My dearest Bee
Hi dear tumblr people! I wrote a thing and I quite like it,,
Summary: Time travel, is, well something. Who would've thought that you would get stuck in the 1800's?? Well here you are, part of the Van der Linde gang, ready to face the past.
First chapter can be read as a stand alone chapter. It takes place a few years after Isaac died. The relationship between the reader and Arthur is platonic. Enjoy!!
My dearest Bee,
So I hope these letters- I can’t call them letters if they’re in a book right?- Anyways, I hope these will find you, I hope you’re home, safe. I hope you saw your dog again, I miss her. I have a horse now though! Maybe I’ll name her after you, or just wasp. If I remember correctly you weren’t the biggest fan of wasps. But really, I’m not sure if we timetraveld or were transported to another universe where everything just started like 100 years later, the latter case making it a whole lot harder for you to find this. I just really hope you’ll find this against all odds, because I said I’d write to you if I made it. And I did! I guess. After the whole thing blew up some cowboys found me, I think they call themselves the Van der Linde gang? But yeah, they feed me and gave me a bed for the small price of doing some chores. I’d like to do more though, did you know that the 1800’s are really boring even though you can die at any second? It’s spicy but in the wrong way. I’d like you to know though that it’s not all bad here. People are lovely when they’re not trying to shoot you. You should see a campfire evening- hell any evening- here.
Yours always,
“(Y/N) get off your lazy ass and do the chores we asked you to do!”
“Mister Morgan! No need to yell, I got it perfectly under control. I was just, taking a break, that's all. Everyone who works all day has the right to take a break.”
“Boy as much as we want it workers are exploited ‘till they fall to the ground face first. You however are not so-” He took a deep breath, closed his eyes before speaking agian. Softer this time than the louder tone he was using first. “get to work, please.”
“Fine fine, but-”
“There better leave something good out of that big mouth of yours.”
“Hey that's just rude! But I want one of you lot to teach me anything. I can’t even ride a horse for Christ's sake.”
“I still don’t get how you can’t kiddo.”
“I told you I lost my memory at the explosion, maybe I lost my skills too.” You said avoiding his piercing gaze. Nothing is better at covering up lies than staring at rocks being sad over the skills you’ve lost.
“And we all know about that blatant lie.” Fuck, maybe rocks aren’t good at covering up.
“It isn’t-”
“Boy I don’t give a damn, you could work on your handwriting though, you’re almost worse than John. But fine, when you’re done with your chores I'll teach you to ride.” He said, finally giving in.
“Yay!” You said while doing little hand clapping motion. “I won’t disappoint, I promise. I’m a fast learner!” You said with smiling eyes
“And how’d you find out you were a fast learner boy?” He spoke out as he raised his eyebrows, just enough for you to feel them piercing right through you, poking at all the holes in your lie. You thought you’d last at least a few months, well here you are, exactly one month deep in this shithole being caught red handed.
“Fuck” Is all you managed to cram out while your eyes lost all their focus. You being back in your own mind instead of the wild world.
It made the silence hard. The only sound that of the other gang members and the birds and the bees to give you something to focus on. It’s so hard out here, no amount of scouts will ever prepare one for the real wild.vIt’s much scarier out here. The real wild is the place where you die if you trip over the wrong rock. The scouts will make sure the rock isn’t even there. Every bird will just put down another rock and god I want the silence broken, just as broken as my lie is.
“I know there’s probably a reason you’re not telling us anything.” Athur said, as he moved closer, his eyes smaller. Like they could see right in his head “You can’t hide forever, not who you are.”
“Use your words boy”
“I’m sorry, Mister Morgan, I don’t know what to say to that.”
“You’ll figure it out, but first geT your ass back to woRK.” His voice became louder this time, I mean this was the third time he asked. He put his hand on your shoulder, shoving you away from your shared tent towards the hay bales you were supposed to move. A bit harder than anyone in the twenty-first century would’ve done, but for Arthur it was just a friendly push.
“I will, I will mister Morgan!” You said trying to act cheerful. Arthur made a “tsk” sound and waved you off, absolutely done, it seemed. You moved to the hay bales that were still in the wagon, ready to be fed to the horses.
Continue reading on ao3
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I don’t know if you’re still interested in prompts, but in case you are… This may be the most phone-it-in prompt ever, but I thought your “Jaskier gets paralyzed” headcanon looked angsty and wonderful, and I keep hoping you’ll do something more with it. Maybe write us a scene or two from that ‘verse?
Hi anon! I know this took really long but life just be like that, good newn is that once I started writing this I decided to write the whole thing! So if all goes well that will be on my ao3 once I finish it.
This takes place somewhere around chapter 4 and 5 (yeah it’s going to be a long one) just after Jaskier woke up. He got stabbed in the head but Yennefer and Geralt managed to save him, what they didn’t realise at first is that brain injuries almost always have lasting affects, this time making it that Jaskier, the once so alive bard couldn’t even get one real word out of his mouth.
The mumbling wouldn't stop, Jaskier was just making sounds and acted  like he was actually saying something, like he was still flailing his arms around and using every tone he could to get his point across. But he wasn’t. By the gods he was barely moving. His eyes were dancing and he was producing sounds but it meant nothing. The poet lost his words, he lost the life he had. It would take years for him to even walk again- let alone dance around the tavern enchanting everyone with a voice like honey. If he’d ever got to do that again. Brain injuries have disastrous results. He knew that, but he’d never seen it from this close. He never expected Jaskier to end up like this.
He’s met people who were blind, deaf, couldn't feel their left arm or just lost their sense of smell. Never someone who seemed almost fully paralised, not even knowing that they were.
He just kept mumbling, he just wouldn’t stop and it didn’t take the sorceress and the witcher long to realise that they needed to tell him, before he found out himself while they couldn’t do anything but watch. They needed to say something, anything to at least comfort him. He needed to say something and not just watch, Jaskier needed him but the words were stuck in his throat, stuck like they’ve never been, like the tightest screw in the world's heaviest tower.
“Jaskier'' Yennefer seemed to be able to talk. It made Jaskier snap out of his ramble session and look at her. She walked closer and grabbed his hand. Slow and ever so careful. Like it was made out of glass. Slowly lifting it off the bed into the air, letting their conjoined hands rest in the air. She looked at him contemplating what to do. Letting her violet eyes rest on the blue ones across of her.
Even the great Yennefer of Vengerberg didn’t seem to find the right words, or maybe even the heart. She always was brutally honest when it came to things like this. She’s a smart liar, only twisting the truth, but not fully lying.
She redirected her attention from Jaskier’s eyes to his hand. And the blue colour filled with confusion followed. She slowly let go of his hand. Not putting it down, but slowly taking her support away from his arm. And just before she let it fully go she told him something.
“Try and keep your arm up.” Confusion filling his eyes until she let go and the arm fell right back onto the bed, blue eyes grew wide and looked at Geralt, his words still stuck, and back at Yennefer, her violet eyes full with everything he needed to know.
He needed to lift his arm. Jaskier couldn't figure out why it fell when Yennefer let go, he didn’t know what was even happening. He felt okay, besided the thobbing pain in his head he felt okay, so why did his own bloody arm fall?
He just needed to lift his arm. Lift it like he’d always done. Using his upper arm to lift the rest. He’d do it. They were just fucking with him, he was just fine. This was just one of Yennefer’s sick jokes.
Just lift it.
1.. 2.. 3 - 
Why not?
His heartbeat started picking up, along with his breathing. He could still do it. He’d been out for a while, his body probably needs some time. His eyes grew smaller, more concentrated and a little angry. He tried again, and he kept trying but nothing happened no matter what he did. He tried, and oh god he tried but nothing happened.
“What happened?”
But all he got were two worried looks. Why didn’t they answer him? They always answered him, and if they didn’t they wove him off, they didn’t start a group therapy session where he spoke while they just looked at him, worried.
“Answer me!”
Still nothing. Why? Why not? In Melente’s name WHY!
“Geralt tell me! What’s happening!?”
“Jaskier, I need you to listen.” Geralt’s breath got caught in his throat “You’re trying to talk right?”
“Trying? What do you mean trying? I-”
A hand got a hold of his own, Geralt's hand to be exact. The witcher brought their hands closer to his face and placed a gentle kiss on the bard's hand before looking him in his blue wide eyes.
“You’re not saying anything.”
It hurt to tell him that. It hurt that he wasn’t okay. It hurt that he didn’t even realize it. Oh he hated how he needed to tell him how bad it had gotten. Geralt needing to tell his beloved bard all that he loved doing. How he wasn’t able to do the things he loved most. Talking, singing, dancing, playing, writing, he didn’t know where the list would end. For as long as he knew Jaskier he was talking and moving and full of life. Now there was a man on that bed, paralised from his neck down and unable to string together the words he used to be so good with. And now he even had to explain it all to him.
He had to bite through the piercing eyes that were wide with fear, and confusion.
