#|| i dont think any of these are exactly 'hot takes' or anything but yeee
frestoniia ยท 2 years
What kind of advice would you give to first-time rp'ers on tumblr?
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โ–น Okay so full disclosure, there are probably people way more qualified to give this sort of advice than I am. I'm really kinda just makin this shit up as I go tbh. For general RP etiquette, I'd recommend reading this post here, since it explains the most important things a lot better than I could.
That being said, a lot of these are gonna boil down to mostly a personal preference, but I still think they're a good rule of thumb for most people to keep in mind, especially newbies.
Accessibility over Aesthetics. Now, 'accessibility' means different things to different people, so I'm not gonna pretend that there's a one-size-fits-all solution to this conundrum. However, when setting up your blog, it's important that everything is easy to find and easy to read. I'm not saying you shouldn't use fancy graphics or small fonts-- trust me, I totally get wanting everything to look aesthetically pleasing. But it's an rp blog, not a scavenger hunt. I find that having a mobile-friendly alternative to your important pages is a good compromise in this regard.
Try to make your rules clear and concise. By all means, elaborate on your rules as much as you need to. However, in my experience, people rarely read through the entirety of someone's rules page the first time, especially if it's super lengthy. I'm not saying long rules pages are bad, but I do think that being brief, yet comprehensive is a good way to ensure no important points are glossed over.
Try to have your pages set up before you start following people. This is really more of a personal preference, I think. Before I decide to follow a blog, I always make sure to read their pages (whether they're an oc or a canon character). But if there are no pages for me to read, not only will I not follow, but I'm definitely not gonna remember to go back and check again later. I'm not saying everything has to be 100% finished, but having the general information available from the get-go would be ideal.
Don't be pushy. I understand it can be disheartening when people won't follow you back, or don't show as much enthusiasm as you do. Trust me, I get it. And I know it's a lot easier to say 'just don't take it personally' than it is to actually not take it personally. But you won't be doing yourself any favors by pestering people or getting on their case about it. Don't unfollow and then re-follow to try and get their attention (admittedly I've done this in the past, but those were all accidents. My memory is just Bad and I sometimes forget whether or not I've already followed someone whoops), and accept that not everyone is going to want to write with you. Nor are you obligated to write with anyone you don't want to.
Don't be afraid to unfollow/block people. For any reason. Personally, I soft-block whenever I want to actually unfollow a mutual (blocking and then quickly un-blocking them so they're no longer following my blog), that way they know it was intentional. Goodness knows I've accidentally unfollowed people when I didn't mean to, thanks to tumblr's shitty layout. But yeah, you're allowed to block and/or unfollow people, and you don't owe anyone an explanation. Yes, it sucks when it happens to you, and it can leave you wondering what you did wrong. But the sooner you remember that we're all losers writing on the internet for fun and none of this shit actually matters, the happier you will be.
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