#;hani nut cheerios
carrotcouple · 7 years
@kurisuumakise​ and @yatorihell​ tagged the skype chat, so here I am making this post:
are you named after someone Nope, my dad carefully picked out my name and named me over the phone. My name when translated into english literally mean ‘Long-lasting Priceless Gold’.
when was the last time you cried Hm, when I watched Goblin Episode 13.
do you like your handwritting My handwriting constantly changes depending on my mood and what not...so nah, I don’t like my handwriting as much.
what is your favorite lunch meat Chicken
do you have kids Too many adopted children in my life (lol, no actual kids)
if you were another person, would you be friends with you Um...I might, but it depends on if I’d manage to speak to another person in real life.
do you use sarcasm Every day
do you still have your tonsils Yup
would you bungee jump No way in hell, I’m terrified of heights
what is your favorite kind of cereal Honey Nut Cheerios
do you untie your shoes every time you take them off Nah, too troublesome
do you think you’re a strong person idk, everyone tells me I’m pretty strong emotionally, but physically, nope.
what is your favorite ice cream flavor Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
what is the first thing you notice about people No idea
red or pink red
what is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself My nose, it’s so big and it’s in the middle of my face.
what color pants and shoes are you wearing right now Magneta Pajama pants and grey slippers
what was the last thing you ate And Indian dish for breakfast called Idli
what are you listening to right now Honey Bee by Luna, Hani and Solar
if you were a crayon, what color would you be I’d be purple.
favorite smell No clue
who was the last person you spoke to on the phone My dad
favorite sport to watch Cricket, cause well, the Indian Cricket team is good
hair color Black, really dark black
eye color Drak brown, although it seems black unless you look close
do you wear contacts Never worn contacts in my life
favorite food to eat This is a hard question and I’ll just settle with my mom’s food
scary movies or comedy Scary Movies, comedy is not really my thing to watch.
last movie you watched Train to Busan (I’m still traumatized)
what color shirt are you wearing Purple and Black
summer or winter Winter (cause summer in India is hell)
hugs or kisses Hugs
what book are you currently reading Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
who do you miss right now My older sister
what is on your mousepad Nothing, it’s grey
what is the last TV program you watched I don’t really watch TV...unless you count cricket matches. Do we count Kdramas here? Cause then I’ll say Goblin
what is the best sound My dad playing the flute (I won’t tell him that though)
rolling stones or the beatles The Beatles
what is the furthest you ever traveled USA, cause I’m in India.
do you have a special talent I sing...although I wouldn’t call that talent special
where were you born A tiny hospital in a small Indian village that nobody knows exists
people you expect to participate in this survey Tagging the Skype chat, do it you people. Then my bestie @fujoshimess, my child @suitcasesoffeathers and my precious takiun friend @kiun
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