“You’re not saying anything. Not words, just tones. You can move your eyes right? Blink twice for yes”
Jaskier wanted to scream, scream until every word came back. He tried to answer, but just like his arm, his mouth wasn’t working with him. Just how he thought that he was moving his arms at first, now that he listened -really listened- he heard the notes escaping. How it just sounded like low grunts, how it didn’t even sound close to the voice he once had. So he just blinked twice. Geralt would find a solution, he always did. He just had to get through now.
Geralt sighed with compassion. “Do you remember what happened? Once for no, and still twice for yes.”
Did he remember? He dug through his memories, trying to find an explanation for why and how he ended up here. He tried to find it but he didn’t remember himself getting hurt. He remembered the Nilfguaardian threat and how he swore he wanted to help. How he found a way that didn’t involve getting a sword and smashing every black soldier he saw. It wasn’t safe, he knew that, but as long as no one caught him he’d be fine. He needed to pull a big stunt. He needed to be out in the open to get to the Nilfguaardian commander tent, steal the plans, and leave, act like a lost bard, having no idea how he got there. He remembered the plan, but not the execution. Like the day never came to light. Like he fell asleep the night before the big day, and woke up like this. In a condition he just couldn’t put his finger on and with the most terrible headache ever.
“Jaskier. Do you?”
He blinkt once.
“We were going to resist Nilfgaard. I found you struggling with a higher soldier, possibly a commander. I tried to save you-” He hadn’t let go of his hand, but now he squeezed a little harder. A comfort after he choked on his words. And Jaskier forgot, just for a split second that he couldn’t squeeze back, and swallowed the lump in his throat when he remembered again.
Yennefer decided to step in. Realising that Geralt couldn’t find the words he needed. “He stabbed you in your head, Jask. I’m sorry. You even died for a while, but your spirit hadn’t left yet, so we managed to save you. You woke up for a few seconds, after that you fell asleep for the whole week.”
He wanted to make a snarky and clever comment. Just a little something to say that he’s okay, even though he isn’t. To bite at Yennefer and have her bite back. To show Geralt how good they could get along and how their comments could be turned into the best theatre show on the whole continent. 
A try won’t hurt right? It was just a dagger in his head, and he survived that. He survived and he’d always pulled through everything. He had to try, for this wasn’t a life for a bard.
“Well at the very least I’m-”
“Jaskier.” Geralt  said. Eyes closed and lips moving in no particular shape. Testing the words before saying them. “Please, stop.”
“Unfortunately I’m going to have to agree with him” Yennefer said, her stoic and direct self. She wasn’t always like that, but she knew when not to show your emotions. He just hoped that she was in fact hiding them, instead of not caring about him at all. “You’re still not saying anything and this hurts us Jaskier. We will find a way but for now, just stop talking, please.” At least he knew that she cared now, but he still couldn’t believe them. How could they just give in? He was going to be fine, everything will return to normal after a drink, some food, and a good night’s rest. Right?
He didn’t know how his plea was heard, but Geralt knew him all too well. Decades of friendship and love making sure they knew each other all better than anyone else on the continent. Knew what the other was thinking when not a word was said. He sat onto the bed, only letting go of his hand to pull him into a hug. One he could not return no matter how hard he tried. He liked the feeling of Geralt being close though, so he didn’t complain. He just had one question, one question Geralt might even understand without actual words.
He would be okay right? This would pass like it was nothing right? “Right?” 
He got pulled even closer. His arms still stupidly limb and his neck only staying up because Geralt was holding it. 
“I’m sorry Jask.” 
The thing was, he knew that he was right. A voice deep inside of telling him that he wasn’t okay for once, but he still chose to ignore it. Ignore Geralt, ignore Yennefer and ignore that voice, because this couldn’t be true.
It just can’t go like this.
“I’ll fix you Jaskier, I promise” He whispered, only pulling him closer. “Just make this easy for us, please”
He didn’t want this. He wanted the life he had back. And yet,
here he was.
Because he thought it was a good idea to fight against that stupid emporer. Because he just felt the need to fight it all. To give up the life he had for one of heroics and heartbreak. Not just following it, but being in the centre of it all.
Only he planned for his heart to break.
Not for him to break his friend's heart. 
Not for him to lie there not being able to do anything. Not being able to get up and deal with it in some way.
He didn’t know when the tears started to roll but he knew he was crying. Sobs escaping his throat and they still didn’t sound like his sobs. They sounded lower, like his throat was full of snot from the world's worst cold.
What a shitty way of the world to show him that the heartbreak he oh so romanticised isn’t great. That isn’t worth the one song he might not even be able to write. This wasn’t worth his heroic story he didn’t even get to write until the end.
“I’ll stay with you, Jask, I’ll get you through this.” He’d lie if he didn’t feel a kiss on his hair. He liked it, liked the feeling of still being something to someone. Liked the feeling of Geralt caring for him. “I’ll help you, Jaskier.” His sobs only got louder and he wanted to pull himself even closer to Geralt’s chest, hide in the safety and the warmth of the person he loved most. “I’ll help you through.” He whispered before placing another kiss in his hair. “I promise.”
Geralt didn’t know how long he’d been holding Jaskier, but he knew that they were there for a long time. He held him and pulled him as close as he could, afraid to lose him if he even as much as looked away. He knew that Yennefer left after a while, he wasn’t sure if she grew bored or couldn't take it anymore. Either way he was alone with Jaskier. And he kept crying until his eyes were swollen and red. He didn’t have a lot of energy anymore, even Geralt could see that, but he still wouldn’t go to sleep. He could understand why, sleep always felt like it made things real. Sleep made sure that the next morning you could see what really happened. He knew how tempting it was to tell yourself you were okay, that you’d be just fine and that no one needed to worry their asses off.
It took him long enough to accept Jaskier’s help when he needed it, telling him that he didn’t need help. Not even when stabbed, poisoned, beaten, yelled at, kicked out, or to put it simply, when he was hurt and not okay. Jaskier would always patch him up, no matter how loud he told him that he didn’t need it. 
He knew he was probably off way worse, if not dead had Jaskier never helped him.
He mostly realized that in the mornings when that freshly stitched up wouldn't sting as much as before. How he did lose a lot of blood in hindsight. And how he did sometimes need someone to tell him that he wasn’t the monster they made him out to be.
That’s why he didn’t need to think for one second when he found out that he wasn’t okay for once. He already stitched him up before of course, but not like this. Not in a situation this hopeless. But despite the bad view on the future he wouldn’t leave him. Not the man he loved, not the man who helped him through all those bad times.
“I love you, Jaskier.” He got a hold of him and held him upright, looking him in those red swollen eyes. “I love you.”
He saw the other man look up, his eyes just a little bit less sad than before he said those three little words. Geralt gave him one of his most sincere smiles, smiles only meant for Jaskier and no one else. He could see that Jaskier wanted to talk, wanted to say those words back, but he also saw that he gave up without even really trying. Probably feeling just as tired as he looked. Instead he saw him try to smile, which still seemed hard, but he also still seemed to have some sort of degree of control over his face. His lips still didn’t seem to work with him, but his eyes did. Telling him the words unsaid. 
“Thank you, I love you too.”
They sat like that for a while, stealing a few more seconds together before Geralt spoke up again.
“You should sleep.” 
And with two blinks he lowered him back onto the bed. Only keeping his hand on his cheek, softly brushing his thumb over it. “I’ll be back when you wake up.”
And with those words he saw his eyelids close and heard how his breathing slowed. He still stayed like that for a while, not really wanting to leave his side. But after a while he did. He got up and took one more look at him before he really left the room. 
One more glance at him before the real strom settled in.
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Just breathe, you idiot, chapter 5
AO3 link
Summary: It has been a long day. Geralt and Jaskier got kicked out of town, and one idiot just needed to wake Geralt up in the middle of the night, barely being able to take a single breath.
The consequences of very unsafe binding featering one idiotic bard
The mage's house was a bit tidier than last night. The empty bottles were put on one big pile in the corner instead of discarded around the house, and that was pretty much it. The house was still a mess and the stench from days and nights drinking alone still hung in the room and the pile of books seemed to have grown bigger. 
‘Okay master witcher, let’s finish this quickly so I can get back to my daily routine. What’s your problem. The price will be fair.’
‘I need information about the body transformations in Aretuza.’
‘How the fuck am I supposed to know anything about that? I didn’t went there, I’m a druids mage you idiot. I am unlike those witches fertile.’
‘You know something at least.’
‘Fine, from what I’ve heard it’s part of the process of making the students infertile. While they do that they can change the appearance of their subjects. And they have a no outsiders policy, so you can’t have it.’
‘It’s not for me.’
‘Yeah, I don’t care. Anything else?’
‘I need to contact another mage. Directly.’
‘I have a megascope, if they have one I can contact them. What’s their name?’
‘Yennefer of Vengerberg.’ He knew it was probably gonna be hard to convince her but her trusted her so much, he knew that she would do it right if he could convince her. He just didn’t trust anyone else when it comes to important matters like this.
‘I need you to write down your name first, so that if you run off I can make them arrest you.’
He pulled out a piece of paper. It said Alexander of Lyria, healer. It had a lot of names under it and it seemed to be something administrative. The filled in his name under the last one and turned to the mage.
‘Alexander of Lyria?
‘That’s my name. I have nothing to do with Lyria anymore, that shithole.’ He spat at the floor while saying that.
‘Hm. Geralt of Rivia.’
‘Good. It’s upstairs, follow me.’
It was tough navigating through the piles of clothes, books and bottles. It truly was a wonder this man seemed to live here alone. It the mess got really bad the moment they went up the first pair of stairs but the attic seemed to be cleaned up.
‘The attic isn’t such a mess.’
‘Yeah, this is where I do magic. People could die if I'm not careful.’
‘Don’t, just don’t. I’ll do my magic and you need to step back, if it goes wrong you could be ripped to pieces. Don’t move, don’t speak until I tell you to. Got it?’
‘I do.’
‘Repeat it. What do you need to do?’
‘I'm not a child, Alexander, I don't need to repeat anything.’ And even Geralt knew that megascopes weren’t that dangerous, and definitely not if you only used them to talk.
‘You do, or I’ll won’t do this.’
‘For a mage you don’t seem to be keen on magic. Fine, I won’t move, won’t talk until you tell me to do so.’
‘Good enough. Now stand by the wall next to the door. So if something might occur you can run, if they guards find out I’m fucked.’
He didn’t say anything after that. He went to the door and stood against the wall, watching how this mage was fiddling with the crystals. He readjusted everything twice before stepping back and turning to Geralt.
‘I need to read your mind about her, I need to know who I’m summoning.’
‘Can't I just tell you about her?’ He asked with an angry undertone.
‘No, I won’t look at anything else. Just make sure she’s the only thing you’re thinking about.’
‘You better not.’
‘That’s all in your hands. I will only read the thoughts on the surface, now think about Yennefer.’
So he tried his best to only think of her: Yennefer of Vengerburg, Lilac and goosberries, black hair, violet eyes. Met when I hurt my best friend, Jaskier. He was hurt and he still is hurt only now he- 
‘Witcher! I do not care about your friend right now. But fine, that’s enough information.’
‘How much did you see?’ He needed to know, he might not care about himself, but if people find out about Jaskier’s past they might be a real bitch about it. He never really got why people would do it, he was just a man like any other man. His body just didn’t do the right thing. And if something is wrong with your body you should fix it, not try to hide it from everyone and hurting yourself in the process. Everyone deserves to be comfortable in their own body, especially Jaskier. And he definitely didn’t deserve to get attacked by stupid people.
‘Not much. I know enough about Yennefer and I know that you care an awful lot about this “friend” of yours.’ He said while making airaquotes. ‘Nothing more nothing less. Stopped you before you told me too much.’
‘Now stay put and-’
‘Don't move or talk unless you say so. I know you’re bitter and awfully worried about doing your job but aren’t you overreacting.’ Apparently hat was the wrong thing to say, the mage seemed furious. He stepped closer until they were face to face, well they would be face to face if the mage wasn’t an entire head shorter than the witcher, but he did stood awfully close. He could see all of the tension in his facial muscles and how he was ready to spit in his face if proved necessary.
‘I have my reasons.’ A bit of spit flew from his lips ‘Now shut your fucking mouth.’ He turned away and took a few deep breaths. After a while of either consentrating or calming down he said something in elven before a blue-ish bubble appeared. It took a while before it seemed to focus but when it did he recognised some of Yennefer’s stuff, but she was still nowhere to be seen. He looked over at the mage who seemed to be relieved, still angry, but relieved that everything went well, so he kept waiting. After a while he heard something on the other side.
‘And who is this? I don’t recognize your magic and- Geralt!’ She was wearing black and white as always, and he was sure she also smelled like lilac and gooseberries, as always.
‘Yennefer. Alexander is it okay for us to talk alone?’
‘Fine, but I'll be right outside and you better let nothing happen.’
‘I won’t, thank you.’ He went outside and closed the door. He heard him lean against a wall before Yennefer spoke again.
‘So you managed to find the bitterest mage on the continent. Didn’t expect anything else from you. But I’m sure you have your reasons to contact me like this, so speak up.’
‘I need your help.’
‘Figured as much, what did you do this time? After that I'll see what I can do.’
‘It’s not for me, I want to help Jaskier.’
‘Geralt you’re gonna have to tell me more, and you better have a good reason for it. Me and the bard aren’t exactly friends.’ 
He couldn't get himself to speak. Jaskier never even told him, and he trusts him with his life. The only reason he knew was because he woke up while Jaskier could barely breathe. He never choose to tell him, he just got caught. He felt like he was about to spill the biggest secret on the world when the owner of it was trying to do everything to keep it a mystery. He thought he was completely ready to do it but he wasn’t ready to betray him like that. Sadly knowing Yennefer she’d probably never let this go, he just has to find a subtle way of telling it. He knew Yennefer wouldn't care about it at all and still treat him like a piece of shit so it would probably be fine. But it still felt wrong.
‘Come on speak up, I can’t read your mind from here.’
‘You know I don't like that.’
‘Yes, and I can't do it right now. So stop wasting my time and tell me, I have a feeling what this is about and you’re either gonna confirm or deny it right now.’
‘What do you know?’ He snarled at her.
‘No need to get angry, but I'll only tell if you talk first. We might not be the best of friends but I won’t spill secrets. Now speak up before I run out of patience.’
He felt like this was it. No way back after it. Now be subtle Geralt. ‘His chest is.. abnormal.’ He still didn’t want to spill his secrets to anyone, and he was pretty sure the other mage was still listening. Yennefer’s words obviously didn’t help but he did trust her with his life. He knew that she wouldn't hurt him on purpose so she definitely wouldn't hurt Jaskier. ‘I know about your body transformation and thought, that, well,’ He let out a sight. ‘Maybe you could help him.’
‘How do you know?’ She was trying to hide the fact that she was angry now, or at least protective of her own secrets.
‘Saw your left shoulder a little above the right with the djinn’s business. The rest was just connecting the dots.’
‘Fine,’ She was so bitter about it ‘just don’t tell this to anyone. And I know about his chest, surprised it took you so long. Had to make sure he didn’t die remember? Lungs and ribs are a pretty big part of breathing, so I checked it. I was surprised by it but it wasn’t my business, so I did for what I would get paid. Which was making sure he didn’t die, not digging around in his secrets.’
Of course she wouldn't admit that she wanted to capture the djinn, not even after all this time, but he had more important matters on his mind right now.‘Yen, can you help him?
She seemed to think about it for a while. ‘Possibly, yes. I just can’t do it for free.’
‘Just like that?’ He really didn’t expect things to be this easy. ‘You and Jaskier aren’t exactly great friends.’
‘Yes. And I’ll lower the price just because it’s you.’ It really couldn't be that easy.
‘Yennefer I know would never help someone she doesn’t like.’
‘It’s a bit more complicated than that Geralt, I pity the man. Yes even I care about people so don’t give me that look.’
This was all wrong. Yennefer who used to scream that she wanted everything was now saying she’d just help Jaskier, and all that she asked for was something to make sure she can pay the materials. Something was off and it couldn't be that she’d just help him without some sick twist to it. He of course hoped there wasn’t, but this was still Yennefer.
‘Not about your womb?’
‘Geralt even I know you can’t just steal someone's womb, besides it’s very much possible I need it for the spell. Also I need him to agree on it too, I don’t know if he knows you're doing this but don’t make it a surprise. It’s probably gonna cost him his fertility.’
‘It won’t speed up his aging or something right?’ It was the one thing he worried about, they talked about it last night and he only now realized it has always been in the back of his head since. And removing organs couldn’t be extremely good for the body.
‘No. If he wants I can even prolong his life, make him age as slow as a witcher, I could even teach him how to do magic to make him immortal but do you really want to do that to him? He has always lived as a human and for one to suddenly become immortal..it would mean watching everyone die, except for you and me. And you’re already old for a witcher, so he’ll probably have to watch you too.’
‘Tell him that yourself, and I assure you he’ll give his permission to do so.’
‘You, Geralt, are selfish. But fine, as long as he agrees I agree. And I of course get paid reasonably. I need to pay for food and supplies too Geralt, so I can’t do it for free, not even for you.’
‘I know, where do we meet you?’
‘I don’t have the supplies to do that kind of magic here, only place I can think of is Aretuza. And I was not planning on going back there.’
‘Kaer morhen?’
‘Possibly, but that is pretty far away, I can portal there, but since I’m assuming you’re coming too, you will just ride on horseback just to avoid another portal.’
‘Good point. Any other ideas?’
‘I just need the right stuff, Kaer Morhen is the best option. How long will it take you to get there?’
‘A week, maybe longer. Let’s say two.’
‘Good, see you then, hopefully for the both of you I won’t change my mind. If you do let me know, I don’t want to show up there with all my stuff and not see you. If you don’t, see you in two weeks if he agrees, goodbye Geralt.’
