unfortunatebreezes · 3 years
Self-aware character hallucinating from a high fever. While their friend is looking after them they very calmly and matter-of-factly tell them “I think I’m seeing things,” and reassure the caretaker that no, they’re not scared, they know it’s not real - but despite what they say the fever is messing with their emotions too, and whatever they’re seeing is really freaking them out. They’re usually such a logical person and don’t let emotions get in the way of them, but right now it’s just way too much and they can’t think straight
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
listening to the night vale episode and the line “i do not think i should be alive… but I do not know what else to be” hit me really hard for reasons i do not understand
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
Dialogue Prompts: Whumpee
"Just promise you won't leave tonight, please?"
"Don't worry about me. Did anyone else get hurt?"
"It's only a flesh wound, I'm fine- don't take that reference as sarcasm, I mean it."
"You never stuck around before, why bother now?"
"I lost it, they're gonna kill me, let me go, I need to fix this!"
"I know I messed up; please, just tell me what's wrong."
"I never made it this far before. Now that I'm here, what am I supposed to do?"
"Don't go outside. Please, just trust me."
"I know I said I'd be more careful this time- but you have to admit, I get results."
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
Consider a whumpee right on the edge of consciousness, not even awake enough to recognize the team around them.
They're safe now, being cared for by people they would trust, but the most thought they can gather right now is that the sky seems so far above them. They blink when addressed, knowing somewhere that they should probably respond, but unable to make the connection between their brain and their mouth. The only thing they can do is watch as the sky shifts to a ceiling that jolts and bumps around them, transporting them somewhere presumably safer.
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
Wrong Target
From a Pokemon AU for my OC. He transports eggs for his friend Tom's nursery, helping them hatch more quickly.
"Stop being such an ass and battle! I know you've got other balls on your belt, bring them out!"
"You don't have any idea what's in those, I've already declined," Blue replied smoothly. He nervously moved between Rapidash and the boy, keeping the hostile at a distance. "I'm working right now, transporting fragile cargo, so let me go by. I'm sure the next person who comes through will oblige you."
"You think you're too good for it, huh? Some sort of star trainer?" The boy raised a threatening fist, his Scyther copying him. "I'll show you who's the star trainer around here, that's me! Scyther, use Cut!"
The Pokemon cried out and moved to obey. On instinct Blue tried to intercept, deflecting the move away from the saddlebags- the next thing he knew, he was kneeling on the ground, one hand keeping himself from falling over and the other clamped against his chest. A bright red line was beginning to show through his shirt, leaving residue on his fingers.
Rapidash whinnied angrily, shooting a warning flame at Scyther. The Pokemon had already backed off though, as had the trainer. He stared blankly at Blue, watching him brace against Rapidash and stand back up. "That isn't supposed to happen, you're supposed to... why didn't you let your Rapidash take the hit?"
"There's eggs in the bags, idiot," Blue muttered, wincing at the wound shifting. His lungs didn't feel damaged, besides the pain of breathing disturbing the wound. Regardless, he was bleeding far too much to stand it for long. He glanced at Rapidash, rubbing a hand against it reassuringly. Rapidash could move pretty quickly, and they hadn't come far, it was probably easier to return than move forward to town. Blue beckoned to Rapidash, asking it to kneel before he remounted. It obliged, clearly concerned about its trainer.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know, I wouldn't have-"
"Well you did, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop lurking here for people, if you are actually sorry." Blue didn't bother watching him run away. He fumbled with the balls at his waist, pulling Vivilleon's case and calling it. "Viv, I need you to fly ahead and let Tom know we're coming."
The butterfly Pokemon cooed affirmingly, before shrieking as it noticed the damage to its trainer. "I'll be fine, just make it speedy, okay?" It fluttered off, soaring above the trees quickly.
Charmeleon chose this time to return from its forest exploration. It frowned at the scene before it, growling uncertainly.
"Oh Charmeleon good, I didn't know how I would find you... Look, we need to move quickly, so I'd really appreciate it if you'd ride in your ball."
It snuffed angrily, before coming nearer and more closely examined the situation. It looked up at Blue, concerned more than angry now.
"You understand? You'll ride in the ball?" Blue asked wearily, holding the Pokeball out. Charmeleon nodded, and a moment later it returned to its home. Blue sighed, taking his jacket off and using the sleeves as a makeshift bandage. "Alright Rapidash, it's up to you; run as fast as you can, without throwing me off please."
Rapidash whinnied, galloping back toward the nursery. Blue braced himself against her neck, interlocking his arms so he wouldn't fall. It was no longer than a fifteen minute ride at the clip Rapidash could run, but Blue was barely conscious by seven and out by ten.
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
For those following this blog, please know that I'm v sof and focus on psychological ouches lol
No offense to whumper but I dont need one to bring the pain
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
K, so speaking from experience, when I'm in a really panicked or dissociative state, I can't change behavior easily, especially destructive behavior. So consider whumpees who are triggered by their environment and unable to listen to the caretaker assuring them they're alright?
