unaesthetic-studyblr · 7 months
It's work, not study, but I wanted to show off my pretty planner
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unaesthetic-studyblr · 11 months
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Doin them learns
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undergrad (physics/stem?) tips from a struggling neurodivergent
i’m finishing my degree this year so i thought i’d share some of the things i’ve painstakingly and slowly learnt over 4 years of studying physics at university. i started out by failing foundation mathematics, then all of my first year physics modules, but despite never having to go back and pass these basics (thanks covid) i’m somehow doing well in third year. so, here is my wisdom:
[disclaimer: of course, the way i study will definitely not work for everyone so only take the parts that resonate. this is not the healthiest way to study, but rather how i personally am getting through such a hardcore course with limited physical and mental energy.]
past exam papers. look for patterns and types of questions that are asked often, and focus on understanding those. if you’re lucky this could be all you need to get a great grade.
don’t worry about understanding whats going on in lectures. sitting in lectures and not knowing what the hell was going on used to stress me out to the point that i stopped going, but i found that actually, just turning up and calmly copying down the maths and notes without understanding them really helped me piece it all together later, on when studying on my own.
similarly, i find copying out the notes without trying too hard to understand them to be very helpful. it is very time consuming, but worth it when no information will sink in by just reading through the notes. even if you still don’t understand it all after writing it out, you now know what information is covered, where to find it, and you hopefully have it in a clearer, more interesting to look at format to help you later.
learn on your own terms. don’t listen to what any other people say about how you should study. you know what works for you. its always stressed here how important it is to go to lectures and tutorials, but i know that for me, a lot of the time my energy is better used by staying at home and teaching myself in a calm, comfortable, low pressure environment.
hyper-organisation. have as many planners as it takes to keep a grasp on time and schedules and deadlines. i have a bullet journal, a pre-made planner to scribble in, a planner and tables of dates and deadlines on notion, as well as sticky notes above my desk reminding me of the main things i should be working on at the moment. keep it all in front of you where you can see it, or make it easy to access. 
create a nice environment. this is possibly the most important part. make it so that sitting down to work is enjoyable, and setting up doesn’t take valuable brain power. playlists of background music ready to go, everything you need nearby and organised and easy to access.
ask for adjustments, extensions, ECs. i’m still not good at this, but it can really make all the difference. when you can’t complete something in time or the thought of doing a thing alone makes you feel like dropping out, its always worth asking if something can be done to make it easier for you. (for instance i usually skip presentations and  take the 0 but after asking, i have been allowed to make videos instead and sometimes even just make the powerpoint and write out a script.)
a consistent sleep schedule would be great, but don’t sweat if your class schedule makes it difficult. i work best at night, but lectures mean i have to wake up early in the morning. i have tried going to bed early and while that made waking up and going to classes easier, without my nighttime productivity i got way behind on everything. so instead i let my body do what it wants when it wants, which usually means sleeping less at night along with naps in the day and a lot of catch up sleep at the weekend.
caffeine can be your best friend or worst enemy. use it wisely. (i owe my second year grades to the ginger monster energy flavour)
know when to push and when to rest. sometimes you know its just executive dysfunction stopping you from getting things done, in which case gently push yourself to keep working. even if you don’t manage much, any amount of productivity is good. but on the other hand, if you keep trying and trying and its still not working, thats probably a sign you should stop. if you don’t make time for rest, your body will take it for you. 
on that note, if you really can’t focus, stop to think about whats actually wrong. sit still, relax for a moment and zone in to yourself. is it because you’re hungry? cold? understimulated? do you not have all of the materials you need right in front of you? it could be something as simple as the lighting being off, or things being in the wrong place on your desk. 
break it down. when i’m stuck, most often the problem is that i don’t clearly know what to do next. break tasks down into steps, and then break those down again until you have small tasks you can easily face. baby steps are the way to go. 
something is always better than nothing! you don’t have to put your all into everything. if you’ve got 60% to give on an assignment, thats great. even 40%, 20%. handing in something bad and unfinished is still worth it, and sometimes all you need. 
in short, just be gentle with yourself. go at your own pace and do things in the way that works for you. you’re doing your best. there will be ups and downs, but if you keep going, no matter how slowly, no matter how much it may seem like all is lost, you’ll get there eventually. 
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Practicing computer science. I hate big-O. Tree traversals aren’t nearly so bad. Uggghhh my braiiinnn
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What even is this essay that’s due in a couple days about? 2k-end-of-19 🙃 yay finals.
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Most aesthetic photo I’ve posted <3 I love this boy!
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Really looking forward to my midterm in 15 minutes 🙃🙃🙃🙃
Also that quote was in my fanfiction and I was not there for this kind of call out
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Midterms Study-In-A-Coffee-Shop time!
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Professor: late work will not be accepted!! >:|
Me: ok!!!!
Professor: this thing is due at 11:59pm
Me: *@ 12:00:15* ok but like....
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rb this with ur opinion on this shade of pink:
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Well I’ve been back for a month, and for the past couple weeks hopping between work and school. It’s a lot. But! Free coffee. (I may be slightly over caffeinated at this point)
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Already a fantastic start to the semester 🙃🙃
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✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and outside 💛✨
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
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... we’ve been here for a few hours. Friends and finals!
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Love my library!
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