yokosimono · 5 years
CBD - wonder drug for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) mainly affects the motor nervous system. Beginning muscle atrophy in the extremities, speech and swallowing difficulties, involuntary muscle twitching and painful muscle cramps are just some of the symptoms that affect ALS patients. The most well-known ALS patient is likely to be Steven Hawking. Despite his severe disability, he is considered one of the outstanding scientists for the major theories of black holes and quantum mechanics. The fact that he suffers from ALS is much less public and most of us may not be aware of the reason for his disability.
The sedative, anti-inflammatory and antipsychotic properties of non-intoxicating CBD can provide relief in ALS in many ways. Depending on the severity of the disease, a careful adjustment of the dosage of CBD oil or CBD drops is recommended.
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What is ALS actually?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is also called Lou Gehring's disease. It is a disease of the nerve cells in the brain, the brain stem, and the back, which are responsible for the muscle movements. The cause of this disease is largely unknown, only in exceptional cases, it can be attributed to a genetic defect.
The disease exclusively affects the muscles and causes muscle weakness, affects the coordination of movements and inhibits the performance of activities such as walking, breathing, speaking or swallowing. Since the senses and the thinking ability of those affected in no way negatively affected, it is so ingenious minds as Stephen Hawking makes it possible to obtain superior research results despite the disability.
ALS is considered a motor neuron disease and is considered an incurable, degenerative disease of the motor nervous system. In the course of the disease, there is more and more progressive and irreversible damage to the nerve cells, which are responsible for the muscle movements. Dabei both the first motor neurons are attacked, which are located in the motor cerebral cortex as well as the second motor neurons located in the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord, of the brainstem or in the cranial nerve nucleus.
Any form of therapy is merely for the relief of the symptoms and thus the relief for the patient. ALS patients are estimated to have a survival of 3-5 years, with death often occurring as a result of pneumonia. Responsible for this is the loss of swallowing capacity and the paralysis of the respiratory muscles.
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What treatment methods are there?
The drug Riluzole, which is sold under the name Rilutek, belongs to the group of benzothiazoles. The chemical acts as a sodium channel blocker, thereby attenuating the action of the neurotransmitter glutamate. In the treatment of ALS, it has a prolonging effect on patient lifespan.
Because there is no cure for ALS, additional therapeutic approaches such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and palliative care can relieve the patient's discomfort.
CBD - an alternative treatment method at ALS!
Since the suffering is very high for ALS patients, it is certainly understandable that even the slightest relief already significantly improves the quality of life of the person affected.
CBD oil or drops are easy to dose and can do a lot for the sufferer due to the properties of cannabidiol:
The annoying side effect of dry mouth caused by the reduction of saliva when taking cannabidiol is a real blessing for ALS patients as they are less likely to be confronted with their swallowing difficulties. The painful muscle cramps can be alleviated, which means less pain and uncontrolled twitching for the patient. As a result of neuromuscular dysfunction, ALS sufferers suffer immense pain throughout the body. CBD may also have an analgesic effect on ALS Pain relief and relaxation, as well as the sleep-inducing property, can lead to a better deeper sleep Cannabidiol can increase appetite when the onset of appetite Another hope is that the active ingredient has a positive influence on the enzyme functions, which are responsible for eliminating the waste products that arise during the function of the motor neuron.
Cannabidiol could support this enzyme in its activity so that the nerve cells in the course of the disease are not damaged as quickly. The positive neural impulses also have a favorable effect on the course of Alzheimer's disease, as you can read separately under CBD and Alzheimer.
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Is it to be expected when taking with side effects?
The normal use of this remedy is expected to have virtually no side effects. The perceived by many users as annoying dry mouth due to the saliva reduction is more beneficial for patients with ALS, as this significantly relieves the swallowing and the often perceived as unpleasant drooling is reduced.
At higher doses, it can rarely lead to a small drop in blood pressure, which can cause a feeling of dizziness. Also, slightly increased drowsiness was observed with high doses of oil or drops.
However, these side effects are also seen as a positive rather than a negative side effect in the case of ALS. Since the experience of taking cannabidiol during pregnancy or lactation is not sufficient, it is not recommended to consume CBD during this time.
The anticonvulsant property of cannabidiol, which could potentially lead to complications during pregnancy, is again a blessing in asthma as the bronchial muscle can be relieved (see also CBD for asthma).
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yokosimono · 5 years
CBD in the treatment of psychosis
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What are possible hemp oil side effects?
Hemp oil is one of the most versatile and oldest edible oils in the world. However, cannabis opponents, critics, and pharmaceutical industries generally try to prevent the beneficial properties of hemp oil, although hemp oil has a positive effect on body and organism. For example, it can regulate high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, it has a positive effect on cardiovascular health and helps greatly with skin diseases such as eczema or ScHanföl side effects psoriasis. The oil can also act twice, both internally and externally in the body. Nevertheless, many still ask themselves about the hemp oil side effects and if there are any.
Hemp oil has virtually no side effects because hemp oil is a purely herbal product. It also works in no case exhilarating, since no THC is included or highest proportion of 0.2 percent.
Since hemp oil is a purely herbal product, it can also be consumed by children and seniors without danger.
Even in large quantities, virtually no side effects can occur. Of course, it is important to remember that allergic reactions may occur depending on the person. To find out if you may be allergic to the oil, it is recommended that you first apply the oil externally and closely observe the area of ​​the skin. If there is puffiness or redness at the site where the oil is applied, the body will be allergic to the oil and so should Hemp oil cannot be consumed by any means.
However, such an allergic reaction is very rare, even on the net, there are hardly any reports of people who have allergic reactions to the oil.
Nevertheless, of course, as with all remedies, great caution is required - even with vegetable oils - they should, therefore, be tested beforehand. As soon as there are no skin reactions or skin redness, the hemp oil can be consumed.
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Possible hemp oil side effects
Even if only a few known hemp oil side effects are known - which are minimal - you should be informed about what side effects could occur before you take the product.
Inhibition of hepatic
Drug metabolism
A potential hemp oil side effect could be the inhibition of hepatic drug metabolism and the decreased activity of p-glycoprotein. Hemp oil could interact with a number of drugs as it inhibits the activity of some liver enzymes - cytochrome P450. If you take a high dose of CBD for a long time, it may temporarily neutralize the activity of P450 enzymes, altering the way the drugs are metabolized in the body. This action can be seen as a hemp oil side effect, although it is not always a negative feature since the deactivation of P450 enzymes is one of the mechanisms whereby THC is neutralized.
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Dry mouth
The effect of unpleasant dryness in the mouth will be caused by the inclusion of the endocannabinoid system in the inhibition of salivary septation, which could be one of the few hemp oil side effects. A PubMed study showed that cannabinoid receptors (types 1 and 2) are present in the submandibular glands responsible for the production of saliva. Activation of these receptors alters saliva production, causing dryness in the mouth. The only disadvantage of this hemp oil side effect is that they will be thirsty.
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