writerofthewinds · 1 year
I'm the one who requested the reader w/ anger issues honestly you can choose just whatever you think is best or smth <33
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Jason Grace x boyfriend with anger issues
P.S: i did a fanfic based on one of the headcanons: here
At first, Jason is a bit hesitant to approach you when you're in the middle of a rage episode. He's not sure how to handle it, and he's worried that he might make things worse if he says the wrong thing.
However, over time, Jason learns that the best thing he can do is simply be present for you. He doesn't try to fix your anger, he just sits with you and listens as you vent. When you're really worked up, Jason has found that it's helpful to use physical touch to ground you. He might hold your hand or put a hand on your shoulder, just to remind you that you're not alone.
Jason is also really good at recognizing when you're about to hit your breaking point. He can read the signs in your body language and tone of voice, and he'll gently suggest that it's time to take a break and step away from the situation for a bit.
In general, Jason is incredibly patient and non-judgmental when it comes to anger issues. He knows that it's not your fault and that it's something you're working on. He's there to support you, not to judge you.
One thing that really helps you calm down is when Jason tells you stories about his own experiences with anger as he's been raised by wolves. He's had his fair share of outbursts in the past, and he's not afraid to share his mistakes with you he shares with you the times when he barked at people or when he jumped and bit a member of the first cohort. It makes you feel less alone and more understood. Now you understand why he's feral in bed (hihihihihi)
Jason has also learned how to anticipate your triggers, and he'll try to help you avoid situations that might make you angry.
He's always willing to listen to you vent, even if it means putting his own problems on hold for a while.
When you're feeling particularly angry or upset, Jason will often suggest going for a walk or doing some other physical activity to help you work off your emotions.
He's not afraid to be firm with you when you need it, but he's always kind and supportive.
Sometimes, Jason will use humor to help diffuse your anger. He'll crack a joke or make a silly face, and it'll help you shift your focus away from your anger.
Jason is a great listener, and he never interrupts you or tries to talk over you when you're venting.
He's always willing to help you come up with strategies for managing your anger, whether it's through therapy or mindfulness exercises.
When you're feeling really down, Jason will often surprise you with little gestures of affection, like bringing you your favorite snack or leaving a note on your bunk.
Jason is a great role model for you in terms of how to handle your anger. Seeing how he's able to stay calm and centered in difficult situations helps you to aspire to do the same.
You feel really safe around Jason, and you know that he would never judge you or think less of you because of your anger issues.
Sometimes, Jason will suggest that the two of you meditate together, and it's surprisingly effective at helping you calm down.
When you're in the middle of an anger episode, Jason never takes it personally. He knows that it's not about him, and he never gets defensive or upset.
Even when you're really angry, you always feel like Jason is on your team. He's your biggest supporter, no matter what.
You've noticed that the other campers seem to trust Jason when it comes to dealing with your anger. They know that he's got your back and that he's able to help you calm down.
Sometimes, when you're feeling particularly vulnerable, you'll find yourself seeking out Jason's company without even realizing it. Just being near him helps you feel more secure and at peace.
After the first time that Jason hugs you and puts his face between his pecs to help you calm down, you start to realize that it's become one of your favorite ways of coping with your anger.
You've even started to joke with Jason about how he should patent his technique and start a new anger management program for demigods.
Sometimes, when you're feeling really upset, you'll even ask Jason to hug you before you start to feel angry. You know that his embrace has a calming effect on you, and you love the way it makes you feel.
Once, when Jason was away on a quest, you had a really bad anger episode that lasted for hours. All of the other campers tried to help you, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, one of them suggested calling Jason, and as soon as he arrived, your anger began to dissipate. From that moment on, the other campers knew that Jason was the go-to guy for dealing with your anger.
You've started to notice that the more time you spend with Jason, the less frequently you have anger outbursts. It's like his presence alone helps to ground you and keep you centered.
Sometimes, when you're feeling particularly anxious or upset, you'll lean your head against Jason's chest and listen to his heartbeat. It's a soothing sound that helps to calm you down and remind you that everything's going to be okay.