‘Goodbye, Yennefer.’ She left when he finished that sentence, the crystals didn’t light up anymore and he would see her again in a week, or so he hoped. He still had to pay the mage, and tell Jaskier about it before they set out. How hard could it be?
‘Geralt?’ He heard the mage say while coming in. ‘All done?
'pay up.’ He never thought he’d see the bitterest mage on the continent ask him if the conversation was done before fallingback into his usual routine of being an asshole. Something was off even Geralt could see that.
‘You’re act is falling, Alexander.’
‘It’s none of your business, pay up and leave please.’ His voice cracked when he said leave, something happened with him while he was talking with Yennefer, but he didn’t want to care about him, he had more important matters on his mind. And yet he didn’t leave, he just watched at the man who was so bitter all of this time, and now he just seemed hurt. ‘You going to say anything? Look today was a tough day for me, and you made sure of that, I-’
‘No.’ He said, he was done with his act. ’I gave you a job for today, and it wasn’t that hard. I gave you an income for you to drink away whatever’s left of you. So stop. acting. like that.’
‘You reminded me of someone, and I don’t like it one bit. Now pay up and go before I call the guards.’
‘You’ll get in more trouble than me.’
‘I just can’t find the room to care anymore.’
He paid him and he left. It wasn’t any of his business, he barely knew the man. He didn’t ask for his help so he stopped meddling in his business and he left. Back to Jaskier.
He needed to talk with him. He told his secret to her without his consent. He really was an idiot he knew that, but hopefully Jaskier will look past that and just think about how he’ll finally be able to take his shirt off- no just live his day to day life without hurting his own ribs and at least not get angry about it. Even if he did he technically didn’t tell her she already knew it, it wasn’t within Jaskier’s knowledge but she still did know before he told her so he would have absolutely no right to be angry. 
Luckily for him the walk to the inn wasn’t too long and he didn’t have loads of more time to dwell onto it. He never adjusted his pace and he walked into the inn. He didn’t see Jaskier yet so he started walking towards their room. He was stopped by the innkeeper greeting him.
‘Never caught your name.’
‘Rhona. You are judging from the bard’s songs the white wolf, Geralt of Rivia.’ He was almost fond of much that idiot sung about him. ‘Speaking of him, he wasn’t too happy with your departure. Came here at breakfast and told me about everything. I’m generally not interested in other’s stories but in this one you were being a real asshole. So you might wanna go and explain yourself to him.’
‘I was just about to do that, thank you Rhona.’
‘Sure. Also he told me how much of an idiot you were so I’m going to say it straight to your face. He cares about you loads, don’t throw it away.’
‘I know, thank you.’
‘Good. Now go explain yourself to him.’
‘As said before, that was the plan Rhona.’
‘Just making sure. Good luck.’
He nodded at her as he left. He went up the stairs and he found himself looking at all the decorations, they were Skellige. In hindsight he did hear a little bit of an accent when speaking with Rhona but she did a good job at masking it. The decorations were subtle, no big purple banner with a boat on it, just some stuff that was unique to Skellige. Some plates and other kitchen wear and some weaponry. The combination of tableware and weapons was surprisingly nice to look at. He thought that it probably had to do with the warriors have a home too or some shit. Or maybe it was just the colours, he didn’t know, it was still nice to look at. The plates were nicely decorated with bright colours to show the Skellige pride and the weaponry was- 
‘Geralt, even I can see that you’re stalling.’
Jaskier just stood leaning against the doorframe a few meters away. His arms and legs were crossed and his eyes were looking directly at Geralt. To his great surprise he didn’t seem angry at all, just curious.
‘Fine don’t say anything about the stalling then. You definitely were if that’s what you were going to say.’ He wasn’t. He was a witcher, a fearless creature who definitely didn’t stall on talking to his good friend. ‘I'm not angry if that’s what you're wondering. I will be if you don’t get over here and explain yourself right now, but we’re fine for now. So-’ He stood up and made some gestures telling him to come in. ‘Come in and fucking explain yourself.’
Even Geralt knew the not being angry was a lie. He maybe wasn’t angry about him leaving but he was probably angry about the fact that he never explained a thing. And he had the right to be, he was being an asshole about it. He just really hoped he’d understand once he told everything. He walked in the room and everything besides the smell was still the same. He could still faintly smell some sweat but mostly it smelt like Jaskier’s oils. It was nice. He sat on one of the chairs by the table while Jaskier stood next to it with his hands on his hips.
‘Well?’ He asked.
‘Well..’ He repeated while he let the memories of how it all started come back.
0 notes
Yeah it’s not big, but that’s not what’s important here. Also it’s only the ones that aren’t horrible! So most of the extremely bad stuff is filtered out!
The order is from my favorites to the ones I don’t like as much, hope you’ll enjoy some of them!
Multi- chapter fics
Just breathe, you idiot  Ao3  4/?, 15K,it’s trans!Jaskier and binding injuries
One shots
You’re the one who got stabbed Ao3 / Tumblr 4,5K, horrible witcher Jaskier and kinda funny
Let me come back Ao3 / Tumblr 1,7K, Jaskier (temporaily) dies and it’s from his perspective. Hurt/comfort.
And he would fucking snore Ao3 / Tumblr 1K, allergic Jaskier, tooth rottig fluff
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Let me come back
While procastinating I wrote this! Enjoy
Ao3 link
They were just having a peacefull day when bandits attacked the witcher and the bard, and the river Jaskier was washing himself in did not help giving the advantage to them.
Today wasn’t supposed to go this way, he was going to wash himself in the stream, and Geralt was going to sharpen his swords even though Jaskier yelled at him for not wanting to clean up a little bit. And for once he was thankful he didn’t, he had his sword close now, and he needed it. Because despite the fact that they were in the middle of absolutely nowhere, they were under attack, by bandits.
Jaskier was floating on his back when they came, he was telling Geralt, or rather himself while Geralt pretended to listen, about how his new ballad was going to be his next hit and how rich they’ll get off it. He got pulled under the water mid-sentence, he yelped Geralt’s name before his head was submerged too. He could feel the current dragging him and his attacker away, and he struggled to get up again for way longer than he would’ve wanted. The bandit was submerged too so he was definitely able to fight. Only he needed air now. One powerful kick was enough to push him away, just far enough for Jaskier to catch his breath again before he got closer. He screamed as loud as he could while his head was still above the surface:
‘Help me!’
He really hoped they didn’t attack Geralt too bad, he tried to listen and listen but there was nothing. The attacker was coming closer now and there was still nothing. He started trying to push him under again when he heard a far away scream:
At least Geralt seemed to be doing okay were his thoughts when he was pulled under again, longer this time, the current still dragging them further and further from their camp. Only his attacker needed air too, so when he caught his breath Jaskier did too. The bandit was still trying to hold onto him but he didn’t pay attention for a split second and Jaskier was able to escape his grasp. He tried to get to the riverbank when the bandit let go, to get out of here. He tried to call for Geralt, but this time he didn’t get a response. His attacker followed him and he was almost out of the water when he was grabbed by his hips and-
‘Wrong choice bard.’ The voice was low and rough, and it almost sounded like he was smirking. He was going to kill this man when he got out of here-
if he got out of here.
Before he knew it he was underwater again, only this time he was pressed against the riverbank, with his attacker above the water level, completely being able to breath. Fuck. He doesn’t need to catch his breath anymore.
The bandit’s bigger hands moved to his throat and turned him around while Jaskier kicked and fought, but it was in the vain. He was completely overwhelmed, and the other man was so much stronger than him. His knees pressed into his lower stomach. He tried to fight but with every move his back got pressed further into the ground while he felt his kicks becoming weaker and weaker. Every new move started to hurt more than the last until he was only able to keep his hands on the attachers arm. It was an effort in the vain, the bandit didn’t move and only pressed on his troath harder. He couldn’t keep this up any longer, he tried to fight it but he breathed, underwater. After he did that everything started becoming brighter, like a flash of light. How bad could this be? It’s just a light, like any other light and-
  absolutely nothing
It was like floating in the dead version of space, in the vast emptiness. There was nothing to look at, nothing to see, no stars to light his way, no planets to inhabit, no galaxies to marvel at, no black holes to disturb everything and no thoughts to be heard. They were gone, just like everything else, from now on there’s only floating in the dark nothingness. 
In the absolute nothingness.
Just emptiness and darkness,
no thoughts
no nothing.
  Or is there?
  Let me come back
  ‘Don’t give up’
  ‘Don’t do this.’
  I don’t want to stay here
 ‘ You still have a ballad to show me.’
  It was all coming back slowly
  ‘Come on’
  He felt a great force on his chest
  ‘Wake up’
  Air fill his lungs
  The chest again
  More air in his lungs and-
A lot of fucking pain
He tried to breathe on his own again, but it hurt so much. He coughed right after, and a lot of water came out of his throat, he must have swallowed the entire river he thought. His head hurt so much and every muscle he possessed was aching, but he seemed to be back. He was still barely hanging on to his consciousness, but he was back.
