#♚ out ♚
kinq-sleazee · 1 year
I had a thought out request then work got busy and now all I remember is mean over protective step brother, or best friend if you don’t like pseudocest, Bakugou scaring off all your dates without you knowing and telling you how you deserve better and he would never
hello @mhathotfic my love , sorry i’m responding so late— but i’m here now with smut !
MDNI | TW! College AU, Stepcest, Degradation
Your relationship with Bakugo has always been a odd. From the day your mom moved in with his dad, he’d developed a sick little obsession with you.
Nothing got past him. He swatted away any and all suitors—with you none the wiser.
Date after date would be canceled. Messages changing from blue to green. Guys actively avoiding you on campus and you had no idea why.
It would always lead you back to his dorm room. Straddling his lap and crying on his shoulder while he rubbed your back and cursed those “extras who could never be good enough for you”.
And your suki is so sweet to you. Saying that you’re so special to him and he doesn’t understand how those idiots could treat you so bad. Claiming that anyone would be lucky to have you and whispering that sometimes he wishes that you weren’t his sister so that he could have you for himself.
And he words it like a joke, in case you get spooked, but he’s dead serious. Staring you right in the eye as you chew on your lip while playing with the strands at the nape of his neck.
You’re a little shocked but you get it. It makes sense, y’know ? Who could love you better than the boy that’s protected and cared for you since middle school? The man that makes you feel like the only girl in the world.
He blinks twice when he hears you little voice say, “m’not really your sister”. Lips curling over his teeth in a wicked sneer.
“Hah?” He raises a brow, hands slowly falling to rest at your waist. “What’s that ? You’re not my imouto? My sweet girl ?”
Bakugo rolls his hips experimentally, pleased with the exasperation huff you give at the brief contact.
“m’just sayin’, we’re not really brother and sister” you whine, face heating at the implication of your words.
Were you really suggesting this ? Are you so desperate that you’d stoop so low ?
Bakugo feigned a gasp. A pout formed on his lips that juxtaposed the glimmering lust in his eyes.
“So after all we’ve been through…”, he began, hands traveling under your skirt to rest on your bare thighs. “After all we’ve been through. I’m not really your brother because you really want some dick ?”
The vulgarity startled you. You tried to deny but it fell on deaf ears as his fingers ventured closer to your moist heat.
“Are you really getting wet on my lap ?” His face is stern but there’s amusement in his tone. Your ears burn at the accusation, which you vehemently deny. This time your denial is met with a mean pinch to your plush thigh. “Now you’re lying to me ? What’s got into you What happened to my good girl ?”
A broken whimper leaves you. You’ve never felt this desperate for anything. You want to be a good girl but you just want him so bad.
“ I am your good girl, suki. I promise”.
“Tch” Bakugo shakes his head, admiring the way your lip trembles when he pinches you harder. “You’re not a good girl” he coos, moving closer to kiss the tear sliding down your cheek. “You’re a whore, imouto. A desperate slut for nii-chan’s cock”.
Your panties are pulled to the side and a single digit swipes through the mess of slick arousal. Bakugo whistles lowly, dragging your sticky wetness to press at your clit.
“Is this what you wanted, baby” He pouts up at you, mimicking your expression. You nod, nails digging into the skin of his broad shoulders.
“More, suki” you whine, grinding against the pad of his thumb. “wan’ sum more please”.
He shushes you and presses a soft kiss to your lips. Then another. And another until his tongue is pushing through the seam of your lips in time with his finger diving knuckle deep into your cunt. He grunts at your tightness, but continues kissing you while working you open.
The flat of his tongue collects the sweat beading on your neck, just as a second finger enters you. He curls them upwards, rubbing against your velveteen walls.
“Taking my fingers real good, baby. So proud of you right now” he whispers in your ear before nibbling on the lobe. You gush around him, pussy spasming from the ruined quality of his voice as he praises you. The fact that he looks absolutely wrecked, and you haven’t even touched him properly sends you hurtling towards your orgasm. A few more pumps and you’re met with the most euphoric orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
He works you through it. Pumping into you slowly as your body vibrates around him and your breathing settles. He pulls out and taps his fingers on your lips, humming when you drunkenly take them in your mouth.
