Talabrina told the Scream Sleuths that the town hall did not have the capacity to track anyone. It had to be someone else doing it. Who that was, Talabrina didn’t have a clue.
With that, the Scream Sleuths and Sengo left Talabrina behind and descended further into darkness.
The adventuring party walked for long hours during the day and slept within Filiadel’s conjured tower during the nights. In the unending darkness they could hear sounds of distant chatter as subterranean creatures moved about the tunnels and caverns. Multiple times the sounds woke the Scream Sleuths from their moderately restful slumbers but they had yet to come across any of the Underdark’s residents Sengo had described. They group hoped beyond hope that they never would. However, they knew that eventually their luck would wear off.
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 16: Those That Wait
When the Scream Sleuths arrived at the beach, they set up their blankets and changed into their newly purchased swimwear. Brinne instantly took off to the water while Kathra opted to sunbath and work on her tan. Faylen joined Brinne in the water, dipping her toes into the Basin of Esterholm. It was the first tome she’d ever been in any body of water. Brinne helped her float and for a few hours, taught Faylen the basics of swimming.
While Kathra was lounging in the sun, Filiadel assumed a disguise as a guard while looking for Talabrina. She was so sure the interesting woman would meet the group on the beach. That’s what Kathra and Faylen had set up, right? After a few hours though, Kathra let Filiadel know that it was Hatomas that would be meeting the group at the beach, not Talabrina.
After a few hours of cocktails, pranks, and sunburns, the group met up with Hatomas. He told the group that Talabrina was successful in getting approval from the Underdark and that their paperwork was waiting for them in Sho’Ania’s town hall. The group quickly packed up their things and went to locate the building.
Thanks to Faylen and Kathra’s familiar, Balsen, the crew arrived at the pastel yellow building that housed their official paperwork. The entered and were quickly introduced to Felicity Fenski, the clerk that would be overseeing their case. The preppy woman ushered the Scream Sleuths into a waiting room where she then took turns interviewing each party member separately.
Filiadel was the first to be questioned by Felicity; however, after the second question she was no longer loving the upbeat clerk. When asked about her last name, Filiadel informed Felicity that she didn’t have one. Without skipping a beat, Felicity gave Filiadel the filler surname ‘Doe’. After a few other questions, Filiadel exited Felicity’s office and sent in Faylen.
Faylen didn’t have too much of an issue with Felicity, though she did pause when she was asked where the group would be staying in the Underdark. When Faylen revealed she didn’t know, Felicity told her that she’d imagined they’d be staying with Den Kiltar, since it was them who signed the party’s paperwork. Felicity also asked Faylen about what happened at the mall earlier that day, as there was a “blip” on her paperwork. Faylen told what she knew to be true: Kathra attempted to steal items from a shop via some kind of magic but was unsuccessful. When Faylen was finished, she sent Kathra in next.
Kathra’s meeting with Felicity was very smooth. She answered all of Felicity’s question and when asked about the issue at the mall, she was prepared. She told Felicity that it was all a miscommunication —in the end, the group paid for the enchanted items but were still accosted by this bounty hunter. Kathra filed a complaint against the woman, whom Felicity called Reymeria Honeysuckle after Kathra gave a detailed description. Felicity didn’t seem surprised and quickly mentioned that the woman had some anger issues after her son was killed in Zyoreia about two hundred years ago. He was in a guild there and was an excellent craftsman. Felicity assumed the situation was too close to home for Reymeria. And just as quickly as the topic began, it was switched.
The last party member to be questioned was Brinne. She entered after Kathra and remained nervous throughout the entirety of the one-on-one meeting. Felicity asked Brinne where her place of origin was and when Brinne answered Marmoure, Felicity had never heard of it before. Had Felicity been paying attention to Brinne’s facial expressions instead of furiously filling out her forms, she might have caught a glimpse of sadness cross Brinne’s eyes. Felicity also asked Brinne about the mall situation to try to gauge any other facts that had not yet been revealed. In describing the woman, Felicity mentioned that Reymeria really has had an awful last two hundred years. Her wife left her after their son was killed and decided to go off and play music to her heart’s content. Just like with Kathra, Felicity then quickly changed the topic after sharing her tidbit of information.
When Brinne had finished her interview, she was escorted back to the waiting room where the rest of the party sat. The four members debriefed each other on what they were asked and what they’d said. The main thing that the group was concerned about was where they’d stay in the Underdark. They’d all been asked the question and each person responded differently. They’d figure it out when they were down there, hopefully with Talabrina’s help.
The group ended up waiting an obnoxiously long time in the waiting room. Hours passed them by easily. In that time, Faylen revealed her backstory to Filiadel so she understood why diving into the Underdark to help find or save these missing soldiers was so important to her. Yes, Faylen was from a military family and was basically treated as a noble back home, but she had also seen hardship and terrors as a prisoner of war. She didn’t want anyone else to feel the way she had. Filiadel listened to her story and questioned what Faylen was exactly going to do when she decided to actually go back home. She also became very weary of Faylen when Faylen used the term “noble”. Something about the term and concept rubbed Filiadel the wrong way.
While waiting, Kathra and Brinne decided to hop over to the local post office so Kathra could send two letters she’d written. While the two were gone, Felicity came out of her office and told Filiadel and Faylen that she was finished reviewing the group’s paperwork and unfortunately not all of the visas would be accepted. All but Kathra’s paperwork has passed the approval process. Felicity informed the two then that if the Scream Sleuths wanted to enter the Underdark with Kathra they would be unable to purchase or sell any items in the Obsidian Burrow. If they entered a marketplace they needed to be escorted through. In addition to this, Kathra needed to wear something specifically so the city would be able to track her whereabouts.
