zigdirty · 4 hours
I hope she runs the RNC, the Republican Party, MAGA, and all regressives into poverty and ruin.
She’s certainly the perfect candidate to accomplish this!
Very short clip.
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zigdirty · 4 hours
This would completely change the vaccine game for the better! I eagerly anticipate more information and research on this new type of vaccine!
Also, this widens the gap for those that don’t believe in vaccines even more. Their loss.
Scientists at UC Riverside have demonstrated a new, RNA-based vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus and can be used safely even by babies or the immunocompromised.  Every year, researchers try to predict the four influenza strains that are most likely to be prevalent during the upcoming flu season. And every year, people line up to get their updated vaccine, hoping the researchers formulated the shot correctly. The same is true of COVID vaccines, which have been reformulated to target sub-variants of the most prevalent strains circulating in the U.S. This new strategy would eliminate the need to create all these different shots, because it targets a part of the viral genome that is common to all strains of a virus. The vaccine, how it works, and a demonstration of its efficacy in mice is described in a paper published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.  “What I want to emphasize about this vaccine strategy is that it is broad,” said UCR virologist and paper author Rong Hai. “It is broadly applicable to any number of viruses, broadly effective against any variant of a virus, and safe for a broad spectrum of people. This could be the universal vaccine that we have been looking for.”
Continue Reading.
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zigdirty · 17 hours
Occasional posts…? Wow, do we all have to spam-post psychotic bullshit all hours of the day like a former White House occupant or a failed recent “owner” of a different social media platform that had an idiotic name change in order for posts to be considered more frequent than occasionally?
I didn’t realize Tumblr was dead. (Well, other than the “adult” stuff. That was a big part, though.)
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occasional posts from users
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zigdirty · 18 hours
Commentary above is true but I want to make a specific distinction: the points mentioned lean much more heavily toward socialism. So while those European countries are capitalistic, they are not trying to be PURELY capitalistic, they are also incorporating socialist aspects as well.
Reaganomics was all about making EVERYTHING capitalism in the US.
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just an fyi, those european countries this person is talking about are super capitalist. and while capitalism is terrible, wasteful, inefficient, exploitative, in need of dismantling, etc. even things like public healthcare and livable wages and vacation time can exist within capitalism if capitalism is properly regulated.
america just chose the route of not allowing for those things by deregulating and selling everything off to private capital. which, as a failed experiment in free market economics, should be a pretty obvious lesson to the rest of the world of what NOT to do.
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zigdirty · 18 hours
100% of this collage is due to capitalism.
Otherwise known as greed.
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"The Stoppables"
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zigdirty · 2 days
I want to give everyone that follows my blog (and everyone that doesn’t but sees this post elsewhere) a GIANT virtual hug, and tell them, “We have never met, but I love you for being you, and that is all it takes for someone to love you.”
Trans, queer, multiracial, atheist, whatever. The more authentic you are, the more awesome you are.
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zigdirty · 3 days
From a Terms of Service: Didn’t Read virgin, I am reblogging this for myself and ANYONE ELSE in my same situation.
This is incredible!
nobuddy feels like they have a sharp attention span these days, right? and we all just click “agree on terms of service” because its hard to love yourself sometimes, well
enter Terms of Service, Didn’t Read: a website and a browser addon that streamlines the terms of service of many popular web services to be read by the tech sunday drivers.
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It’s graded from A (great) to E (awful) and if you have the addon you have access to the info about the website on your bar
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zigdirty · 3 days
This is a great reminder to any misogynist men that want to take away no-fault divorce from women: the alternative is far worse for you.
Good for your grandmother. I’m glad she got that “divorce” she needed.
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zigdirty · 3 days
Any woman that votes for Republicans in the US hates themselves and all women. Plain simple. And any man that votes for Republicans in the US is a sexist, misogynist asshole that at best sees women as useful because they can have babies.
There is no compromise in this debate. If you aren’t pro-choice YOU ARE WRONG. End.
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zigdirty · 4 days
Succinct, accurate, and humbling.
Humanity needs an attitude adjustment.
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zigdirty · 4 days
I’ve had basically the same experience at a random restaurant, there was a HUGE group of (of course) middle-aged men (many in suits) and I happened to be within earshot of their private table for an extended period of time. When they weren’t talking about their fraternity dumb shit that they used to do, and idiotically “masculine” stuff they’ve done since college, they were discussing business and it sounded like precocious elementary children. They literally said the most obvious, basic, and uninspired things, like the above comment, and it was like they were predicting the future, like gospel and poetic miracles in verbal form.
