wordpressdotcom · 9 months
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It's time to transfer those domains you have with Google. First million on us. https://bit.ly/3KOdZpZ
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re-lmayer · 1 year
fyi tumblr is fucking over people with custom domains
if you have a custom domain set, DO NOT UNTICK THE BUTTON on blog settings. you’re not allowed to add it back. (nope, that’s not mentioned anywhere on blog settings itself.) if you switch hosts and need to update nameservers, congrats! you’re fucked
custom domains were a feature that’s been available over a decade, but they’ve been unceremoniously removed. the idea of “legacy” domains is a joke
this is doubly egregious because they absolutely could be selling domains for people that don’t have one, while still allowing those of us that already had a domain to keep using ours. they also don’t even allow you to pay to use your own. so if someone bought a domain specifically to use on tumblr, if they accidentally untick the button then poof! they’re fucked because they can’t re-buy their own domain from tumblr 
it’s honestly pathetic how much of a transparent cash grab this is at worst, and how badly implemented this was at best. this is what happens when you accept incompetency as a modus operandi bc “lol quirky hellsite”
i highly, HIGHLY recommend not investing in this feature due to that incompetency and lack of transparency
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unbfacts · 2 months
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shitty-fear-domains · 3 months
Spiral domain which is just trying to change your fucking account password
+ hints of the Stranger!
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theabyssal · 8 months
It just occurred to me—considering that Darkness is one of Death's Domains, does that mean that Death has some dominion over the unknown? Since the darkness is inextricably linked to the unknown, i.e. the fear of the unknown, like "what could be lurking in the dark?" Or is it under Nemeya's jurisdiction as the Goddess of Secrets?
Humm... Interesting concept. I think darkness is more linked with the absence of light, life and all matter. Think of the void between stars and the inescapable pull of a black hole.
And I don't think The Unknown would fit Nemeya's domain neither. She is the goddess of secrets and that means that whatever secret she is guarding is known, at least to her.
I think The Unknown would be better as an unclaimed domain, and who knows, one of Death's children might claim it in the future.
Thanks for the ask!! 🖤
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sunnyy-sunsh1ne · 4 months
About Guizhong Having a Correlation with Domains and the Heavens (TL;DR)
It is indeed a fact that Guizhong has similarities with the Heavens & Domains.
She's an entitity that "descended" from above, and also has clothes that resemble to the Abyss/Heavens & Domains.
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To continue with the theory we need to asume that all deities descend from the Heavens or recieved the blessing of the Heavens.
With Heavens I don't mean Celestia, but a higher/different power like the Primordial One and its shades or even the Seelies/any other divine envoy.
This theory also follows another theory from a video of @/Ashikai.
Where she talked about domains being concentrated places of space & time. According to this theory these places are like the teapot function, where we can have a big space in such an small teapot.
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Domains could be places full of chaos, crowded with forbidden knowledge or random data of Teyvat.
This data could be physical items that the ley lines cannot storaged for some unknown reason.
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So because these items cannot be in the ley lines & in the world of Teyvat, domains were created by the Heavens so Teyvat could exist with peace.
Here is where Guizhong finally appears, to be part of the creation of domains.
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I have three leads about Guizhong being a creator of Domains:
(1st lead) The ornament she uses in her clothes, and also her clothes being similar to Lumine's & Paimon's clothes.
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The ornament of Gui can be seen in various forms around Teyvat, like in the Viparya flower, in the elemental attack sight of Nahida and more.
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But I think that @archa1c_l0rd (in twitter) can talk better about it. This post was helped by this other one...
Link: https://twitter.com/archa1c_l0rd/status/1617437510912860162
(2nd lead) I think that Gui's clothes look pretty similar Paimon's clothes (asuming that Paimon has some corelation to the Heavens).
And also a bit to Lumine's clothes (if she also even has some corelation to the Heavens.
(3rd lead) The 3rd lead is the catalyst weapon Memory of Dust.
According the weapon's description, in this dumbbell lies all the wisdom of Gui, one that Rex Lapis was never able to unlock after Gui passed away in the Archon War.
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What if inside this lies a domain just like in the teapot function?
Maybe Gui was able to create this dumbbel thanks to her previous creations of domains.
I would like to add that maybe domains could also storage god's residue so it doesn't harms Teyvat.
