xpc-web-dev · 11 months
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Welcome!! <3
I'm a 24 year old cs student, living in Europe - I've been coding for a veryyy short amount of time so I'm still very much a beginner, but also super excited to learn it!
Currently I use C# for programming, but I'm also interested in learning how to code in Java and Python & C++ later on<3
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
Meet the Hopeless Studious!
Hello! I've been here for a while and I've met some awesome people, been inspired a bunch, and honestly had such a good time that...
I forgot that I haven't even introduced myself!
So here I am, to say hello and nice to meet you~
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✧ What's this blog?
This is my studyblr, study blog, uniblr and occasionally lifeblr. Hopeless-Studious. I chose this name because 1) I am a hopeless romantic. 2) I'd say I'm quite studious. 3) I romanticize studying. So like, the name makes sense! right?
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✧ Who are you?
My name is Naz. I'm 21 and I will soon be starting the fourth and final year of my undergraduate degree in architecture. I've been a huge fan of studying communities since forever. I actually spend most of my time on one in discord but studyblrs are my favorite things to look at.
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✧ Why did you make this blog?
I really really want (and need) something to motivate me like this. Also this community it GREAT! It's pretty, and warm and welcoming and honestly once I finally made my blog and posted in it, I DID NOT REGRET IT.
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✧ What are your hobbies?
I'm an enjoyer of many creative outlets but I almost never get enough time. When I can, I draw and sketch, write and read, and a bunch of other stuff like knitting and singing and thing like that >:D But realistically most of my time ends up spent on Discord and Tumblr or are often spent playing games and watching shows.
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✧ Footnote: I honestly didn't know what to put here for the longest time and had this in my drafts since forever. Also I'm too shy to actually tag others here T-T but I admire a lot of people here be it for their aesthetics or how hardworking they are. Please ask any questions about things I may have missed or things you'd like to know. Thank you for reading and nice to meet you!
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
btw if you’re starting college this week everyone else is also nervous about making friends. everyone feels lonely and out of place. and everyone thinks that everyone else is doing a better job than they are.
it’s a weird life transition & you’re doing a good job.
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
wait a second, were you web-dev-with-bea by any chance?
Yep, I'm.
As I self-regulated not to start a blog from scratch, I made changes to feel more comfortable here.
If you need anything, you can call.
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
i understand dads now. i sit down for 5 minutes and i just start falling asleep. i get it now
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
Daily Journey : Day 3 and Day 4
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Hey Everyone.
Yesterday I was without internet and then without time to post here.
DAY 3:
We learned about selectors, font, color and background, position , flexbox, grid , responsibility, pseudoclasses and animations.
And in the end we were talking about strange tastes.
UHEHUEHUE. Was cool.
+++ I didn't have any negative points that day.
DAY 4:
Yesterday we started with the teacher giving examples of grid and flex.
We did a group exercise with a figma layout.
We have received the first task for delivery.
Negative points:
It was a group of 4 to 6 but just me and two more that we talked a lot. One of them being another woman.
And today, reflecting, I understood how wrong I was in not pulling the other woman in the group in the sense of pulling into conversation. (there were 3 of us) Of course she should speak for herself, but I learned and remembered that I have to make the space more welcoming for other women.
I just got an earful from one of the support guys because I was talking about github. It was just a github project organization tip, not a git lesson. But I lowered my head, after all, if they guide me and I'm wrong, I'll deal with it.
That's it folks.
In the most, I wish who is reading this are well and if they are not, be well.
Have a nice day ou nigth.
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
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Happy Thursday 💫 Feat. a sleepy boy
It was a quiet afternoon of creating the input field that will eventually be generating a map pin and summary. I also watched my husband code through some complicated dynamic tables today too! He's been doing it for 5+ years and it's scary to see the efficiency... I hope I get there soon too!
I hope everyone has a calm, productive day! 🩵
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
here’s the thing about adulthood-
you will go for like three months with nothing happening and you’re bored as hell and then in the span of two weeks eight different things happen at once - some fantastic and some shitty and some just plain bonkers - and you’re just running around like a chicken with your head cut off and no clue what the fuck is going on
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
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This is the dream, tho?
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
I just wanted to make a lil appreciation post and thank everyone for all the love here on tumblr ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
I love sharing my coding journey and all the cool information I learn along the way and I'm glad its helpful for someone out there ♡
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
love when fanfic writers are like “I love this character” & proceed to put them through shit even God has blacklisted, baby the middle ages called they want to hear your ideas
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
Daily Journey : Day 2
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Hi guys, how are you?