Whumpees who can hear the caretaker, know that they're being irrational, but still can't stop themselves from freaking out? Knowing that they're being ridiculous, but also knowing they couldn't possibly stop now, not without feeling worse?
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
Old whump drabble, featuring my OCs.
“Stop, let me go,” Blue muttered.
Dodger paid him no mind, continuing his rant. “That’s why you’ll never be anything, you’re too afraid of yourself and who you are. If you would just stop letting everyone run over you all the time maybe you could do something of use. Even then though, you’re too afraid to begin anything. Why try at all?”
Blue stopped struggling the moment a sharp *crack* ran through the room. Everyone stopped really, Tom clapping his fingers over his mouth. Dodger frowned, looking down at the hand that had just gone limp in his grasp. “I’m afraid your wrist is broken. I suppose it’s another hospital trip for us all then, isn’t it?”
Blue didn’t react, bar a small flinch as Dodger released his hand and it crashed down to his side. He was frozen, eyes wide with fear. Tom moved forward, trying to reach out for Blue, but Blue ran out of the room, disappearing into the hall noiselessly. Tom hummed anxiously, stepping towards the door, but Dodger grabbed his arm. “I’ll go get him, you go get the car ready.”
Tom didn’t set off right away, though. “You hurt him.” His eyes searched Dodger’s face accusingly.
“Yes. I allowed my frustration to get the better of me. I would like a chance to make amends and ensure he’s alright.”
Tom seemed unsure but nodded. He left Dodger to set off on Blue’s tracks. It didn’t sound as though the man had gone upstairs, so Dodger continued along the hallway towards the storage closets. It wasn’t until he turned around that he spotted Blue, curled protectively under the stairs. His eyes were watching Dodger carefully, but betrayed every bit of fear he felt.
Dodger took a seat on the floor across the hallway, being sure to give him plenty of space. “Careful not to aggravate your wrist more.”
Blue didn’t respond; his broken wrist was curled in his lap, protected by his arms and out of sight.
“Tom is getting the car ready; we’ll take you to the hospital to get that fixed up. I do apologize; I didn’t believe you would strain that hard to be free of my grasp.” Dodger paused, inviting Blue to answer; when he was met with silence, he continued, “Why did you fight so hard?”
Blue spoke in a mutter, not trying to be heard. “It was too much like back then.”
“Back when?”
“…Before the simulation. Before they put me under. They broke my wrist too.”
“…What simulation?”
“The one- the world before- this. It’s fuzzy, I can’t…” Blue sighed shakily, struggling with the words to explain. Dodger motioned for him to breathe, and he did so if not with some exaggeration. “I tried to fight back and they broke my wrist. Then they strapped me down and…”
His face went rather pale, and his gaze drifted to some point beyond Dodger. “And then everything went to shit.”
“Hmm. That conveys almost no information at all.” Blue didn’t react to this comment, staring off and away again. Dodger continued, “Well, this is a very different situation to that. For one, this was an accident. Unless you intended to break your wrist?” Blue shook his head. “And I doubt this will be the end of the world. The cast may be inconvenient, but I imagine the break will heal fine. We have to go right away though, if you do want it to set properly.” Dodger stood, beginning to walk away.
It was not immediate; but the sound of footsteps began to follow his own.
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
Hello whump community!
Bit of an intro for myself; my name's KZ, although I do also respond to Blue, and I've been lurking on and off for the past year!
I've always been interested in whump as a concept, although I didn't know it by that name. I largely use whump as a coping mechanism, to help process my real life difficulties. I'm asexual, so none of my whump is inherently horny lol; I also center on the whumpee rather than a whumper, and I love to write recovery after whump!
Most of my ficlets are written for my original characters from my sempiternity series. Questions about them are always welcome!
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
The Out
Prose about an injured OC.
Blue blinked, feeling the deep ache of unconsciousness tugging at his spine. The space behind his eyes felt heavy, pulling painfully at his already aching head. The details of where exactly he was and what exactly had left him in this state escaped him; the energy to care had also vanished. He floated in the limbo of damage, unsure whether to push back and aggravate the powers keeping him afloat.
There was certainly noise outside himself; somewhere amidst the blurry streaks people hurried about, outside the bubble Blue found himself in. It was a busy world. He faintly felt a jostling, as though he could really be a part of that business; it faded quickly.
So Blue hung there, fading in and out of awareness. The part that could formulate thought, close to dreaming, noted that the pain wasn't that bad, not really. It was annoying more than anything. He was so tired, and if that last nagging achiness could fade away, perhaps he could finally sleep.
The outside world had other ideas, of course. The noise only grew, and while there was no more sense of external touch, Blue caught his name once. His full name, really. Blue Fell. Weird for someone to say that. That could be a code word, coming from the right person. A small spark of worry dispelled the heaviness in his chest, creating a new, struggling pain. Unlike the other pain, Blue did not allow it to run its course. He rode it, trying to follow it to its destination in the outside. The sounds grew clearer, he could almost see the ceiling tiles above him.