Unhappy with the terms, Faylen and Filiadel accepted nonetheless and told Brinne and Kathra about the issues upon their return. Kathra was devastated. She’d told the truth about everything, hadn’t she? Not everyone in the party seemed to think so.
Tense and wanting to rid themselves of Felicity, the Scream Sleuths were escorted to yet another waiting room. They waited for only a few minutes before an Obsidian Knight, a Drow warrior from the Underdark, entered and led the group into a dark chamber. Large ruins were carved into the stone floor and as the Obsidian Knight began to trace his fingers through the air, they began to glow. An archway appeared before the group’s eyes and took form slowly before eventually opening up.
The Scream Sleuths were led through the doorway and officially entered the Underdark. The air was humid and darkness clung to the party like a thick blanket. They followed the Obsidian Knight through cavern after cavern until they began to see specks of dull purple and blue light in the distance. The stalagmites and stalactites the group was passing by seemed to grow large and were carved expertly into different arches, doorways, and buildings. At long last, they had arrived in the Obsidian Burrow.
That evening, the Scream Sleuths stayed at the Iron Gate, an inn that was swarming with Kerianics. They group paid for their rooms and quickly separated to spend the night in their individual beds. Before falling asleep, Kathra messaged Baelsar to ask his opinion of her and to hear a few words of encouragement from her best friend. After hearing his voice in her head, she was able to drift off to sleep.
Kathra was not the only one to have a private evening conversation. While dreaming, Faylen conversed with Avandra and was relived to know that Faylen was exactly where she was supposed to be. Avandra seemed exhausted, a sight that momentarily worried Faylen. But whatever anxiety Faylen had was pushed aside. Avandra was proud of her. She was doing well, and would continue to do so as long as she had companions as lucky as hers by her side.
In the morning, Faylen told Brinne about Avandra’s visit. During their conversation, Brinne opened up to Faylen a bit about how she was feeling lately. One thing after the other kept happening and Brinne hadn’t had the time to process everything completely. Faylen did her best to reassure Brinne before the two descended down to the bottom floor of the Iron Gate to enjoy a peacefully breakfast. However, when they entered the tavern area, their eyes immediately locked onto Talabrina sitting in a booth waiting for the Scream Sleuths to awaken.
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
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The Scream Sleuths can’t be the only D&D party that’s basically holding the whole deck 🤣 DM’s out there, how many cards is your party holding?
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Sleuthing the Sleuths: The Heat of the Moment
Check out our post-session chat below as we explore what happened in our last session, The Heat of the Moment!
Carp A DM: Hey y’all! I’m gonna ask for your reactions to the session from the start up until like the last 30 minutes of play. We’re gonna table talking about that last encounter for justttttt a bit 😉
Dog Mom: I mean where to start? Lots of good RP happened. I think Faylen is frustrated with the visa thing for sure, she wants to help people and is struggling with the lack of desire for them to aid the situation. Everything else that happened that session was just rooted in her desire to keep things moving towards the underdark.
Filia-Well What Do We Have Here?: Filiadel is definitely feeling a little.... confused...about the group's internal conflicts. She obviously doesn't have as much history with everyone and isn't privy to all information, so she's trying to piece together what she can. As far as she can tell, these are three people who care for one another, have reservations about one another, and are horrible at expressing both of those things. She is happy, albeit a little surprised, that Brinne is comfortable enough confiding in her, though. Oh, and she is definitely curious about the concept of substituting material components for spells (although you can be damn sure she is going to make Kathra be the guinea pig next time)
Raging and Confused: Honestly, I was really shocked that I started talking about Brinne’s fears like that last night... but Brinne is feeling inadequate, insecure, and uncertain of the future... she needed someone who was “impartial” but understood the situation to talk to about what was wrong, and Fili fit the bill... both Kathy and Fay seem like two opposing forces bound to go in different directions and Brinne doesn’t like not being able to control that outcome/prevent a breakup... she’s also confused about where this leaves us now and what we’re going to do once this immediate underdark problem is taken care (if it can be since we can’t get into the underdark)
Carp A DM: What would Faylen do if the party wasn’t allowed into the Underdark? It was soooo cute and cool seeing Brinne open up to Filiadel! I can’t wait for them to get that drink together. How is Brinne feeling after having her dream? Was Filiadel hoping for a specific outcome when agreeing to help Kathra experiment with substituting spell components? If it were successful, did she have a specific spell in mind she’d want to try out next?
Dog Mom: I think Faylen would decide it was time for her to return to Di’Sow. The party would be welcome to join her and I think she would be really pushy about helping every pedestrian that needed help if they ended up not going that route. She’s not at the point of leaving the party yet but she’s struggling knowing her purpose right now is to do some good in the world and heal herself and follow Avandra and it really feels like so much is preventing her from doing that in this place.
Filia-Well What Do We Have Here?: Filiadel had no particular spell in mind aside from Kathra's list and such when helping with that experiment. She doesn't know much of what is actually on the list, but it all sounds pretty odd/bad/difficult to achieve. She's not necessarily cool with things like baby murder (although I don't think she is privy to that particular item on the list), but if the team could find a way to substitute some of the less favorable items in the spell, she wouldn't feel compelled to stop them if Kathra and Mr. Macadoo decided to become liches. That would be Kathra's/Macadoo's personal choice. If they then became full on evil and started slaughtering people (which they would have to do as liches to keep their phylacteries placated and not turn to demiliches), then Filiadel would take up arms. But till then, she's treating it like an addict with drugs: she won't supply them with the drugs. She may help them earn money, and if they so choose to spend that money on drugs and die from an overdose, well that's their own fault. (also, sorry that I'm still assuming Lichdom. I understand it has never been confirmed that that is what this list will lead to. I’m just working off my weirdly deep knowledge of liches...)
