I LOVE a simple greeting it's great and you kinda Made me tear Up in the latest Part
Like Dabi wanted to Show us I-
Jdmsnmsnsksms I'm so sad oh god
Hehe im glad u enjoyed! Gotta love some slight angst. I promise there is a happy ending but im so busy with revising 😭😭
6 notes · View notes
A simple greeting
Where you find yourself trapped inside the world of what you thought was a fictional book and the only way you can leave is to say hi to your favourite character… Overhaul.
Overhaul x reader
Warnings : swearing
Words : 682
Series masterlist
A/N : 3 or 4 more chapters to go! Might do a spin off for a short dabi x reader 
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Chapter 6
You stood still on the train platform, reminiscent of your first day in that world, looking around desperately for that familiar mop of green hair. 
When you didn’t see it, you broke out into a sprint before you could find yourself sobbing in the middle of a crowd of strangers in a train station. 
It had been another twenty minutes before you finally arrived at your apartment, twisting in the key and pulling open the door harshly. Dropping your bag onto the floor, you sunk down onto the carpet, head in your hands as you finally let out your sorrow, loud sobs echoing through your home, letting go of the tears you had held back ever since the moment you said goodbye to Haru. 
It had been almost two months since you last stepped foot in your world. Your friends, although few, had certainly been considered as family at one point.
They were gone.
“-Also you’re also really hot.”
That had been the last thing you had said to him before vanishing. 
Were you a figment of his imagination? Certainly not, his men, especially Rappa had interacted with you. Perhaps it was your quirk, him never once truly believing that you were quirkless. In his eyes you couldn’t be quirkless, you couldn’t be... so perfect. He simply would not allow himself to become infatuated with someone as ideal as you. 
And yet he stood there, absolutely crushed, as he stared at the place you had once stood. Every moment of your interactions with him replayed, and he quickly pieced together your jumpy attitude with speaking to him. 
Your quirk made you disappear every time you spoke to him. Surely that was it. But why was he, and only him, the trigger for your quirk? That he did not understand. 
A knock came at the door, Rappa’s voice calling out. “It’s been almost half an hour boss, is everything alright?“
“Yes, you may leave.“ he demanded, walking back to his seat as he could hear Rappa’s pacing outside.
“Sir are you sure-“
“You can leave.“
He paused for a moment, footsteps halting suddenly before his voice rang out once more. “Oh- Well enjoy!”
Overhaul groaned at the obvious misunderstanding, but brushed it aside as his eyes caught sight of your notepad. Reaching over the table, he picked it up and reread the words; Could you come stand here?
Flipping the page over, he found a small checklist on the next sheet. 
Things to tell him: - he’s cool - he’s very kinda hot; do i actually want to tell him that tho - I’m not a spy  - pls let my bby Eri go before they come
He frowned at the last bullet point. Before ‘they’ came? Who could that of been, the heroes, the league, someone else entirely?
His eyes shifted down the page to the completely crossed out phrase, again using his quirk to lift the top layer of ink.
- tell him that I love him
“I don’t understand. They just upped and left?” Toga asked, a sad frown on her face as she fiddled with the bracelet you had gifted her only the day prior.
“Must have, can’t find a single thing of theirs in their room.” Dabi answered, leaning against the couch.
“So these gifts...”
“They were goodbye gifts yeah.” Dabi finished, looking down the see the black sweater that ended just below his belt. He had immediately chosen to wear it this morning to show you, hoping for a compliment when he had stumbled to a completely empty room. 
Your few clothes, shoes, bag and notepads and pens were missing. Toga’s clothes and pajams folded neatly on the edge of the bed with the duvets and blankets all stripped. He had found them neatly hanged up for drying, spotting that all of the trash had been emptied and the bar’s glasses restacked.
Most notiably, you were gone.
It hadn’t been until Toga asked him about the letter she had found when he too realised that he had been left one. Your familiar handwriting detailed the page and you apologised for leaving so abruptly, talking about times you enjoyed with each member of the league and how you wished them happiness in the future. 
A future where you did not exist. 
Haru had failed to explain clearly the reason you left. He could not jeopardize his own life as the world master and also his entire lineage by telling the league the truth of your sudden appearence. They were villains after all.
Instead he simply stated that you had somewhere else to be, somewhere where you truely belonged. 
Shigaraki had thrown a fit at that, cursing about how they had taken you in as one of their own but it seemed that you never felt that way.
“She chose that bastard over us.” Shigaraki stated, Toga nodding as tears welled up in the corner of her eyes.
Kurogiri came down the stairs with a final piece of paper in his hands. He smoothed down the crumbled letter on the table, both Dabi and Toga peering over Shigaraki’s shoulders. 
On it was just a few words, repeated over and over again, the ink once wet with water as the colour smudged over the paper. 
I’m sorry, I’ll miss you guys so much. I’m sorry, I’ll miss you guys so much. I’, sorry...
The five stood in silence, before Toga finally spoke up.
“Do you think she wanted to leave?”
“Who knows.” Shigaraki whispered. 
“Is it, perhaps possible he forced her to leave?”
“Overhaul?” Dabi asked.
“Yeah.” she nodded. “You did say she left with Rappa right?”
Haru nodded. 
“They didn’t choose him over you I promise.” he sighed. “They loved you all dearly but unfortunately they simply didn’t belong... here.”
“No Haru’s right.” Dabi said. “They weren’t a villain. They never were and they never will be. 
“Regardless I should’ve never said yes when they asked to come along to the Yakuza.” Shigaraki said. 
“It wasn’t your fault. They wanted to go.” Haru reassured him. ”But they had to leave.”
The league fell silent as Haru kissed his teeth. 
“They won’t be back.”
20 notes · View notes
A simple greeting
Where you find yourself trapped inside the world of what you thought was a fictional book and the only way you can leave is to say hi to your favourite character… Overhaul.
Overhaul x reader
Warnings : swearing
Words : 995
Series masterlist
A/N : Sorry this took so long. I’m off to bed so sorry i haven’t proof read. Also I have began my overhaul shrine, it currently consists of one print but it WILL grow 
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Chapter 5
It’s about time you left. 
His voice kept echoing in your head as you continued to work into the late evenings, Haru having already left and yet his words refused to follow suite. 
You knew he was right. Almost two and a half weeks has passed and you were becoming too attached to these... fictional characters. 
The light pooled in from the second floor window as you raised a hand to knock on Toga’s door. Plastering a wide grin on your face, you waited for her.
“Hiya!” she answered almost immediately, swinging the door open with a smile. “Do you need anything?”
“Are you free to go shopping today?”
"Yeah sure, give me a second.” she replied, rushing back into her room. 
“I’ll see you downstairs.” 
“Alrighty.” she called out. 
You waited, scrolling through the news on your phone before she bounded down the stairs, backpack in tow as you stood up to walk with her to the door.
“We’ll see you later Kurogiri.”
“Alright, stay out of trouble.”
You laughed. “We’ll try our best.”
With him replying with a nod, you pulled Toga out of the doorway, brushing past as Dabi turned the corner. 
“And where are you two off to?” he raised an eyebrow. 
“Just some shopping. We’ll see you later.” you responded, waving before turning to Toga.
“So what are you wanting to buy? Are you already sick of my clothes?”
“Oh no, that’s not it.” you hurriedly said, “I’ve just wanted to buy you guys a gift since I’ve recieved nothing but hospitality.”
“A gift?” Toga echoed.
You nodded. “Yeah, something to say thank you for letting me stay here. I borrowed a little money from Haru to hopefully get you guys something small.”
“Hmm alright.” she replied with a slight frown. “I don’t see how those guys deserve anything but speanding a day out with you is more than what I could ask for.”
At her words you felt yourself smiling uncontrollably. 
“Thank you Toga.” 
“You shouldn’t have.” Kurogiri beamed, rolling one of his new wine glasses in his hand with a smile. 
“It’s alright! I wanted to give you guys something as a thanks.” You turned to Shigaraki befor handing him two PS4 games, watchong as his eyes widened, his father’s hand no longer obstructing your view of him face as he had grown to become used to your presence.
“Wow um... thanks.” he mumbled, hiding his smile by suddenly placing his father’s hand back on his face.
“Pfft he’s shy.” Toga giggled, before waving over Dabi.
“And this is for you sir.” you announced, handing him a large paper bag.
He pulled out a plain black sweater, eyeing you as he held the item of clothing up with a deadpanned expression. “A sweater?”
“It matches your aesthetic and it’s also fire resistant.” you smiled, giving him your now all too signature thumbs up, watching as he nodded. 
“Could be worse.”
“Just say thank you and move on.” you rolled your eyes, turning away and back to Shigaraki. “But yeah, I just wanted to say thanks for letting me stay. I know it was at Haru’s request but I really appreciate it.”
He looked up from opening his games before giving you a nod. 
“No problems Y/N.”
“I’m leaving.” you stated, a small bag of your personal items hung over your shoulder as Haru turned to look your way. 
