vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
19 years old and just realized that I wasn’t actually depressed in middle school and highschool. I just didn’t know how to cope with emotions and that lead to me taking out my anger on myself.... Love being passive aggressive.
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
Some things just aren’t meant to be and once you accept that life becomes easier
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
I think my problem is that I cherish moments a little too much. I never let someone new enter my life... but when I do I take every moment seriously, because you never know when it’s gonna be your last.
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
“He is not thinking about you, he never does. As much as that hurts, it’s as simple as that.”
— Why he won’t reply to you.
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
“For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were the book.”
— Tom McNeal (via quotemadness)
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
Some nights I miss you and some nights I hate you.... tonight I’m torn between the two
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
I miss you so much... but if it’s meant to be we’ll find our way to back to each other. I believe it
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
I can’t be dismissive of love. That’s not me. I’m not sorry for when I go constantly looking for love or when I pour my all into a person (Literally). I’m not going to apologize. There’s a whole world of beautiful people out there and not everyone is the same. And that alone gives me hope. No, I’m not dependent on men for my happiness, I do just fine without them. But it’s nice. It’s nice to build a consummate love with someone. It feels fucking amazing to talk to someone whose more than just a friend. I refuse to believe there isn’t someone out there for me because there is. ‘Waiting for love to come to you’ is a bunch of bullshit if you spend your days inside, the love of your life isn’t going to come knocking on your door. That’s not how this works. You have to go look for it. At the end of the day, whatever you feel inside your heart is what you’re putting out into reality. 
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
me: :(
* * . * . * . *
. * . * . .
* tall, pretty boys who
don’t care about my feelings *.
* . * * . *. * .
. * . * .
me: :)
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
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vibe-with-me-xo · 4 years
I don’t understand liars. I don’t mean someone who says they weigh less than they do, or someone who pretends to like your shitty pound cake because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. I’m talking about people who lie all the time, about everything, and do it so well that you start to question your own beliefs about things.
Just like, why can’t you just admit you did the thing and face the consequences? Apologize, and don’t do it again. But they create entire realities in which they didn’t do the thing, and the evidence you have isn’t really evidence.
It’s a shitty way to human. Habitual, unrepentant liars are toxic.
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vibe-with-me-xo · 5 years
“you will meet so many people in life. some of these people will stay… others will merely pass by. but there will always be a reason why you met them, even if you don’t understand it. you will also make so many memories, both good and bad. that’s just how it is. trust in yourself and the journey you’re on. there is no right or wrong path to be on. there is only the one that will lead you to who you’re supposed to be. have fun. don’t rush. enjoy it before it’s over.”
— note to self.
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vibe-with-me-xo · 5 years
Black women
First everybody complained about us “not having hair” Then when we “got hair” y'all complained about us wearing weave Now that black women are going natural and using neat products to maintain their natural hair, y'all complain that you’re “sick of all these Shea Butter bitches” and this “sudden, obviously fake black pride” So after much thought and deep contemplation my only conclusion is FUCK ALL you bigoted ankh niggas who think “the black wombman” should be chaste while you got 7 kids with six different mothers, FUCK ALL you barbershop “I only date white/light skin girls” ass niggas with your weak ass fades, FUCK ALL you white fuckboys who chase after girls with fake lips breasts and asses but call black women “hoes” for having that shit naturally, FUCK ALL you asian/hispanic fuckboys who want to sleep with black/dark girls but would never even think about bringing one home to your family because we’re not “good enough” for you, FUCK ALL you fake AllLivesMatter feminists who stan for Taylor Swift and her basic lanky ass or yell “Vote Hillary” but went mum’s the word as a 14-year old black child was dragged across the pavement by her HAIR since it’s “not really hers anyway so it probably doesn’t even hurt that bad”, just 100% royally and sincerely FUCK ALL YALL because you never once gave a damn about black women but at the same time wanna police our hair and bodies and self-conduct when you yourselves ain’t shit never was shit and never will be shit
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vibe-with-me-xo · 5 years
Open letter to him
When summer started I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for. I just knew I wanted this summer to be different and that’s exactly what you did. I didn’t feel like I had to pretend with you, like I had to fake laugh at your jokes or feel insecure and to be honest that’s a great feeling. I found someone I could relate to and not on a superficial level. I felt something with you, and I don’t know if it was through your laughs, the time we stayed up till 5 am talking or the other time i stayed up late listening to you rap or when you came over and told me about your life or that little moment when you pray before your meals. I felt something I hadn’t felt in a long time and I don’t know if you felt it too... I mean maybe you did but just not in the way I felt it, maybe like a friendship... or maybe you didn’t feel anything at all and I’m just some lusty tripped out romantic bitch. Even though I don’t really know you, I firmly believe some people come into your life for a reason and we’re just passing through each other’s, mostly mine though... But anyways summers over and things are distant now. So it’s 2 AM and all I wanted to say is that I wish you well in life. I hope you become rich and successful, even though that’s not the only thing to look forward to in life, I hope you move out, I hope your parents work it out, I PRAY your future daughter gives you hell, I pray your mom becomes sober, I pray you let someone love you because not everyone is your ex but most importantly I pray you find happiness wherever life takes you. And thank you for making feel something, I thought had died inside me a long time ago. Your laugh, your smile, your kiss, your warmth brought me happiness. But summers over now and it’s time to head back to reality...
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vibe-with-me-xo · 5 years
You not finding me attractive is not going to stop me from being attractive.
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vibe-with-me-xo · 5 years
mood: the mexican dude who told judge judy “this is your show but this is my episode”
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vibe-with-me-xo · 5 years
I embrace the fact that I’m a highly sensitive soul. I’ve spent too much of my existence thinking there’s something wrong with me for feeling things so intensely. To this day, people tell me to stop caring so much, feeling so much, and taking things so personally. I’ve used up so much time trying to become that “unfazed” person that people strive to be. But the more I learn about the true essence of my soul, the more I realize that being highly sensitive is a gift. Actually, it’s more than a gift, it’s who I am. And I’m going to use my gift to deepen my connection to the spiritual realm and spread light in the world.
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