Carp A DM: From Faylen’s perspective, could the party do something to keep Faylen from heading home? That’s okay, Filia-Well What Do We Have Here?! I love hearing what y’all think is happening insert evil laugh here. Does Filiadel have a desire to learn more about Kathra’s list or would she rather stay as removed as possible from it? As a newcomer, what does she think of the party dynamic so far?
Dog Mom: So much! Faylen is looking for reasons to stay and as a player I’m not done with her! Shes so deep and I love exploring her inner works. She’s having a rough go and is incredibly homesick, but she’s been here before and stuck it out (I’m not going to name specific things because I don’t want to meta game!)
Filia-Well What Do We Have Here?: Filiadel wants to toe the line between knowing enough about Kathra's list that she can make informed decisions while staying separated enough from it that she won't feel complicit in the act if anything goes horribly wrong. And Filiadel is a little astounded that the party has remained together for as long as they apparently have given the communication issues that they all seem to have. She does appreciate, though, the fact that this makes her feel useful since speaking her mind has never been a problem for her
Carp A DM: That’s okay! We don’t want any meta gaming pigeons here, haha. Okay, that’s really clever. Filiadel is a clever lady. Alright everyone. Let’s talk about the encounter that made the whole session seem tame compared to the epic screaming match that was mall cop vs Faylen and Kathra. I guess my first question goes out to everyone: what was going through your minds!?
Filia-Well What Do We Have Here?: (after the first minute) "...why are they still arguing with a mall cop?"
Dog Mom: DIFFUSE THE SITUATION! DIFFUSE THE SITUATION! It’s not working..... REMOVE SELF FROM THE SITUATION! In all seriousness Faylen thought the person following her was looking for Filiadel once that was established it was not the case she was more than happy to just find her friends and leave. Then things got.... intense.
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 15: The Heat of the Moment
Upon entering the Magnificent Pearl, the Scream Sleuths were able to secure rooms for the evening and sat down for dinner at the local cafe. Over snacks and juice, the group talked about everything that had happened earlier that day and about what they’d need to do next. They were bent on helping out whatever was going on in the Underdark, if they could only get there in time.
When the group decided it was time to retire for the evening, they ascended up to their rooms. Kathra and Filiadel settled into their respective rooms while Brinne and Faylen took a moment to converse about their planned intervention. They had talked about waiting until they got to Relttic to speak to Kathra but they were thinking about moving it up to before they dove into the Underdark. Neither was sure what to say, or if Kathra would even listen to them. Kathra was closest to Baelsar in the group, maybe he was the only one she’d truly listen to.
Wanting some input on their discussion, Brinne and Faylen went to ask Filiadel to weigh in but found her room empty.
While Brinne and Faylen were conversing, a Wood Elven warrior had come and knocked on Filiadel’s door. She introduced herself as Foria, Talabrina’s acquaintance. She was sent by Talabrina to give the party information about the Eastern Garcroft Prairie. Filiadel led Foria to Kathra’s room where the three had their own conversation. Kathra weaved an elaborate story about why they wanted to go into the prairie to slaughter giant moths and creatures of the like. Eventually, Foria realized Kathra was lying and was hurt by her dishonesty. Kathra threw her out of her room without getting any of her questions answered.
By the time Filiadel and Foria had abruptly exited Kathra’s room, the soldiers of the group were ransacking Filiadel’s room. They were so sure that she had been abducted. After all, Filiadel had hired the Scream Sleuths to keep her safe. When they realized Filiadel was okay, they were embarrassed.
Filiadel walked Foria out of the inn and managed to get a few answers out of her. If the Scream Sleuths were looking for giant moths, they’d want to go to the south-eastern part of the prairie. There, hills rolled across the land and foliage was scarce —aside from the tall grasses. Foria warned Filiadel of the other creatures out there, specifically the ones in the sky. Once the foliage becomes scarce places to hide are nonexistent. They’d have to be very careful. Lastly, the Scream Sleuths would know they were close to the center of the Eastern Garcroft Prairie when they came across the ancient ruins of a settlement. Last Foria had heard, goblins had overtaken the area. Filiadel thanked Foria for the information and then bid her farewell.
When Filiadel went back up to her room, Kathra began to ask her a few questions about her magic prowess and spell components. Kathra was wondering if she could possibly substitute components with other things and still cast a spell successfully. Filiadel was immediately on board with experimenting. She tested out a new spell she’d been meaning to try with a substitute component and watched it flicker to life before exploding outward in an intense force.
For the second time that evening, Faylen and Brinne broke into Filiadel’s room. Faylen assisted with healing up her party members while asking what had happened. Filiadel’s head was spinning. She had the worst headache and every sound and flicker of light was making her nauseous. She wanted the other party members out of her room so she could pass out in peace.
Leaving Filiadel alone, the remaining Scream Sleuths crowded into Brinne and Faylen’s room. Without missing a beat, the two soldiers sprang into their intervention. Except, it didn’t go quite as they had planned. In the end, Kathra had run off to her room in tears and Faylen had stormed off with her wolf, Ievos, to find another place to sleep for the night. Nobody seemed to be listening to one another —everyone just kept raising their voices in an effort to make their point heard.