“It’s now or never.” he laughed, softly patting you on the back before you pulled him in for a hug.
“Thanks.” you mumbled as he froze, pausing for a few moments before patting your hair.
“There there. Sorry you got caught in this mess.”
“No no, it was fun, for sure.” you smiled, “I’ll leave the league to you? I know they’re villains but please do take good care of them.”
He snorted at you. “I don’t think you’d care if someone if a villain or not.”
“Stop judging me.” you cried out, pushing him away as you stuck your tongue out. “Alright I’m going now.”
You stepped away, a tight lipped smile that slightly cracked as you repeated your words. “I’m... I’m going now.”
You nodded, throwing him one last quick hug before running out of the door. 
You couldn’t bring yourself to say goodbye to the league face to face, instead opting to leave them handwritten letters. Haru would give them it for you.
Pushing open the door, you greeted Rappa as he starting escorting you back to his hideout. 
“I’m surprised it’s just you going alone.” he chuckled. “Am I to suppose the letter did it’s charms?”
You groaned, slapping a hand on his arm as he bellowed out laughter. “Shut it. And yeah your boss is still not over it, thinks I’m a spy who wants to steal his newborn’s teeth or something.”
“Well it is the boss, can’t have him dropping his guard for just anyone now can we?”
“Well one can dream.”
You continued your playful banter until reaching the base an hour and a half later. You bowed to the members who stood guard as you entered the doors, finding yourself in the familiar corridors again. 
After a few minutes, you two stopped at a door, different to the meeting room you had been in last time.
“Boss, Y/N is here to see you.”
“They can enter.” Overhaul called from inside.
With a deep breath, you patted yourself on the face, telling yourself to calm down as you set foot into his office. 
The walls were lined with cabinets and shelves stacked with folders and loose paper, Overhaul sat in the middle with his green coat draped over his chair, tie loose and sleeves rolled up, only a thin black face mask on.
You almost gasped at the holy sight, slapping your hand over your mouth as your eyes flittered around the room and eventually to meet his.
He cocked his head at you. “Are you going to stand there all day.”
You hurriedly shook your head before walking to his desk, Rappa closing the door gently behind his as he left the room. His boss could certainly take cair of himself, but he would be back in five minutes to check up on you two.
Pulling a notepad and pen out of your bag, you quickly wrote something down.
“Could you come stand here?” he read out loud, scanning you with his golden eyes before resting his palms on his desk and pushing himself up. “Sure.”
You waited him to stop at the front of his desk, before slowly stepping forward and stopping an arm’s distance from him, taking a deep breath before looking him in the eye. 
"I think you're really really cool and I wish I had more time to spend with you, and that I dont know, we could've gotten to know each other better than you thinking I’m a spy but yeah, thanks for being alive, please let Eri go. Also you’re also really hot." You came to a stop, squeaking at the end with how difficult it was to hold your breath.
You let go of it, ready to speak again.
"I love you."
Your voice was overpowered by the intercom.
"Please take caution when stepping off the train."
33 notes · View notes
A simple greeting
Where you find yourself trapped inside the world of what you thought was a fictional book and the only way you can leave is to say hi to your favourite character… Overhaul.
Overhaul x reader
Warnings : swearing
Words : 895
Series masterlist 
A/N : hope you enjoy! :)
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Chapter 4 
Hi Chi Overhaul
He frowned at how you had obviously known his name, the seed of suspicion beginning to sprout as he continued to read. 
Jesus this is really weird okay so um hi. My name is Y/N L/N and to tell the truth I'm fucking terrified to speak to you. Like, pissing my pants, gonna lose all of my friends type shit. Why am I even writing this you're literally never going to read this.
He scoffed at the irony, flipping through the notebook to realise this damn thing nearly filled up the entire book. Was simple boredom really the cause of your insanity?
I decided to just write stuff down since it'll be weird to leave and not have anything proving it wasn't just a fever dream.
Since I've already started I might as well write down everything? Well I think it'd make sense to roughly explain why I like you? I mean you aren't my favourite for no reason.
Favourite? Was there some popularity test between him and his men that he was not aware of?
Ahhh, so like I'm an orphan. My parents died ages ago and my foster family's kicked me out a year or two ago and the only family I have is an older brother who I'm not really close with. So I do the usual grind, eat sleep work read, and then I saw you. Like genuinely the hottest man ever. I am your biggest simp and although I don't condone your actions with Eri-
He drew in a breath, rubbing his eyes before he rested his chin on the back of his interlocked hands. You knew about Eri. You knew everything about him and truth to be told, he was slightly scared, concerned, and even a bit angry at himself. Who on earth were you and how did you get so close to him without him ever realising. Why were you watching him and what was your next move going to be? How foolish had he been to allow you into his home. Was that why you were trying to get close to his men, to somehow find a weakness?
The next words were heavily crossed out, unable to be read. He took off one of his gloves, willing to only destroy the top layer of ink, wondering if you had possibly leaked your secret here. 
-but you're a comfort character to me and it's nice being able to read about your thoughts and stuff, even though your idealogy is a little,,, off. Honestly, I think I cried when you Actually I think I’ll cross all of this out ahah
His confusion only increased tenfold. Character? Was this just a book to you? That would certainly explain why you could read him so well. Or were you just messing with him? Were you hiding a quirk and toying with him until the league decided to act?
That had to be it. You were a thorn in his side and he needed to get rid of the problem fast.
With a sigh he set the notebook aside, putting his mask and glove back on before leaving his seat.
He needed to clear his mind.
"Y/N you got some fan mail!" Dabi shouted, picking up an envelope and waving it in the air. "Hurry up before I burn it."
“Ooh, hold on!” you shouted, darting down the stairs and nearly tripping, Dabi holding out his other hand before you could come in contant with the floor. 
“Looking for another bloody nose so soon sweatheart?”
“Wonder who gave me the first one.” you retorted, snatching the letter from him and taking out the many pieces of paper. 
“To miss Y/N. Hello, this is-” you cut yourself off, squealing and holding it close to your chest. 
Dabi scoffed, turning on his heels. “Don’t tell me it’s from that bird freak.”
“Oh no no it’s most certainly from said bird freak.” you beamed, jumping up the stairs and nearly bumping into Toga as you ran into your room. 
“Okay okay calm down Y/N, calm the fuck down.” you said, squeezing your cheeks between you hands before picking up the letter again. 
To miss Y/N
Hello, this is Overhaul. I am aware it is impolite to recieve a letter, or letters in this case, and not respond. I have many questions of which I am sure you have the answers to. 
Firstly, who are you?
“Isn’t this your third letter of the week?” Kurogiri asked, watching as you hopped back down the stairs from placing the two envelopes on your bedside table, towel in hand ready to clean the bar counter.
“Yeah, well one of them is from Rappa.” you responded, spraying the table top down. 
“You’re pen pals with the yakuza now?” someone piped up.
“Haru!” you jumped, turning and holding the spray in his direction. He gave you a lopsided grin. 
“What are you going to attack me with some soapy water?”
You rolled your eyes and stuck out your tongue in a gagging motion before continuing your work. 
“Someone looks happy to see me.”
“Probably cue to get your eyes checked.” you remarked.
“It is nice to see you again Haru.”
“Hi Kurogiri my man.” he smiled, reaching over the counter for a hug and pat on the back to which he returned. 
He snickered at you before resting his arms up. “So why are you still here?” he asked as Kurogiri’s figure retreated into the back room. 
You hopped onto a stool, stretching your arms out before placing your elbows in the same fashion as he did, mirroring him with a small sigh.
“I guess I just don’t want to leave.” you whispered, a small frown forming on your face.
“You’re going to have to soon Y/N. I can’t keep correcting this world to hold your exsistance.”
You rubbed your forehead, eyes dropping to the wooden counter. “I know, I just...”
Looking up, you watched as Kurogiri stepped out and started talking to Shigaraki, Toga running down the stairs and joining them, shouting excitedly as she waved her phone in the air, followed by more shouting from Dabi.
“They look happy.” Haru commented, also fixing his gaze in the direction you were looking at. 
“They’ll be happy whether I’m here or not.” you mused.
“Yeah, it’s about time your left.” Haru said softly. “Not to say we don’t like you but...”
“I don’t belong here.” you finished his sentence off. “I know.”
He hummed in response, the conversation slowly coming to a stop. He knew he couldn’t comfort you. You were a glitch in this world and you needed to leave before the dimensions rejected you. He needed to be firm, for your own safety.
The time, although little, he had gotten to spend with you had created a small space in his heart, and yet it also cemented his mind. You needed to leave before the barriers overpowered him. 
Before they cut your soul in half.
He opened his mouth to speak again when you cut him off with the squeak of your stool. 
Turning to him you sucked in a deep breathe before smiling at him, albeit forced. 
“You’re right, I think it’s time I said goodbye.”
27 notes · View notes
A simple greeting
Where you find yourself trapped inside the world of what you thought was a fictional book and the only way you can leave is to say hi to your favourite character… Overhaul.