He keeps you like this for a moment. Just rubbing against your tongue until saliva pools in your mouth and spills from the side.
Bakugo knows that you’re getting working up again by the cute little scrunch of your brow and the way you drag your cunt over his thigh. So desperate to get fucked. His dick feels unbreakable.
With his free hand he pulls out his cock and lowers your head to drool on it. You’re pushed off his lap and placed between his legs. Mean cock bobbing in your face.
“If you want nii-chan to fuck you , then you have to get on your knees and beg”.
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groazei · 1 day
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I love myself some toxic, terrifying bonds where Alucard traumatizes the shit out of muses out of sheer boredom, or they stepped on his patience. A great example is what @lunarscaled and I have! It's something I fancy and would love more if anyone is interested. <3 Who wants their own personalized Night Terror?? ^_^
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erobret · 1 month
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royalarms · 2 months
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what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? i love noctis . final fantasy xv is my favorite game of all time and i've put ungodly hours into it , but fun fact ! i actually wrote prompto from 2016-2020/2021ish ( i dont remember haha ) but immediately the game became my favorite final fantasy game , and then eventually topped my passion for kingdom hearts and crisis core and just . became my number one . i still wanted a way to experience and express my love for it , but my personality had shifted sooo much over the past several years and prompto just didn't fit for me anymore , so i opted for noctis . gave him a go and ended up connecting with him on a level i would have never though LOL . i've always really really loved and enjoyed his character but writing a protagonist always gave me the willies so i never ventured into it . now im stuck here .
is there anything you don’t like to write? there are several things i WON'T write , but i don't know if there's anything i particularly dislike . i feel like if i have the right writing partner we can make most anything fun .
is there anything you really enjoy writing? i love writing things i've never written before ! new characters , new interactions , cool plots i've never written out , etc . i like to keep it exciting .
do you write in silence or do you play music? i either listen to lyricless music or write in silence . every once in awhile i can write with songs with lyrics on but it has to be really quiet . i'll turn on my character playlists in those moments , but i honestly think i do my best writing in silence .
do you plan your replies or wing them? both ! i don't have an explanation here , it just depends on the thread and the plot (if any) and when and how inspiration strikes .
do you enjoy shipping? yes . as long as the age gap isn't weird or intense toxicity is going on , i'm USUALLY down for most things :)
what’s your alias/name? aster >:) age? 25 birthday? march 29 favorite color? red ! favorite song? ohhh shoot . i love linkin park for my favorite band , but favorite SONG ? let me check my most replayed on spotify LOL . um. scatterbrain by kxllswxtch , voices in my head by falling in reverse , and numb by the used 💀 all of them are negative tw if anyone wants to listen last movie you watched? i literally do not know , i don't watch a lot of movies last show you watched? the wit/cher last song you listened to? listening to squishy caterpillars riding on bullets by istasha ( negative n drug tw ) ............. favorite food? curry and adobo :) favorite season? spring ! do you have a tumblr best friend? i dont love the phrase "tumblr best friend" idk what that entails but i have three ppl i love dearly and talk to a lot ! @otlaw , @starshcwer , @onegil ❤️❤️❤️
tagged by: i stole thisss
tagging : you should steal it too :)
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dreamycollective · 2 months
stands on tiptoe to reach. very soft boop with equally soft mitt.
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" Did I SAY--- rrrgh, you're lucky you're a cute girl. "
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greedbent · 3 months
kaz: mercilessly and unflinchingly just rips a guy's eyeball out and shoves a spit-soaked handkerchief into the empty socket normal ppl: 😱😱😱😱🤮🤮🤮 me: 😶💦💦 feeling some sort of way feeling some sort of way—
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feilien · 5 months
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{♚ x @draconisa x}
Continued from here
 Getting woken up by a fire alarm at 3 in the morning sucked, regardless of how old you were. So Matt could more than emphasize with the child who was so intent on making its grief known to anyone who would listen — or was forced to listen, anyway. Hell, if it wasn’t frowned upon, he might very well be doing the same. He hardly got enough sleep as it was, even without a fire alarm waking him just as he’d finally managed to fall asleep.