The next morning, the group came back together in the cafe for breakfast. They planned out their day: Brinne and Filiadel would go shopping and try to purchase the items Kathra wanted but was denied previously. Faylen and Kathra would meet with Hatomas, a chef that had a way to reach Talabrina, and Olthana back in the Richekeria. Kathra wasn’t thrilled about being left alone with Faylen but she agreed to the party split nonetheless.
On their way to the shopping plaza, Brinne opened up to Filiadel a bit about how everything the previous night made her feel. She was a soldier who swore to protect her friends and family. She’d already failed once, she didn’t want to fail again. She felt like the group was falling apart around her and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Filiadel disagreed. She believed Brinne was the one who could hold the Scream Sleuths together. When they reached the shops, they were able to pick up multiple items with ease and even have something commissioned for them.
Meanwhile, Faylen and Kathra aired out a bit of their grief with one another before talking to Hatomas. He told them he’d deliver a message to Talabrina for the Scream Sleuths after his shift at the cafe. With that easy task done, the two then hiked up to the Richekeria to speak with Olthana. The Scream Sleuths had investigated what was going on by the ports, they wanted to find out if she’d grant them her signature on their “visas”. Olthana had upheld her end of the bargain and signed off on their paperwork. Currently, it was sitting in the town hall awaiting approval from someone in the Underdark.
What would the Scream Sleuths do for the rest of the day? Well, visit the beach, of course!
Kathra quickly messaged Brinne and tasked her and Filiadel with picking out sexy swimwear for the group. It took a moment or two for Brinne to understand what Kathra was asking before she and Filiadel dove back into the mall.
Kathra and Faylen decided to head to the shopping center to meet up with Brinne and Filiadel to ensure they picked out the perfect beach outfits. However, when the two entered the mall, Faylen was quick to notice that they were being followed. She turned around and went right up to the person and inquired why they were following them. The person was very straightforward: Faylen and Kathra were on a theft watchlist after Kathra had tried to charm a shopkeeper into giving her his wares for free. This led to an epic, loud, and extremely public shoutout between Kathra, Faylen, and this mall cop bounty hunter. It went on for a while before Faylen crumpled into a heap on the floor, overcome by a panic attack.
Brinne and Filiadel had just exited a shop with newly purchased swimwear when they stumbled upon the outrageous argument. They approached quietly, unsure of how to subdue a screaming Kathra and a hyperventalating Faylen. Eventually more security came over and escorted the Scream Sleuths out of the shopping center. As far as they knew, they were banned from the mall.
Fresh full of rage, confusion, and panic, the Scream Sleuths headed off to the beach with the idea of clearing their heads and -finally- having some time to relax.
Will the Scream Sleuths get to relax? Or is the beach just a giant mimic waiting to swallow them all? Tune in next week for another thrilling session recap!
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Sleuthing the Sleuths: What Lies Below
Check out our post-session chat below as we explore what happened in our last session, What Lies Below!
Carp A DM: You guys stumbled upon a pretty tense push and pull happening between the Wood Elves of Sho’Ania and the Drow of the Obsidian Burrow. Those close the situation are all reacting very differently. Everyone seems to be sticking to their own morals: have your morals changed from the start of the campaign (or from the character’s entrance) or have they grown stronger even through previous failed sleuthing attempts?
Dog Mom: I think Faylen has always had a strong connection to her moral code (instilled in her from a young age) but I think it’s growing more and more important to her in the past few weeks, especially with the news about what Kathra’s list may result in. She understands it’s not time for her to go back home, but she wants to make sure that she is at least doing something good and productive for the world if she isn’t protecting her family.
Filia-Well What Do We Have Here?: "Moral code"......That's a very fluid concept for Filiadel. It hasn't had too much of an opportunity to be molded by activities in the campaign, but I'm interested to see if it will
Carp A DM: Interesting. And that’s fair. Filiadel hasn’t been with the group too long, so this will be their first proper excursion together. But it was interesting to see her jump to help as quickly as our two soldiers were. Speaking of which, what was really cool to witness was Faylen’s flip. In previous sessions, we’ve seen her push back whenever diving into her ongoing war was mentioned; however, now she’s the one wanting to dive in to solve a problem that has also been ongoing. Something else that was really cool to see was Filadel invoking the Arkennret name without knowing exactly what strings were attached to it. What specifically motivated Filiadel to pull that card?
Dog Mom: I think Faylen had 2 motivations— 1. She does not want to go into the Prairie and just continue to work on the list and 2. This is a situation that hits very VERY close to home. She’s been the person waiting for a rescue before. I think in terms of her war, it was going on for generations and this is only an issue of a few months, it seems more solvable and on a much smaller scale.
Carp A DM: Good points. I got the sense that there were others in the group that also didn’t want to go into the prairie. Does each character have a reason for not wanting to head into the prairie?
Hi, it’s Kathra: Kathy is feeling very torn and very conflicted. So far Kathy has really only gotten a couple of things on her list which were mostly harmless. The giant moths are also relatively harmless. The phase spider ingredient is one of the darkest ingredients on the list. Kathy didn’t see an opportunity to tell the group her exact reservations since we were around other people the whole day. Especially when there were people listening into harmless conversations. And then It was the first time that Fay said that she felt like this mission was important to her. So obviously Kathy wants to support Fay, so I don’t think Kathy will mention her reservations. She is going to have to decide how far she is willing to go and soon. At lot sooner than she thought. I don’t know that Kathy is ready or willing to do what must be done but after just seeing Mr. Mackado and being reminded what she was fighting for. She is definitely having a moral crisis. I also don’t trust Zolmer’s “daughter”.