Overhaul x reader 
Warnings : swearing
Words : 1,123 
Series masterlist 
A/N : my favourite chapter I think. Either this or the soon to come angst heh 
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Chapter 3
“Don’t get in our way alright?” Dabi said as you followed him and the rest of the league through the long winding corridors. 
“You won’t even notice I’m there.” you grinned, throwing him finger guns. 
“Good, don’t make me regret this.”
“Overhaul is waiting for you here.” a man in a beak mask, Chrono, said.
You squealed at the mention of his name, Dabi throwing you a look of disgust and you hopped impatiently from one foot to another. 
“Y/N go stand in the corner.” Shigaraki said.
“I’ll go stand in the corner now.” you responded immediately, walking over and leaning against the wall. Overhaul looked over at you with a raised eyebrow before turning his attention back to his guests, away from your massive grin.
The meeting commenced, both sides raising their voices and making you jump as they talked about business matters, to which you completely ignored. Instead you quietly wrote down some things on a notebook, looking up at Overhaul every few minutes just to focus in on his mannerisms or voice. 
"A love letter?" A voice inquired from beside you.
You jumped suddenly, glaring at them before looking away in embarrassment.
"Yeah, what of it?" you scoffed, raising a hand up to your chest to calm your heart.
"Oh really? I was just joking."
"Well, it is I guess." 
"Is it for the burnt dude? Thinking about it you guys do seem pretty close."
"No." you shook your head, looking over to see that Rappa, who had once been stood next to Overhaul as a sort of bodyguard, now standing against the wall next to you.
He mulled for a minute before continuing. "The hand freak?"
You shook your head once again and he began tapping his feet.
"The chick?"
"It's for your goddamn boss alright?" you cursed, holding your head in your hands as he began to hysterically laugh. Hadn't a similar situation happened when you told Haru who your favourite character was? Maybe this was fate's sign of telling you that it would never be anything more than just a final boss in a video game to get back home and not a, well, love interest.
"Rappa." Overhaul snarled. "Would you like to give a good reason your childish antics?"
"Don't you dare." you glared, elbowing him in the abs as he contained his muffled laughter. "Actually shut up?" You felt very self concious in everyone's gaze, especially Overhaul's scrutinising one.
"Sorry sorry, won't happen again boss." He turned to look at you before giving you a thumbs up, to which you returned one with a grin.
"Would you two like to leave the meeting?" Overhaul asked, his tone firm.
You bowed, making sure not to speak to him, before turning to the league. "Right I'll see you guys later." you waved, grabbing Rappa's arm and harshly dragging him out of the conference room.
"Alright miss shall we continue writing your letter?"
You groaned, face palming as you followed him along the corridors. "You ruined the mood. I could've been in there peacefully watching the love of my life but then you decided to pop out of no where and now we're kicked out."
"The love of your life." Rappa snorted. "You have never even spoke to that man before."
"Well yeah..." you trailed off, "But that's just fine details, if you squint hard enough they aren't there."
"That, that is not how it works." he laughed.
"Why on earth are you fools here with a rat from the league."
"He called me a rat." you mumbled, sulking to yourself as Setsuno patted you on the back.
"Oh it's fine she's quirkless." Rappa called out, dismissing his bosses' worries with a wave.
"You're quirkless?" he turned to you, surprised that he had not been mentioned this detail when he sent his men to do background checks on the people he was meeting today. To be honest, they had turned up with close to nothing. 
You nodded, before awkwardly giving him a thumbs up. You stood in front of the man you had held so close to your heart back when he was just another ink blob on the page, but the reality of him being alive refused to sink in until this very moment.
"Fuck, he's really hot." you groaned, a roar of laughter coming from Rappa as you hear some others snickering.
"Shut up!" you glared. "You did not hear that."
"Hear what?" Overhaul echoed.
"See, he didn't hear it, no one did." you muttered.
He felt himself becoming irrated at your behaviour. Why on earth were you answering him without talking to him directly, practically ignoring the big boss of the yakuza in whose hideout you stood in, surrounded by all of his men. Your arragonce was overwhelming and he felt himself itching to take off his gloves.
Whereas on your end, you couldn't help but feel very small in his glare, very put on the spot, similar to when he had called you two out during the meeting.
"Rappa." you begged. "I literally cannot talk to him." you said quietly, moving to stand slightly behind him so that he was shielding Overhaul's view of you.
"She says she wishes to take you to bed."
"That is NOT what I said!" you screeched, hitting him on the head with your notebook.
"Ow." he laughed sarcastically before lifting the notebook out of your hands.
"Give that back you fucker." you fumed, it easily escaping your reach as the man held it above your head.
"Boss, she wants to give you something."
"Rappa I swear to fucking god..."
"It's not like you can do anything."
Overhaul raised his eyebrow, eyes a cold glare as he watched his yazuka member bicker with someone nearly half his height.
Clearing his throat, he crossed his arms. "Are you two done yet?"
You felt yourself automatically about to answer a 'yes', slapping your hands over your mouth. You shook your head before whispering a quick "Rappa give it back."
"Give that to me." Overhaul demanded, his voice a clear cut through the tension in the air.
"Don't you dare."
"Sorry Y/N, bosses' orders."
You kicked him in the back of the knee as he moved forwards towards his boss. "That tickles more than anything."
"You know what. Fuck you Rappa." you fumed, sticking your middle fingers at him before storming out of the hall, his laughter following behind.
"You never know, he might like it. There might be something ever so small that’ll touch his little frosted heart."
"Shut up!" you screamed, slamming the door, leaving Overhaul standing there, with your love letter now in his hand and the knowledge that some random person from the league found him... hot?
52 notes · View notes
Hello, I just want to say I'm really invested in this series "a simple greeting" and I LOVE it. U are an amazing writer. Thank you!
Thank you so much this honestly means the world to me, I'm so happy someone enjoys it 😭😭😭❤❤❤
I hope you stick around :)))) 💕
0 notes
A simple greeting
Where you find yourself trapped inside the world of what you thought was a fictional book and the only way you can leave is to say hi to your favourite character… Overhaul.
Overhaul x reader
Warnings : swearing
Words : 896
Series masterlist 
A/N : I’m literally SO close to making this man a shrine help 
lemme know if u wanna be on a taglist mwah, there’ll roughly be around 10-15 chapters
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Chapter 2
It had already been nearly three weeks since you first stepped into this world, picking up both a job at the bar and also at a cafe where you knew Midoriya would pass by during his internship patrols. 
If memory served you correctly, it was around here in which the two heroes would bump into Eri, and that was what you were counting on. 
And sure enough, you caught a glimpse of the green hair.
“Midoriya! Hey!” you called out, waving after you left your shift. 
“Oh, Y/N right?” he called back, “It’s nice to see you again.”
“Likewise!” you beamed, running up to catch up with him. “So are you patrolling here?”
“Yeah.” he nodded, smiling widely as he began to explain his internship and how excited he was. You heard the boy next to him laugh at his enthusiasm. 
“I’m sorry I hope I’m not boring you!” he squealed, almost bowing to you as you quickly waved your hands. 
“No, of course not!” you reassured. “I’m not really knowledgable about hero stuff so it’s nice to have someone explain a little to me.”
He began to thank you when a small girl ran out of the nearest alleyway and straight into Mirio. 
Your heart filled with dread as you watched another figure step out of the shadows, a cold stare as he blinked at the vermin in front of him.
“H-hi...” your voice trailed off into a whisper as you heard Midoriya began to speak to the two. 
Here you were, standing in front of the sole key to you returning home, one word and you could be back. Maybe if you just pushed the two heroes out of the way and declared your undying love for this man then everything would be over. You could finally wake up from this dream. 
And yet your heart begged to linger in this world for a few more days. 
What would you gain from returning back to your world? You were practically nothing, scraping by with a low paying job and little to no social life, rent piling up and a diet of nothing but instant noodles and fast food. You were basically... unwanted. Unneeded. 
Whereas in this world, you were someone. Small, unnoticed, but someone indeed. You had, although argueable, some very nice friends. Sure they murdered and plundered and commited arson on a regular occasion but their presences was a nice contrast from the lonely appartment you had. The few days you had lived here had brought you far more happiness than the past years of your life.
You knew for a fact you would see Overhaul again if you could manage the league to bring you along to their business deal with the yakuza. You could speak to him then. Return to your plain, boring life before this accident and think back fondly on this as nothing but a fantasy. 
But maybe you could stay a few more days.
“Y/N what the fuck no.”
“Please.” you begged, your hands linked together as you stuck out your bottom lip at Shigaraki. “Please I’m actually begging you like, let me tag along.”
“You realise this isn’t just a trip to the supermarket right?” Dabi scoffed, walking over to sit on the edge of the couch. “Why on earth do you want to meet the yakuza.”
You hummed for a second before kissing your teeth. “Okay right if I tell you the truth will you let me go with you guys?”
“Depends. Most likely not, but depends.” Shigaraki responded.