He got out of that darkness.
Everything slowly started to come back, he hand on his back, the grass under him, the fact that he still was covered in water and a man talking to him.
‘Hey, Jaskier, talk to me.’
Sword on the ground next to him, black armour, white hair-
‘I’m here.’ 
‘What happened?’
‘You died.’
‘Oh’ That makes sense
‘I brought you back.’ Everything still hurt and he couldn’t find the words to respond, he was so tired. He felt his eyelids become heavier than they’ve ever been, but he didn’t want to go to sleep. He just got back and Geralt was still with him. That should be enough reason to stay awake right?
‘Sleep, I’ll take care of you.’ He didn’t want to, but he probably didn’t have many choices. His body was tired and he was fighting way to hard to stay awake. He just didn’t want to be alone again, Geralt has to stay. He doesn’t want to wake up alone. He needed to know he wouldn’t be alone again.
‘You’ll be there when I wake up?’ It was the hardest sentence he ever had to say, physically speaking than. It took way to much effort for a man who normally talked all day.
‘Of course. Now sleep, you need it.’ He put his hand on his face and held him close afterwards, and Jaskier just felt everything become heavier and heavier before he doze off. It was nice knowing that Geralt was with him, and it was nice to know he wouldn’t be alone when he woke up. Geralt rarely lied to him and if he started now,
well he would be pretty much done for.
Luckily for him he slept pleasantly, and he actually was there when he woke up.
He woke up in a bed and wearing clean clothes. The fire crackling in the fireplace and the blankets put around him made sure it was nicely warm in the room. Before the fireplace sat a big figure.
‘Yes.’ He got up and started making his way over, and he still didn’t have the energy to sit up straight, so he kept on lying in the bed. Geralt crouched down in front on him and stroked his hair once. After that he put his hand on his head so that his thumb could stroke his hairline.
‘What do you remember?’ He asked, softer than his usual tone. He didn’t remember everything if he was honest, but he was sure Geralt was going to clarify those bits.
‘I remember that I was lying in the water when I got pulled under, the current dragged us away and after a while I tried to get out, but it backfired pretty hard. I got grabbed by my throat and I tired to fight him of, and I’m pretty sure I failed. After that I just remember darkness, and I think I saw you after that but that’s all pretty vague.’
‘That’s a surprising memory for someone who died.’
‘Yes, now what did I miss?’
He let out a sigh. ‘I saw you get pulled under before five other people attacked me, I tried to fight them off quickly and find you. I heard you scream a few times so when I took care of the bandits I ran to you. I found you under water with another bandit over you. I took care of him but you weren’t moving. I got you out and used a tactic Vesemir taught me to bring you back. Luckily you responded.’
‘What was this tactic of yours Geralt? I’m very intrigued.’
‘Three chest compressions to help the heart beat, tilt their head back and breathe for them, also three times. Repeat it until they wake up, or if they won’t.. you need to let them go.’
“Let them go”
Let them die, this was your last resort.
And it saved him
He died, he was pretty sure Geralt told him before but it only hit him now. He drowned by the hands of a bandit and if it wasn’t for Geralt he’d still be in the nothingness. Luckily for him that memory was faded and disoriented, it would be absolutely traumatising if it were clear, but it was still there. 
He was dead.
For a short while he was nothing but a limp body.
And it made him cry.
It took long to process what happened, but now that he did, he realized what it meant. That he was still alive because Geralt knew what to do. And he’s never been as thankful for being able to breathe as he was now. With Geralt holding him while he cried away the shock of what happened. 
‘This is why I didn’t want to clean up.’
‘Shut up you big oaf.’
He was pretty sure he heard a small chuckle, and he just kept on making the worst jokes imaginable.
‘At least you have more material for your next ballad.’
‘Since when did the grumpy witcher become a comedian?’
‘You like my jokes.’
‘I do, but that still doesn’t change anything.’
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Jaskier gets almost paralyzed and Geralt has to help him recover
Aka how to make yourself sad 101
There was a big fight and Jaskier has no reason to be there
They split up on good terms and Geralt needed to fight some big battle
But that idiot showed up and had a knife to his head
And before Geralt can kill the guy he stabs Jaskier in the head
And he's stopped moving
He rushes to Yennefer (with Jaskier body in his arms) begging her to do something
She creates a portal and they put him on the ground while Yennefer works her magic
And thankfully his heart started beating again but he only opened his eyes briefly before falling back asleep
For weeks
Geralt stays with him the whole time so he'll be there when he wakes up
Only when he does something is wrong
He's just looking and barely moving
Geralt asks questions, simple ones and he can see Jaskier understands
But he can't move
He can see him trying to respond but he only can produce low sounds which sound like yes and no
And a lot of not understable gibberish
"Jaskier you're awake"
And he just couldn't respond
The bard who always talked and played the lute was possibly paralyzed
But Geralt wouldn't give up on him
He'd make sure Yennefer would use her magic to accelerate the healing process
But he mostly had to do it by himself
Feed him, make sure he drinks, try to give him back control over his muscles again
And very very slowly it starts to go better
But most days he still had to comfort the almost limp body that once was a bard full of life
He cried a lot while Geralt had to keep strong
And he barely could
One day when Jaskier was asleep he looked at his lute
And he lost it, he found out that witches could cry and stayed like that for a long while
After a while Jaskier was able to move his arm again and for a long time his arms were his only way of communicating kindness
He grabbed Geralt's hand whenever he could, and Geralt took it with both hands
Sometimes he'd place a soft kiss on them, but he'd always look at his eyes
They told him so much
"Don't give up on me"
"I don't want this"
"But I'll keep fighting, just don't leave me"
He'd never leave him of course
After too long Jaskier was able to say one worded sentences
They still didn't sound like Jaskier, but at least he was able to tell him what he needed
"Water" he couldn't say thirsty yet
"Hungry" and he could see how hard it was to get those simple words out
Sentences got longer and longer
"I'm hungry"
"What do you want?"
and the sparkle in his eye when he was able to respond to questions again was the best thing he's seen in a long while
Geralt was so happy when they had their first casual conversation again
He just came back from a contract and Jaskier asked how it went
He told it with as much details as he could remember
"If all I needed to do to get you to tell about your adventures was to get a severe brain injury you should have just told me sooner"
It took long to get all of the words out of his mouth but Geralt waited patiently
And it was so worth it
He's never smiled so bright as he did now
The talking got easier and after a while Jaskier insisted on helping him walk again
The first time he basically had to carry him
After a while he started moving his legs again
And every time they had to eat Geralt would let him walk to the dining room
He wasn't able to stand on his own for a long time and getting to the other room took unbelievably long
But he was so proud of him
It took them years to get here but one day he might walk on his own again
And he was able to ramble again
And Geralt never wished for blessed silence again
The now knew how it made him go almost mad
Instead he listened to every word Jaskier had to say
They were still rough but every thing started to get better with every passing day
They walks started to become shorter as the bard was able to walk faster
He sat in a chair most days instead of lying in bed
Only his singing was ruined
And playing the lute again would take a long time
Geralt started singing kids songs just so Jaskier could song along
The words were simpler in them
First time he did it he cried
"Geralt I can't"
"Not without practice"
And he restarted singing the song ever so slow
And Jaskier really tried to sing along but it was too hard
He went to sleep crying that day
But Geralt just had to try again until he was able to do what he loved again
And he started singing along after a while and it sounded horrible
But he was so happy to hear him sing again after all these years
On his next birthday Jaskier sung happy birthday for him
And it was the best present he could ever get
He mostly didn't care about his birthday but he'd cherish this one forever
It gave him hope that one day he might still recover
Yennefer told him how lucky they were
"He's not dead and not paralyzed. You're lucky"
He did consider them lucky, but he also felt enormous amounts of guilt
If he saved him a little bit sooner this would've never happened
But all he could do now was wait and hope
And help him as much ad he could, and cherish it all
He still had no idea what the future would bring for them
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You’re the one who got stabbed
Stole this idea from the lovely @witched-the-watcher (x). Hope you like it!
ao3 link
‘So I heard you were in need of a saviour, a witcher in particular. Good news my dear friend here I am.’
‘You look like a bard to me.’
He let out a gasp. ‘Well I am technically speaking a witcher, I mean look at the cat eyes! They somehow didn’t turn as yellow as most witcher’s eyes but still. I survived it all and I’m here to help you. Me and my friend.’
‘Your friend at least looks like a witcher.’
‘That’s not my fault. You know what I’ll let him tell you the truth. Geralt! He won’t believe me! Again!’
The larger witcher got up and walked to the talking pair. ‘Technically speaking he is a witcher, not a good one, but a witcher nonetheless.’
‘Thank you Geralt- Wait what? Not a good one? I’m still alive it looks to me like I’m doing great!’