Raging and Confused: Brinne kind of wants to go to the prairie, mostly because she feels like Kathy needs something to do, especially after Baelsar left... Brinne committed to taking Kathy there before we found out how bad the items on the list are, and she doesn’t feel comfortable backing out on that promise to Kathy. Though helping people in need, if we can, obviously comes first... she just isn’t ready or willing to tell Kathy ‘no’ to this. And by this I mean going to the prairie
Carp A DM: Oh very fair, I noticed Kathra being uncertain about going to the underdark and it’s nice to know what specifically her reservations were. I think you guys didn’t have the time to speak freely as a group because you kept jumping from one conversation to the next or decided to group huddle in front of a very perceptive person. Talking out everyone’s thoughts could definitely be beneficial once you all are really alone. It’s also really interesting that Kathra thinks the phase spider is one of the darker ingredients and that the other things she’s collected are “harmless”. I’m curious to know how she reached that conclusion and how that thought process will drive her actions in game
Hi, it’s Kathra: It’s a complicated list. We’ll just have to see. 😎
Filia-Well What Do We Have Here?: Sorry for my delayed response. It was a little bit of player influence and a little bit character choice. Filiadel wanted to know what was going on, and when it seemed like Faylen wasn't getting answers, she wanted to make a power play to shift things in their favor. So she made a gamble and used the Arkenrret name. On the player side, I had the name written down next to Zolmer in my notes, but I didn't fully remember what the name meant. So as a player decided to gamble, too, and use information that I had even if I didn't remember what exactly it was
Carp A DM: That... then that was one hell of a gamble that REALLY paid off
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 14: What Lies Below
After taking a moment to let their eyes adjust, the Scream Sleuths began their search for the only white building in Sho’Ania. Everywhere they looked shops and residential buildings were painted an array of gorgeous pastels. Palm trees and tropical foliage blossomed around them —the town was alight with a color palette and energy that none of them had really seen before.
In flagging down a local passing the group by, Brinne was able to secure directions to the Richekeria, the white building they were looking for. However, even with directions the group ended up getting lost. They wound up standing in the middle of some kind of jewelers market. Everywhere they looked they saw more signs for salt water pearls and glimmering body accessories. Faylen was able to retrace the group’s steps and eventually spotted the Richekeria perched on a bit of terraced land among a slew of well kept gardens and beautifully crafted gazebos.
After correcting their course, the Scream Sleuths made it up to the sunny terrace and were swiftly moving through the gardens. While passing a gazebo, Faylen caught a quick glimpse of someone moving around behind the foliage that cascaded down from the gazebo’s roof. The figure had very fair blonde hair and navy skin. Faylen paused the group and moved a little closer before noticing the figure seemed to be practicing wielding their weapon while pacing in the small area. Leaving the figure behind, Faylen returned to the group and the Scream Sleuths headed inside the Richekeria together.
Inside the large, circular building it was warm and bright. The ceiling itself was mostly glass, allowing light to freely filter onto those that prayed within the holy site. In the middle of the building was a smaller opening, one that seemed almost like a hole in floor that led to somewhere the Scream Sleuths didn’t know. The gentle strumming of a harp allowed for a peacefully background that calmed those that entered the building. Filiadel immediately took to recognizing the tune. She quickly joined in the performance, adding her own harmonies to the lovely melody.
While Filiadel drifted closer to the source of the music, Kathra, Brinne, and Faylen were looking for Kerianics that could give them information regarding the Eastern Garcroft Prairie. It was Faylen that had success in noticing four armed individuals spread out within the large room as well as a staircase leading to a lower level that had a sign announcing the Kerianics offices just down the stairs.
Faylen waited for Filiadel’s performance to finish before notifying the group of what she’d seen. It was strange for the group to see armed warriors in such a holy area. Before descending the stairs, everyone took a moment to look around to try to identify what deity was worshipped at the temple. With everyone helping, the group was able to identify the symbols of three deities: Corellon, Kord, and Melora. With that question answered, the group descended the stairway.
The stairs curved with the natural structure of the building and eventually the floor began to level out. A bit further down the hallway Filiadel began to overhear a tense conversation in Elvish between a woman and a man. Filiadel motioned for the group to halt so she could eavesdrop on the conversation. The man was asking the woman for help but was immediately shut down with very little sympathy. He implored her to change her mind, reminding her that he and the Underdark were the only things standing in between whatever they were dealing with and Sho’Ania. After one last insult, the conversation ended abruptly and the sounds of doors slamming and footsteps started to fill the hall.
Filiadel quickly turned to the group and convinced the confused party to act casual just as five Elven figures came into view and briskly pushed past the group. Their skin was a dark charcoal, their hair a mix of blonde and whites. The Scream Sleuths quickly identified them as Drow.
They watched the five press past them in almost near silence. Four of the Drow were stationed around a fifth in the middle who had the reddest eyes any of the Scream Sleuths has ever seen. Kathra tried to get a read on him but wasn’t quite able to in the moment.
Just as the Drow were disappearing from view, two Wood Elves rounded the hallway, trying their best to catch up with the Drow. Filiadel attempted to grab their attention but wasn’t too successful. She then turned to the rest of the party. She briefly told her party members that the group of Drow seemed to need help before they took off after the group.
