It Seems
It seems like we've forgotten Forgotten to really live It seems like we've misunderstood Misunderstood the meaning of our existence It seems like we've been locked Locked by our own fears It seems like we've been pushed around Pushed around by our own thoughts It seems like we've been lost Lost in our own "perfect" paths It seems like we've been searching Searching for something that's already within us
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Just for today
Just for today Be that person who can receive love Just for today Be that person who can trust another Just for today Be that person who can let go Just for today Be that person who can live in the moment Just for today look at the sky and feel the wind on your face Just for today Heal your heart by being silent Just for today Face your unimaginable fears Just for today Don't be that self that you don't recognize anymore Just for today Be who you feel
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"Your thoughts are only thoughts, and thoughts can be changed"- Anonymous
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Free Spirits! Free Souls! And children create magic!
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How about some Human?
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Human beings have so beautifully developed a tendency to generalize events and situations that occur. Wait did I just make a generalization about human beings?!
When great theorists in the field of the arts, theorized on abstract concepts such as, emotions, thoughts and behavior, they did do a great deal of observation and gathered statistical evidence on the group of people they studied, to be able to define these abstract concepts. Have we ever wondered as to how easily we underestimate or overestimate these concepts in our daily living?  As fantastically humans are created, most beings take personal experiences for granted.  Why do social problems exist? Why do environmental problems exist? Why do marital/relationship problems exist? Why do genetic problems exist? My take on the subject of these issues that our “developing” earth is facing, is partly because we fail to understand ourselves. Most scientists have and are constantly investing an ocean amount of resources in studying and understanding the capacity of the human brain, but have we ever thought of how we can maximize our full potential in just understanding how we can deal with a not so complex issue by just using our abstract traits that each one of us are naturally gifted with. If we constantly fail to understand ourselves then how can we ever understand another, sitting and talking by our side about the great “progress” that is taking place in the world.
While I stay awake on most nights contemplating on what it takes to never lose your SPIRIT, I rewind and pause and think of all the trauma, misery, heartbreaks, loss and downfall in the lives of humans. Another abstract concept hits me, which is RESILIENCE. How is it that some of us humans can be down in the dumps for a really long time affecting oneself and the others around and how is it that some of us use our SPIRIT (an alternate word I choose to use for the concept of willpower) to move forward to choose the best for ourselves and for the people around us. The underlying fact remains that we all have the power to be resilient, to choose a better feeling for ourselves, so what stopped some of us humans? Psychology, Sociology and Philosophy theorize that it’s the environmental factors, our upbringing, genetic alterations, cultural values and belief systems, existential crises and so on. All of these factors do contribute to the conflicts that exist in societies today, but how often do we uplift each other on a societal level, how often are we able to understand what we feel about the place we occupy in this world, how often are we able to express that we need to pause for a decade at least. Most often we hesitate, we hesitate to question these abstract traits that we so easily use in laymen terms and take for granted. And here an ANXIOUS STAR IS BORN.
Like most professionals in my field, I have interacted with individuals going through severe mental health issues in institutions and in the so called real world. There is a very thin line between understanding what is normal and what is not. What if there is no line at all? What if my teacher who is teaching me about this very subject is having a manic episode, she’s on a high and she is able to teach the class very well and take us all out for a trip with a mere act of impulse?  But no we are busy human beings forming groups of us and them, drawing lines for our own twisted understanding of what is and what is not that we end up not having a foresight on what we can actually do to help ourselves or another right in front of us.
I was blessed to have found a strong mentor in my most troubled days, when I understood that, no matter what, we need to treat each other the way we’d liked to be treated. I’m still on my journey to be able to put that into practice mindfully in every interaction. And the most striking thing to realize on this journey has been, that it only takes a simple act or thought of ACCEPTANCE. Now as simple and as inviting as it sounds, I also began to realize that it is extremely abstract a trait to understand and explain. One has to live it, one has to consciously practice it and one has to be inviting enough to receive it. And yet another most important factor in practicing acceptance is that it often gets confused with sacrifice and compromise, and here is when the most loosely used term in the 21st century, DEPRESSION is born.
When humans choose to take a stand, grab every minute opportunity that presents itself, depression and anxiety can be woven into masterpieces of expressive art where there is no tolerance to burden oneself, no tolerance to impose on another and no tolerance to fight just to be able to live.
Here’s my first reflective post on mental health and wider understandings of self and others, await my next reflective post coming up on _________and other forms.
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