 Why, exactly, he felt the need to offer his help, however, Matt wasn’t too sure. Although he wasn’t unfamiliar with the pair, they’d never spoken before. There’d been some interactions through their windows that happened to face each other, especially with the kid, but that was as far as it had gone. He didn’t even know their names. So there was a moment in which he wondered if she’d take offense to his offer, or perhaps would feel the need to grow defensive.
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 Fortunately, neither seemed to be the case and he took the blanket from her when offered. “Of course.” But then he had an idea that might just work to improve the kid’s mood. Kneeling down, he tucked the blanket beneath one arm, while his other hand disappeared in the pocket of his jacket for moment. “Hey, kid. Look what I just found.” When he pulled his hand back out of his pocket, he held a piece of candy between his fingers. Good thing he always carried some on him. “You want it?” Before handing it off, however, he looked up at the girl. “If that’s alright with you, of course. I know it’s the middle of the night and all.”
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castleclysm · 6 months
hello everyone. I missed my son so I'm Here again 👍
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
hehe.... in the name of the moon!
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chosaya · 6 months
choso lucky he ain’t real, he would be getting milked everyday
LMAOO FR (speaking from experience).
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fractempyreal · 7 months
what if. I came back.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
For the Halloween event, can I request Broly trick or treating with the reader in his Ikari form, and then eating all the best candy when he gets home? Please??
Anonymous asked: I don't know if you got this request for the Halloween event, but can I have Broly X reader, where he goes trick or treating in his Ikari form, and comes back with the best candy? Please?
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Broly x Reader〖 requested by anonymous 〗 ✦✦Content: fluff, ambiguous relationship, trained!Broly ✦✦Warning: N/A. ✦✦A/N: I would take this 40+ year old, 9ft tall alien man trick-or-treating and I would be grateful to witness his joy ♥.
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It wasn't easy finding a fitting costume for a saiyan of Broly's physique without getting into DIY territory, but the idea of scaring people for harmless fun and being rewarded for it didn't hinder his excitement to dress the part. Almost to a worrying degree of how well he took to the idea and cleverly came up with his own "costume" when the options ran low. It was fortunate he came so far in his training with Goku to be able to finally benefit from his great power, enough that a few plastic chains around his armguards and some fake blood here and there really embellished his intimidating appearance on the surface.
Until he smiled contently, looking anything but frightful behind his little accents of plastic and paint as he was the first out the front door. That was all you thought he needed to enjoy himself as the two of you started to leave. However, he took it an extra step and transformed himself out in the open. Broly's hair lifted and his body was washed in a heavy, green aura when he released his power, the ground caving beneath his feet and sending violent aftershocks that shook your own balance loose.
How casually he went into his ascended form startled you, that was never a good sign to witness before. But Broly was able to steel his willpower and hold control with ease now. Something you were not made aware of beforehand. His aura fades and his shoulders lose their tension, the transformed saiyan turning back to you with a piercing, yellow stare that enhanced the terror of his enlarged stature. His heavy footsteps approach you, feeling the ground shake under each unintended stomp.
Broly looms, leaning over you with a tilt in his head. "Are you afraid?" He asks with a gruff sound in his voice, the tone of his words unexpectedly calm to your ears reflecting his tamed, conscious demeanor. It made your jaw drop in realization, your speechless gape answering him for you. A satisfied smirk rose in his features, the spirit of Earthly Halloween invoked with success. "Good." He was scary, even to you, so the treats supply should be abundant. After helping you back up to your feet and a brief explanation of his "costume" choice, you found little argument in turning down his eagerness if he was able to control himself so well. You could only hope it didn't get out of hand.
