somecutething · 7 months
Incredibly smart Polar Bear spreading its weight so it doesn't break the ice.
(via JettMe_Red)
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jaubaius · 1 year
“ I am handsome,more please!!”
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4gifs · 10 months
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Smart donkey helps friends escape
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mindfulstudyquest · 1 month
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 ( 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 !! )
𝟭. improve your writing skills ( ✒️ )
i feel that not everyone has the perception of how important it is to know how to write. you don't have to be a poet, nor the new emily brontë, but fluid, conscious, rich writing makes the difference. really. you could write a page without saying anything at all, but if that damn page is written good and smoothly, then you can be sure that you will get extra points. take the time to improve your writing skills, the best advice i have for doing so is reading. read as much as you can. read novels (non-fiction in this case doesn't help because the content is preferred rather than the form), read contemporary authors – you don't necessarily have to read sophocles' tragedies, but read quality stuff. expand your vocabulary, your knowledge of syntax, learn to use punctuation! and then write, tell stories, write love letters, write reviews of films, books, cultural festivals, open a blog on tumblr and write to practice, reread what you write ad nauseam, until it is perfect, until the form of your essay is pulitzer prize worthy.
bonus some of my favourite authors (tell me in the comments about yours!): ian mcewan, banana yoshimoto, haruki murakami, george orwell, josé saramago, albert camus, khaled hosseini, hanya yanagihara
𝟮. develop critical thinking ( 💭 )
if you have always studied passively by absorbing information and vomiting it onto a test sheet then you have wasted your time. taking on information is not enough, you need to know how to rework it and develop your own idea about it. especially in the arts and literature one may disagree with certain information provided by a textbook. developing critical thinking is not easy, especially due to the school system that teaches us to standardize thinking. always consult all available sources on a given topic, compare them, analyze contradictions. it might be difficult and tiring – our brain spends more energy processing two conflicting pieces of information than processing two pieces of information that agree – but it will be worth it. by practicing critical thinking and improving your argumentation skills, you will not only be able to improve in your studies, becoming able to present complex topics and make interdisciplinary connections, but also in daily life, you will become much less influenced and manipulated by external information.
𝟯. find yourself an interest ( 🌷 )
it could be anything, but find an interest that excites you and you enjoy and do research about it. watch videos, documentaries, read articles. it doesn't have to be school-related, it must be an external topic that you are passionate about and that allows you to rediscover the joy of studying and learning every time school seems to suffocate it. sometimes i'm not in the mood to study for exams, so i dedicate myself to my personal research and finally find my spark, my seek for knowledge. for example, my interest is true crime, it has always fascinated me since i was little, but yours could be wild animals, makeup, comics, ships, planes, ocean flora, literally anything. there is no constraint.
𝟰. analyze your mistakes and recognize your wrongs ( 🫒 )
there is no shame in making mistakes. everyone makes mistakes, we are human, but the real sin is getting bogged down in mistakes, refusing to acknowledge them, and continuing to make them again and again. we should be continually growing, continually discovering ourselves, both intellectually and emotionally. how many of you were the "gifted kid" when you were little and then grew up into burned out high school / uni students desperately seeking academic validation? there comes a time when talent isn't enough, you have to put in the effort, and this doesn't make you less intelligent or gifted, in fact, quite the opposite. dedicating time and attention to your personal and intellectual growth also means having to ruminate on your mistakes. it's scary, but it's the most effective way if you really want to improve. take a notebook and at the end of the day reflect on the highlights and the wrongs, what you could have done better, where you would like to push forward tomorrow, what you achieved today. did you make a mistake? first ask yourself why and then look for a way to solve the problem, make every bad moment a lesson, a brick on which to build the version of you you wanto to become tomorrow.
𝟱. don't be afraid of doing researches ( 🧃 )
the amount of fake news and misinformation online is appalling. opening any app like tiktok or instagram we are inundated with information that is often (not always, but not so rarely) inaccurate. don't be afraid to conduct your own research, if you have time to mindlessly scroll through tiktok you will also have five minutes to read an article regarding that information provided. don't know the meaning of a word? look it up before using it. not sure about a piece of information? check it before using it in your argumentation. in the age of immediate access to data we have no excuse to be superficial.
𝟲. master communication ( ♟️ )
mastering communication is essential in both personal and professional realms. it's the cornerstone of building meaningful relationships, whether it's conveying ideas effectively in academia or fostering connections in the workplace. developing strong communication skills not only enhances your ability to articulate thoughts but also empowers you to listen actively, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts constructively. ultimately, honing these skills cultivates confidence, credibility, and success in all aspects of life.
