#[I have a post somewhere about ness and charlie and they're my favorite]
warmbloodcd · 4 years
@thesunisalonetoo​ gets some grandfather/granddaughter bonding.
                    it’s been a WHILE since she accidentally bit her grandpa when he tried to wake her up from a nap. he smells good. it isn’t a temptation when she’s alert and awake. grandpa charlie smells good, but not irresistible, and renesmee’s not an animal; she has some self-control. even when she did bite him, it was never too hard, though just hard enough to draw blood. it was something she prided herself on, although it was just a little stupid. still, it helped to know that even in sleep, she wasn’t cruel. just thirsty. 
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                    she’s proud of herself now, to stop herself in the middle of a lunge, still in that sleepy world between awake and asleep. she hates this groggy middle ground. it’s when she’s least in control. renesmee shakes herself fully awake, an apology in her brown eyes. “ i’m really sorry, grandpa, ” renesmee whispers, voice still hoarse. she’s only been in forks for a good sixteen hours. she still isn’t accustomed to using her voice, even for just one person. 
                    has grandpa charlie figured it out yet? discovered what they ARE, despite his enthusiastic desire to know only what he needs to? and, when renesmee comes to visit, the need-to-know items are that, one, he has to pretend her name is vanessa; two, that he has to pretend she’s his niece; and three, that on occasion she’ll go missing for a few hours, and will refuse food when she returns. she knows he won’t tell her, even if he has figured it out. it’s safer for him if he pretends not to know, and grandpa charlie isn’t a dumb man. 
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