wlvrai · 2 years
Hey mod here, I’ve been thinking of redoing this blog. I’m back into hlvrai and I have a better art style AND better ideas. Idk, what do you guys think?
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wlvrai · 3 years
So Darnold, did you also grow up around here? What got you into potion making? - 🐟
“Oh! Well, I moved from the capital city, not many people like it when you explode things there.” Darnold says, smiling. “And I don’t know when I got into potion making! It’s just kinda been something I’ve always done.”
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wlvrai · 3 years
Aw, a flock of wild animals sounds like a cool thing to have!
“Tha- thank you!”
“I was attacked by a raccoon last time… Not poggers.” Benrey mumbles.
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wlvrai · 3 years
Gordooon, I demand travel games! Since this is your quest and all. Do you know any good hiking songs?
"I'm not allowed to sing any hiking songs..." Tommy pouts.
"Well maybe if all those animas didn't flock to us last time you sang, we wouldn't have to ban them!" Bubby yells.
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wlvrai · 3 years
That is most adorable! Baby Benrey stories are definitely a trip highlight so far! <3
Benrey just grumbles.
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wlvrai · 3 years
(^ヮ^) PogBaby Benrey! We need all the embarrassing/cute baby stories!
Coomer gasps. "You want to hear all about baby Benrey?!"
Benrey's eyes widen. "Wait, Coomer, no wait- don't!"
Coomer ignores them. "Well when Benrey was just a kitten, he would always run off! We'd get so worried, then find them stuck in a tree! It was adorable!"
"Coomer whyyyyyy.... Unpog....."
Bubby snickers. "Remember how he played with yarn?"
"Oh yes! They'd always get tangled in it!"
Benrey grumbles, blushing and trying to hide in their helmet.
Gordon laughs a little.
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wlvrai · 3 years
Meaning Beny Ben has to smell ya stinky egggggg smells
"You're killing me. You're actually killing me." Gordon sighs.
Benrey's eyes widen. "No! Don't die Feetman, that's, uh, bad for you!!"
Tommy giggles at this.
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wlvrai · 3 years
Looks like Gordon's a rotten egg!
"HAH, stinky egg man Gordon!!" Yells Benrey.
"I am literally walking next to you, Benrey." Gordon sighs.
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wlvrai · 3 years
0m9, Benrey 1 4m C4ckL1n9! Has it always been like this? - 🐟
Benrey sighs.
"These guys basically, uh, raised me when I was just a kitten. But yet they STILL dunno that they're in love. Unpog."
"So these guys are basically your parents?" Asked Gordon.
"Bbbbbb... yeah. Found feral baby me and decided this baby is, uh, pog and decided to keep me."
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wlvrai · 3 years
Last on there's a rotten egg!
Gordon sighs as he runs to catch up with the rest of the group.
Another flash of blue is seen.
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wlvrai · 3 years
K1n9 8u88'/, 1 d0n'7 w4n7 T0 pu7 my f007 1n 1t, 8u7 4R3 y0u, uh, s33ing NE1 ATM?
Bubby is confused. "What do you mean by that?"
Benrey seems to have heard and is giggling.
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wlvrai · 3 years
We don't have time to stop for mystery figures! Let's pick the pace up guys, it sounds like Bubby's trying to speedrun the key quest.
“Assigned Speedrunner at Birth!” Says Dr. Coomer. 
Bubby giggles.
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wlvrai · 3 years
If you don't know where there is, how do you know that you're almost?
“Shut!” Yells Bubby, quickly walking to be near Coomer.
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wlvrai · 3 years
I still don't trust this anonymous forest figure, stay on your guard while looking for the key. - 🐟
“What's with everyone talking about a figure in the forest?” Asks Gordon.
“Shuddup, we’re almost there!” Yells Bubby, from up ahead.
“Almost where???”
“... I don’t know! Just hurry up, ya little pissbaby!”
"Good one, Professor Bubby!"
"It's DOCTOR."
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wlvrai · 3 years
//Send some asks?
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wlvrai · 3 years
Wh4t a l0s3r...d0s3n't 3v3n h4v3 4 p4ssp0rt... Wh4t n0w¿¿?? -🖱 anon
(Also,I thought it'd be funny to say but I accidently read the tags as "hit the road jack" instead of "hit the road arc" lmao)
Bubby shrugs.
“We’re gonna try and see if we can find the key.”
You can see a tall figure peering out before they disappear in a small flash of bright blue. 
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wlvrai · 3 years
who's out to get feetman?? should we be worried? -teeth
“He should’ve, uh, shown his passport. Feetman don’t have a passport, cringe babyman. Gordon Babyman don’t even got a passport.”
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