They were literally the dumbest motherfuckers that got their jobs through a fraternity. For real.
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zigdirty · 4 days
Homeowner’s associations absolutely DO suck in every way and are incredibly ironic in the US, specifically. Why? Because they take away almost all of the freedoms from the homeowner for the purposes of making everything appealing to the HA. It’s literally the opposite of democracy IN PEOPLE’S HOUSES AND PROPERTIES.
I’m ready for HAs to die in a fire and if this new legislation is the start of the snowball, YES!
(Also props to that introduction, using blossoming as a double entendre.)
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ABOUT TIME!!! for those out of the loop homeowners’ associations in the US 1. suck horrendously in every way 2. were the beginning of the end of urban biodiversity
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zigdirty · 4 days
The answer is unsavory, but obvious: if victims of sexual abuse start suing their sexual abusers, all the conservative politicians, their “good friends” that support them (religious leaders, wealthy individuals, etc.) would be publicly on record in these suits.
Why protect constituents when you can protect sex offenders that pay you and get you elected?
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Why would Republicans do that?? I don't think I want to know.
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zigdirty · 4 days
I personally don’t recall anywhere in any teachings in Christianity, or any Abrahamic religion, where helping others and being charitable are only advised AFTER a six-month deliberation.
But I’m agnostic so what the hell do I know, right?
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Remember this when you go vote!
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zigdirty · 4 days
They CLAIM to hate science while using all the tools developed by science, eating meals with nutritional balance determined by science, taking medications developed by scientists to fight off illnesses only discovered under microscopes, and all while using communication methods only possible because of advances in technology including electricity, wireless, etc.
They only CLAIM to hate science because it serves their purposes. Until it stops making money.
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Republicans can hate science and deny it all they want. That will not stop scientists from teaching, doing research, or publishing manuscripts. We don't care if they want to remain stupid!
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zigdirty · 4 days
So this is an interesting article to at least give some context into the Tesla situation, but I think the author has been drinking the capitalism Kool-Aid for a while. Here’s why:
Tesla probably needed to reduce costs, and layoffs are the quickest way for any company to do that. And, layoffs are always going to be painful--especially for those who lose their jobs. I just think it's possible to do it better than this.
The paragraph above is the final one in the article and WOW it’s a doozy. I’d recommend just reading the first few paragraphs and ignoring the majority of the article, due entirely to sentiments like this.
Not delving into anything else of note in the article, which is a decent amount of additional details I’d love to unpack, this statement is just so severely irksome and misleading it’s physically painful.
It is absolutely not QUICK or EASY for a company to terminate employees. The logistics are a nightmare and there’s a potential for unemployment and a whole slew of other things once the employee isn’t even working any longer that require time and energy and incur costs. What this should have said is it’s the most convenient option for a company with the lowest amount of potential risk.
It’s well-known employees aren’t valued, least of all those at the “bottom” of a company who do all of the manual labor and actual producing of the product for consumption. (Ironically without these employees companies simply would NOT exist: you can’t sell a widget without someone to make the widget first.) But most companies, and most wealthy people in general, also assume that those making less and working more will be less capable and less likely to take any sort of action against the company in traumatic situations such as this. They’re “less risky” to the company.
The actual easiest way to reduce costs for any and all companies is executive pay cuts and management bonus pay reductions or complete removals. This would impact only a very small number of employees, would NOT involve terminations and all the extra work those would require, and this would impact employees in the company that would be individually most likely to be able to manage this change (although they’re also the most notoriously unwilling to take any pay cut or termination of any kind well at all). Reducing the excessive pay of a few employees is much less actual work for a company, but these employees have many more means and connections to retaliate against the company, so doing this is perceived as more of a risk than laying off literally thousands of people. It’s absolutely backwards but also happens all the time.
And this is yet another glaring failure of leadership in these companies. Shocking.
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zigdirty · 4 days
Accurate, thorough, and objective historical reviews and discussions of the more “uncomfortable” parts of human history are actually MORE IMPORTANT than other parts of history, not less.
We live in a fairly “sanitized” culture now, and we FOR SURE haven’t learned from our past mistakes.
Me explaining, once more, that being interested in a particular historical figure or era does NOT necessarily equate to supporting it ‼️ Creators shouldn’t have to make a piece of work “clean” just because some readers may get uncomfortable. If anything, we should be promoting the exploration of uncomfortable topics- proper research and portrayal should be praised. Bring back historical and media literacy.
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