witchyintention · 2 years
Grounding With Other Elements
Sit in a body of water, a natural one or a bath. Feel where the water touches your skin. Find the line at the surface, where it touches you. Go around your whole body. Feel weightless.
Drink a glass of water, slowly and steadily. Feel it travel down your throat and into the rest of your body. Finish the glass.
Listen to the rain, the waves, the babbling brook. Feel the sound. Let it vibrate through you until your vibrations match.
Feel the wind on your face. Let the spread-out pieces of you be picked up by the wind, and pushed back to you. Let the wind carry the unnecessary stresses away. 
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Repeat.
Take a word, sound, or phrase. Repeat it or sing it, find that pitch and speed that feels right.
Feel the heat from a fire, let it warm your bones.
You are a candle flame. Sit or stand tall. Let the excess energy burn up and out the top of your head like smoke. Flicker as needed.
Turn off the lights, light a candle. Watch its light flicker on the walls. Melt into the room.
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witchyintention · 2 years
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Check out MoonsMaven on Instagram
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witchyintention · 2 years
In search of topic ideas!
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What sort of things do you guys want to learn about?
Or engagement ideas. I want to hear you guys thoughts.
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witchyintention · 2 years
The scientist who says we CAN see the future in our dreams: Think premonitions are just hokum? A tantalizing book by a top neuroscientist will send shivers down your spine.
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So I found this article above and found it to be a very interesting research interview on Precognitive Dreams.
Precognitive dreams are any dreams that give you information about the future you wouldn't otherwise have.
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witchyintention · 2 years
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witchyintention · 2 years
In search of topic ideas!
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What sort of things do you guys want to learn about?
Or engagement ideas. I want to hear you guys thoughts.
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witchyintention · 2 years
Signs that witchy/pagan article is actually bullshit
There are no sources cited. The article is presenting a new idea, tackling what they believe is a misconception, or just declaring some sort of fact. The burden of proof is on the presenter to back up their claim and provide evidence for it. (If the only viable evidence is personal experience, they should make that clear and describe what about their experience this idea is coming from.)  
It’s all a little too convenient. If the information feels too good to be true, it probably is. If the entities being described seem only to exist for your benefit, the results promised seem wildly disproportionate to the work, or there’s absolutely no way to possibly do it wrong, be wary.
Living cultural practices are cited as a monolith.  Bonus points if it’s in the past tense, as if these groups have mysteriously died out and not still practicing these things and rolling their eyes at the OP. Often it’s used to exotify and possibly appropriate from the group in question. “Native Americans believed that…” and “This is an old Hindu method of…“ are prime examples. It’s a huge tell that the person doesn’t actually know anything much about that group and shouldn’t be trusted on the subject. 
It’s a book published by Llewellyn. Okay so this isn’t a post thing but still, sometimes people will just post book passages. Llewellyn is good in how widespread and accessible they are in the world of witchcraft, pagan, and occult books, but they have seemingly no vetting system for what they choose to publish (like the notorious Silver Ravenwolf.) The average reliability of a book under their title isn’t great, so just take it with a grain of salt while you learn more. 
The OP is very young. Of course age does not equal expertise, but it does come with life experience and more potential for maturity, critical analysis skills, and access to resources and education. Also let’s be real: if I’m going to be taking spiritual or witchy advice from someone, I’m going to trust it a lot more from someone who’s at least old enough to vote.
Anything claiming an ‘original myth.’ There is no such thing as an original myth. The best we can get is the earliest recorded evidence of the myth, but even then myths still have multiple incarnations at once in different regions and evolve over time. I’ve never seen someone use this claim have any sort of backing and wasn’t just making it up or trying to post their favorite version as more legitimate somehow. 
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witchyintention · 2 years
Magic/k Test Question #1
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Keeping mint in your purse or pocket is useful for helping to attract prosperity.
What else might it be used for in your practice?
Comment your Answer!
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witchyintention · 2 years
best downloadable books for new witches
Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs
The Encyclopedia of Crystals
A Little Bit Of Pendulums
Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft (FREE)
The Symbols of Tarot
The Element Encyclopedia Of Secret Signs and Symbols
Encyclopedia of Spirits
A Little Bit of Intuition
Moon Magic
Blackthorn's Botanical Magic
these are only the tip of the iceberg, but are perfect for new witches who need to learn the very basics.
These are available in many other places than the Apple book store, but that's where I usually buy my books.
You can also look up "(title of book) PDF" and you may find a free version!
blessed be!
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witchyintention · 2 years
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Unhappiness & emptiness. Perhaps feeling of not being good enough.
A perception shift. You will suddenly feel that your perspective on things change.
Seeking the answers. With this sudden perspective change you find yourself wanting to know why.
Finding those answers and experiencing breakthroughs.
Disillusionment and a sense of feeling lost once again. You have found your answer and you don't know what's next.
Feeling a need to so deep inner work. Your shadow work is important and it's understandable that some traumas should be left alone. Work at your own pace and remember it's okay not to be ready to dive into some trauma now.
Integration, expansion and joy. You'll find how to correct old habits and make yourself a better person. You'll grown and find a new joy for yourself.