“Ah right, um well you see the thing is,” you said, before quickly shouting the rest of your sentence in a jumble. “I sort of- actually highkey have a crush on the leader of the shie hassaikai.”
“You what?” Dabi laughed. “Nice joke, now tell us the real reason.”
“I’m not joking though.” you muttered, dejected. 
“How do you even know him?”
“I don’t, but please I’m begging you, sobbing on my knees here Shigaraki. I will be out of your hair I promise, you won’t even notice I’m there.” 
“I will literally do 2 weeks worth of my job without being paid.”
“2 weeks and taking out the garbage?” Dabi egged on.
“Um, you want to go on a date with me?”
“Shigaraki don’t let her go-”
“-Wait no Dabi I’m sorry.” you sobbed. “I’ll be on trash duty for the rest of my life.”
“Alright, can she come?”
“You two faced bitch.” you muttered under your breath as you watched Shigaraki consider it.
“What do you think Kurogiri?”
“If Dabi is willing to babysit her then sure.”
“Dabi please.” you screeched, grabbing him but the arms. “I’ll do anything. Absolutely anything. I will cut off my left arm for the opportunity to see this man.”
“Argh fine, Shigaraki I’ll, look after her or something.”
“Yes!” you jumped, looking eagerly back at light blue haired male. “Can I come?”
“If it’ll make you shut up sure.” he groaned. “Dabi, the brat’s yours to take care of.”
“Yes!” you screamed, clapping your hands together before running upstairs to pick out a presentable outfit.
“You’re both on trash and cleaning duty.” Dabi shouted out from behind you.
Instead you ignored him, rushing into Toga’s room and rummaging through her closet.
It’d only be a matter or days before you could finally see him again. 
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A simple greeting masterlist
Where you find yourself trapped inside the world of what you thought was a fictional book and the only way you can leave is to say hi to your favourite character... Overhaul.
Overhaul x reader
Warnings : swearing
Started 06/02/21 Status : Ongoing
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 
Chapter 9 
The End.
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A simple greeting
Where you find yourself trapped inside the world of what you thought was a fictional book and the only way you can leave is to say hi to your favourite character... Overhaul.
Overhaul x reader 
Warnings : swearing
Words : 872
Series masterlist 
A/N : I am the biggest chisaki simp and I have never even written a fic for him???? 
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Chapter 1
One second you were getting off the train stop nearest to your home, surrounded by normal looking people and the next you were standing in a busy station full of people with extra limbs or bright skin colours. 
You felt your mind swim in confusion as you stayed still, feet frozen on the ground and eyes darting around the crowds. A familiar mop of green hair and freckles walked past and you quickly ran after. 
“Um hello?” you called out, reaching out a hand and grasping his wrist. 
“Hi?” he jumped, turning around and nearly tripping over his own feet.
“Sorry!” you said quickly, letting go of his wrist and stepping back. “I thought you looked familiar, maybe not.”
“Ah,” he nodded, pausing slightly before reaching out a hand for a handshake. “Well it’s nice to meet you, I’m Midoriya.”
Your eyes blinked repeatedly, “Like... Midoriya Izuku?”
“Yeah.” he smiled. “I’m guessing you know me from UA’s sports festival?” he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. “I don’t think I’ve met you before.”
You hurriedly nodded, not wanting to create unwanted suspicion. It was strange to see what had once been a 2d drawing stand before you, and gosh was the human version of him so much cuter. 
“I’ve got to go to school now, it was nice meeting you...”
“Y/N.” you smiled, bowing slightly before waving as he ran towards the train.
“Bye Y/N!”
Watching his figure disappear, you realised the reality you had suddenly been thrown into, a fustrated sigh leaving you mouth as you quickly ran towards the exit. Your eyes blurred with tears as the calls you made to people in your world  refused to go through. 
You were stranded.
Sitting down at the table of a small cafe, you took a sip from your favourite drink as a snowstorm of questions running through your mind. The worldmaster? Alternate dimensions?
You had never once considered that the people in this world were actually alive and not just animated characters. And the worldmasters quirk had accidentally brought you, who was from your dimension, into theirs?
“So...? How do I leave?” you finally asked, deciding that even though you didn’t fully believe this guy, he was the only person knowing of the fact that you were not from here. 
“Well it’s simple actually.”
“Really?” you piped up, a smile gracing your features for the first time since you had stepped foot here.
“Yeah.” the worldmaster, Haru nodded, “Since this is like a book to you, you just need to talk to your favourite character.”
“Favourite character?” you racked through your brain to see who was your favourite, your smile and hope instantly shattering as the image of a man with a plague doctor’s mask entered your brain. 
“Yeah I don’t think that’s going to happen.” you sulked, burrowing your face into hands as the worldmaster looked at you puzzled. 
“Why is that? UA doesn’t have the highest security and pro heros are always happy to talk to their fans.”
“That’s not it.” you groaned, shaking your head before taking another simp. 
“Is it a civillain?”
You shook your head once again.
He sucked his teeth in before continuing. “A villain?”
You looked at him and nodded with a sigh. 
“Well that’s not the biggest problem either. LOV is all over the kids these days.”
You srunched your nose at him. “Ew, don’t say it like that. And it’s not them either.”
“Are you seriously going to leave me hanging?”
You glared at him, before speaking quickly. “It’s the bloody yakuza.” 
He looked at you, mouth open. “Your favourite character, in the whole of our world, is in the Shie Hassaikai.”
“Shut up.” you mumbled, hiding your face as you heard his cackles ring out through the entire shop, red spreading through your face as everyone’s attention turned to you two. “Shut up you’re so obnoxious.” 
He eventually died down, before continuing. “Well, there’s no such thing as impossible, I’ll try my best to help you, after all I’m the reason your in this mess.” he sighed.
“You’d better.” you seethed, pouting from the embarrassment. “And how come you’re not helping the heros if you know everything about the past, present and future in this world?”
“I would end up like my ancestor.” he explained. “Our family, as the world masters must remain completely unbiased. In this world we are simply civilians who are socially neutral.”
“Gee, sounds kinda boring.” you snickered, placing the empty cup down on the table. “So where am I staying?”
“That’s a good question.”
“Please tell me you have an answer.”
“Well let’s get you closer to the world of heros and villains first.”
“Um, I don’t have a quirk.”
“No worries. I’ll take care of it.”
“Wait no I don’t want a quirk, Overhaul doesn’t like them.”
“I can’t just manifest you a quirk.” he stated, rolling his eyes. “I mean I’ll get you to stay with one of them.” 
You stood with your phone in hand, staring up at the dingy alleyway sign. “God I hate it here.” you muttered, wondering why the hell Haru had directed you to this musty highstreet bar. You knew you had to entually start earning money, as your mission at hand did not seem achievable in one day, but out of an entire city’s worth of jobs to apply for, the one he chose for you was... this?
You began to take a step forward before the door swung open suddenly, hitting you square in the face. Staggering a step back, your hands flew over your nose as blood slowly seeped out. 
“Shit.” someone yelled. You heard a thump to the ground and watched as he threw the trash bag onto the floor before grabbing your hands. “Hold on let me see.”
“It’s fine.” you grumbled, shaking his grip off before stepping to the side of the door to let him through. 
“Dabi.” someone screamed from inside the bar. “Hurry up and throw the trash away and get back in here.”
“Can’t you just wait a minute.” he shouted back. “Fuck um, I’ll be right back.”
He fumbled past, picking up the trash and running down the street as you walked inside, not bothering to wait for him. 
“Hi.” you greeted, everyone to turn to you perplexed as you pinced your nose, your blood messibly wiped on your chin.
Shigaraki raised an eyebrow at you from behind his father’s hand as you stood there awkwardly. 
“Wow not even a greeting in return? Rude much.” you grumbled, before clearing your throught to hopefully get rid of some of your nerves. “Um, are you hiring?”
“Like, do you have any vacancies in your staff so that little old me could possibly occupy?”
“I know what hiring means.”
“Yeah well iI’m sure it didn’t hurt to explain it to you again.” you muttered. 
“No, we are not hiring.” the purple mist behind the counter, whom you recognised to be Kurogiri, said. “Although miss are you alright there?”
“I don’t even know.” you rasped. “Why the fuck did Haru send me here if you guys aren’t even hiring?”
“Haru sent you here?” Shigarki perked up.
You nodded and he turned to look at Kurogiri, quietly exchanging words before looking back at you.
“You should’ve mentioned that to begin with. Alright you’re hired. ”
“Excuse me?”
“Little old you can occupy the vacancy in our staff.” he deadpanned.
You huffed out before grinning at him and throwing him a thumbs up. “Epic!”
You shuffled over to the counter, peering at Kurogiri eagerly. “So when do I start?”
“You can start by wiping the tables miss...”
“Right, miss Y/N.”
“Wipe your face before you start anything.” Shigaraki muttered, pointing over to a small door in the far corner of the room. 
“Will do.” 
Slipping into the bathroom, you pulled out your phone, him picking up a few rings in. “Haru I thought you said you weren’t biased, why the hell does the league act like they’re best friends with you.”