Maybe old destroyed civilizations had gods that died in some point of history (ex. archon war).
As also there could be pple's souls put in those domains, so they were not storaged in ley lines bc maybe they had forbidden knowledge?
This is why domains have artifacts and weapon ascension items.
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nick · 11 months
Let's buy the stupidest domain ever
I just found out today that tumblr sells domains. Who knew. I love domain names. I have so many that it's kinda a problem (but I'm not ready to deal with that yet).
I'm bored and I thought why not throw tumblr a bone and buy a domain. This is where I need your help. I want a name so dumb that by clicking on a link to it people temporarily lose the ability to do math.
So go here --> https://www.tumblr.com/domains
Search for the dumbest domain possible (make sure it's available) and post it in the comments. There is no limit on TLD or on length but please don't make it dirty as my mom reads my social media. I promise that whatever the domain is I'll use it for something. I don't want all your hard work in be in vain.
P.S. Please no one buy any of these dumb domains before I get a chance to.
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genshinmp3 · 3 months
Les muets from Pelagic Primaevality Peijia You, HOYO-MiX
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firespirited · 10 months
Heads up if you were tempted by a tumblr domain. The faq had no info about domain renewal prices which is what you pay when your year is up.
Mines a dot net on domain.com and prices increase every year. It's currently $28 with taxes... originally bought for $12 renewed at $15 and gradually increasing over the past decade. I pay it because I haven't yet moved all important accounts off the [email protected] email I've been using as my main 'serious' contact for a while and don't want to end up in trouble.
Another heads up: domain related 25% off promo codes etc almost never apply to renewals. That's the one area where they expect you to have ties to your domain worth coughing up full price. There are plenty of places willing to sell you a cheap domain for the chance that you'll lock yourself into a brand identity or personal email and be willing to pay more for renewal.
Anyway I'm hosting doll sites still: you get 500mb (depends on the content), ftp and access to install databases. Special priority to unusual or obscure lists/archives, doll history and design philosophies, tutorials, especially specialist tutorials.
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aliform · 1 year
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domains discovered on neocities to help with design inspo
after my laptop's screen died a few months ago (february!) I've only been looking at a screen for work and a lot of what I generally do died with it beyond endless scrolling on mobile -- gaming, reading blogs on feedly, writing etc. but I finally got my poor broken computer hooked up to a monitor as well as a low-profile keyboard (I refuse to type on anything else) and have now swiveled my attention back to making a personal site so I can blog for real, design for real, once more
discovering neocities was like discovering not a portal, but a connection -- here were the other girls that had been frittering around the internet since the early 2000s but now they are well into adulthood with real jobs and their designs still speak to that time period OR enhance it
browsing through so many is like, I see you, I see you and you will never see me, but I have seen your many faces over and over and they are my past and your present and also belong to me
it's all there -- shrines and webrings and domains and guestbooks and it's so comforting
appledust rahenna.com lost-boy.org middlepot.com shinshoku.net lightning.nu
(@tryphena pertinent to our convo, here's the list!)
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theiyah · 2 months
if I had a domain in TMA it would be a weird mix of the lonely, the slaughter and some eye and hunt aspects.
It would be a forrest and there are trails of blood as the only sign of life other than yourself. But everytime you follow one to its "end" hoping to find a person you just find a corpse, entirely unrecognisable through the violent wounds all over except for the eyes looking at you pleadingly but before you can help they die and you're alone again. And soon the corpse will be gone and so will the blood and the feeling of being watched by it aswell. There is nothing you can do to help. And once you start thinking you're really entirely alone this time, you find another trail of blood to follow. Perhaps this time there will be a person at the end of it.
Also never knowing who is doing this but knowing you're too worthless to be prey.
And endless expanse of foggy forest, moss covered so you can barely hear your own footsteps and the fog makes it hard to see until it clears just a little so you can see the gore spread all throughout the clearing.
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wordpressdotcom · 9 months
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It’s time to transfer those domains you have with Google. First million on us, while it lasts. https://bit.ly/469owUY
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Anticipating the future of malicious open-source packages: next gen insights
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/anticipating-the-future-of-malicious-open-source-packages-next-gen-insights/
Anticipating the future of malicious open-source packages: next gen insights
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Ori Abramovsky is the Head of Data Science of the Developer-First group at Check Point, where he leads the development and application of machine learning models to the source code domain. With extensive experience in various machine learning types, Ori specializes in bringing AI applications to life. He is committed to bridging the gap between theory and real-world application and is passionate about harnessing the power of AI to solve complex business challenges.