In a few minutes, the Scream Sleuths had caught up to the group of Drow who had constructed some magical barrier around themselves to ward off the sun’s bright rays. They tried to speak with the Drow and Wood Elves flanking the group but we’re unsuccessful until Filiadel uttered the name “Arkenrret” which sent the conversation in a much different direction. A sixth Drow that had approached the party silently made herself known and inquired about Filiadel’s use of the name. This new woman then had a brief conversation with the group of Drow before they were escorted away by the two Wood Elves. This left the new Drow woman alone with the Scream Sleuths.
The woman led the Scream Sleuths around the Richekeria to a gazebo a bit away from the main building. There, she conversed with the group and shed a bit more light on the situation the Scream Sleuths had stumbled upon. Her name was Talabrina Arkenrret, Zolmer’s apparent daughter. She was a Kerianic for Sho’Ania as well as an Obsidian Knight for the Obsidian Burrow, a city in the Underdark. Over the span of a few months, both Kerianics and Obsidian Knights have disappeared suddenly in the Underdark. Olthana, the leader of the Kerianics, has refused to send more of Sho’Ania’s warriors to help investigate the disappearances.
Faylen was immediately eager to help out. Missing soldiers was something she was too familiar with. After a brief and not so secret group huddle, the Scream Sleuths asked Talabrina if they could go to the Underdark and try to help out. Unfortunately, Talabrina didn’t have the authority to accept their assistance. The group would have to acquire a “visa” in order to be allowed into the Underdark, which would mean they’d need parties on either side of the conflict’s approval. Talabrina warned the Scream Sleuths that gaining Olthana’s trust and approval would be a very difficult feat. As for the Underdark’s approval... Talabrina was familiar with one of the Drow being escorted back to the Underdark by the Wood Elves. She told the Scream Sleuths that she could reach out to him but it might take a few hours. The Scream Sleuths would probably end up staying the night in Sho’Ania.
Not wanting to waste time, the Scream Sleuths had Talabrina introduce them to Olthana back in the Richekeria. Olthana was stern and did not budge on her decision. It took a lot of convincing, but between Filiadel, Faylen, and Brinne, Olthana eventually agreed to give them a task to prove themselves worthy. Sailors and fishermen down by Sho’Ania’s port were telling tales of a weird disturbance in the waters just outside the town’s harbor. If the Scream Sleuths could identify what was interfering with the sailors’ business and terminate the issue, Olthana would give the group her signature.
With their new assignment, the Scream Sleuths headed to the port.
Brinne took charge and the group was able to talk to enough witnesses to realize that they were dealing with a marid. Filiadel had heard enough stories about them to identify the creature with ease. Triumphant, the group started to leave the port when Filiadel was flagged down by an older man that was convinced she was someone called “Nightingale”. Filiadel immediately magically disappeared from sight as Brinne and Faylen quickly told the man he had the wrong person. He was confused, he was so sure she was the Nightingale from the Raynsford-Whit Musical Troupe back in Rourhiel. Maybe he was wrong after all.
Once the group got out of the tense situation, they made their way back to the artisanal marketplace. Talabrina had told them of one of her contacts that worked at the Magnificent Pearl, an inn the Scream Sleuths could stay at. The Scream Sleuths found it without much hassle and entered the inn, hoping the evening would be less chaotic than the day they’d just had.
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 13: In the Blink of an Eye
When we last left the Scream Sleuths, they had just returned from their trek up to visit Kathra’s ancestor, Mr. Mackado. They successfully made it back into upper Zyoreia before heading to the Miner’s Pick, a tavern that Kathra’s mother worked at. Upon entering the tavern, they were greeted with shouts and heavy applause originating from a crowd centered around a Dwarven woman standing on the bar. This was, unfortunately, Kathra’s mother.
Getting Kathra’s mother’s attention wasn’t an easy feat. Brinne stepped up the the plate with ease, accepting the woman’s arm wrestling challenge. In the first round, Brinne’s arm was slammed down onto the bar faster than she could blink. But, after reassessing her competitor, Brinne was victorious in her rematch. Kathra’s mother was impressed; however, when she finally noticed that Brinne was with her daughter, her expression changed.
Kathra’s exchange with her mother, Sipal, was not what the group was expecting. Sipal was cold towards her daughter and couldn’t care less that she had come back to Zyoreia.
After a very brief catch up, Kathra led the party to her father’s home where they decided to stay for the evening. That night, Kathra and Filiadel took some time to explore each other’s spell books while Faylen and Brinne discussed how crazy Kathra’s family was. From what they learned, Sipal tried to kill Kathra before she was even born. She never wanted a child and just wanted to party all her life. It was Mr. Mackado that saved her, but even he had repeatedly tried to kill Kathra. And now he was trying to get Kathra to do something that was potentially evil? Who exactly was he?
Brinne and Faylen decided an intervention wouldn’t be a bad idea. They’d wait until they returned to Relttic before pulling her aside and talking to her. They cared about her too much to not do something.
The next morning, Faylen, Brinne, and Filiadel all headed to lower Zyoreia to do a bit of shopping while Kathra slept in. The consensus amongst the group was that they’d head south to the Eastern Garcroft Prairie to secure more items on Kathra’s list. Though the group agreed to this plan, not all members were as hyped to travel south or cross more ingredients off the list. Brinne and Faylen filled Filiadel in on their intervention plan and after tossing around a few alternate ideas (maybe the items Kathra had previously picked up just “disappeared” along the way?) the three had developed a bit of an understanding.
When Kathra finally woke up, she found a note from her party members indicating their shopping adventures. She quickly gathered her things and reunited with the rest of the group.
