#❮ persephone / verse.01 ❯ ━━ ❝ and we're gonna sing it again .
missallanea-a · 7 months
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"I don't know about you boyyys — but if you're like me, then hanging around this ol' manhole has been bringin' you down." There's a distinct slur to the words, one that she could shrug off in an instant should she choose to do so. The perks of godhood, one might suppose, although she seemed in no rush to rid herself of her haze. "Six feet under, gettin' under your skin..."
@charroblanco for ERNESTO DE LA CRUZ || sc
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She knows where he'll be. As she steps off that train and shakes the last vestiges of winter from her bones, Persephone knows just where she is headed. The path is well worn and yet somehow seldom used, leading to that long-closed up entrance into the Underworld.
She knows that's where she'll find Orpheus. It's where he always is.
That old, old song is on her tongue as she approaches the boy, gently settling a hand over his shoulder to give an encouraging squeeze. "Ain't seen you 'round in too long, Orpheus... