thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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What do you think about Monday’s? Is it something you look forward to or dread?
Here’s a thought. Why not start with some positivity and hope?
I challenge you to take a step toward in your self-care and choose to see Monday’s as an opportunity.
The beginning of a week for things to be different.
Filled with the simple and fun things you enjoy.
The start to a productive week.
Another day.
A new day.
Make today yours 💪🏽
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
In this world, we are all struggling in one way or another. Use these moments to reflect and become aware of the people you surround yourself with.
Allow this moment to be about you
About goodness
Happiness and
Anything and everything isn’t worth it.
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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Happy Women’s Day to all the women in your lives and ours. This year the theme of Women's Day is Gender Parity. Gender parity is equality, representation regardless of gender. It is an instrument fundamental to the working of our social fabric, which consists of ensuring equal access to the same opportunities, rights, opportunities to choose, and material conditions while respecting their specificities. The very notion of parity constitutes the foundation of policies to combat the disparities between genders, hence a battle of its own. Sheroes. This Women's Day we endevour to give our daughters, our sisters, our mothers, our friends and all women the strength and courage to know that they are equally as valued, capable and worthy of anything their heart desires. That they able to dream and attain anything they set their mind to, that they are the seed that brings happiness, joy and strength to a village, that if every woman were to come together, they are undeniably unstoppable. There is no limit to what we have and will accomplish. To all the confident and strong Women out there, may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them! Happy International Women's Day 🌹 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #internationalwomensday #womensday #gendeparity #equality #sexism #gender #support #sheroes #proud #strong #resilient #thoughtfulexpressionsco https://www.instagram.com/p/CML4xzpHX_8/?igshid=lxml78nwsuan
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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So much going on in the world. Seems like we are always surrounded by chaos, toxicity and negativity. It’s time to take control and remember all that we have to be grateful for. https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQol1dHMsP/?igshid=1wysl6d7wan49
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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There is so much going on in the world. Violence, negativity, sickness, fighting and protesting. It’s overwhelming to turn on the news, hence being disconnected for almost a decade. In this scary world, all you can hope for is change...and progress into a better place. We are all one. Humans. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKu89s_HnSX/?igshid=jr6izgl1cm9v
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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It’s been a tough year. A testing time, film of pain, sadness, isolation, and loneliness. If there’s anything to be learned, be grateful for the moments we have. The people in our lives, the kindness of strangers and gratuity for another day. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKqDxZYnOBF/?igshid=z5h1d6f0d1n9
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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Happy First Monday of the Year! As most of us will return back to the working world, we wanted to wish you all a Happy Monday and fresh start to the year. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay kind 💌 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJofFU2ndZn/?igshid=1if6q9cginzpo
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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“Everything happens for a reason” One of those sayings that is cliche yet meaningful at the same time. If you’re a person of faith, this would be your unbeknownst fate; a lesson to be learned within the scope of life’s many lessons. Here’s the thing; it’s never easy. Nothing comes easy. In fact, the hardest things in life are those which encompass hardship, reflection and some sort of pain. Through this process, we must remain strong, kind, patient and trust the process. As a wise soul once told me during a time I felt my world had shattered, they said, “Trust the process. Everything will be okay.” I will be strong I will be patient I will be okay and I will continue to have faith. https://www.instagram.com/p/CJkOyIhHAqZ/?igshid=hylnzc4yzbn3
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thoughtlessgugz · 3 years
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As the NEW YEAR begins, may we all be blessed with new opportunities for growth, love, success, health, patience and kindness. I cannot begin to describe all that I am grateful for in 2021, but today I chose to start it differently. Instead of thinking about all that 2020 entailed, I listed 26 items, an alphabet list, of all the things in 2020 I am grateful for. May this New Year give me the courage and strength and full of growth. I aspire to be better, kind, humble and loving each and every day. Sending positive energy into the universe and to all of you as we begin this year together 💌 https://www.instagram.com/p/CJh7RUZnxNG/?igshid=1g33kq31sq6p8
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
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Y O U are stronger than you think.