Jason never makes a big deal out of helping you with your anger. He's just there for you, no questions asked, and you appreciate that more than anything.
You've noticed that the other campers are starting to emulate Jason's techniques for dealing with your anger. They'll offer to take you for a walk or suggest that you do some breathing exercises, just like Jason does.
Every time you have an anger episode, you can't help but think about how lucky you are to have Jason in your life. He's made such a huge difference in your ability to manage your emotions, and you're so grateful to have him as a partner.
Overall, Jason is an incredibly calming presence in your life. Even when he's not actively helping you with your anger, just knowing that he's there for you is enough to help you feel more grounded and secure.
Thx for that request and btw this gave me a fic idea imma write it brb.
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iamthejinyouarethejin · 9 months
you didn't like him, did you? of course you didn't. hopefully. hopefully you didn't like him. that would complicate things. (he's totally not your ex-boyfriend. :) but then again, most people don't have wet dreams about people you don't at least find attractive. and most people's hearts don't skip beats when they see someone they don't at least think is cute. and i mean, most people don't wonder what your children's names would be if you didn't have tiny feelings for the future parent. and most people don't blush over someone they don't think has the capability to be visually... appetizing. and most people don't have crushes on people they don't think have personalities that they could, despite how messed up they are, cherish. most people don't wanna hug and kiss someone til they explode if they don't... love them. most people usually catch feelings, and get crushes, and maybe even fall in love first. but, that's most people... it didn't have to be you. but it was you.
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briarcrawford · 1 day
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"River landscape with windmills and ships" by Jan Brueghel the Elder(1600) Status: Public Domain
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ohtobemare · 8 months
adulting is getting in the way of fanfictioning
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vavandeveresfan · 25 days
Writer’s Block: A Supercut.
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Prompt #648
“[Hero] and [Villain], fighting on a bridge!” the mind-controller sang, “K-I-L-L-I-N-G...” the trailed off, unsure of how to fit in ‘eachother’. They also realized it didn’t even rhyme.
“Ah well,” they smirked as the two continued to tear eachother apart, “not like either of you will remember this lame song.”
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puddleslimewrites · 1 year
Inspiration/Prompt from @thepenultimateword
Dentist stood in front of the beast, wringing his hands. The dragon that lay in front of the door was almost twice the size of his office. It couldn't fit through the doorway - which was already enlarged to allow for patients of inhuman stature - and so had settled down outside instead. When Dentist stepped out a mere moment ago it blew a plume of smoke in his face. For a single, terrifying moment, he thought that was his end.
...Then the smoke cleared and he realized that he was perfectly fine (aside from the soot on his coat, that is).
He flinched as a low growl permeated the air. Dentist stepped back, preparing to hurry back inside, grab his assistants, and run. He made it all the way to the welcome mat before a different sound reached his ears. It was more akin to a whine - not threatening in the least. He looked up at the creature, whose head turned so that he could feel the weight of its gaze.
And once again, he fought down the urge to run as it opened its giant maw.
"...Oh." Dentist felt himself relax a little as he understood the dragon's plight.
He'd never seen a cavity so large. It would take most of his supply to fill, but that was more than worth it so long as it remained docile. It had yet to breathe any fire at him, though he was sure he'd been torched earlier. Hopefully it would stay that way long enough for him to fix the issue.
The dragon whined again when he turned his back to go inside. Dentist craned his neck to look into its eye. "Don't worry," he said, "I'll be right back." He wasn't sure if it could understand him, but he hoped it could gather from his tone that he was earnest.
Dentist only had two assistants - one at the front desk and another who helped with procedures. He told them both to drop what they were doing and to fetch one of the bigger carts. Their afternoon was officially booked.
The dragon growled, jaw shuddering, as Dentist set to work. The anesthetic they had was designed to work well with magical beings, but it didn't seem to hold long for their current patient. He had to up the dose and reinject it twice when he noticed it was wearing off too soon.
Despite the pitiful noises, the monster did rather well. Dentist gave it a pat on its nose to let it know that his work was done.