In this thoughtful and incisive interview, Check Point’s Developer-First Head of Data Science, Ori Abramovsky discusses malicious open-source packages. While malicious open-source packages aren’t new, their popularity among hackers is increasing. Discover attack vectors, how malicious packages conceal their intent, and risk mitigation measures. The best prevention measure is…Read the interview to find out.
What kinds of trends are you seeing in relation to malicious open-source packages?
The main trend we’re seeing relates to the increasing sophistication and prevalence of malicious open-source packages. While registries are implementing stricter measures, such as PyPI’s recent mandate for users to adopt two-factor authentication, the advances of Large Language Models (LLMs) pose significant challenges to safeguarding against such threats. Previously, hackers needed substantial expertise in order to create malicious packages. Now, all they need is access to LLMs and to find the right prompts for them. The barriers to entry have significantly decreased.
While LLMs democratise knowledge, they also make it much easier to distribute malicious techniques. As a result, it’s fair to assume that we should anticipate an increasing volume of sophisticated attacks. Moreover, we’re already in the middle of that shift, seeing these attacks extending beyond traditional domains like NPM and PyPI, manifesting in various forms such as malicious VSCode extensions and compromised Hugging Face models. To sum it up, the accessibility of LLMs empowers malicious actors, indicating a need for heightened vigilance across all open-source domains. Exciting yet challenging times lie ahead, necessitating preparedness.
Are there specific attack types that are most popular among hackers, and if so, what are they?
Malicious open-source packages can be applied based on the stage of infection: install (as part of the install process), first use (once the package has been imported), and runtime (infection is hidden as part of some functionality and will be activated once the user will use that functionality). Install and first use attacks typically employ simpler techniques; prioritizing volume over complexity, aiming to remain undetected long enough to infect users (assuming that some users will mistakenly install them). In contrast, runtime attacks are typically more sophisticated, with hackers investing efforts in concealing their malicious intent. As a result, the attacks are harder to detect, but come with a pricier tag. They last longer and therefore have higher chances of becoming a zero-day affecting more users.
Malicious packages employ diverse methods to conceal their intent, ranging from manipulating package structures (the simpler ones will commonly include only the malicious code, the more sophisticated ones can even be an exact copy of a legit package), to employing various obfuscation techniques (from classic methods such as base64 encoding, to more advanced techniques, such as steganography). The downside of using such concealment methods can make them susceptible to detection, as many Yara detection rules specifically target these signs of obfuscation. Given the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), hackers have greater access to advanced techniques for hiding malicious intent and we should expect to see more sophisticated and innovative concealment methods in the future.
Hackers tend to exploit opportunities where hacking is easier or more likely, with studies indicating a preference for targeting dynamic installation flows in registries like PyPI and NPM due to their simplicity in generating attacks. While research suggests a higher prevalence of such attacks in source code languages with dynamic installation flows, the accessibility of LLMs facilitates the adaptation of these attacks to new platforms, potentially leading hackers to explore less visible domains for their malicious activities.
How can organisations mitigate the risk associated with malicious open-source packages? How can CISOs ensure protection/prevention?
The foremost strategy for organisations to mitigate the risk posed by malicious open-source packages is through education. One should not use open-source code without properly knowing its origins. Ignorance in this realm does not lead to bliss. Therefore, implementing practices such as double-checking the authenticity of packages before installation is crucial. Looking into aspects like the accuracy of package descriptions, their reputation, community engagement (such as stars and user feedback), the quality of documentation in the associated GitHub repository, and its track record of reliability is also critical. By paying attention to these details, organisations can significantly reduce the likelihood of falling victim to malicious packages.
The fundamental challenge lies in addressing the ignorance regarding the risks associated with open-source software. Many users fail to recognize the potential threats and consequently, are prone to exploring and installing new packages without adequate scrutiny. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) to actively participate in the decision-making process regarding the selection and usage of open-source packages within their organisations.
Despite best efforts, mistakes can still occur. To bolster defences, organisations should implement complementary protection services designed to monitor and verify the integrity of packages being installed. These measures serve as an additional layer of defence, helping to detect and mitigate potential threats in real-time.
