#“but wouldn't miri's outfit be too small-” I DON'T CARE!!!! i loved these outfits
jhil-inthebox · 1 year
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miri wanted to dress up for the occasion and had kazuki dig through the closet
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yandere-fics · 10 months
♡ How They Would Act As Your Sugar Mommy ♡
♡ The Kingdom Version ♡
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♡ You'd been working in the lower sector of the building and struggling financially when a friend told you that they had a friend from one of the higher sectors was looking for a partner to accompany her to company parties. Of course she would pay for anything you needed to wear at the party and would financially compensate you. You weren't usually the type to do this but a little extra cash every once in awhile would go a long way so you agreed to meet her. ♡
♡ Miriel told herself that she could do this without falling in love with whoever she goes with, but the moment she meets you, that just falls out the window. You've never done this type of thing before, maybe there is something here, afterall why chose her when you could have gone and found a proper sugar mommy. Oh well, it doesn't matter now, she will be a proper sugar mommy if that is what her darling needs. ♡
♡ She starts out by just buying you the outfits you need for her parties, but it quickly devolves into her buying every single thing you want weekly. It gives her an excuse to take you out on dates after the shopping sprees. ♡
♡ Whoopsie, she called in a favor from the boss and your apartment manager is evicting you, don't ask too many questions. Anyways it looks like you have to move in with her, don't worry, she'll still spoil you and lavish you, but now she gets her money's worth. Afterall she gives you all of her money, can't she at least savor you? ♡
♡ All in all, I think if Miriel was your sugar mommy, it would make her much bolder and way more aggressive in trying to claim you. ♡
"Spin for me, babe." Miriel was watching you intently, for the past five hours as she forced you to try on outfit after outfit.
"Uhm, Miri?" You really just wanted to pick an outfit for the party already and then go home. Every time you asked her about it though she would just wave you off. Your feet were beginning to hurt from all the heels she wanted you to try on. The store clerks knew better than to look over though. There were too many possessive freaks in the city, could never be too careful.
She gives a small hum in response and she's already onto picking out another dress for you to try next.
"Have you gotten any closer to picking out an outfit yet?" You shuffle nervously, really hoping she wouldn't respond how you knew she was going to respond.
"What do you mean babe? I'm buying all of these." Yup, that was what you pretty much expected.
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♡ You'd been working next to the demon for a few months as her assistant when she noticed that you were struggling financially. She already knew you were her mate and while she was satisfied to court you while you two worked together, this presented an even greater opportunity. ♡
♡ So what does she do? Obviously make sure you see lots of people talking about sugar dating for weeks until you decide that it might be a good idea for you and then create a profile on one of the sites, and obviously she keeps her profile vague because such a sweet thing like you would probably feel uncomfortable straight up dating your supervisor, so she has to make you fall for her profile first so she can ease you into it. ♡
♡ When you two finally agree to a shopping date, you are shocked to find your boss but the look in her eyes tells you that you can't break up with her that quickly, so you proceed with the date. Afterwards you try to ignore her because you're pretty sure this is an hr violation but she keeps sending you little gifts, ones that are somewhat vaguely threatening. ♡
♡ Did you know that there's a rule that if a demon disapproves of their mate working, and has the finances to support their mate, they can get them ousted from the job? Come on, be good and let Kassien spoil you, she wouldn't want to ruin your job but you're forcing her hand, she needs you to financially rely on her. ♡
♡ Once your little lovers tiff is over, she will be a pretty standard sugar mommy, lavishing you in gifts, forcing you to wear the expensive clothes and jewelry she buys you, burning your apartment down so now you need to move in with her, the classics. ♡
♡ Being your sugar mommy makes Kassien a tad more manipulative than she usually is. ♡
You jumped when you spotted your supervisor standing outside your apartment on your way to get a coffee. You'd sent back her gifts when you realized that your new sugar mommy was actually in charge of you at work. You hoped if you sent her gifts and requested a transfer, you could just put all of this behind you. Only to find out that not only would work not give you that transfer, but you were also fired. Anonymous complaint, you suspected it was her.
"You returned my necklace, Sweetness. I had that custom made for you, I might have to charge you for it if you don't just take it. It's not refundable because of the customization." She sounded calm but you knew that she could fly off the handle in seconds, after all you'd been working with her for a bit. Even on the one date you two went on, she blew up on a guy in the restaurant for walking a little bit too close to you.
"Ma'am-" She scoffed and rolled her eyes at you. You knew how much you were probably pissing her off by not calling her by her name, "K-kassien, I know I upset you but you didn't have to get me f-fired." The look on her face was starting to freak you out. Like the calm before the storm.
"No, I did have to get you fired, what I don't have to do is allow you to move in with me after you get evicted, so don't be such an ungrateful brat." She smiles as she walks up to you with the necklace with her initials on it, holding it out for you to put on like an obedient pet.
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♡ Sawyer is the only one you would meet in a classically sugar mommy way. She knows you're her mate, so what's a ??? years old all knowing being to do except create a profile on the sugar dating site you're on. You've done this before but that's okay, she can kill all the previous ones. ♡
♡ Right off the bat she is much more generous than any of the sugar mommies you've had before and you nearly faint when you discover she's The Boss, like the actually fucking boss that runs the entire city. Still she's pretty enough and generous enough for you to overlook how actually terrifying this situation is. ♡
♡ She is extremely generous with you, I mean how could she not be, she literally has half the city under her thumb directly or indirectly. What's a sapphire necklace that costs more than a house, to someone who has been saving wealth their entire life in order to spoil their mate, you don't need to know that though, she likes you feeling like she's been inconvenienced to spoil you this much. ♡
♡ She expects you to spend time at her apartment whenever you're not working, she explains she has cameras in her apartment and so it would help her to work if she could look on them and see her cute thing dressed in something nice and expensive waiting for her at home. Weird but okay, you'll accept it. ♡
♡ It's only after the two of you wake up cuddling in bed that you decide you should cut it off before any feelings develop but baby, you're already in too deep, before you know it she's suing you for all of the things she's bought you. It's okay the lawsuit will end if you move back in, be her good sugar baby, and never fucking try to leave again. ♡
♡ Her as a sugar mommy is already close to how she is naturally, with a few minor changes and an official title. ♡
"The Boss has asked us to escort you up to her office." Two security guards approached you the moment you stormed into the office. You'd been served with notice of an impending lawsuit from The Boss, she never put her real name on any documents, and well that alone would make most in the city shit their fucking pants.
You knew you should have never taken on someone as powerful as her, no matter how good of a sugar mommy she seemed. It didn't matter how many fancy trips she took you on, or how many gems you had in your very expensive hand crafted jewelry box, she had the power to completely ruin you.
"A fucking lawsuit Sawyer?" She shushes you softly when you busrt into her office and dismisses the guards.
"I'm not sure why this is such a suprise darling. I make the rules in the city, and I never included a rule that said you were allowed to leave me."
You don't even know how to respond to her audacity.
"Come darling, we'll go to a nice restaurant and renegotiate your allowance."
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