Once the sun set a little further and the neighborhood began to fill with other costumed folks, you set out for your trick-or-treating fun. As you expected, Broly's changed appearance was drawing in eyes of awe and terror. For either reason, for better or worse, no one was denying him candy at least. You would hate to see how that would play out in his transformed state.
Broly made certain to seem as scary as he could but was eloquently thankful whenever candy fell into his bag despite others' reactions. There were a few children curiously approaching him to know how real the giant man was and some adults who complimented on how well he "moved around on those stilts". There was no prepared explanation for how or why he looked the way he did that needed to be known to others, so that was something to roll with for a laugh. It was best they thought of him like this and did not know the truth.
At first Broly seemed disinterested in these interactions, only concentrating on collecting his sweet treats and "be scary" for the next reward until a little scary entourage began to tail his thumping footsteps from house to house. Not that he minded, but it was interfering with his scary factor. He couldn't ignore how being in the group got him more candy, though. Bigger ones, dumps of small ones by the handful and even some little playthings he quickly realized weren't for eating. It became fun being accompanied and so admired. He was leading the group with a grin and less of a frightful expression with each greeting at the door.
After you playfully shoo the last of little superheroes and World Champs come to defeat the scary giant, you let Broly know it was getting late and time to wrap up the trick-or-treating for the night. Moreso to get him out of his Ikari state after wandering around in the transformation for a while. Rather than walk back home, however, you are picked up in his free arm and he takes off leaving a heavy gust behind as he flew back home. That would certainly have the neighbors talking tomorrow but maybe they would come up with their own explanations for that, too.
"That was quite a haul of candy we got tonight!" You praised the large saiyan, feeling as if you had to shout over the wind whipping against your ears from the speed of his flight. "If you weren't a saiyan, I'd say it would last you a couple of months!" It certainly felt good to him to have it. After a less than graceful landing in front of your home, you offered your hand to take his candy bag. "Now comes the best part where we can sift and trade from our bags for our favorite candies." You wiggled excitedly, pausing at the lightweight bag gently placed in your hand. Blinking, confused, you quickly opened it up to peer inside to find it full of inedible items: wrappers looking like they were ripped open by teeth and licked clean, some crushed toys, and lollipop sticks with chewed-up ends. Surprisingly, there was still a lot of bubble gum giving the bag some of its weight but his bag should look as full as yours. "There's just bubble gum and wrappers in here! Where'd all your candy go?!" You looked up to him, squinting at the way his tongue swept from one corner of his mouth to another.
Broly's yellow eyes look away in shame. He finally releases his wrathful form and returns to his normal appearance. "I ate it. Sorry..." He frowns a little, suspecting something wrong was done. He couldn't help but have a few pieces in between all that door-to-door scavenging, he just didn't realize he indulged a little too much and went through all of it by the time you were done. You sigh at him, giving him a playful chuckle.
"Ya know, I'm just happy to see you have some fun tonight, Broly."
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groazei · 22 days
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erobret · 4 months
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Happy lunar new year!
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thevessaliuz · 28 days
[ rainfall ] sender finds receiver out alone in the rain (Oswald)
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non-verbal angst prompts | @kitxkatrp
It rained down, visible threads of rain, slowly soaking through Jack's hair. His clothes were already damp. He has stood on this exact spot countless times, but never felt like he did right now with his whole body repelling against this place. It felt so strange to be here and look up at the empty tower.
Jack didn't know how much time had passed. He was pulled out of his thoughts by footsteps on the gravel, and turned to see a dark figure approaching. Ah, he must have been too lost in thought to notice. At this distance, he could recognize Oswald even through the dense rain.
"Oswald," he greets and remembers belatedly -- No, he shouldn't call him that anymore. He should call him Glen.
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greedbent · 8 months
did you know ??? @howthesleeplesswander, @earthssprout, and @yukikorogashi are the greatest gifts and wonders of the universe?
well now you do! ♥(ノ´∀`)
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