𝟳. push yourself out of your comfort zone ( 🧸 )
build your confidence. confidence is uncomfortable. don't be afraid of it. you are young, this is the right time to experiment, take risks, discover who you really are. this is the best time for you to do those things that you would otherwise never do, you don't want to regret later in life that you didn't accept that scholarship, that trip abroad, that job opportunity, because you didn't feel comfortable enough. do things that take you out of your comfort zone until everything becomes your comfort zone. go on solo dates, be a social butterfly, tell the girl at the bookstore you love her t-shirt, go to the theater alone, eat at a restaurant alone, take that trip. if it goes badly, you'll only have one funny story to tell.
𝟴. stay informed about the news (but not too much!) ( 🌍 )
this might be controversial, but: stay informed about the news, just don't overdo it. personally, i am an easily influenced person and i realized that being constantly exposed to the bad things happening in the world had drained me and made me terribly depressed. don't get me wrong, you need to be informed about what's happening in the world and in your country, just being constantly surrounded by horrible news repeated ad nauseam on TV programs is of no use. be aware.
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the-joy-of-knowledge · 2 months
5 articles that will make you a better reader
I have a written a lot on the importance of reading and why it is necessary for us all to develop the habit of reading not for any extrinsic reward but for fulfillment, satisfaction, and personal development
Four Levels of Reading by Mortimer Adler
How to Choose Your Next Book
The Feynman Technique
Meditation on Reading
Just Twenty-Five Pages a Day
Read more!
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vanessavixenx2 · 10 months
“Putting down a good book can almost be an impossible act to do.” —Unknown 📖🤓 Vv xo
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classycookiexo · 2 months
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aloneinthedark-eagle · 2 months
mathematics lessons are given ;)
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2001hz · 1 year
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Sony: AIBO Robot Dog in Smart Design Magazine By: Clive Grinyer (2001)
Hajime Sorayama designed one of the first models of AIBO robot dog 'ERS-110' back in 1999 for Sony.
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4gifs · 7 months
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byeolgirl · 2 months
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“It may take time, but I think that dreams do come true as long as you do your best.”
-Tzuyu of TWICE
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Setting goals effectively involves a structured approach. Here's a simple framework to guide you:
by: byeolgirl..
1. Be Specific: Define your goals clearly and precisely. Avoid vague objectives like "get in shape" and instead specify exactly what you want to achieve, such as "lose 10 pounds in three months."
2. Prioritize: Determine which goals are most important to you based on your values, aspirations, and long-term vision. Focus your time and energy on these key objectives.
3. Break it Down: Divide large goals into smaller, more manageable tasks or milestones. This makes the process less overwhelming and allows you to track progress more effectively.
4. Set Deadlines: Assign realistic deadlines to each goal or task. Having a timeframe creates a sense of urgency and helps prevent procrastination.
5. Stay Flexible: While it's important to have a plan, be willing to adapt and adjust your goals as needed. Life is unpredictable, so staying flexible allows you to navigate challenges and seize opportunities.
6. Visualize Success: Imagine yourself achieving your goals in vivid detail. Visualization can boost motivation, increase confidence, and help clarify your path forward.
7. Track Progress: Keep track of your accomplishments and setbacks. This could involve using a journal, apps, spreadsheets, or other tools to monitor your progress over time.
8. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate small victories along the way. Recognizing your progress reinforces positive habits and keeps you motivated to continue working towards your goals.
9. Stay Committed: Maintain a strong commitment to your goals, even when faced with obstacles or setbacks. Stay focused, disciplined, and resilient in pursuing what's important to you.
10. Review and Reflect: Regularly review your goals and progress. Reflect on what's working well and what needs adjustment. Use this feedback to refine your approach and stay on track towards achieving your goals.
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sensitivesiren · 4 months
i would like to state ON THE RECORD, that this blog LOVED Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor and thought she was absolutely brilliant.
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jaubaius · 1 year
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5 articles that will awaken the creative giant in you
Here are articles I have read that will alter your thoughts and perception of life
The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People
Kurt Vonnegut Urges Young People to Make Art and “Make Your Soul Grow”
Steve Jobs on Creativity
The Key to Creativity
Warren Berger’s Three-Part Method for More Creativity
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smglden · 1 year
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farm luke my beloved
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fyblackwomenart · 9 months
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by Micell A. 
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