‘Sorry for my friend. He can tell you all about his training days to make you believe him later.’ If looks could kill Geralt would be dead right now, not that this particular witcher could ever kill him. Even Geralt has no idea how he survived any of the trials, or how he survived anything in general. He asked about the contract and went on his way, a few insectos had a nest in the area. Jaskier kept following him, in his leather armour for once and ranting about how he isn’t actually such a bad witcher. That idiot used to knock himself out when fighting a fucking training dummy. Vesemir told him about his training and he still can’t believe anything from it.
‘Look I have some very important business to attend to dear Vesemir. So I sadly have to skip this training session.’ The sixteen year old witcher said. He could see how tired Vesemir was getting but he continued anyway. He really hated training, he wasn’t good at it and he’d preferably do whatever the fuck he wants. He didn’t choose to be a witcher, it was his parents stupid decision to let a witcher invoke the law of surprise. And now he survived the trial of the grasses, and they still won’t let him go. He got so angry he named himself after a flower just to fuck with Vesemir. It was a poisonous flower and you definitely shouldn’t rub it over your skin, but it was a flower nonetheless.
Vesemir let out a sigh ‘And, Jaskier, what is this business?’ 
‘Well.. I need to study, I was doing that before you called us for the training and I was having a blast honestly. It would be a real shame if I lost my concentration.’
‘Name one fact you learned, a real one and you may go.’ Fuck fuck fuck I’ll just make one up he won’t notice a thing.
‘Uhm.. let me think I learned so much I don’t know where to start.’ He just kept looking at him disapprovingly. ‘Ah I got it! There once was a forktail near here who instead of attacking people fell asleep in the courtyard!’ Gods he was so good at lying ‘And that was a fact so I’ll be going-’ The older man grabbed his shirt and yanked him towards the training ground. ‘By the gods Vesemir that’s just rude!’
‘I have an idea. Fight me and if you don’t lose you can skip tomorrow’s training.’
‘And what if I lose?’
‘You have to go out and hunt a monster. That enough motivation for you?’ Oh he was going to win this fight so bad.
‘Fine, just know that I will win and have such a good day tomorrow.’ He could barely say anything more due to the fact that Vesemir swung his sword at him. He barely avoided it and grabbed his own sword from his back. He tried to find his gripping and swung his sword at Vesemir. Who avoided it way too easily before walking closer. This is my chance he thought, but before he knew it something yanked his ankles away from the floor and he fell. All that he could remember after that was the pain in his head and how the world became black.
He woke up still lying on the cold floor. He could still hear the clattering of swords as he waited for the headache to pass so he could open his eyes until he heard Vesemir speak up.
‘Open your eyes I know you’re awake.’
‘But my head, it hurts. Honestly I don’t think opening them will make thing much better. I’ll just lie here until training’s over.’ He said still keeping his eyes closed.
‘You’re already a hazard to yourself and everyone else when you don’t have a concussion, you can go to your room and prepare for the hunt.’
His eyes snapped open and he immediately regretted it. ‘Wait you were serious about that? I really need to fight a monster?’
‘Dead serious. I expect to see something before tomorrow.’
‘But I’ll die.’
‘If you’ve paid attention to anything you wouldn’t.’
‘Fine! But I choose the monster and I don’t have to train anymore today.’
‘As long as you bring a monster it’s fine. Now go before you hurt someone other than yourself.’
He got up and tried to find his balance before going to his room. He didn’t know a lot of the potions but he knew swallow, the healing potion. He didn’t get them from others anymore so he made some himself and put them in his room. Even some of the best witchers get hurt sometimes he always told himself. He sat down on his bed next to his home made lute. He didn’t have any coin and no one wanted to get him one, so he made his own. It sounded horrible but with the help of a book he stole he was able to practice and write songs. This whole witcher thing wasn’t going to stop him from doing what he wants. He drank the dose of swallow and started collecting his stuff. Two swords, one steel and one silver, only take the silver one when you need to it’s a soft metal so it will break sooner bla bla bla. This might be one of the few facts he remembered and it was for a reason. Every day they said it until he remembered it. Rope seems to be a handy thing to take and a few doses of swallow. He put it next to his armour and checked if he had everything. I mean he’s never actually hunted something so he wouldn’t know, but it seemed like it could be everything. He put on his armour, which he dyed all kinds of beautiful shades of blue, despite Vesemir’s protests.
‘Witchers wear black, that’s a trademark colour please don’t dye it blue.’ It only motivated him more to do it. So he lied to Vesemir by telling him that blue is almost black and he dyed it blue. He might have found out how magic works in the progress, he found an old book talking about other uses than the one-handed spells witchers used and he gave his armour the prettiest colours using magic. After that he turned to his normal clothes and turned them into gorgeous doublets so he wouldn’t have to walk around in old rags anymore. He was on cleanup duty for a month and he didn’t regret a thing.
He headed out when his head stopped hurting, which might have been fifteen minutes or so. Moments like this made him thankful for witcher’s enhanced healing abilities. He didn’t have his own horse so he grabbed a white shared horse called weed. She was a bit of an ugly horse but she was lovely. He went out looking for a simple creature to take back home. He first went to the watchtower to see if anything simple was nearby. He got off weed when the road started becoming narrow and continued on foot. He climbed to watch tower and checked the surroundings. He didn’t expect to see much and definitely not a six armed demon horse with god knows how many eyes.
‘Oh I am definitely going to take you back home.’ He said to himself. He went back to weed and rode to where he saw the creature. He had no idea how but he found it, but he saw it. It was standing in a clearing in the woods and there were no others creatures near. 
‘What now, it’s basically another horse right? Just tame it and take it back? Sounds like a plan right weed?’ He got off and slowly started walking towards the creature. Vesemir didn’t say anything about it needing to be alive or dead and he really wanted his own horse. 
‘Now, how to tame a demon horse. Any ideas Weed? No of course not you’re a horse and I can’t send you to him he if you die Vesemir will kill me for real. So maybe I’ll just name it, what to name a demon horse with six arms…’
‘I’m a genius, let’s do this. Greg?’ He called to the whatever it was. It didn’t seem startled but all of it’s thirteen eyes were locked on him. ‘Hi, I..uhm.. am in need of a horse and you would truly be my saviour.’ Fuck fuck fuck what now. ‘I have a rope, and I can use it to guide you back home, and we can be friends, obviously only if you want to and you would really help me out. So,’ He grabbed the rope and made a lasso out of it, a big one. This thing might look like a horse but it had an enormous head. ‘I’m just gonna put this around your neck and you, my new friend are coming home with me.’ He said while slowly getting closer, it seemed to be saying things in elven but Jaskier couldn’t care less. He needed to bring back a creature and this would be perfect, and bonus, he seems like a perfect horse and friend. He stood before it and slowly put the rope around his neck, while Greg looked at him with all his thirteen eyes. He patted him a little bit before going back to weed. He took the end of the rope and thankfully Greg followed him. He walked back towards weed, who seemed shocked and started panicking.
‘Weed it’s fine! This is Greg, a friend, and he is, partially, a horse! He’ll be your friend! Now come on we gotta walk all the way back so I can bond with Greg. Look, Weed I love you but I need my own horse anyway so will you pretty please follow me back to Kaer Morhen?’ The horse did not seem to care. ‘Righty, I guess I can sit on your back but we’re going to walk slow if Greg runs I might actually have to fight something.’ He got on weed, still holding the rope attached to Greg. He kept looking at him and talking to him the whole ride, the seemed to become less tense when they got to Kaer Morhen. Or he thought, he was still talking about a thirteen eyes demon horse. The gate was closed so he got of Weed and knocked on it. Vesemir came to open the door and when he did he just stared in disbelief. Not the kind that says “wow Jaskier you did it!”, it was more of a “Jaskier what the fuck did you take back here!?”. But he didn’t say anything, he just stared with a tired look on his face.
‘Vesemir!’ Jaskier said after a while of silence. ‘You told me to bring back a monster so here I am! This is Greg and he’s going to be my horse and friend.’
‘You are so lucky I have to take care of you and not any other witcher who would have really killed you now.’
‘What do you mean? I did what you asked, I brought back a monster. You never said that said monter wasn’t allowed to be my own horse.’
‘No, strike it down and get this over with, Jaskier.’ He let out a gasp and coverved what were probably Greg’s ears.
‘No! He’s my horse I’ll strike your horse down if you lay one finger on him!’ Vesemir just sighed
‘If he destroys anything he leaves directly, now make sure the others don’t see him.’ 
Jaskier was practically jumping with joy right now. He led Greg to the stables and put him in an empty one. He started brushing and washing him afterwards. He put a saddle on him and tried to find reins that fit on this creature’s head, but gave up after a while. He knew horses needed to get used to wearing gear, so he took the saddle off and before going to bed, he’d find a solution for the reins tomorrow. It wasn’t only something he wanted to do, but also a great excuse to skip tomorrow’s training.
  ‘Goddamnit Jaskier! I told you to stay away this time!’
‘Geralt I too am a witcher I- ah!- watch out you brute!’
‘We’ve been traveling for centuries you should know by now that you almost always get hurt!’