“I’m not biased if I’m friends with both sides?” he offers. 
“Backstabber.” you quipped, washing your face.
“You know what? Enjoy your home because you’re staying with the league now.”
“You did not.” you screeched, grabbing your phone from the side as you watched him hang up. “You’re so petty you know that?” you muttered, glaring at your reflection in the mirror before exiting the bathroom. 
“Right, who’s gonna show me my room?”
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I have no idea if this is a reoccuring theme yet but I am an absolute whore for secret dating au's so here's another self indulgent fic hehe T^T
Aspectabund; Bakugou x reader
expressive in face ADJ. expressive in face; exhibiting one's feelings through the eyes or face.
Warning : swearing
Words : 1.5k
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Bakugou for the love of god could not remember why he even bothered. 'Young love' they said, his parents eagerly pushing him out of the door to find you a welcoming present for your transfer to his school. 
"What do girls even like." he muttered, turning around the corner towards the busy highstreet. He could already sense the misery this day was going to bring, aimlessly wondering around shops until he stopped something, just anything, that you might like. 
Maybe he'd cook for you too. After all it was a welcoming party back at the dorms, but he'd have to make sure none of the extras touched your food. That would be a nightmare.
His eyes ran up and down the rows of shops, groaning at the crowds of people that scuttled past. His budget wasn't massive, but he was recieving money from his internship and a bit of poket money from his parents, whom whole heartedly adored you. 
You two had met at the hero liscening test, beginning to talk at the remedials. He was attending for the extra lessons to gain his liscence whilst you were simply helping one of your teachers who was working there. The first time you spoke, you had accidentally spilled your drink all over him, spluttering as you offered him tissues and apologies over and over again. He had scolded you for being careless but truthfully he hadn't been paying attention either. 
The next day you had literally tried to give him money for the shirt. His top was much more than the amount you were offering, given his parents were fashion designers and such, but he did not have the heart to take your money. Sure he was an asshole sometimes, but he wasn't just going to steal cash off someone for something that was partially his mistake. He'd never admit it to you though.
"Bakugou?" a voice called, him turning around to see two of his classmates.
"Hey." he replied.
"Didn't knew you liked this type of music." Jirou joked, picking up the nearest album. "You like electropop?"
"God no." he replied instantly, rolling his eyes, before pausing. "It's for my, my fucking girlfriend or whatever." he muttered, rubbing his neck as he looked around before turning back to the two girls. "You dumbasses better not tell anyone or I swear-"
"Of course! No need to worry." Momo rushed to said, Jirou nodding in agreement. "We respect your privacy."
He nodded in thanks, before Jirou asked, "Would you like some help? You've been walking around aimlessly for the last ten minutes."
Bakugou paused for a moment before giving a small "yeah." The girls blinked at each other I'm shock, before excitedly dragging him away without another word. 
"Will you buy an album for her?"
"If they have // band."
"Oh, I have connections with one of the bandmates. Want me to get a video of them?"
"What's the catch?"
"None Bakugou, we're friends." Jirou reassured.
He snorted in reponses before whispering a quick "Thanks."
You had truely mellowed him. 
You hauled your two suitcases out of the back of the taxi, thanking the driver once again before turning to who you assumed was your new classes' president. 
"Class 2A president?"
"Yes I'm the class president Iida, it's nice to meet you Y/N."
"Likewise." you smiled, allowing him to take one of the suitcases before following behind him, listening as he explained roughly why they had a dorm system, the rules, and a breif introduction to the class. "If there's any questions or anyone bothering you, um Bakugou, then feel free to let me know."
You laughed at his attempt of throwing shade, before thanking him and following in through the main enterence of the dorm.
"Welcome Y/N!" several people shouted, a few bursts of confetti flying in the air as your jaw dropped open, a small blush running across your face.
"This... is for me? Thank you so much." you beamed, a large grin on your face as you and Iida set the suitcases to the side. 
"I'll take them up to your room." a boy with a mutant quirk said, grabbing your things with two of his many arms before retreating to the stairs. 
"Thank you." you called after him, before letting yourself be guided to sit on the couch. 
"Some of us prepared gifts for you. I'm Midoriya." 
"It’s nice to meet you Midoriya." you responded, "You guys shouldn't have, I think I should've brought something as well."
"No need!" a girl with pink skin rebutted. "You're one of us now so don't be shy and take them. I'm Ashido but Mina's all good."
You thanked her and everyone else before beginning to openi the presents, a small set of perfume and soaps from Uraraka, a UA key chain set from Midoriya, and many more. 
"We've just added you to our class group chat." Midoriya said, pointing to his phone as you got yours out.
"I think I'll be spending the rest of the right just learning your names." you chuckled, scrolling down the list of people in the chat, a large smile once your eyes rested on Bakugou's name. 
"Feel free to take your time." Kirishima responded, sitting on the end of the couch. You replied with a thanks before turning to look back at your phone as it vibrated with a notification. It was a video sent in by Bakugou. Clicking it open, the faces of your favourite band members popped up on the screen. 
"Hiya Y/N! Congratulations on getting into UA, we're so proud of you!" It sounded before ending. You covered your gasp with your hand and hugged your phone to your chest. 
"Thank you so so much!" you beamed at Bakugou, your face lighting up with pure happiness. 
"Yeah whatever dumbass." he grumbled, a small smirk on his lips as the rest of his classmates stood in silence watching the exchange.
"Y/N's his girlfriend?" Momo whispered to Jirou. "Who would've thought. They're so cute together." to which Jirou nodded in agreement. 
"Um Bakubro, this is so unlike you to get a present for some 'extra'." Kaminari commented, a look of utter surprise on his face. “Especially from celebrities. How did you even know what artists she liked?”
"Who said she's an extra you idiot." Bakugou said, choosing to ignore the other questions that were being thrown at him.
"Well what else would she be?"
You sat there and listened in amusement. You weren’t necessarily keeping your relationship a secret, but you wanted to make sure he was comfortable before you told anyone. Watching as Bakugou's ears tinted, any worries or doubts you previously had were cast away as you anticipated his next words. He cleared his throat before responding. 
"She my girlfriend dunce face."
The entire room stood in silence, even the faintest of breathing was noticeable, before Mina cackled in laughter. "That's a good joke Bakugou, what's next?"
She watched as his face contorted in an angry frown, about to retort when you waved your arm in the air. 
"Hey hey hey she's just teasing you." you laughed. “You know she wants you to get mad.” 
"So it's a joke then right?" Kaminari spoke up. "God knows what I would do if Mr bombs for brains got a girlfriend before me."
"Oh no, he's telling the truth." you chuckled, watching as the entire room's jaw dropped. 
"Y/N." Todoroki spoke up, ignoring the other's shock as he handed you a small present. 
"Todo! You shouldn't have." 
"No worries, it's the least I can do for your help last time."
"Wait you know each other?" Mirodiya asked. 
“Help?” Kirishima added on. 
"Mhmm. Me and Katsuki helped egg his dad’s house." you nodded in reply. "And I met them at the remidials because some dummies didn't past the first time."
"Y/F/N..." you heard Bakugou scowling, turning on the couch to give him a wink.  
"But hey, I wouldn't have met you then, would I? My adorable, handsome, beautiful-"
"Gross." Bakugou coughed, cutting you off. "Don't go all sappy on my."
"He's a softie at heart." you rolled your eyes. 
"I'm not too surprised actually." Tsuyu spoke up. "I knew something was up as soon as Bakugou stayed at this welcoming party. When we moved in he wouldn't even join us in the room tours and we had been classmates for over a month."
Bakugou snorted. "Well that's jsut because it was a lame ass idea."
"I'm sure it was a great idea." you rebutted, smiling at the girl as she grinned back. 
"You're too nice Y/N."
"Not at all!"
Kaminari had finally regained his senses, deciding to once again butt into the conversation. "How on earth did you even get a angel like her, Bakugou?"
"Are you fucking hitting on my girl dunce face?"
You simply laughed at them, sitting up and hooking your arms around Bakugou's neck, pulling his towards you before he could threaten the other blonde with his quirk.
"Hey hey, it's his world, I'm just living in it."
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hey! i love ur blog and i couldn’t resist requesting something. so i was thinking that if the reader was from medieval times where they have magic, wizards, knights, mages, and stuff like that. so 1 A was hit by a quirk that brought them to that dimension. and the reader is like god level with the amount of power they have even though their the same age as class 1 A. and they help the class survive or sum like that after like knights attach them cause sum of them look weird. can u use they/them.
It's just the main three boys if that's alright :( I can do hcs with the entire class if that's more of what u had in mind! Just leave another ask,,, sorry about that 😅 
Warnings : swear words 
Words : 1.2k 
You were bored. 