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witchyintention · 2 years
What convinced you that the spirit world and magic is real and not just a fairy tale? 🤔🤔
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witchyintention · 2 years
Dos and don'ts of love spells
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DO research. It applies to all spells and being a witch as a whole.
DON'T make a love spell to make someone fall in love with you. It isn't ethical. Just put yourself in that person's position. You like them, so why you think about affecting their free will?
DO ask a person if you can do a spell affecting them. There is something off in your relationship and you want to help it with magick? Ask your partner first.
DON'T start from doing love spells. Learn about protection first and always remember about it. Being safe should be your highest priority.
DO make a spell for finding a partner. If you're reading this, you're probably interested in having a relationship. You would find someone sooner or later, so you will just help this process. Just keep in mind the first "don't" - no specific person in mind, just a loving relationship with someone.
DON'T make a spell when you feel bad or tired. It can negatively impact it.
DO make a self-love spell. You want to be in a loving relationship with someone? Be in a loving relationship with yourself first.
+ Something that isn't a love spell as such, but can help you - you can use glamour magick to rise your attractiveness or self-confidence, for example by wearing something red with this intention. Read more about it if you're interested.
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witchyintention · 2 years
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witchyintention · 2 years
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witchyintention · 2 years
Commonsense Fact #1
Rope, Dried herbs/leaves, twine and many other things are flammable.
If you put them on your candle and it all goes up in flames, it’s not an omen. It’s just the dry shit catching on fire. Everything is more likely to have a mundane explanation behind it than a magical one so don't got jumping on the conclusion train. Choo! Choo!
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witchyintention · 2 years
✨2022 Celestial Events✨
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✦✧ Lunar Events ✧✦
🌑Jan 2nd New Moon in Capricorn at 18:35 UTC
🌕Jan 17th Full Moon in Cancer at 23:51 UTC ~ Old Moon;
🌑Feb 1st New Moon in Aquarius at 5:48am UTC
🌕Feb 16th Full Moon in Leo at 16:59 UTC ~ Snow Moon
🌑March 2nd New Moon in Pisces at 17:38 UTC
🌕March 18th Full Moon in Libra at 7:20am UTC ~ Worm Moon
🌑April 1st New Moon in Aries at 6:27am UTC
🌕April 16th Full Moon in Libra at 18:57 UTC ~ Pink Moon
🌑April 30 New Moon in Taurus at 20:30 UTC
⚪ May 16th Full Moon in Scorpio at 4:15am UTC (Sagittarius from 11:51 UTC) ~ Flower Moon ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio visible in North America, Atlantic Ocean, western Europe and western Africa
🌑May 30th New Moon in Gemini at 11:32 UTC
🌕June 14th Supermoon in Sagittarius at 11:52 UTC ~Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon
🌑June 29th New Moon in Cancer at 2:53am UTC
🌕July 13th Supermoon in Capricorn at 18:38 UTC
🌑July 28th New Moon in Leo at 17:55 UTC
🌕 Aug 12th Supermoon in Aquarius at 1:36am ~ Sturgeon Moon; final Supermoon for the year
🌑Aug 27th New Moon in Virgo at 8:17am UTC
🌕Sep 10th Full Moon in Pisces at 9:58am UTC ~ Corn Moon, Harvest Moon
🌑Sep 25th New Moon in Virgo at 21:55 UTC
🌕Oct 9th Full Moon in Aries at 20:55 UTC ~ Hunters Moon
🌑Oct 25th New Moon in Scorpio at 10:49am UTC & Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
⚪ Nov 8th Full Moon in Taurus at 11:03 UTC ~ Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus visible in eastern Russia, Japan, Oceania, western North America
🌑Nov 23rd New Moon in Scorpio at 22:58 UTC
🌕Dec 8th Full Moon in Gemini at 4:09am UTC
🌑Dec 23rd New Moon in Capricorn at 10:17 UTC
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✦✧ Solar Events / Wheel of the Year Dates ✧✦
✨ Feb 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Imbolc; Southern Hemisphere Lammas
✨ Mar 21st Equinox at 15:24 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara; Southern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon
✨ April 30th Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus visible from southeast Pacific Ocean; southern South America
✨ May 1st-5th Northern Hemisphere Beltane; Southern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ June 21st Solstice at 9:05am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha; Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule
✨ Aug 1st-7th Northern Hemisphere Lammas; Southern Hemisphere Imbolc
✨ Sep 23rd Equinox at 12:55am UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Autumnal Equinox/Mabon; Southern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox/Ostara
✨ Oct 25th Partial Solar Eclipse visible over western & central Russia, Kazakhstan
✨ Nov 1st-7th Southern Hemisphere Beltane; Northern Hemisphere Samhain
✨ Dec 21st Solstice at 21:40 UTC ~ Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice/Yule; Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice/Litha
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✦✧ Astrological Events (Mostly Retrogrades) ✧✦
💫 Dec 28th 2021 Jupiter Moves into Pisces ➛ May 10th (positive for mutable signs)
💫 Jan 14th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 3rd February