‘You should know how to drag a stabbed man correctly by now without - ah!- hurting him with every step!’
The hunt went wrong, again. Even Geralt couldn’t believe that this man had been a witcher for a couple centuries and he still got hurt on almost every contract they- he went on. Jaskier almost never helped, except for when he distracted the monster and gave Geralt a chance to strike it down. This time that was supposed to happen, only this time Geralt wasn’t fast enough to strike it down, and it stabbed Jaskier. And it stabbed him good, right in the left kidney to be precise. Luckily for him he already got stabbed before in the same kidney, a healer said his kidney would regrow within a couple years but it would function worse. At least he still only had one bad kidney and one good one. They walked straight passed the inn where they’d get their reward and went to the healer’s house. Thank god this town had a magical healer. Jaskier was fine all of the time, but he has been way to close for way to many times, and Geralt still hated it every time it happened. As far as they knew he was still mortal, it was almost impossible for him to die of old age, but he still was able to bleed out. And oh god did he lose a lot of blood. He left behind a trail on the ground, and sadly also on Geralt, but anyone could follow them from the monster to the healers hut with ease. He didn’t even care to knock when they got there, he just pushed the door open with his shoulder and walked in, still dragging Jaskier who was now bleeding all over the healer’s floor. The healer was a young blonde woman with dark eyes. She was wearing a turquoise blouse and a skirt which consisted of all kinds of rags. She looked at the pair and quickly told them to sit Jaskier down on the bed while she grabbed her stuff. When Jaskier was sitting he stripped him from his clothes, knowing from experience that he needed to take them off anyway. He quickly discarded them on the floor and took a look at the wound. It did not look pretty, it was bleeding a lot and you could just see his kidney, or what was left of it at least. The healer quickly came back, she took of the rags that formed her skirt and she as wearing a pair of leather pants and an apron with old stains on it. She had a bag or supplies and put it on the ground next to Jaskier and started doing her job. 
‘What happened?’ She asked while she started cleaning the wound, or at least she tried to, Jaskier was demonstrating quite a lot.
‘I.. uhm ah! be careful!’
‘We were fighting some insectoids and one stabbed him.’
‘He got hurt here before?’
‘Yes, how-’
‘The scar tissue around it. He’s really unlucky.’
‘You’re wrong I am the luckiest witcher’s on the- ow do you mind?’
‘Agreed, he’s a horrible witcher, it’s a wonder he’s still alive.’
‘Geralt I swear if you call- oh goddamnit! That hurt.’
‘I’m going to stich it up now, I don’t have anything for you to bite on sadly.’
‘Geralt I’m going to squeeze you hand whether you like it or not.’ Before he could say anything Jaskier grabbed his hand and was ready to squeeze it. She held a needle and threat close to the wound and Jaskier looked at her hand, clearly not looking forward to it. The moment the needle entered his skin he looked away and squeezed his hand. He had an surprising amount of strength for a man who just lost a lot of blood. 
‘Ah! that, fuck that will always hurt, goddamnit.’
‘Then don’t get stabbed as much as you do.’ He was basically curled up on him right now. For someone who gets stabbed as often as he does he’s very bad at dealing with getting stitched up. It took a while before she said something again.
‘Sit still or it will only hurt more, trust me.’ Jaskier didn’t respond anymore, his eyes we’re still opened, but he seemed to barely stay awake. Looks like the adrenaline started to disappear from his body. He put him a bit straighter despite his grunts of protest so the healer can do her job right. When she finished stitching him up he had fully lost consciousness and Geralt put him on the bed.
‘I’d like to use some spells before I’m done.’
‘Knock yourself out.’
She said something in elvish and let her now glowing hands hover over the wound. After a while she spoke up again.
‘How long have you been traveling together?’
‘Too long, centuries I think? They all said I wouldn’t last a week.’
‘Who is they?’
‘The other witchers.’
‘Tell me more, might give you a discount if you do.’
  Even Jaskier had to admit it, he did not expect to make it through the trials, he honestly didn’t even expect to live long enough to see the trials. At least this would mean he’d get to hit the road, but not alone, of course Vesemir wouldn’t let him go alone. He might look like he hasn’t slept in years because of him, but he still didn’t want him to die. He was, and always will be angry with him for invoking the law of surprise on his parents, but he did raise him. And he was better than most other older witcher at Kaer Morhen. He didn’t yell at him every time he did something wrong, and oh god did he do a lot wrong, he was like a father figure for him, despite everything. He still cut himself when grabbing a sword without gloves so he might haven’t really done a good job, but Jaskier did not make it easy for him. All he had to do now was wait for another witcher to show up, preferably the white wolf. He’s heard so much about him and if he was going to be the only witcher to not be allowed to hit the road alone, he was at least going to be traveling with someone famous. He told Vesemir about his preferences and he just said if he shows up within a month you can go with him. What he didn’t tell him was that he wasn’t going to take no as an answer. And he right now really started to think he didn’t have to fight him anymore, a large white haired man just walked in, and Vesemir almost ran towards him.
‘Vesemir. You told me to come.’
‘Yes I did, I have an apprentice for you.’
‘A what-’
‘Jaskier! Here, now!’ He got up and walked towards them. ‘You’re going to be traveling with him, now’ He put a hand on his shoulder.’Good luck, and I am finally going to take a peaceful nap.’ And he walked off, not looking back. Jaskier knew he cared about him, but it still hurt, seeing him walk off without looking back.
‘You’re not traveling with me.’
‘Yes I am, fellow witcher, I-’
‘I don’t believe your a witcher.’
‘That’s just rude, I am a perfectly capable witcher. I even have a demon horse and it’s way better than any regular horse, but that’s not the point. Vesemir didn’t even introduce me properly. I’m Jaskier.’ He gave him his hand and he shook it.
‘Geralt of Rivia, not making you my apprentice.’
‘No you’re not, I already am and I’m impossible to get rid of. I have way to many questions for you.’
‘Spill it out.’
‘Since you insist upon it, first question. How did you dye your hair white? No one wanted to tell me how you did it and I was thinking how I could dye my own hair  cornflower blue to go with my armour. Did you know I dyed it using magic? I-’
‘Loss of pigmentation from all the experiments. Next question.’
‘What’s your opinion on poetry? I wrote a few ballads but I only have a makeshift lute so we just gotta get to the nearest town and get me a good one so I can play in taverns and make coin and we’re all set for adventure.’
‘Why would I take you with me?’ Fuck he wasn’t going to make this easy for him. Guilt trip him maybe?
‘What about Vesemir? He raised you too didn’t he? Just try it for him and if after a week you still hate me I’ll leave.’ He wasn’t going to leave after a week no matter what. ‘It will be great fun and I’ll pay you back the lute, promised.’
‘Not taking no for an awser, we’re leaving today.’
‘Fine, but only if you don’t bring us in danger.’ He had no idea what changed his mind, but he was happy with this development. He needed to grab his stuff before leaving, he was lookin forward to this, but it did come kind of unexpected. 
‘I’ll get my stuff and I’ll introduce you to Greg when I come back! He’s amazing and honestly quite scary sometimes but you’ll love him I assure you.’
‘Hm’ Was all that he heard before he left to his room to grab his stuff. He folded his clothes and put them in a bag, his armour was made of leather and so he managed to fold it up a bit too. He still hated wearing it, it was heavy and sweaty and he only wore it when he needed to. He got his personal belongings and left what he could. His homemade lute, he was getting a new one anyway. And his books about music and spells, he already knows every sentence in all of the books. And all of the junk he put in his room, he was just planning on leaving it. Vesemir told him they weren’t taking in new witchers anymore, so he figured he could just come back anytime.
He took his bags to Greg and saddled him up. He was so much tamer than the first time he met him. He still tranced out sometimes and spoke gibberish in elven, but he was able to ride him. He was ready for his adventure, he still didn’t look forward to being a witcher, but that’s what Geralt’s for. He can be a witcher while he can sing in taverns, making coin his own way. He probably had to help sometimes, but he’d be fine. He had been training for his whole life, how bad could it possibly get?
He grabbed the reins and walked towards the courtyard.
‘Yeah, found him two years ago or so. I had to come back with a monster because I failed training and I found him. He isn’t a monster, he’s honestly a really good horse but he passed as one, a monster I mean. And since then I had my own horse, he’s a bit.. creepy sometimes but he’s amazing.’
‘He’ll scare the villagers.’
‘He won’t! Everyone will love him trust me. Now let’s go I need you to hear my ballads on an actual lute!’
‘I’m not buying you one.’
‘I’ll pay it back, trust me. Now let’s go you still haven’t told me about your opinion on poetry.’
‘You’re not going to make me regret making you stay are you?’
‘Geralt I would never. I survived the trials so I am a good witcher. Now get on your boring regular horse and let’s go!’
He got on his horse and left first, Jaskier following and talking about anything and everything. And Geralt’s responses started getting longer and longer, and before any of them knew it, they were a couple centuries in.
‘And you just let him stick around?’ The healer asked
‘Didn’t have a choice. He stuck to me like glue.’