One of his assistants offered him the sticker pad they kept for younger patients. Dentist peeled a sticker off, turned to the dragon, and paused. With some consideration, he decided to put the sticker on its snout. "Er...good job. You're all set now."
He still wasn't sure if it understood him but he got what he hoped was a positive response. A puff of white steam was blown in his face and the dragon stood. In one fluid motion, it spread its wings, flapped once, twice, and took off into the sky.
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frankthesnek · 1 year
Prompt 131: Underwear
Rated G: established relationship, mild references to sex, fluff, domestic, 700 words
When Rodney accidentally left a pair of boxers at his place John hadn't noticed. They had wound up in the hamper, baged up and sent off with John's clothes for washing. And since they left with his belongings, they came back with them. This was when John noticed them because when he pulled the powder blue rubber duck and bubble printed boxers from his sack of clean laundry, he'd laughed. Rodney's choice of horrible printed boxers always amused him, and he did nothing more than tuck them in his drawer with a mental note to return them later.
Only he forgot to because more often than not, when Rodney was in his room they got distracted with each other rather quickly. So the stupid ducks sat in his drawer untouched for quite some time.
Until one evening post shower when John was getting ready for bed. He reached into his dresser to grab some ball shorts and instead came up with horrible–yet cute–boxers. He was halfway through the motion of putting them back when he decided, why not, and tugged them on instead. Rodney was built thicker than him and they fit easily over his narrow hips, about a size too big. Perfect for sleeping in.
So John did just that. Crawled in bed, grabbed his book and settled in for the night. A chapter later, eyes growing heavy he turned off the light and was halfway asleep when the thought drifted back into his head.
You're sleeping in Rodney's boxers.
He fell asleep smiling.
After that, they became John's favorite thing to sleep in. He wore them at least once a week, sometimes more. There was something oddly domestic about it, wearing his partner's clothes. It made him feel closer to Rodney in a way–which was silly because as far as John knew, Rodney didn’t even know he'd left them. It was a simple luxury that John had never gotten to indulge in. All his relationships had been with women. With men he'd had hookups, flings, simple and casual interactions that were nothing like whatever this undefined but definitely emotionally invested thing he had with Rodney was.
And he liked it. Liked having a little piece of the other man to slip into and cuddle up with when Rodney was too busy to stop by or too worn out from long missions. It made John smile, and really there was no harm in having such a simple little secret.
Fresh clean and ready to fall into bed, John stepped out of his bathroom to find Rodney occupying his bed. Casually reclind with his hands tucked behind his head, eyes closed in a light sleep.
"Hey," John greeted, always happy to see the other man.
"Hm?" Rodney hummed, rousing from his brief nap. "Oh…"
He sat up, rubbed his eyes, and then pointed at John with a crooked little smile. "I've been looking for those."
Blushing, John glanced down at himself. He was dressed in Rodney's boxers and an old tank top. "Uh, you left them here."
"You were them a lot?" Rodney asked, reaching out and taking John's hand to tug him towards the bed.
"Sometimes. I mean not a lot," John lied and blushed harder, strangely embarrassed at being caught with them.
"Hm, cute."
Rodney kissed him and said nothing else about it.
The next morning, John woke up alone. It was a normal occurrence but one he wasn't overly fond of. Rolling over to Rodney's side of the bed he buried his face in the other man's pillow, chasing the remainder of his scent from the night before.
As he shifted and settled back in, fully content to snag a few more minutes of rest–something caught his eye. Stretching out over the edge of the bed he grabbed the ugly bright green boxers laying on his floor. They had slices of watermelon printed on them, and John recognized them easily as the same pair he'd pulled off Rodney the night before.
He balled them up in his hand and resettled into the bed. Tomorrow they would go out with John's laundry. The day after that they would return and gain a new home in his drawer right next to the rubber ducks.
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tierney-aforauthor · 3 months
A lot of people say they can't write action and then proceed to write smut. My darling dears, action is just smut with little to no use of the word "cock" and "hole". If you can write decent smut, I promise you that with a bit of research and a synonyms website pulled up you can write some solid action scenes.
