thewildnopeboat ยท 9 hours
Me, Trying to slap together something: How is this so hard?
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Also me, within 30ish minutes:
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thewildnopeboat ยท 11 hours
Gentlemen, the dodgeballs are primed for this
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thewildnopeboat ยท 11 hours
Huh, this will be neat!
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HEY OP?! I just want to talk
Would you like to find out what you would be the god of? Take my new uqiz to find out
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thewildnopeboat ยท 20 hours
For my lovely people, a hopefully not Haunted moon
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thewildnopeboat ยท 20 hours
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Listen I'm not that funny. Why reblog it three times?
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thewildnopeboat ยท 20 hours
Yeah I know, she's me.
that insane girl on tumblr is definitely your soulmate btw
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thewildnopeboat ยท 20 hours
Guardian, looking around: So... who broke it?
Ghost: Broke what?
Guardian: There's supposed to be a portal here.
Ghost: huh. That's weird.
*meanwhile, on the other side of the Onslaught game*
Poor Hall of Champions NPC: Sir, I'm not sure. Th-
Lord Shaxx, sighs: Zavala asked us to contain the Guardian while we are working on fixing that.
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thewildnopeboat ยท 23 hours
Me, editing a vid for youtube: And this...
My friend, via discord: THE DOG IS GONE.
Me, mood shift: *stopping the process of editing like a parent who has to go into the night to recontain a dog so their kid doesn't cry* where.
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thewildnopeboat ยท 2 days
psst, remember the post I made about a delivery guardian a while back? I'm starting to write it with as many flowery language phrases until I past out tonight.
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thewildnopeboat ยท 2 days
Guardian, chilling in the Hall of Champions: This is awesome. I wonder what secrets Shaxx has for us.
Ghost: I can see outside.
Guardian, immediately sidetracked: OH SHOW!
Ghost, floating through a vent: come find me
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thewildnopeboat ยท 3 days
Ghost, looking at the ghost shells they've used: hmmm
Guardian: Thinking about changing it up?
Ghost: Yeah. I like the one I'm in, but this one looks more tactical.
Guardian: If you don't give me shit for my new look, I won't give it back for you.
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thewildnopeboat ยท 3 days
Ghost, finding Guardian in front of a mirror: What are you doing?
Guardian: thinking of changing up my look.
Ghost: Yeah, the hair sty-
Guardian, just causally switches genders: There we go!
Ghost: What the Traveler?
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thewildnopeboat ยท 3 days
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No context D&D time
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thewildnopeboat ยท 4 days
Guardian, digging in their backpack: Ghost, move.
Ghost, awkwardly shoved: ouch, hey! What are you looking for?
Guardian: Deepsight Harmonizer. I could have sworn I had one more...
Ghost: You used them all.
Guardian: What? No. Can't be. *has been pulling out old things from their backpack/inventory*
Ghost: Hey, put back my sandwich
Guardian: You don't have a mouth, why do you have a sandwich?
Ghost: You have a mouth, and all you do is sass me about my sandwich and forget that you used the Deepsight Harmonizer.
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thewildnopeboat ยท 4 days
This is just my opinion on Amazon Prime's Fallout. My friend @pixbimbals-blog and I watched some episodes so this is my opinion. I will be avoiding spoilers.
With that said, I like the cinematography! The angles with shots, the scenes, and the casting were fucking fantastic! The lighting was great, and the sets were *chef's kiss*. Thankfully with all the panning and knowledge of the franchise my friend and I have, we usually can pick up on the foreshadowing (maybe less down the road? Idk, have to see)
The one part is when they use the pan against the sun to hide a character's face or make a reveal, but it's annoying because we've seen that character twice now. We know the profile.
SPEAKING OF UNIQUE PROFILES! Holy fuck this did great! All the main character (so far) have great profiles to tell who is who at a glance! It's fantastic when you want to do shadow play scenes (they haven't happened, but I'm sure it's because I have only watched like three or four episodes).
The writting is very good! The four (no I'm not saying which) characters seem very well fleshed out.
(Okay one spoiler) Chickens. What's with Chickens, oh chicken fucker? No but the use of Chickens seem a bit odd to include, but maybe I'm just missing something.
Enough gushing, is it worth the three 1hour+ and one 45 min shows? If you're a fan of fallout 4 and 76, yes. There's actually hints at fallout 3 and below, but the gun designs are reminiscent of those and above. Catching details was fun, but honestly, go watch and form an opinion yourself!
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thewildnopeboat ยท 5 days
Guardian, sitting on the turret: This bad boy can miss all the targets
Ghost: That's because they are put in the worse locations
Guardian: Not my fault Shaxx-
Ghost: It wasn't Shaxx.
Guardian, leans forward: What? Who designed these levels?
Ghost: You know them as MotesMotesMotes
Guardian: How many times do I have to ban Drifter from things?!
Ghost: He's older than you by at least several centuries l, stop acting like a child.
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thewildnopeboat ยท 6 days
So which tells lies? (Totally not trying to pass or anything)
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who the hell hired them as door guard
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