What role does threat intelligence play in identifying and mitigating risks related to open-source packages?
Traditionally, threat intelligence has played a crucial role in identifying and mitigating risks associated with open-source packages. Dark web forums and other underground channels were primary sources for discussing and sharing malicious code snippets. This allowed security professionals to monitor and defend against these snippets using straightforward Yara rules. Additionally, threat intelligence facilitated the identification of suspicious package owners and related GitHub repositories, aiding in the early detection of potential threats. While effective for simpler cases of malicious code, this approach may struggle to keep pace with the evolving sophistication of attacks, particularly in light of advancements like Large Language Models (LLMs).
These days, with the rise of LLMs, it’s reasonable to expect hackers to innovate new methods through which to conduct malicious activity, prioritizing novel techniques over rehashing old samples that are easily identifiable by Yara rules. Consequently, while threat intelligence remains valuable, it should be supplemented with more advanced analysis techniques to thoroughly assess the integrity of open-source packages. This combined approach ensures a comprehensive defence against emerging threats, especially within less-monitored ecosystems, where traditional threat intelligence may be less effective.
What to anticipate in the future?
The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) is revolutionising every aspect of the software world, including the malicious domain. From the perspective of hackers, this development’s immediate implication equates to more complicated malicious attacks, more diverse attacks and more attacks, in general (leveraging LLMs to optimise strategies). Looking forward, we should anticipate hackers trying to target the LLMs themselves, using techniques like prompt injection or by trying to attack the LLM agents. New types and domains of malicious attacks are probably about to emerge.
Looking at the malicious open-source packages domain in general, a place we should probably start watching is Github. Historically, malicious campaigns have targeted open-source registries such as PyPI and NPM, with auxiliary support from platforms like GitHub, Dropbox, and Pastebin for hosting malicious components or publishing exploited data pieces. However, as these registries adopt more stringent security measures and become increasingly monitored, hackers are likely to seek out new “dark spots” such as extensions, marketplaces, and GitHub itself. Consequently, malicious code has the potential to infiltrate EVERY open-source component we utilise, necessitating vigilance and proactive measures to safeguard against such threats.
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katukavo · 20 days
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Lashed.xyz is a premium domain name that is perfect for businesses or individuals in the beauty, cosmetics, or fashion industries. Whether you're launching a beauty brand, a cosmetics line, or a fashion blog, Lashed.xyz is the ideal domain name to establish your online presence and connect with your audience.
Why Choose Lashed.xyz?
Brandable: Build a strong brand around Lashed.xyz and establish credibility in the beauty and fashion industries.
Descriptive: The name "Lashed" is descriptive and instantly conveys that your website is related to beauty or cosmetics.
Memorable: Lashed.xyz is a memorable domain name that is easy to remember and stands out.
SEO-Friendly: With a keyword like "lashed," Lashed.xyz is SEO-friendly and can help improve your website's visibility in search engine results.
Potential Uses for Lashed.xyz
Beauty brand or cosmetics line
Eyelash extension service
Beauty salon or spa
Fashion blog or magazine
Online beauty store
How to Purchase Lashed.xyz
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shitty-fear-domains · 2 months
Vast/Dark domain that's just a constant state of when your body does that falling thing right before falling asleep
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theabyssal · 1 year
Do you mind sharing mor information about the secondary domains? Are certain domains better suited for a merciful vs a vengeful death? Or are they all sort of neutral? Dreams/Nightmares could go either way. But Vengence and Justice could be seened as good/evil versions of the same concept. Will pain be solely causing it or would we be able to use it to take others' pain away/to ourselves?
Of course! The way I picked the secondary domains is to better give Death the opportunity to grow into the domain as time passes. At the beginning, almost all of the secondary domains reflect Death's hatred and need for retribution, but that can change as the story progresses. The vengeance domain will become the justice domain if it better reflects your Death, or vice-versa and so forth.
If you are playing a merciful and forgiving Death, I think the dream/nightmare domain is best suited for them, although all domains have the power to shift at some point to something more good-oriented.
Pain is a broad concept. It can be physical or psychological pain. Death will be able to inflict pain or take pain away, and as the embodiment of pain, Death will be completely immune to it... So no more torture for them.
Thanks for the ask!! 🖤🖤
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