Chapter two: Vampires won't hurt you
A/n: second and final part. Enjoy!
I sung of Chaos and eternal Night,
Taught by the heav—nly Muse to venture down
The dark descent, and up to reascend …
—John Milton, Paradise Lost
"(Y/n), wake up… wake up." Gerard said. My eyesight was foggy, and when I came into focus, I saw I was in a hospital. Laying down on a bed. The room was empty, sunlight shinned past the lavender curtains. And gerard was nowhere in sight. "(Y/n)'s awake!" My best friend, Maggie, exclaimed. She gave me a big hug. My parents walked into the room with giant smiles. "Oh, (y/n)!" My mom said. My mom was the second to huh me, and my dad said: "I'm glad you're awake, princess." He gave me a warming smile, and I smiled too. My mom held me tighter and began to sobb. "What's wrong?" I asked her. I turned to my father and my friend. Maggie's head was turned down, I couldn't see her face because her blonde hair was covering it. And my father traipse to the white couch. "(Y/n)… you have cancer…" "Whaa–what are you talking about?" My eyebrows knitted together. She stood up straight and caressed my hair. "You have a rare terminally pancreatic cancer, and it has already entered the critical stage." "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." My dad said from the couch.
"No!" I looked around the empty room, the window was open, and it was black out there. The curtains flew with the wind. It was just a bad dream. I gazzed at my arm. A needle was inside my hand, taped down. A bag hanging next to me, anaesthesia, it said. If only all this was a dream. Tears came to my eyes. In the corner of my eye, I saw a large void. I gasped, It was the bird earlier. "What do you want?" I asked as if he could reply. He flew to the middle of the room and morphed into a man wearing a black suit with a red tie. His hair was shaggy, and he smirked, showing his white teeth. "Oh my god! Gerard!" "Hello angel." He went over and sat on my bed. I didn't know if I should slap him or kiss him. Kiss? We never went on a date or even kissed, I always thought my crush on him was obvious. "What are you doing here?" My face grew red. "Everyone thought you were dead! How could you just run away? I thought something bad happened to you!" "Shh, someone will hear you!" "Good if they hear me!" "Uh," he said, then sighed. "I had to leave—" "WHY?" "Because I'm a vampire! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to get hurt…." He ran his hand through his hair and turned away from me. I sat with tears in my eyes. "I don't want you to die (y/n). I came back for you. Honestly, I can't live without you…" I sat in shock, speechless. "Please (y/n)… Will you accept becoming like me, a vampire." The room was silent, and there was no other choice. "Yes." The next thing I knew, his mouth was on mine. And as simple as that, all fears put to rest, all worries disappeared. I felt his passion in my soul, and my bones shook. He left trails of kisses to my neck, and I was not frightened on what would happen next. it was frightening in its intensity, but with gerard, it was tranquil. With him, I wasn't lost. Then he bit me, it hurt but I could handle it—the chemo was worse. He stopped and kissed the spot. His kiss left a tender bruise in my heart. He dug his head in my neck, and I caressed his soft hair. The transformation was fast. The way he was holding me, It didn't hurt a lot. He raised his head and examined my features. "You're beautiful.' And I could feel it— a love so strong it could get rid of any darkness. "I love you." "I love you more."
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Chapter one: Dark Destiny
A/n: thank you to whoever to the time to read this! I hope you like it! Please send feedback and review it!
"A mind not to be changed by place or time. The mind is its own place, and in itself Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.”
Autumn 10 Dear diary, I woke up feeling terrible, I know something awful is going to happen today. Everything was so simple when he was around. It's been a year ever since he disappeared. Everyone said he was dead—Everyone believed he was dead, but I didn't. I must be crazy. Nothing awful is going to happen today.
I didn't know why I wrote that, but here I am 7:32 in the morning, clutching my pen and writing in my (colour) diary, scared and awake. Everything will be okay today. But why do I feel so lost? I shook my head and stopped writing. I sighed and left my room to get something to eat. For the past 3 hours, I hadn't gotten any food! When I opened the door, I grinned. Cheesecake and (your favourite) sandwiches! "Yum." I took out both plates to the counter and began to eat. When I finished my sandwiches, I cut a piece of cake and put the rest in the fridge. There were so many colours in the sky; blue, purple, yellow, orange, a little bit of pink. "Wow." I opened the slide door and sat in our rocking sofa. Watching the leaves fall and squirrels sharing acorns. I took a bite of my half–finished cake, but a sudden collide of the feelings I felt earlier rushed over me. The air was chilly, and I felt like I was being watched. There it was: a black raven sitting on a branch across me. The dead leaves fell, and this black bird was staring right at me. It was a raven, the biggest raven I had ever seen. I could see it so clearly, yet he was so far. Rainbows twinkled in its eyes, and all of a sudden, I felt dizzy. My body fell numb, and the last thing I heard was glass broke.
To be continued...
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Artist: breakaway1975
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By Stafsar on Instagram.
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Very true. Except I like Gerard.
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Green hair 🐍
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Gerard and Frank as Harley Quinn and the clown prince of crime.
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