When the group came together again, they decided to purchase a wagon and a few horses to get them down to the Eastern Garcroft Prairie. Filiadel reminded the group that it would take about a week to travel to Sho’Ania, the closest civilization by the prairie, so they should stock up on supplies. The moment they had finished making their last purchase, the crew remembered that Zolmer had offered to teleport them back to Relttic. Maybe he could just get them to Sho’Ania instead?
After confirming that Zolmer could in fact do that, the group hastily returned their purchases and waited for Zolmer to arrive. Once he did, he lead the Scream Sleuths off of the main road where he began to cast his spell, and, in an instant, the group had vanished from Zyoreia.
The group landed in a place they’d hardly expected a teleportation circle to be: in the middle of a shopping mall. A lazy security guard welcomed the group to Sho’Ania as Zolmer led the Scream Sleuths over to one of the side walls of the building. It was noticeably hot and humid in Sho’Ania, even while being inside. Shopfronts and booths displaying their wares dazzled the party members. Kathra and Faylen were quick to take off and explore the exciting shops. Filiadel and Brinne hung back for a moment after Zolmer asked to speak with Filiadel. He had a few questions about her magical training and the specific technique she’d used while fighting back in Zyoreia. Somehow, it was familiar to Zolmer. When Filiadel tried to inquire about it, Zolmer remained tight lipped. The fighting style was a tradition upheld by the Wood Elves of Sho’Ania and had a... complicated history.
Looking for a way to end the conversation, Zolmer decided he’d spent enough time with the party and took his leave to visit his family. In Zolmer’s absence, Filiadel and Brinne made their way to a food court where Filiadel began to introduce Farthene’s southern cuisine to Brinne.
During that time, Kathra and Faylen had entered an incredible shop brimming with magical items. Kathra was in the market for a few magical bags —if she was going to collect all of the items on Mr. Mackado’s list, she’d need a way to carry it all. The shopkeeper had one of the items Kathra was looking for, but it wasn’t at the price she wanted to pay. In fact, she didn’t want to pay anything. Using a spell she’d used multiple times to get her way, she tried to charm the shopkeeper into giving the item to her for free.
Her plan backfired immediately.
Insulted by Kathra’s trickery and very presence, the shopkeeper threw both Kathra and Faylen our of his store. He refused to do business with either one of them and continued to yell even after they’d exited his store. Dejected, the two wandered around before rejoining Filiadel and Brinne at the food court.
Over a fishy meal, the group chatted a bit about the various ages certain races could live to before deciding they were finished with the mall. Kathra was ready to just go out into the Eastern Garcroft Prairie and slay some monsters. The rest of the group didn’t feel quite the same. They wanted to do some research on what was actually out in the prairie before diving headfirst in. There had to be some written records or warrior that had experienced what dangers were our there.
On their way outside, Filiadel asked the security guard if Sho’Ania had a militia and where she’d be able to find them. The guard informed her that the city did have warriors called Kerianics that were tied to the Richekeria, the largest place of worship in Sho’Ania. The Richekeria would be easy for them to find: it was the only pure white building in Sho’Ania.
With that new information, the Scream Sleuths exited the mall and were immediately blinded by the intense sun outside.
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thescreamsleuths · 4 years
Recap 12: Mountains of Madness
We last left off with the Scream Sleuths congregating in Zolmer’s private study, ready to be whisked away to Zyoreia. Filiadel was skeptical about Zolmer’s power. Would he be able to get them their safely? His wording wasn’t extremely reassuring to her.
After a very thorough description from Kathra, Zolmer asked everyone to move closer to him as he began to cast his spell.
The group felt weightless as the floor dropped out from beneath their feet. For a moment, they were suspended in the air before making contact with the ground.
Stone buildings surrounded the group as they realized they were on a moderately busy town street. Their onlookers stopped for a moment to take in their sudden appearance before continuing to roll their casks or carry their produce past. Wooden winery signs swung in a light, humid breeze amidst the rainy weather. The town nestled into the foothills of the mountain was a new sight to Faylen and Brinne; however, for Kathra and Filiadel, lower Zyoreia was very familiar.
Kathra led her party through the lower section of Zyoreia, explaining that the city was actually split into two parts. The lower half was dedicated to coopers, grapes, and wine while the upper half was dedicated to the smith and masonry guilds. Upper Zyoreia was where they were heading.
While heading up to the mountain pass leading up to the higher section of Zyoreia, the Scream Sleuths managed to convince Zolmer to join them in visiting Kathra’s relative, Mr. Mackado. Zolmer had said he’d heard of the powerful wizard before and was intrigued to meet him.
The trek up to to upper Zyoreia was long and strenuous for some party members. Kathra led the Scream Sleuths up a snaking pathway that teetered on the edge of the cliff side. Looking up, the crew could see flashes of exquisite stone buildings and hints of sparkling marble. Looking out at the horizon line, the group could see down into the Rashi Coast and could just barely spot the Tides of Elthpoi, a body of water the Vryst Heights tapered off into. It was a sight for Faylen to take in, especially since she’d never seen any ocean before.
When the group finally reached the top of the trail, they were glad to see the ground level out. The architecture of upper Zyoreia was much more incredible up close. Some building were carved entirely out of the mountain while others were built carefully over an uncertain span of time. Kathra immediately fell into tour-guide mode. She pointed out her guild, her father’s house, and a popular tavern called the Miner’s Pick as she led them through town. Kathra let the party know that her mother worked at the Miner’s Pick, but didn’t want to stop in to visit just yet. She first wanted to check on Mr. Mackado.