Y O U have overcome challenges you thought were unachievable.
Y O U are courageous
Y O U are kind
Y O U are priceless
Y O U are proof of strength and resilience
Y O U are proof that you are capable of accomplishing amazing things
Y O U are worth it
#selflove #strength #fighter #courageous #survivor #warrior
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
Our past is full of experiences, both good and bad. The scars remain life long and they heal over with time. Regardless of the good and bad, we grow from our experiences, learn from our mistakes and have the power to choose how to move forward. For some, this may mean following in the footsteps of others, while for others, this may mean making a change. Regardless of what you choose, choose you.
Take a moment to reflect on the person you want to be. How you want to be remembered, What you take pride in and the difference you want to make. Take a moment to pause.
Be kind to yourself. Be patient. Be gentle.
When you’re ready, take a moment to pause and think about you. Ask yourself what makes you happy and what it will take to get there. This is your chance and it’s never too late. Make this about you.
#healing #mindfulness #pause #pain #recovery #hope #itsnevertoolate #loveyourself
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
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As the world begins to transition together, there are unexpectable, uncontrollable and increasing uncertainly of where we are going.
Through all the darkness, challenges and obstacles, be reminded that you are not alone.
Perfect doesn’t exist.
Normal is a superficial term.
Know that with the good comes the bad, and with the bad comes good.
Be patient.
Even on the gloomiest and most difficult days, be reminded that this too will pass.
#COVID #pandemic #patience #mentalhealth
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
Grateful for all the things we take for granted everyday. In case I forget to tell you, I appreciate and adore you
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
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On rainy days, take advantage of the beauty that surrounds you. The plants that get water to breathe, the music of the beautiful rain drops, the fresher and crisper air and most importantly, the time you make for yourself in the day to sit back, relax and self-care.
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
Embrace what defines you.
I have always known we live in a world that is self-centred and egoistic. Since my way of thinking appeared ‘different’ or ‘not normal’ it was dismissed and as a result I would internalize and not express my thoughts and feelings. Decades later, I am learning about myself. What it means to be a woman, daughter, sister, partner, colleague, student, ethnic, spiritual, independent first generation immigrant. 
Within this journey, I am learning the process of self-discovery. When looking at the ways in which we define ourselves, I struggle to come up with these terms. Which begs to question, who creates these definitions and doesn’t it imply a standard of achievement, the exact thing we are trying to get away from?
I vow to be honest with myself. There is no one else I need to explain myself to or feel the need to suppress my thoughts and feelings, as long as I am being honest with who really matters, ME. 
I choose to:
Lead by example
Acknowledge that being different is not wrong, but beautiful
Choose to continue to search for myself
Stand up to the pressures of society in which I feel I must conform and be ‘normal’
Encourage those around me to be their true selves
Love unconditionally
Cry shamelessly
Laugh uncontrollably
Be happy
This is what it means to be human, to be alive, to value the air we breathe, grateful for the moments we have and love all those around us who genuinely care and love us. 
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thoughtlessgugz · 4 years
Coming back online has been a dilemma for me. Life keeps me busy but I have been wanting to come back for some time to share some love and support to all those out there. Tonight was the night when the spark lit. 
If you ask me how I’m feeling or why...all I can say is I’m vibin.’ 
I’ve been looking for the right set of beats to get my juices flowing for some time and I’ve found it. I listened to a live set with khanvict and raaginder who left me speechless. It’s hard to explain for those who don’t understand the art of music, but for those who do, it's all about the vibes. It’s about the passion, the love, the pain, the hurt, the sorrow, the light, the darkness, the beauty, the energy, the passion and so much more... with no need for words to describe it. I am in utter gratuity to these two talented souls who lit the spark in me to come share and spread love to you all. 
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They say we are all in this together and today...these two artists brought people together from across the nation to leave us vibin’. So much love.
Yours truly.
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