💫Jan 19th Uranus Ends Retrograde
💫Jan 29th Venus Ends Retrograde
April 3rd Mercury at superior Solar Conjunction
💫 May 10th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd June & Jupiter moves into Aries ➛ Oct 28th (positive for cardinal signs)
💫 June 5th Saturn Retrograde ➛ Oct 23rd
💫 June 28th Neptune Retrograde ➛ Dec 4th
💫 July 29th Jupiter Retrograde ➛ Nov 24th
💫August 24th Uranus Retrograde
💫 Sep 9th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 2nd October
💫Oct 31st Mars Retrograde
💫 Dec 29th Mercury Retrograde ➛ 18th January 2023
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✦✧ Dates for Viewing Planets/Meteors ✧✦
⋆⁺。 Jan 3rd & 4th Quadrantids Meteor Shower (Above average shower; runs from Jan 1st-5th; peaking on the 3rd) Near Constellation Bootes
🔭Jan 7th - Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (19.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Feb 10th Venus at greatest brightness
🔭Feb 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (26.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 April 22nd & 23rd Lyrids Meteor Shower (Average Shower; runs from April 16th-25th) Near Constellation Lyra
⋆⁺。 May 6th & 7th Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Produces more meteors over Southern Hemisphere; runs from April 19th -May 28th) Near Constellation Aquarius
🔭June 16th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (23.2 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Jul 28th & 29th Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower (Average shower; runs from July 12 - August 23rd) Near Constellation Aquarius
⋆⁺。 Aug 12th & 13th Perseids Meteor Shower (Runs July 17th to August 24th) Near Constellation Perseus
🔭Aug 14th Saturn at Opposition (at its brightest)
🔭Aug 27th Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation (27.3 degrees from the Sun) Visible low in Western Sky after sunset
🔭Sep 16th Neptune at Opposition (most likely still invisible without telescope)
🔭Sep 26th Jupiter at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Oct 7th Draconids Meteor Shower (Minor meteor shower; runs October 6th-10th) Best viewed early evening, near constellation Draco
🔭Oct 8th Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation (18 degrees from the Sun) Visible in Eastern Sky before sunrise
⋆⁺。 Oct 21st & 22nd Orionids Meteor Shower (Runs October 2nd to November 7th) Near Constellation Orion
⋆⁺。 Nov 4th and 5th Taurids Meteor Shower (minor meteor shower runs from September 7th - December 10th) Near Constellation Taurus
🔭Nov 9th Uranus at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Nov 17th, 18th Leonids Meteor Shower; (1st since 2001; runs November 6th-30th) Near Constellation Leo
🔭Dec 8th Mars at Opposition
⋆⁺。 Dec 13th & 14th Geminids Meteor Shower (Biggest Meteor Shower, runs December 7th-17th) Near Constellation Gemini
🔭Dec 21st Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation; visible in Western Sky after sunset
⋆⁺。 Dec 21st & 22nd Ursids Meteor Shower (Minor shower, runs December 17th-25th) Near Ursa Minor
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witchyintention · 2 years
psychic witch by mat Auryn
Secret teaching of all ages encyclopedia of esoteric teaching
weave the liminal by Laura tempest zakroff
six ways by aidan wachter
the grek magical papyri in translation edited by dieter betz
the complete grimoire by lidia pradas
witchery by juliat diaz
spells for change by frankie castanea
celtic witchcraft by mabh savage
the althlone hiatory of witchcraft and magic in europe
the spell book for new witches by ambrosia hawthorn
kate freuler of blood and bones by mat Auryn
the kitchen witch's spell book by cerridwen greenleaf
love spells by anastasia greywolf
encyclopedia of magic herbs by scott Cunningham
guided tarot by stefanie caponi
the witch's journal by selene silverwind
the casting of spells by Christopher penczak
sacred essential oils edited by claire waite brown
the crystal bible by judy hall
the magical household by scott Cunningham
wicca in the kitchen by scott Cunningham
the house witch by arin Murphy-Hiscock
the heart witch's compendium by anna franklin
the heart witch's kitchen herbal by anna franklin
a spell book for the season
the complete illustrated book of herbs
italian folk magic by mary grace fahrun
the complete illustrated guide to palmistry by peter west
apractical step by step guide to herbs for the home and garden by Shirley reid
top 50 edible plants for pots by angie thomas
the mystical magical marvelous world of DREAMS by wilda b. tanner
the eclectic witch's book of shadows by deborah blake
plant witchery by Juliet diaz
the witch at thd forest's edge
subtle energy by keith miller
protection&reversal magick by jason miller
curses,hexes&crossing by S. connolly
modern witch by devin hunter
the complete book of incense,oils&brews by scott Cunningham
encyclopedia of 5000 spells by judika illes
the good witch's journal by selene silverwind
inner magic a guide to witchcraft
spell crafting by arin Murphy
the green witch by arin murphy
moon magic by diane ahlquist
protection magick by cassandra eason
the little big book by ileana abrev
herbal remedies by andrew chevallier
witchcraft for healing by patti wigington
complete book of correspondences by sandra kynes
poppet magick by silver davenwolf
earth medicine by kenneth meadows
earth power by scott Cunningham
a century of spells by draja mickaharic
positive magic by marion Weinstein
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