Kathra started to lead the Scream Sleuths out of Zyoreia and even father up the mountain. When asked where they were going, Kathra let her friends know that Mr. Mackado used to be more immersed in the city but as his mind started to deteriorate, his house was moved farther and farther away. To prove her point, Kathra pointed out multiple foundations on her journey that had once housed her elder relative.
Seeing the remnants of the houses did not comfort Brinne, Faylen, Filiadel, or Zolmer. Instead, it made them even more suspicious of just who they were going to see.
Farther up the trail, signs started to become more and more visible. Each one had their own version of “turn back” written or engraved on it. Kathra pointed out the ones she’d personally made, proud of her work. This, obviously, did nothing to dampen the other party members’ nerves.
In addition to the anxiety brought forth after seeing the signs, an extra dose of fear was served when Kathra told the party they should beware of dangerous traps. Kathra knew where most of the triggers were, but she wasn’t sure if Mr. Mackado set new obstacles they’d run in to. She was able to navigate through the ones she was privy to easily before stumbling right into something new. The ground suddenly crumbled beneath Kathra’s feet, sending her rocketing down into a pitch-black crevasse. Her party was close behind her, only having a second or two before the ground also fell out from under their feet.
Filiadel acted quickly, casting something over the majority of the party to allow them a gentle and harmless decent into the darkness below. Unfortunately, her spell couldn’t catch everyone. Brinne plummeted down into the crevasse and slammed hard into a carved out pit below. She quickly stood and took in her surroundings as the others softly touched down behind her. In the few seconds that Brinne had by herself in the pit, she glanced around and saw two things: a hand carved ladder in the side of the pit leading back up to where they’d fallen, and, a grotesque, limping figure with distended, spear-like limbs.
The group sprang into action and quickly did away with the gross creature. It put up a fight and managed to skewer Ievos during battle before it was finally taken down. The first thing the group did was heal up Faylen’s faithful companion and then headed up the ladder and back onto the trail.
Kathra remained vigilant the rest of the way to Mr. Mackado’s home. She was able to point out newly set traps and successfully avoid them. Before long, they were standing outside the lonesome, stone home.
Kathra took a moment to admire a hastily make sign with the word “wazoo” engraved into it before knocking on the door. She uttered what she thought was the password and waited for Mr. Mackado to open the door. A few seconds passed before the door glowed a dangerous blue and a beam of crackling energy shot out at the party. A quick battle ensued, ending when the Scream Sleuths managed to defeat the strange, living electrical arc.
The group took a moment to heal up before Kathra tried the door again. With the trap already triggered, the group waited in silence before the door finally opened. Wielding a wooden spoon was an extremely old gnome whose beady eyes took in the group with curiousity and confusion. His beard was dusted white and dangled down past his toes while his crazy hairdo was covered with a cooking pot he wore on his head. He was just as Kathra remembered.
After a series of very long introductions, Mr. Mackado ushered the group into his home. His house was just as untidy and confusing as the man himself. He quickly put Kathra to work sorting all of his notes and papers by date and color (color being the more important of the two).
At some point during their visit, Mr. Mackado ran into his bedroom and was followed closely behind by Kathra. This gave Brinne and Faylen a moment to discuss their thoughts on Kathra’s relative and what they thought about the list this insane man had given her. Both Filiadel and Zolmer were surprised when they overheard Brinne and Faylen’s conversation. Infants, virgins, and blood were not the usual spell components. This did not sit well with Zolmer. At all. He began to pry, urging Brinne and Faylen to tell him more elements of Kathra’s list or if they could provide him with a copy of the list in full. Zolmer also wanted to know what the spell’s effect would be and was unnerved to hear it was to help Mr. Mackado “live forever”.
After some hesitation, Brinne gave in to Zolmer’s request. She listed off a few items she knew were on the list. Zolmer thought for a moment before letting Brinne and Faylen (and an eavesdropping Filiadel) know what was on his mind. He didn’t believe a spell that would use such terrible components would be used to help extend life. He believed it was a way to have life after death, which could come with a power like none other.
This revelation sent the group into a shocked state of silence. Brinne and Faylen realized that they had to make a decision: would they help Kathra cross off everything on her list or would they stop her from possibly creating a monster?
Meanwhile, in the other room Kathra and Mr. Mackado were having their own conversation. Kathra was so happy to see him but she did have a few questions. She’d been looking for the pages ripped out of the tome she carried but hadn’t been able to find any just yet. Mr. Mackado suggested she should read the book. Maybe that would help. He also kept repeating the phrase “the bees”, which Kathra also wanted some clarification on. Did he mean literal bees? Like insects?
Mr. Mackado described these bees as larger than himself. He then began to ramble about setting more traps for when the bees came back for him. Kathra didn’t quite understand, so she changed the subject. Could the spell she was going to cast for Mr. Mackado be duplicated? He thought for a moment before responding yes. Kathra would just need two of all the ingredients on the list. He then rummaged through his disorganized closet and gave Kathra a wand, something to take with her when she inevitably left again.
With that, Kathra returned to her group. They spoke briefly about heading out before bidding Mr. Mackado a quick farewell and exiting his home. Outside, Zolmer let the group know that he was needed back in Relttic. After a brief magical spat with Filiadel, Zolmer transported himself instantly back to Relttic, leaving the ladies behind.
Brinne, Faylen, Kathra, and Filiadel all started their trek back down the mountainous path. They avoided the traps with ease and eventually returned to the populated more populated upper Zyoreia. For Kathra, the trip was well worth it; however, the other party members walked away from Mr. Mackado’s home with deeper concerns for their friend. What would the group do about this crazy, yet, powerful wizard? Check in soon to see what the Scream Sleuths will do next!
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