#// took Ruan Xiaowu as the 'Star that represents Guilt' from Water Margin as my poor choice of names <//3
narcasse-blog1 · 6 years
How QUAINT it felt for him to return to the capital once more. A man whispered by the ushered voices of many names - ONE which had long since been banned from the capital since the woeful dolor of his family’s downfall - he, once upon a time, had believed to been dead, yet it was he alone who had survived the House of Teos’ impeccable fall. Absconded by a fellow servant bearing the guilt of leaving his lord father & sisters behind, Weili relocated young Narsus and himself high within the seclusion of flouted mountains - a palace where the imperial guards would persue them less where they to remain never to be found.
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          Yet, 10 years can do so much to a man’s looks. As he steps into the capital, what was once his customary greeting - people who cheered for the return of his father’s army - were now reduced to blank stares and unfamiliar glances. For Narsus himself has changed drastically both in appearance & in demeanor. Now relinquishing his old name and would call himself by the alias of Ruan Xiaowu, amethyst hues bestow upon a wary glance to a passing figure. “General Yujin ... I had not expected you to rejoinder so soon. Am I to trust you that no ounce of what is said will be dispense to the public ear?”
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