Perhaps that was the understatement of the century, but an otherwordly being like you had ceased to find interest in the small confines that was your world. The never ending weeks of wasting your life on your temple throne, perched upon a royal gold seat and listening to prayer’s wishes were certainly tiring you out. The ordinary wished for happiness, for their crops to yield well or for them to find true love, the king would wish for power, luxuries. And through your judgement, you would grant some of these wishes, crafting an empire like soft clay in your hands, a game to a child. Yet even with your godly powers, you could not seem to satisfy your boredom. 
Today you watched idly as a mage stepped into the light of the temple's wishing grounds. You sat high above the clouds, listening to their talk of discovering a new spell, hidden from the mere mortal's eyes. Sure many of mankind had laid eyes on you before, however sometimes you preferred to keep away from the prying eyes. After all, you were far far superior than them - one of their creators, in a sense. Your messenger would speak to your creations when you chose to observe from afar, teaching them of your presence with fables and songs. It had only been seventeen years since you were first introduced into the world, born from ashes through their beliefs, and yet you were already one of the most respected gods.
The villain's quirk was truely terrifying. One would only be a fool to engage in battle with someone who's quirk they did not understand. The first year class of UA learnt this the hard way when the warp gate villain's quirk had transported them to an entirely different location. Different time period perhaps. Todoroki had picked up on this as he gazed over what was once the medival Japan. 
"Um guys." Midoriya called out. 
"Where are we?" 
"Do we look like we fucking know Deku?" the blonde shouted, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he marched around the alley, coming to an abrupt halt when his eyes met a busy marketplace. 
The streets were lined with broken stone, small tent like structure of straw and wood littered the area as people bustled in and out of them, each carrying a basket. The air was a brown hue from the sand that had been kicked up, the shouts of stall owners filling the air as exchanges of good and money illustrated the market place. 
"This isn't modern Japan." Todoroki stated, looking out at the same scene. He stepped out into the street, sticking to the shadows and the other two followed, survaying their surroundings in case of an villains. His ears perked up as he realised the people spoke in a different language altogether. "This might not even be Japan." 
"U-uh what?" Midoriya stuttered, close to tears as he frantically looked around. "What do we do? Where are the others? How do we get back? Is all might okay?" 
"For god's sake, shut up." Bakugou scowled. His dismissal was perhaps due to an inkling of fear that had burrowed it's way into his heart. He had utterly no idea where they were and no one could help him. Alas, his pride would never allow him to voice out his concerns and so he followed in silence, a dull glare permenantly etched onto his face. 
"Yeah we are in some pretty deep shit." 
"Why the fuck are they treating us like the villains here?" Bakugou shouted, running down the cobbled street as men on horse back clothed in sheets of metal chased after them, swords and spears in hands. 
"Over here." Todoroki called out, pulling the two behind a row of neatly trimmed bushes and running further into the garden. 
"Hurry up and find them!" they heard one of the men shout in the background. 
"Ah!" Midoriya screamed, tripping over and landing directly into a small pond. He desperately scrambled to his feet, eyes glancing over the fish that he may have crushed in his fall. 
A small laugh rang out from the distance, the boys all swiftly turning their heads towards an approaching figure emerging from behind the trees. "That was rather humorous if I am permitted to say so." you chuckled, running a hand through your locks and your eyes darted over the three strangers. "And you are...?" 
“There they are!" the voice bellowed, the sounds of hooves drawing closer as the boys turns to run. 
"Gentlemen!" you proclaimed, your voice ringing sharp through the air, ceasing all movement. The horses had stopped right in their tracks and even the teen's feet were frozen to the ground. 
"Y-your highness!" one of them stuttered, jumping off his horse to bow down on one leg, the other guards following suit. 
"May I ask if you know these men?" You tapped your chin slightly, cocking your head to the side as you studied them. 
"They are my guests." 
"I see your highness, please forgive us for chasing them however they were spotted-" 
You waved your hand to stop the guard from speaking. "No worries." you beamed. "Please excuse their unsightly behaviour." 
"Unsightly? You bitch-"
"Bakugou please stop." Todoroki sighed. "They're helping us."
"I am a fucking god and I just got sworn at." you muttered softly, turning your head to the side as you brought up your hand to your mouth, faking a sob. Your pity party was cut short when you heard your messenger, Hermes calling for you.
"Y/N!" they flew over, sighing as they landed on the grass. "You cannot just leave your duties like that." they scolded you, recieving a pout in return.
"But it's so boring there." you whined, scrunching your face up at the thought of another day wasted. "I'm growing old Hermes and I don't want to be cooped up in that damn seat for hours on end."
"Old my ass." the blonde snorted, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms, sending you a glare. "You look the same age as us."
"How are we able to understand you?" Todoroki suddenly asked, registering that the language you spoke was not Japanese, and yet he was here having a conversation with you.
"Hmm I wonder. Maybe I’ll tell you later." you replied, feigning curiosity before turning back to the guards.
"These gentlemen will be staying with me."
"Y/N you can't-" 
“Your highness-" Hermes and the head guard began.
"Silence." you demanded, the air once again growing cold and still. "How dare you speak back to me."
You watched as the colour drained from their faces, the guard's lip trembling with fear before breaking out into laughter. "Just kidding!" you said, sticking you tongue out before turning on your heels. "What possible harm could dear ol' me do?" 
“A remarkable amount." Hermes sighed. "Your highness do you remember that one time you flooded the halls of the gods-"
"Hermes shh!" you gasped, running over and throwing a hand over his mouth. "Not in front of the guests."
"Those guests are leaving."
"B-but." you pleaded, sticking your lip out in a pout. "Look how good looking they are."
"No." you huffed, skipping over to the dual haired boy and throwing your arm around his. "Well would you like to come with me?"
"Why would we go with a brat?" A sudden object flew past, you reaching out your arm to form a barricade of air, the spear stopping just centimeters from the blonde's neck.
"What the fuck? Why are you trying to kill me you dipshit."
"You know what." you sighed.
"I'm leaving him behind. You can have him Hermes." 
"Your highness, I do not want him."
"Tough." you snickered, dragging the other two back to your temple.
"Todoroki Shouto." you echoed, looking at the boy seated opposite you upon one of your grand pearl quilted couches. "That's cute."
"Thank you your highness." he replied with a small smile.
"Oh my god." you waved, your face tinted a slight red. "There's no need for such formalities! Just think of me as an average civilain."
"But-" "Shh." you hushed before turning to the blonde. "Midoriya?"
"Y-yes?" he jumped, a small squeak to his voice. "There's no need to be on edge." you reassured.
"You're perfectly safe here. Well apart from that thing." You nodded your head towards the boy chained up to one of the grand marbel pillars, a muzzle clasped against his face, his angry shouts filling the hall now that attention was back on him. Honestly, it was hilarious that Hermes had resorted to this.
Midoriya picked up another grape, before adding, "Yeah, that's Kacchan, he's like that most of the time."
"Well, it's about time I get back to work." you sighed as you heard the clocks chyme the fifth hour of the evening, stretching your arms above your head.
"May we observe?" Todoroki perked up, turning his attention away from the fuming Bakugou.
"I mean sure, I don't know why you'd want to though since it's really boring."
"I'm sure it's amazing!" Midoriya rebutted, a large smile on his face now.
You clutched your chest at his adorablness. Maybe they could stay for a while.
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Hiya! I was wondering if you could do headcanons with Hawks (or anyone of your choice!) with a civilian s/o who works in retail, and needs tlc <3
Hellooo, thank you so much for dropping in a request!! I hope you’re having an amazing day mwah 
This is actually my first time writing for him,,,,
Words : 724
Hero x civilian!gn!reader
Keigo Takami 
Retail is not an easy job for the ‘uneducated’ as some rich snobs, aka Endeavor, would say. Keigo completely adores your social and management skills, so what if you weren’t a hero or some rich CEO? He could be that and in return spoil his lovely S/O.
He pops into your shop from time to time, followed by a long string of fans as he looks around for you.
“Y/N!” your boss calls, your head popping out from the storage cupboard near the back of the store. “He’s back again.”
Honestly, your boss couldn’t care less about the mass of girls pouring in. Sure they made a mess, but the eye candy hero was always bringing new customers to her and she did not mind in the slightest. Maybe she’d give you a slight raise, after all Keigo was only here to see you.
“Hello!” you wave, stepping out and moving the hair out of your face. “What brings this gentleman to our humble shop.” you laugh, rolling your eyes as the girls swoon at him leaning against the countertop.
“Here to see my dove.” he grins, placing a small peck on your forehead. “And how have they been doing today?”
“I am so going to be slaughtered.” you joke, poking him in the cheek. “I’m doing as good as ever. Is that flaming pile of garbage gonna complain about you not patrolling again. I’d hate for him to nearly set the shop on fire again.”
“Ah well, it won’t hurt him if he doesn’t know right?” Keigo chuckles, before reaching behind you and picking up a small hair clip. “I’ll take this.”
“You know I get a store discount right?” you raise your eyebrow, stepping behind the counter to the till. 
“It’s a treat for you.” he pouts, swiping out his card.
“From my own store?” 
“Just one of them.” he replies, before sending you a wink. “You can have the rest later.”