‘He paid back the lute?’
‘Within a month, started earning his own part after that.’
‘He’s your complete opposite’
‘Opposites attract.’
Silence filled the room for a while, she did her job while Geralt just watched. He didn’t have anything better to do anyway he told himself. It was a relief when Jaskier ultimately woke up.
‘Ugh.. I.. what happened?’
‘You were stabbed, again.’
‘So nothing new. Oh my head.’
‘You lost a lot of blood.’
‘And you’re very lucky to be alive, and the worst witcher I’ve ever seen so please be more careful next time.’ The healer said.
‘I was! I- ah’ He tried to move a little bit. ‘it still hurts.’
‘Yeah, you heal fast so it should only hurt a couple of days. Just stick to the lute playing for a while.’
‘How do you know about that?’
‘I told her, thought it’d be polite.’
‘It was, and I don’t say this quick, but you’re the worst witcher I’ve ever heard of.’
‘You guys are horrible do you know that?’
‘You’re the one who got stabbed.’
‘Touché’ He might be the worst witcher to have ever walked the continent, but he still was his friend, his brother maybe, he still didn’t know what to call him, but he was happy that he’s met him. But that idiot really should be sticking to his lute play
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Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion Additional Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Trans Jaskier | Dandelion, Trans Male Character, unsafe binding, dont fucking do it, Bind safely, Hurt Jaskier | Dandelion, trans!Jaskier Words: 12K
Notes: I’m not uploading the whole chapter here because I can’t copy all the italics and stuff straight into tumblr.  Enjoy!
It has been a long day. Geralt and Jaskier got kicked out of town, and one idiot just needed to wake Geralt up in the middle of the night, barely being able to take a single breath.
The consequences of very unsafe binding featering one idiotic bard
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Just breathe, you idiot ch3
Almost forgot to post it here lol. Please leave a comment if you liked it they really make my day!
ao3 link
It has been a long day. Geralt and Jaskier got kicked out of town, and one idiot just needed to wake Geralt up in the middle of the night, barely being able to take a single breath.
The consequences of very unsafe binding featering one idiotic bard
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Geralt, you just killed a child
Scouts AU no one asked for? Don’t worry I’ll provide.
ao3 link
Keep reading
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion Additional Tags: Mild Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Trans Jaskier | Dandelion, Trans Male Character, unsafe binding, dont fucking do it, Bind safely, Hurt Jaskier | Dandelion, trans!Jaskier Summary:
It has been a long day. Geralt and Jaskier got kicked out of town, and one idiot just needed to wake Geralt up in the middle of the night, barely being able to take a single breath.
The consequences of very unsafe binding featering one idiotic bard
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And he would fucking snore
First ever fanfic. Yay!
Jaskier´s always preferred the warmer seasons. There were more people out, there was less rain and maybe more importantly the nights camping weren't so cold.
But there was still one downside to the changing seasons, a runny nose which of course came with sneezing, and very itchy eyes.
Most of the time Jaskier was fine. He'd splash some water in his face and he was able to get on with his day. Even when he would be on the road for days on end after meeting Geralt.
Geralt knew Jaskier reacted bad to the springtime. He didn't know what caused it, but neither did anyone else. All he knew was that it was just annoying. Jaskier was out of breath sooner, and he would fucking snore.
The amount of times the witcher had to move his bedroll away from Jaskier so he wouldn't just hear an annoying and particularly loud snore.
Geralt never said anything about it. There was no need to, Jaskier was fine, just a little more annoying than normal. Only this year it seemed worse than all the other years combined.
´Oh and Geralt did i tell you about this time I- wait there´s something in my eye give me two seconds´ 
´hm´ was the best response geralt could think of before stopping roach and letting Jaskier catch up again.
´Looks like the time has come again for me to annoy you, witcher´ Jaskier said after he caught up again. ´so where was I?´
It did not get better as time passed. Jaskier sneezed so much and Geralt has never heard anyone snore so loud.
Jaskier was just strumming his lute when it got really bad.
´Toss a coin *sniff* to your *sniff*´ He tried to sing ´Well this *achoo* isn´t working´ ´So it looks like *sniff* you're in luck Geralt, I'll finally keep *sniff* my mouth shut for once´ He manages to say, before he had to sneeze again.
And again
And again
And again.
That was the first time Geralt ever said anything about it.
Geralt managed to find a hand chief and give it to Jaskier. And Jaskier was the most annoying he's ever been. He´d never really minded the talking when they were on the road, it was only when the bard endangered himself with his silver tongue that he really was annoying. That stupid bard made him worry, just like he did now.
´You know Geralt *sniff* you could at least pretend to care *sniff* by saying bless you´ He said, Jaskier looked like a mess. He had a red nose, chapped skin right underneath it. His eyes were swollen red and full of tears, and yet he still managed to look pretty, in a weird way.
´How can you even still see?´’Geralt asked, as he dismounted roach and started walking over to Jaskier.
´Well that's very *sniff* kind of you´ Jaskier said, kinda happy with the fact that Geralt decided to care for once. ´To be fair it's a real struggle to keep them open, but well at least… nope there's absolutely nothing positive about *sniff* this, this really *sniff* sucks´
´hm´ Geralt said as he got closer. Somehow he found himself cupping the other man's face. He didn't exactly know why he did that. To take a look at the mess that was Jaskier? To show him that he did care? ´close them´ he finally said
´What?´ Jaskier managed to say before sneezing and giving in on this request
Geralt had returned to Roach to check if there truly was nothing that would help the very red mess with tears running down his face.
´There's a stream nearby´ the witcher sighed.  
´Oh so my eyes are red ONCE and you directly make a plan to drown me?´ the bard said sarcastically, still keeping his eyes closed.
Something close to a smile formed on the witcher´s face. ´yes-, and I´m leading you there and you´re not opening your eyes´ ´ And don't act like you've never annoyed me like this before´ He said with a hint of sarcasm in his words.
´Well there's nothing I can do blindy so Geralt! Lead me to the stream!´ he said triumphantly when he felt a sturdy arm behind his back telling him where to go next.
The stream was really close, Jaskier felt that they directly left the road and walked in a field. It would be kinda romantic if he didn't sneeze every three second and if he was able to open his eyes, thought Jaskier.
The stream itself wasn't  very spectacular, but it was enough for Jaskier to wash his face and make the itching a bit more bearable. He didn't hear Geralt leave, but he did hear him come back with roach.
´Ah, hello Roach, you also here for this *achoo* water?´ he said ´you know it´s great as long as you avoid the *sniff* snot and tears I put in there´
´Jaskier, watch roach for a minute and start making camp´ the other man said ´I´ll go and find some dinner´
´Wait isnt it *sniff* a bit  early to *sniff* make camp?´
´Yes but-´
´-you're gonna be a pain in the ass when you're sneezing like this on the road´
´Don't spoil Roach too much´ Geralt said as he left
´Definitely can't promise that´ the sneezing man whispered just soft enough so that Geralt couldn't hear him.
The rest of the day went a bit better. Jaskier was still a sniffing mess with swollen eyes but at least he was able to wash his eyes and continue setting up camp. Roach was kinda happy with this whole camping early development due to the amount of sugar cubes she got while Geralt was gone.
Night already started to fall when geralt returned with a rabbit. Jaskier already got a fire going and Geralt prepared the rabbit. When dinner was finished, Jaskier´s eyes weren´t swollen  anymore. He still was a sneezing mess, but at least he could see without without the struggle of that annoying itch.
´I, eh, made you tea´ heard jaskier wilst he was strumming his lute and he thankfully was able to sing again. He put his lute away and took the warm mug in his hands.
´You know I should sneeze a lot more if *sniff* it means I get tea from the famous white wolf´ Jaskier said with a chuckle, almost certain that Geralt had a smile on his face.
Jaskier was the first to fall asleep. Most of the time they played a round of Gwent before the both went to sleep. If Jaskier wouldn't snore they would even cuddle because ´that was a lot warmer´. They both knew that that wasn't the only reason they would cuddle, but they would both never admit it.
Jaskier was snoring al little bit, but the urge to lie next to him was bigger than the urge for a night where he wouldn't wake up because someone had to breath through his mouth during the night.
He saw Jaskier shift when he lifted the blacket to move over. He laid down and put his arms behind his back and pulled Jaskier closer. And somehow Jaskier, whilst very much asleep, did the same.
´Hmm´ Geralt heard Jaskier say while he pulled him closer. It wasn't long after that that Geralt fell asleep too. Hoping that the other man wouldn't ruin his mood by snoring very loudly in his face.
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Chapters: 3/3 Fandom: Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types, The Witcher (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion, Jaskier | Dandelion & Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon Additional Tags: Angst, Canon Universe, Post-Canon, Idiots in Love, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Light Angst, Nightmares Summary:
First of all Cintra fell,
second of all Yennefer disappeared,
and thirdly Jaskier was still nowhere to be found.
So Geralt will search for Jaskier first, who he hasn´t seen since the dragon hunt.
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