However, there was a reason he was so tired, so heavy and disoriented. Nature won the fight, and before Blue could answer the call of the outside world, he slipped fully into the unconscious rest his body demanded.
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
Mission Over
Whump ficlet with my OCs. Enjoy!
Blue looked up drowsily as Rei strode his way. "'S it all clear yet?"
"Nearly," Rei said, dropping beside him with the med kit. "Where'd they get you?"
Blue tossed a hand up with a shrug, dropping into a coughing fit. "I haven't had this body for a year even, I feel awful."
"You saved our skin, I'd say that's a pretty good use." Rei rifled through the kit, grabbing gauze and disinfectant first. They knew it was most important to stop the bleeding before any more detailed fixes; Dodger had drilled that truth in last time he had visited (and seen their first aid skills firsthand).
"You said it was nearly clear, who's left?" Blue shifted, exposing his stomach and side to be more easily cleaned. He didn't know what exactly had hit him, but the blood and stabbing pain were clear enough.
"The area is still being swept, no one should be left, but it hasn't been confirmed." Rei frowned, grabbing scissors to cut away the bloodied shirt. "What did they hit you with man?"
"Sword... Gun maybe... everything was really fast for a minute there."
"Why didn't we hook you up with something bulletproof? We gotta have something around base that'd stop this."
Blue shrugged again, wincing; it hurt more that time. "Wasn't planning on this. Remind me next time I get stabbed."
Dabbing a pad against the wound, Rei could see it more clearly now. It was certainly an odd bullet wound, if that was it at all. A long gash, wider at the point of impact and thinning away down his side, had no shortage of blood to leak away. "Disinfectant incoming. Brace yourself."
Blue nodded, relaxing as far as he could before the sharp pain began. He knew exactly what it would feel like, a bright burning thinning out as it ate away at the foreign materials. That didn't help him as much as he hoped it would. He jumped as it hit him, bracing against the wall.
"Sorry," Rei murmured, moving faster before pressing a clean gauze to the wound. "We'll go back to base right now, okay? Just need some tape to keep this on... unless you're bleeding anywhere else?"
"Not that I know of," Blue replied. He balanced an arm against the gauze, keeping it in place while Rei found the medical tape. The walk back would be difficult to say the least, but he could make it; he'd done worse. "How long do you think Cody will lock me in the med bay?"
"Oh a week at least, at least until you can do crunches without bleeding out."
"I don't do crunches normally, this is unfair," he chuckled, accepting Rei's arm as they stood. Sure enough, his miscellaneous damages did not enjoy the movement. It would be a long, hopefully boring stroll home.
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
* rest prompts
feel free to combine prompts.
missing piece. falling asleep somewhere that isn’t their bed. 
cloud. waking up and being soothed back to sleep. 
name. being so exhausted that they faintly whisper the name of someone they trust as they are carried to bed.
moonlight. trying to stay up until a loved one comes back home. 
fog. hearing stay awake as they are carried to safety. 
armor. falling in and out of a restless sleep. feeling safe when a loved one presses a kiss to their forehead and strokes their hair.
gravity. cuddling up to a loved one when they are too tired to see straight. 
repair. being confined to bed due to injury or illness and hating every second of it.  
misfit. getting out of bed too soon, insisting they feel much better, and collapsing / passing out.   
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
The whumpee is in so much pain that they can only speak a word at a time between whimpering gasps; their brain too muddled to focus on anything else except for how much it hurts.
Bonus points: their caretaker has to figure out what they need before they pass out.
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
Do you have any nightmare theme prompts?
Oh, sure!
- Whumpee is really sick and needs their rest but refuses to sleep because every time they get this sick, they have awful nightmares
- Whumpee accidentally hurts a loved one by lashing out in their sleep while the loved one is trying to wake them
- A loved one nearly gets killed and Whumpee starts having nightmares about them, but they try to hide how much the near-miss is affecting them
- Whumpee waking up disoriented and defensive  and the loved one has remind them exactly where they are, when and why and who they’re with before they fully comprehend that they’re safe
- Whumpee has trained themself to be so quiet during nightmares that their loved one doesn’t even realize they’re having one until they notice they’re crying in their sleep
- Whumpee being trapped in their nightmares until they hurt themself enough to startle awake – falling out of their bed, hitting their head on the headboard, smacking their arm on the nightstand, etc.
- Whumpee and a friend are in cramped conditions and have to share a room, much to Whumpee’s dismay. All they can do is hope the nightmares aren’t loud enough to wake their friend
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
The team watch as the whumper takes the weakest and uses their magic to search their memories. The weakest can’t fight back, but the team doesn’t seem to realize how hard they’re trying.
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unfortunatebreezes · 4 years
A finds B crumpled up on the curb on a rain-soaked road late at night. B is unresponive, hypothermic and hardly breathing.
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