It’s safe to say all of those clips were sold out almost instantly. 
If you have a bad day at work, he’ll wrap you up in his arms and whisper sweet nothings in your ears. He might even wrap his wings around you both. 
This man will cook for you. 
As soon as he hears a sigh he will scramble to make you a small meal and bring out the blankets for a nice movie marathon. 
He’ll offer you a bath, slight blush on his cheeks as you drag him along with you. We all know he’s a flirt but I hc him as soft soft soft for his S/O
(for self-indulgent purposes) Warning: swearing 
To be honest, I think he’d kinda look down at you when you first meet?
“Why the fuck did you choose this job?”
Um because not all of us are naturally talented, hard-working, smart greek gods? Some of us gotta be peasants to highlight your magnificence or something. 
That’s probably what you would say in the present, but back then you just flipped him off and threw a shirt at his face or something. 
“You shit, you’re disrespecting a top pro hero?”
Gets kicked out gently escorted out of the shop for being too much of a ruckus.
You get scolded for treating such a top priority customer with rudeness and with your uncaring attitude, you end up getting fired. 
Bakugou Katsuki could fucking suck your ass.
It’s only the next day when he visits the shop again, once again causing a scene when he finds out you’ve been fired. He somehow threatens? the poor manager into giving you back your job. Scrap that, he definitely threatens them. 
You pick up your phone to your ex-manager sobbing on the phone and begging you to come back. They try and explain that Bakugou’s trying to look for you and at the sound of his name, you hang up. 
And block your manager.
Yeah you weren’t planning on seeing that dickhead anytime soon. Turns out you can’t evade him for too long since he literally has a manhunt for you? Puts your fucking face up as a missing person on his social media and his fangirls find you in a matter of minutes. 
Let’s just say he isn’t leaving you alone any time soon.
Probably offers you a job at his company because he feels bad.
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Hello there! I was wondering if you could do a scenario with Bakugou and/or Dabi where their s/o went into labour an hour ago and that they just had a baby, could you do HC about their reactionsand how they handle their new-born? Pretty please?🥺 (btw i really love your blog♡♡✨)
Hiya I'm so so SO sorry this took so long ahhh,,,, I hope u like it and I love you ❤
Bakugou : 
Let’s be real, this man has no idea what to do.
He’s probably pacing up and down the corridor, hand in pockets and swearing at anyone who looks his way.
His S/O just gave birth. To his child. 
It’ll probably take him a while to calm down slightly and he’ll burst into the room loudly. Probably makes them cry and you glare at him. 
“Shut up Katsuki, you’re being too loud.” you say, cradling your newborn to your chest as it blinks it’s large eyes. 
He scoffs and sits down on a chair next to you two, just watching you with a proud grin on his face.
Won’t let any of your friends near enough to hold the baby, but he won’t hold them in fear of his quirk setting off. It’ll take a few weeks.
Eventually someone like Uraraka will slip past him and start poking the baby’s cheeks.
“Hey that’s my child jerk!” 
Dabi :
A child. Dabi with a child?
“Who’s baby did you kidnap this time.”
“Shut up it’s mine.” 
Real possessive perhaps. After all, his entire circle is comprised of solely villains and he sure as hell ain’t leaving you too with them.
Unlike Bakugou, he’s likely to snatch the baby up and coddle it as soon as he enters. He lights up a small blue flame from his finger tips to show the baby and you don’t even notice, being too tired and all.
Chaos breaks out when a nurse walks in and he nearly sets the entire room on fire. 
You’re sure to keep him and your newborn in constant sight in literal fear of something going wrong, but Dabi cooing at them makes you relax and sink back into the bed.
He’s occupied for a while before handing your child back to you, placing a soft kiss on your forehead before leaning down to your ear.
“So when’s the next one coming?”
“Dabi no-”
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Hello I wanted to ask how Iida would react if his s/o was secretly the leader of the biggest mafia group in Japan. So he would be on patrol or just taking a walk and he sees on the news that a big group of villains are attacking. So he goes over to where it is and he sees his s/o there with a look of sheer joy on their face. And when they see him their look of happiness turns into one of hatred. So then they attack him. And if possible could you use the pronouns they/them. Thank you very much.
Ofc!! tysm for requesting I’m so so sorry it took so long. It’s in a hc format if that’s alright! I hope you like it ahhh uwu
538 words
Iida x mafia!S/O
He hadn’t been called to the site but a simple sense of curiosity and duty had led him there. 
His S/O had mentioned frequently visiting there for their business trips and the thought of them returning to a town in shambles left a bitter taste in his mouth. 
He left with his intern immediately after seeing the news, calling a few other local patrollers just to notify them of his absence before driving under an hour across Japan. Finding the scene of the fight was rather easy, he simply followed the pillars of smoke. 
Stepping out of his parked vehicle, he pushed his glasses up his nose, commanding his intern to stay close before running to the scene. The use of his quirk wasn’t necessary, he was just here to be an onlooker and perhaps some unneeded backup, so he would save his engines for perhaps a later use. 
Perhaps it was his saving grace. To be able to easily stop himself as his eyes fell on a familiar figure. 
The utter heartbreak rushed through him like continuous ripples of searing pain as he watched his S/O shoot down another person, a Cheshire grin carved into their face as they brought their foot down on another’s skull. 
It couldn’t be. It wouldn’t be. Not his dear S/O. 
Not the cheerful lover who greeted him at home with a smile, the first person who rushed by his side when he was confused or stressed. They’d gently hold him when he had worries and cook him his favourite meals after a tiresome day at work. They were his pride and joy. His angel. 
Not this... this monster.
The shouts and screams around him felt like static. A dull hum of endless background noise as his limbs felt frozen. His mind raced erratically, his hands begging to claw at the burning pain in his chest. 
This was simply a nightmare. 
It had to be. 
But the moment his eyes locked with theirs, this wishful thinking finally met its end. 
The sheer hatred in their eyes blew him back, him slowly staggering back as his intern softly rested a hand on his arm, asking him what was wrong with concern etched into their eyes. 
This was wrong. So so terribly wrong. It was them that was meant to be next to him, comforting him with worry, with care. With... with empathy, love. Not with this sick frown of malice as they kicked up into the air and charged towards him. 
“Hi babe!” they sneered, a gun raised up at him as the shouts of his intern finally bought him back to reality. Within a blink of an eye, he had activated his leg engines, pushing both of them to the side. Conserving his energy was certainly his saving grace. 
The rain of bullet didn’t cease. They simply dropped the empty gun to the floor, pulling out another fully loaded one and undoing the safety. 
“Stay still.” they snicked, the pellets of metal hitting the concrete as he rushed around and dodged, slipping his intern behind the car, who called for backup.
“Why...?” Iida finally spoke as they reloaded, quickly grabbing the opportunity, lip quivering and his eyes misty.
“Because I hate you.” 
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How are you
honestly. Ahhhhhhh. I haven't been on here in months and kshwosbwkansjsn HELP 😭
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Hello! If you have time I would like a scenario with Deku with a male or gender neutral reader who was supposed to be the next successor of one for all but all might kinda forgot about them (like they ate his hair and got one for all but he just forgot about them). And now they’ve become one of the most powerful villains and they want to kill all night and Deku as revenge. I just love how you write and I just had to request something🥰
Hi omg I cannot describe how excited I was when I saw this so I might have word v/mitted and written a little too much… Thank you so much for requesting and I'm so so happy that you enjoy my writing! Midoriya x gn!reader Warnings : smallest mention of abuse (dabi), bit of fighting, kinda angsty Words : 1.5k
You rested your elbows against the window sill, cheek against your palm as the clouds drifted slowly across the sky. The sun disappeared as you watched the young blonde lunge forwards, the ball leaving his fingertips at an incredible speed. A loud explosion rang across the field and to your ears as the crisp autumn air nipped at your face. 
The chatter of your classmates behind you were tuned out as you watched excitedly, analyzing each and every one of the first years, seeing perhaps if any of them had potential in the upcoming years. Not that they could ever beat you, given that you were All Might successor, or at least were. As the second year drew to an end, he had seemingly forgotten all traces of your existence, acknowledging you only briefly as just another UA student in the background, rather than someone who he had passed his quirk to. You had bitterness seeping into your heart, a slight resentment to the number 1 hero, but as the seasons changed and you entered your third year, you had convinced yourself there must’ve been another reason. 
Perhaps he didn’t need a successor anymore. You wondered if by some miracle his wounds had completely healed and he no longer reverted back to his weaker, skeleton like self. Possibly he had just forgotten to tell you, or felt embarrassed that he had passed his quirk on so quickly only to not have needed the haste. But your months of comforting yourself that there was a good reason suddenly shattered right there in just those few seconds. Your eyes widened as the boy pressed forwards, accelerating the ball with a power that you undeniably also shared. Slack jawed and in utter shock, you rubbed your eyes to see if somehow they had deceived you, yet when nothing in your vision changed, your surprise turned to spite. 
All might had abandoned you. 
