wwwlittledemons · 3 years
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wwwlittledemons · 3 years
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chara and frisk -- @under-tomb​  scarlet---> littledemons 
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
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y exploto! :c  jaja esto ya es algo viejo! [la pregunta mas bien nwn] encontre la pregunta y pues quise dibujarla nwn griffet--> @alanitaperez​ flan---->mio 
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
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nwn el bebe 
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
Betty died. She Is dead. For good. Rest in hell. Charlie sorry for your lost.
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
Asrus una pregunta. Cómo creciste tan rápido? La última vez te vi como un bebé adorable hace 4 meses. :3
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
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por fin!! el comic de little demons! :D yey 
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
los mejores padres del mundo
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
Rose info
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Nombre: Rosemary Alias: Rose Edad: 12 años género: mujer -Rose nació y vivió en Rusia por un tiempo hasta los 8 años, callo de la montaña a los 11 años -vivía con su madre, padre y hermanos mayores [no se llevaba bien con sus hermanos por lo tonto que se portaban, la relación con sus padres era buena] -sufrió  bullying por parte de algunas de sus compañeras por su cuerpo, el cual estaba muy desarrollado para su edad le gusta: -las flores -el arte -la comida picante -el internet -bailar   -su color favorito es el rojo no le gusta: -no le gusta tener el cabello largo -sus hermanos - no le gusta el Kozinák aficiones: -bailar -comer y jugar con su panza -dibujar -ver series de internet poder: puede usar el reset y los botones…tiene un botón extra en forma de Reloj de bolsillo el cual aún no se sabe nada   Relaciones con los Little demons: Flan  y chan --> flan y chan al principio desconfiaba de ella por su poder, sabiendo que en cualquier momento podría cambiar algo y no podrían hacer nada para detenerla pero luego de que ella digiera que no sabía nada y que no tenía ni la más mínima idea de cómo usarlo, probándoselo a todos, luego de eso ambas se acercaron a ella Asrus --> Rose se lleva bien con Asrus, le enseño a Asrus a bailar  y hablan sobre flores [especialmente sobre flowey] Henry y parysk --> no se llevaban bien antes, desconfiando de ella y repitiéndole lo peligroso que era el reset  en el caso de parysk y Henry  lo único que hacia era despreciar sus logros o intimidándola, la hacían sentir realmente mal,  pero luego de ser consolada y hablar de lo que estaba pasando sanch decide ayudarla y hablar con parysk y Henry seriamente, luego de eso parysk fue el primero en disculparse diciéndole el porqué de su trato y que la verdad es que lo único que quería era protegerla, en el caso de Henry se negó al principio pero luego de que sanch lo amenazara se disculpó con ella se volvieron amigos luego de eso poco a poco sanch --> la primera vez ambos solo se miraban intensamente, Rose tenía un cierto miedo a sanch, hablaban poco hasta que sanch  la vio triste en watterfall y ahí fue cuando ambos tuvieron una conversación larga y placentera, sanch ánimo y aconsejo a Rose y rose le conto un poco sobre ella y lo interesada que estaba en la magia,  Rose a veces entrelaza su brazo con el de sanch cuando caminan, según flowey tienen  una clase de tensión romántica  [ chan no aprueba esto >:C ]   lo cual ambos niegan personalidad: rose puede ser algo gruñona y masoquista  pero también  amable, risueña , cariñosa y determinada  
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
es un maldito gremlin!
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
scarlet mini-comic
undertomb sans and papyrus--> @under-tomb​ scarlet-> mine :3 
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
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UwU amorhs  pueden hacerle preguntas también a billie y a scarlet después de todo tambien esta en el grupo de niños >w<  horrotale-----> @sour-apple-studios​ undertomb---> @under-tomb​
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
billie info
information: he is about 13 years old, he is a tall and skinny boy, he wears a slightly broken blue-purple dress with a black belt but no shoes, he goes straight to the point when he doesn't like something or just isn't interested
He has a defined face, he does not look his age when someone sees him for the first time, he is thought to be 16 years old, he has white and brown hair both in each half, he is tall and very skinny, he has a large scar on his neck and feet , she has red eyes and wears a slightly torn dress on the shoulders and ends with a black belt.
