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Bob Dylan ‘63
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
Hi I made a new tumblr and I'm quite proud of how it's turning out
Follow @ theoriginalangster.tumblr.com
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
When I have Fears That I May Cease to Be
When I have fears that I may cease to be
   Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain,
Before high-pilèd books, in charactery,
   Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain;
When I behold, upon the night’s starred face,
   Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
   Their shadows with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,
   That I shall never look upon thee more,
Never have relish in the faery power
   Of unreflecting love—then on the shore
Of the wide world I stand alone, and think
Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.
John Keats.
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
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everything personal ♥
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
sleep with me so i can put my freezing feet on you and probably take all of the covers and use you as a pillow
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
easter is on 4/20 this year are you gonna blaze it or praise it
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
Like there's this guy who I like and he likes me and we like spending time together and we're going on a date later and kissing his face is so much fun and he might visit me in Brooklyn over break holy moly what did I do right how does this happen we are so damn compatible I don't get it what what what
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
I don't think i've known what really liking someone in a healthy way was until you right now. In the past I have either been so infatuated with someone superficially, not really knowing them at all, fantasizing about who they could potentially be, and not acting myself in front of them. Or if I tried to be with someone who I knew as a friend, it wasn't good because I didn't get butterflies in my tummy around them and there wouldn't be that giddy feeling when kissing them.
With you, I am myself. Always. The whole time. There is no awkwardness which is a crazy feat for me. I never over-think my actions. You make me laugh. And I like who you are as a person - your really smart comments and your experiences you've told me about and how damn interested you are in me. I've never had that, wanting to know so much about a person, and them wanting to know just as much about me. And I like you so damn much in the best way, the realest way I could, or at least have.
I'm happy. I'm sorry this wasn't poetic or analytical or pretty sounding but it's how I feel and I feel happy and I want to share that okay bye ah!
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
but being in a situation where we are keeping it casual but also exclusive is really weird because there are no definitions or labels really so it's sometimes confusing and it's also not entirely meaningless when we're together or hooking up, but we don't really hang out that much in real life
but being in a situation where we are keeping it casual but also exclusive is hard because it's CASUAL and EXCLUSIVE
i don't know helppppp
there are officially no easy relationships because what seems like the easiest no-strings-attached thing is not actually that easy
and it's weird cus i don't actually like him or want to hang out with him that much outside of hooking up and talking before bed but like
it's a weird dynamic, ya feel?
ugh college lolbye
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
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theycallmesophie-blog · 10 years
that was weird
i just skyped with a guy who is definitely not over me but studying abroad
and he asked me how the guys were treating me
and i was like
they're treating me well
i just don't know how to feel about this skype call like
sometimes i just wanna curl up in a ball and hibernate until i wake up
feeling really healthy and content
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