You felt yourself fill with anger, shaking as you brought your clenched fists down onto the window, splintering the wood in fury before turning and storming from the classroom. The sudden urge to flee from this place infested with heroes overwhelmed you. They had lied to you, every single one of them. The teachers presented themselves as the good guys, always on your side and full of hope. Yet why then did the most admired person pick your pitiful self up from the ground, build you up as if you had hope of ever becoming the successor to the entire country’s hero, just for them to simply tear it all away at the last minute. You knew you were right when you first believed All Might had completely cast you aside. You were right to think that you were so utterly useless. If you had just remained that little quirkless child you wouldn’t even be here wasting your years, desperately trying to be a hero and gaining approval from someone who had simply thrown you to the curb and moved on to the next boy without batting an eye. 
And with that, you left the school. 
It had been a good few months after dropping out from your high school. The league had offered you a place with them, providing food and shelter as you helped out during odd tasks, on the smallest occasions even accompanying All for One. It had been a drastic change for you, suddenly dropping out of school the next day and disappearing entirely, your family and friends having no clue where you were. Your new associates had decided to test you, inviting you along to what you were told was a small robbery, instead being the ambush on the first year’s rescue day. 
You had stepped out of Kurogiri’s portal of purple smoke, expecting to be in the dusty alleyways behind a small bank, instead stepping into the rock ground of the rescue center, a place where you yourself were very familiar with having been constantly with your former friends in the past year. 
“So, we’re here because?” you trailed off, kicking at the small loose rocks on the ground as you heard murmurs and shouts from a small crowd of students a few meters away from you. 
“We are the league of villains.” Shigaraki announced, ignoring you to which you rolled your eyes at him. “And we have come here today to kill the symbol of peace.” 
Your face lit up at this, any previous gratitude and fondness towards your mentor were gone. Instead a sick empty hole remained in your stomach, waiting to be filled up with the feeling of his blood on your hands. The sight of the trembling green head made you sick. You simply could not understand why All Might had tossed you aside for… that. Even to the blindest of people, you would’ve been the obvious choice. And yet here you were, not even second choice to some wimp who was trembling at the sight of a few villains. Truly useless. 
The day had ended, unfortunately, with everyone on the hero’s side still alive, and your most powerful weapon lost somewhere behind the shattered glass dome of the center. The day had been an utter complete failure, yet the league ceased to doubt your loyalty to them, offering you various more jobs and even to recruit new members. 
It was at that moment that the rest of the world realised that they had lost you for good. 
The next time you came in contact with the boy was their rescue of the blonde. The same boy you had observed months prior, even been in the same school. All Might’s entrance was rather tacky for your tastes, stupid, just like the rest of the heros. Your disgust for them had grown tremendously over the time you had spent with the league and learning of Dabi’s poor treatment from the second most powerful hero simply made you sickened at even the title. 
You were rather thankful that you hadn’t grown to follow what was once your childhood dream, following the twisted and corrupt system to abuse and neglect your loved ones for the power and social acknowledgement of having a ranking. Instead you stayed by the shadows, watching and criticizing their actions with Twice and Toga as you reported back on their actions, having stalked them for a good few hours each day. 
And here you stood, on the side of All for One, your former mentor’s arch nemesis, vowing to see the end to All Might by your own means. The new successor you had come to learn was named Deku, a truly fitting name and you sneered at him, reeling back your arm as you lunged at him. 
“I wonder how you would feel if your newest successor died.” you snarled, Midoriya barely dodging out of the way. Your punch landed on the ground, the concrete breaking into small pieces, flying into the air to which you kicked out your leg. They flew in the direction of your swing, hitting the boy square in the back. 
“How is it possible that you have one for all? I’ve only ever had one successor.” All Might responded confused, his grin sliding off his face as he bore his eyes into you. “Y/N you are certainly mistaken and your judgment is clouded. Come back to the heroes and you will not be punished for this.” 
“Heroes? Don’t make me sick.” you laughed, throwing another punch at the boy. “You left me All Might.” you screamed, your bottled up bitterness exploding within you as you were now head on with the same brat who had replaced you. “You gave me your damn quirk for what reason? How dare you turn your back on me for… for this thing!” 
As you continued to swing, you felt your feet be restricted, looking down to see your entire lower leg encased in ice. With one punch, you shattered the ice, stepping forwards with even more anger. 
“Midoriya, get back! You can’t defeat them.” a boy screamed. 
“That’s certainly right.” you laughed, kicking off the ground again. “I’m not letting you go, Deku!” 
As more pro heroes arrived at the scene, you felt yourself grow more and more desperate. The panic in your friends' voices was clear, telling you to stop engaging with the enemy, but you felt yourself being blinded by fury and the need to end Deku’s life. 
“Y/N, fall back!” Dabi shouted, running towards you and letting out a shield of blue flames as he carried you to a purple portal. You felt your entire resolve crumble as you watched All for One fall to the floor. 
“I will kill you All Might!” you screamed, baring your teeth before Dabi’s arm dragged you back into the portal. 
“That is a promise.” 
extra : Hc that a villain used a memory erase quirk on All Might and Y/N doesn’t know that and never tried to ask as he was convinced it was his fault.
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The catalyst; one down many to go
Bnha x danganronpa x reader
No quirks au
A/N : Hihi, I’m so so thankful you’ve taken the time to read this!! Taglist and requests are open! Sorry it’s kinda short ahhh
Warnings : Swearing, gore/death, shooting, bombing, mentions killing oneself/sacrifice 
Words :  633
Masterlist for series 
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Chapter 2
The cataylist; one down many to go
The tension in the class was obvious. Students like Todoroki and Tokoyami had already began discussing how to find the two bombers, however others like Uraraka wanted to solve this peacefully. 
“Hmm, would you all like a push?” Monokuma asked, never letting up it’s sickening grin as it scanned the room. “Hmm, alright, I’ll take the silence as a yes!”
“Wait no-” Sero started. 
“Alrighty, if no one is killed in the next twenty minutes, I’ll choose 3 of you to die.” 
“This is insanity.” Kirishima cried out, grabbing his hair tightly as others around him agreed. 
“How do we even know if the bear is telling the truth?” Yaoyorozu asked. “For all we know he could be bluffing right?” 
“Upupup.” it laughs. “It seems you still doubt me.” With a raise of it’s stuffed arm, a panel from the ceiling drops, a body suddenly falling down and rebounding slightly as the rope reaches it’s full length and stretches. After a few seconds, the only movement left is the slight sway of the hanging, limp man.
Uraraka let out a scream at the sight, covering her eyes as others let out equally horrified gasps. 
“Ai-Aizawa senpai!” Midoriya screamed, his face ghastly as the man’s head followed afterwards, dropping down onto the floor and rolling to a stop infront of the desk, blood slowly dripping from the various gashes on his hanging body.
“What the actual fuck!?” you jumped back against the wall.
“Fuck fuck fuck.” Bakugou shouted repeatedly as the rest of the class backed away from the corpse. 
“Alrighty, there’s your teacher, keep waffling and you’ll end up in even more pieces than him upupup.” it laughed, doing a small twirl on the desk as some students began to cry.
“Oh my g-god what do we go.” Uraraka sobbed, burying her face in Yaoyorozu‘s shoulders as she shaked uncontrollably. 
You chewed on your lips, hands ice cold as you slowly took off your blazer, wobbling over to your former teacher’s head and placing the item other it. The rest of the class watched in silence and tears and you walked back to a seat, collapsing and burying your head in your hands. 
No one spoke as the devil’s toy bear announced the passing time. 10 minutes, 15 minutes, getting closer and closer to twenty. The red writing on the alarm approached 20 when finally someone spoke.
“Um...” someone began. You all turned to see Koda, shaking and timid as he slowly spoke. “Someone just needs to die right? I-I suppose... I can.”
“No!” Jirou shouted, standing up suddenly. “We are not going to just ‘sacrifice’ you Koda.” 
“I agree.” Tokoyami said. “Senseless killings isn’t going to get us anywhere.”
“Well we’re going to have to do something right?” you asked, sighing in fustration as everything started to spiral out of control. Everyone nodded in agreement yet no one stepped forward with any suggestions. 
“I’d say we just shoot the damn bear.” Bakugou muttered.
“That wouldn’t guarantee the bombs get turned off though.” Tyusu responded. Some people murmered in agreement and the almost room returned to it’s silence, when the sudden clatter of desks echoed across the room. 
“I can’t take this anymore.” someone screamed, rushing through the desks to grapple at the gun as people began to run after them. 
“Stop!” Shoji shouted. 
“Hagakure, put down the gun.” Iida screamed, tugging harshly at her arm and pulling her back.
“No!” she screamed, tearing away from his grip. “I’m not letting you guys die.” 
Ojiro grabbed her arms too, pulling them behind her the room filled with the screams and shouts of a struggle before everything stopped short with the sound of a shot.
“Upupup, one down many to go! I wonder if that was one of the bombers or not.” it giggled. 
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