ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que publiqué algo acáo siquiera estuve en la app. Subí de peso, entro a tumblr, miro el cw en mi bio, veo el 50kg y no puedo estar más repugnada de mi misma, subí 6 kilos. En estos últimos meses he llegado a mi peso más alto desde que empecé este “estilo de vida”, llegué a 58 y el hecho de pensar en ese número me da asco, hay gente que pesa 60kg o más y se ve bien, lastimosamente yo no soy una de ellas. Me decidí a empezar una nueva dieta, la dieta IU, hoy es mi primer día. Me desperté, fui al colegio, y como ahí no me da hambre no desayuné, al llegar a mi casa me comí dos manzanas ya que no me gusta el camote (sweet potato) y no había comida la manzana de la mañana, fui al gimnasio por dos horas y al volver me tomé el batido de proteína. Mi mamá intentó que cenara pero felizmente logré botar la comida y fingir estar llena. Ahora lastimosamente mi papá no me compró más manzanas, así que la dieta va a estar un poco más difícil, sin embargo, pienso no comer nada mañana e ir a comprar manzanas en la tarde y ya el día siguiente retomar la dieta. Deséenme suerte, falta muy poco para el verano y no puedo verme como me veo ahora en bikini.
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Hiya! I absolutely love your meal posts and how to cut calories!!!! Do you have, like a masterpost for them?
made a masterpost just for you!
450 calorie vegetarian meal plan for one day (+ dessert) 
400 calorie vegan meal plan
300 calorie vegan meal plan (+ dessert)
175 calorie dinner (vegetarian)
1.5 calorie cookies (meringues)
91 calorie persimmon cobbler
70 calorie caramel coffee
50 calorie cheap as fuck vegan bread
100 calorie vegan sorbet cups
100-150 calorie high protein delicious yoghurt
favorite safe foods list
cutting calories
how to eat less without actually eating less
how to break long binge periods (1 day plan)
how to break long binge periods (diet, 4 day plan)
things to do instead of eating
losing 2 pounds in 1 day
personal diet plan
another personal diet plan
why you gain so much after binging on low-ish amounts
predicting how much weight you’ll lose
how much protein do I need?
do you really lose weight faster when you’re cold?
basic rules
beating period binges with monos
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reblog with the age ana got you
i was 13.
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any ed blogs that are still alive….reblog🤪
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Almost two days without eating🤗🤗🥰
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i want to follow more accounts so reblog if ur blog matches some of these
lives with family
posts funny shit/ed memes
started at a weight that could be considered chubby or worse
active daily
have depression or another mental illness
thx bbys :)
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I completely forgot about telling you about the apps I use 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
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(Ignore clue)
I haven’t tried “abs workouts” nor “7M workout” yet but I’m in love with the others two. I use “Lose it!” For the food, there I add everything I eat and it calculates the calories and those thing, it also tells you how many calories do you need to eat from the weight you want to lose. “8fit” is all about workouts, it has a lot of differents challenging home workouts, there are 9 levels and they have if I’m not wrong 6 sessions. I totally love them.
Btw I am not promoting anything I just wanted to where them with you :)
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Whatever this is
Well, I’ve made a challenge for myself. I can not eat more than 800, usually I only eat 500 or less so that is not the hardest part, the thing is that I will burn those 500 or 800 (or maybe less) and I will burn another 500 or 1,000 sooo wish me luck.
Now the shitty part of today, as it is Sunday I’m with my family and while we were watching a movie I ate two packages of Oreos and apart from that I ate about three breads at the breakfast so my parents won’t say anything.
The thing is that today I consumed 743 calories and I already burned them, plus another 69 more. Right now it’s 5:53 pm and I usually workout at 7:30 so I will update you guys by the 8:30 or something.
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Hidden photos
If you see my hidden photos one day, you will stop eating because of all the thinspo I have in there lol.
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say it with me
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
eating is not worth the shame you feel afterwards
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This is pretty random bc im bored lol.
Okey so in January I had to go to the usual medical check and I weighted 66kg I didn’t know I was fat, and the doctor said if your weight is less than your height yo can be a model. So I wasn’t really worried about it. In my country summer is from December 21 to March 21 so When I had to use bikini I used it and didn’t care. Now I look at photos and I’m really disgusted, how was I so fat and didn’t notice? Now is December and I’m 50 kg and of course I’m better than in January but I need to be skinnier. This whole thing about loosing weight started in September I think, but I just didn’t have the willpower to fast or don’t eat something I liked, so I binged everytime I was hungry. Now I do have willpower, I don’t know how but I can skip meals and do lots of exercise. I’m loosing weight and I like the results. I’m just gonna keep starving myself and burning a lot of calories lmao.
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December 1, 9:30 pm:
Age: 13
Height: 1,70 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Summer is literally 1 month away and I want to be perfect by that time so I guess my next gw will be 45kg
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Today I ate a salad and an apple, that is 331 calories, then I burned 1,238 kcal. So I burned 907 calories, I wanted to burn more but I was and still completely tired. My dad just ask us what we wanted for dinner, and my mom said “why don’t we order a vegetarian pizza?” They said vegetarian because I am one and they wanted me to eat even when I said “don’t worry, order a normal pizza I’m not hungry”. I was in shorts bc I was exercising before and both of my parents looked at me and my dad said “you’re too skin” and bla bla bla. My dad went to pick up my brother to wherever he was, and my mom called me to her room. She made me weight myself buuut I am so freaking lucky and the balance wasn’t working right and add about 5kg less. My mom wasn’t looking so I weighted myself quickly and told her I was weighting 57 or 58 (I am 13 and I height 1.70cm) then she weighted herself and I said “I’m just like you, you can’t tell me anything” (she is almost 50 and she has abs idk how lol) and went to my room.
I’m just freaking out about the pizza, I’m sure my parents will make me eat it so probably I will have just one slice and then burn it because purge is not my thing.
That was all, bye :)
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I just realized that I’ve ate less than 100 calories today, my willpower is getting better.
It’s 2 to 9 and I’m eating my third apple, I almost eat a toast but I was like no, you can’t and I didn’t eat it.
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I am fasting today. It’s 4 pm and I only ate two green apples, the best thing is that I am not very hungry, now I’m gonna drink black coffe to stay awake till the night, wish me luck :)
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I’m 13 lmao
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