tototavros · 2 days
If you guys were on here at 11 years old what would you be posting about
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tototavros · 4 days
there was a pigeon in the parking lot of the grocery store I work at today with magnificent purple-and-green head plumage and scruffy white hair around the neck, which reminded me of the Elizabethan white puffy collars and this pigeon was large, probably 1.25x-1.5x the size of most of the pigeons in the parking lot, rivalling a small seagull
it was nice to gaze upon this avian marquis
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tototavros · 4 days
sometimes i'm kind of self conscious that i may not necessarily phrase my poasts in a way that is natural in english, although that's also an issue in any other language since i have a somewhat unusual way of speaking due to autism at times. i hope at the least it's parsable even with the presence of mistakes...
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tototavros · 4 days
I'm sick of internet negativity, so let's combat it: reblog this and saying something nice/pay a compliment to the prev in the tags.
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tototavros · 5 days
Because the proposed establishment is a departure from the generous policy, which, offering an Asylum to the persecuted and oppressed of every Nation and Religion, promised a lustre to our country, and an accession to the number of its citizens. What a melancholy mark is the Bill of sudden degeneracy? Instead of holding forth an Asylum to the persecuted, it is itself a signal of persecution. It degrades from the equal rank of Citizens all those whose opinions in Religion do not bend to those of the Legislative authority. Distant as it may be in its present form from the Inquisition, it differs from it only in degree. The one is the first step, the other the last in the career of intolerance. The magnanimous sufferer under this cruel scourge in foreign Regions, must view the Bill as a Beacon on our Coast, warning him to seek some other haven, where liberty and philanthropy in their due extent, may offer a more certain repose from his Troubles.
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tototavros · 7 days
Since sociological/psychological research is mostly fraudulent and, to the extent that it's not, is falsified post-facto by selective publication and reporting, commiting to making social policy on the basis of "science" just means submitting to the arbitrary preferences of the class of professionals who conduct and report on this research. If you think they'll always be on your side, then great. But when the day comes that this class of people happens not to take your side on something, you'll be sorry that you grounded your politics in a false scientism rather than on a set of interests and principles not subject to this kind of arbitrary manipulation.
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tototavros · 7 days
Yeah, but there's a lot of weird stuff going on like having their entire shit reduced to rubble and deNazification policies and competition with East Germany and idk how much you can distentangle that.
The only way of coming anywhere near these targets was to increase pressure on the population to work more for less money, with consequences which we shall have to examine later in this chapter.
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tototavros · 7 days
Although all West Germans started with 40 marks in cash in their pockets, there were some who were more equal than others. In particular those who had assets in the shape of machines, land and factories could now freely mobilise their resources in order profitably to supply a market which was starved of investment goods as well as consumer goods. A tax system which encouraged reinvestment and modernisation furthered accumulation, and an unequal distribution of wealth was created.
The only way of coming anywhere near these targets was to increase pressure on the population to work more for less money, with consequences which we shall have to examine later in this chapter.
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tototavros · 7 days
The only way of coming anywhere near these targets was to increase pressure on the population to work more for less money, with consequences which we shall have to examine later in this chapter.
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tototavros · 8 days
SIR FRANCIS DRAKE REVIVED. Calling upon this Dull or Effeminate AGE, to follow his Noble Steps for GOLD and SILVER.
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tototavros · 8 days
I think that the way I conceptualise discourse is fairly non-typical. To my eyes it’s much less about trying to convince an interlocutor and more about trying to get hands-on grappling with an idea experience. Ime, it’s the only reliable way to get a phenomenological sense of how an idea *feels* to play with.
This almost obviates the “but obviously I’m not going to convince other people who are too entrenched in their own worldviews” worry as being a sort of category error. Not entirely because there are people who will talk in bad faith (this is generally accepted to be against the rules of the playing with ideas game) and no matter how an idea *would* feel to you, it feels bad when you’re playing with it with that person, because they make everything bad.
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tototavros · 8 days
all bull. vulgar latin for "all bull". the whole dman bull.
much to ponder
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tototavros · 11 days
bean sprouts...save me...bean sprouts...save me bean sprouts
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tototavros · 11 days
A lot of cheese and agricultural (lettuce, cucumber, citruses) sales recently, butter is down from $6, $7 a pound -- I wonder what happened.
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tototavros · 11 days
i don't understand the recent "how often do men think of the roman empire" trend. one of the most well-known recent academic and popular historians of the roman empire is a woman, mary beard. why do this? it isn't cute or funny if you think about the implications for more than five seconds
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tototavros · 11 days
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so many good places. yeah i'm between snap and wax. i'm in sweeden near bee spring. really in the falls of rough with this one.
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tototavros · 11 days
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SPRINGFIGHT! (a Simpsons fan comic)
I made this a couple years ago, back before tumblr allowed this many images in one post. May or may not be easier to read on my website.
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