life and personality:
a sadistic total in all the word [beats sanch at the sadism level] kind and loving [despite being a bastard] from a young age he saw how his mother was eaten by his father and the terrible things that happened in his universe making him something “normal”, he is usually away from home and he spends long walks everywhere, he has a twisted sense of humor and he usually has his eyes on the clouds or observing something that he likes [be it lifeless or alive], if he is at home he spends it in his room or with his mother, lying on the sofa or watching television
disease? Any injury? Fears ?:
have Lima syndrome for now you are not afraid but if you have many wounds, cuts or bruises on your knees and feet  -------------------  -------------------  -when kidnapping or kidnapping someone cares about his state, he acts as if the subject was not against his will and is kind giving false hope  - Despite a good diet, he is very skinny, it is not known if this is due to an illness or is just part of his metabolism, but the only one who does not care is Billie, “I don't give a shit about my weight! I have better things to do"  - does not care if you call him or her  - yes can become a skeleton ... it often does  - Billie was called "Arthur" before but no, he felt that he did not go with him and his appearance did not [look like a suit] so I changed him to what he is now  - has magic from both parents  relationship with the other monsters and human: has a great relationship with both the only thing that a person would not like would be the stereotype of “rich girl or boy” [the boy who presumes his new car without even asking for it and making fun of that you cannot buy it]  Little demons: has a certain hobby with parysk and sanch
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
scarlet info
 information: she is approximately 8 years old, due to poor nutrition she has a delay in her growth, her sight is twice as good as that of a normal human or monster but very delicate in light [I speak of very strong light, if she puts a flashlight in her eyes, it can blind her for a few hours], something that has helped her and her family members when it comes to looking for food, but for safety, they put bandages with a few holes so that she can to see how to avoid getting hurt, she is prohibited from leaving her house except if she is with a totally trustworthy adult, she is a cruelly overprotected girl, for a strange reason she has a sweet smell for some monsters [that's one of the so many reasons why you should stay home]
He is about 1.40cm tall, brown hair, very pale skin, has slightly red cheeks, has almost all his body covered except for his face and hands, his eyes are black, he has a larger pupil than the other
 life and personality: as I said, he only goes out with a trusted adult, while he is at home he spends his time observing his eyes, combing his hair, trying on clothes [that does not fit because he is very large], sleeping under the sheets or reading a book , he eats the same as the others, kind and calm but he can become a complete monster if something bothers him or exalts him
 disease? Any injury? Fears ?:
 maybe AND JUST MAYBE suffers from ligirophobia [irrational fear of loud, sharp, usually sudden noises, like those of explosions]
 Scarlet becomes very upset if she hears something too loud [especially if it is very sharp and sudden] to the point of crying, if something like this happens and not for her, she will run in search of one of her parents or hide
 the problem is when someone does it on purpose ... and torments her for a long period of time ... in any case, she will be slaughtered immediately and then devoured ...
 -launches a class of pheromones holding it smelling sweet or other nice things [like fresh laundry, lemon or chocolate] this can both relax and upset those around [the reason for this is not yet known]
 -has the magic of both parents but does not know how to use it at all
 -It is theorized that he has wings by the marks on his back
 -Has a cross tied to his belt and has a necklace with a red pearl
 - her first design was VERY ugly [she looked… ..a bitch really! I feel my vocabulary but it's the truth]
-no, she cannot become a skeleton
relationship with the other monsters and human:
the relationship with her family is good, they overprotect her and show their affection in their own way
he's afraid of the Dreemurr family [especially asgore]the first time she and the human meet in the basement where Scarlet is having a Tea party with two stuffed animals, one made of cloth and the other made of cloth, when she sees him she only nods at the questions but despite that she will help you to hide from papyrus
Little demons:
she met the others thanks to Henry [Henry was ………. being Henry and he found her] 
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wwwlittledemons · 4 years
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scarlet - chara x sans  @under-tomb fan child  billie - Aliza x horror @sour-apple-studios​ fan child  I'll be honest! this idea came out of nowhere! but well I hope you don't hate me for doing it! but I liked the result and the design that is both
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