Yesterday we learned about HTML, one of my professors did a mini project during class and then they divided us into groups to do another mini project in 15 minutes.
Lesson considerations: -
Both teachers are funny, so the classes are cool. -
As I've spent a month studying MDN's documentation and projects there, html is not a problem for me. Now Css...... that's another HUEHUEE story. (Including today's class)
Sometimes I feel bad that my brain doesn't process as quickly as others, but that's who I am and it's not something I can change. I always absorb better more calmly.
I was nervous about doing a group project, besides not being good at it (and yes, I know I have to improve) we are 10 women for 20 men, so it's complicated.
Despite my group having 7 men, they didn't lack respect for me and the other woman giving ideas and I hope that continues. And if it doesn't continue, it's imposing my quarrelsome strength HUEHUEEU.
The good thing is that today I'm already prepared for a possible group project again.
Negative points:
The people in the group, after the end of the class, were not committed to finishing the project like me and the other student. (It was not mandatory, but the teacher recommended it)
So for me this was already a possible redflag, because if something basic and fast was like that, imagine a bigger one? But it was random, we didn't choose each other, so I hope that when it comes to group work for the grade I can land with a better group
Yes, you will have gossip here UEHUEHHEHUE.
Now rewatching the class: -
Just watching it again I understood things that yesterday I wasn't getting.
And again, I'm like that, I think I'll even talk to the teacher so that at the end of the class I'll have 10m of questions about the class the day before.
I finished the project from yesterday's class, and I found out that I had one more because the teacher changed the file. But this one didn't have time for him to ask us to do it, I'll probably try later in the day.
That's it people. May today be better than yesterday and I wish you are having a good day and take care of yourselves.
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
Wednesday, July 12th, 2023 ✧༚* °.
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Finally, the last day of my third year is over. My exams becoming so prolonged and a bad group project partner definitely tired me out so I couldn't wait to just be done with today. I pulled an all nighter last night to meet my deadline today so my routine got pretty messed up. I took a nap as soon as I submitted my work though.
Daily To-Do: - Color and render the sheet (This took so much of my time.) - Compile all the museum files as presentation - Compile all the personal projects - Submit projects by 04:00 PM (FINALLY)
I'm freeeee. I'm giving the next two days to rest and self care and will be doing more productive things after~ My game backlogs are looking at me, yes. I'll see to those soon >:D Also I finally succumbed to the marketing and bought "It ends with us" my friend says It can be a tearjerker but we'll see! Sooooong of the day, more like song of the week. I love this song and I can't stop listening to it lately. I might cover it if I find the motivation to!! Let's listen to "Maple Syrup" by "Backseat Lovers"
Footnote: I ended up having a whole fight with that group project's partner... man. people suck.
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
The same here.
Here we have respectful support and resources between us, I feel very comfortable with the part of the tech community that I know.
On Twitter, in addition to those tweets that always say generic things to get likes or say problematic things to generate fights and also gain engagement, I also didn't feel comfortable and the flow of information there makes me anxious and overwhelmed.
It's even better here than instagram and I'm not even going to talk about the artistic and study community we have here (some with their problems too) but still better than on other networks.
And I add that I've never seen anyone from my part of the community being proud or arrogant about their knowledge. We talk and share what we know, but never in a tone of comparison and I've known longer than you.
tech twitter : if u aren't a billionaire by 30 u are not gonna make it, if u aren't working for FAANG by 20 u aren't a real programmer, if u don't know everything that goes on in the computer don't even follow me
tech tumblr : oh u don't understand the "hello world" code? DM me I will personally guide u. yes here are some resources. im not a genius bcs I knew everything when I was 6...... everyone starts somewhere don't worry. 🥰
in conclusion I was shocked when I came here
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
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04&05.july23,wed ; internship
ughhh that PHP todo-list is driving me insaaaane! the people at my internship are really nice and helpful, tho my social anxiety is not really good at asking for help and i keep trying to do most of it myself. yesterday i did not get any further, there was no way for me to ever think of any type of succes. today, tho, i finally connected the mySQL database to my PHP index and i can actually add to dos, give them priorities, a date and check them off as "done":))
i am really proud of that and tomorrow i will try to insert a "delete" button to delete tasks, maybe i'll have some time and add some CSS to it to make it a bit prettier:) i'll see what i can doooo aghhh everytime i go home my brain is smoking tho it is really fun to try out new things and test things out!!
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
The other side of my brain
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xpc-web-dev · 11 months
11/07/23 - Day 87
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Today I learned something about exceptions as classes & did some physics exercises (didn't go too well)
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