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secretlyofthefeywild · 7 months
Hi! I'm curious about 'do it for the bit' and 's is for snallygaster'! Pls and thank you :)
of course !!
do it for the bit, is abt two friends that are rly close and everybody thinks they're in a relationship, so they decide to throw a fake wedding. ya know, for the bit. but mc starts to realize that they are living out a fake wedding trope and doesn't want real life to end up as a fanfiction. so they try to do everything in their power to make sure neither of them actually falls in (romantic) love w the other.
s is for snallygaster, is abt a snallygaster that works for a company that works to improve public education and relationships between humans and cryptids. they get sent to arizona for a job, but have to go with the new guy, a dwayyo, the only natural enemy of the snallygaster. the mc has to remember why they got into their line of work in the first place, and try to set the past behind them, or risk everything they've worked so hard for their entire life.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 7 months
Level 2
Anything where Earth is central to the canon, but there are either expanses beyond Earth, or it takes place in an unspecified or entirely fictional place. Also includes anything assumed to be taking place on Earth.
The Young Blood Chronicles
Z.O.M.B.I.E.S (2018; And all affiliated media)
Descendants (And all affiliated media)
The Mandela Catelogue
Vita Carnis
Slender the 8 Pages
Five Nights at Freddy's (And all affilated media)
Cinderella (And all affiliated media)
The Little Mermaid (And all affiliated media)
Atlantis (And sequel)
Beauty and the Beast (And all affiliated media)
Peter Pan (Neverland Portions; And all affiliated media)
Hook (Neverland Portions; And all affiliated media)
Aladin (And all affiliated media)
Toy Story (And all affiliated media)
Cars (And all affiliated media)
Planes (And all affiliated media)
Frozen (And all affiliated media)
Stargate (Earth portions only; And all affiliated media)
Overwatch (And all affiliated media)
Marvel (And all affiliated media)
DC (And all affiliated media)
Nightmare Before Christmas (Earth portions only)
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amadeusevenstar · 11 months
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briarcrawford · 8 months
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"Large Fish Market" by Jan Brueghel the Elder(1603) Status: Public Domain
Little details I see that might be helpful for bringing life to your stories if you are writing a similar landscape:
Omg so many people. They are all clothed depending on their social class.
A man struggles to put the lid over a basket of fish
A tired-looking old man bringing in new fish in a basket holds it by two handles over both his shoulders
A group of people gather around the fish, perhaps bartering
People are fishing with a net, while looking up at the sky. There are dark clouds growing, so perhaps they are trying to judge the coming weather
In the distance, there is a small island with a windmill (for flour) with several boats around it. The island is connected to a castle.
The castle has a bridge with a building on it. This may be for guards or a toll-man.
A city stretches along the waters edge, but the surrounding hills are nearly bare in comparison.
A man is repairing or building a boat
Down the hill, there are fish in barrels of water, and people point out what ones they want. Below that at the stalls, it looks like they are either selling cuts of meat, or they process the meat for the people after buying
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To be loved and to be understood and to be respected without asking for it or demanding for it but because they see you; something everyone longs for. Almost like a privilege to be bestowed on.
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scifrey · 1 year
Me: Whaaaa, Nanowrimo is so haaaard. 50k words in just one moooooooonth...
Also me: * writes 50k worth of angsty Sandman fic in 11 days *
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Prompt #643
“And what if they turn against us?” [Other Hero] finally pulled their gaze away from [Hero].
[Super Hero] raised an eyebrow at them.
“Do you have a plan? For what to do about their powers then?” [Other Hero] cotinued.
[Super Hero] frowned, “No. I don’t.”
“But why!” [Other Hero] fully turned to them, their voice raising slightly, “their powers are very strong and they know how to use them! If they turned against us they could do a lot of damage!”
“Then we’ll deal with it if that ever happens. However, I’ve found that trying to make allies with a dagger held behind my back is grate way to make enemies. Unless,” [Super Hero]’s gaze peirced [Other Hero], “you want me to start making plans on how to ‘deal with’ you too...”
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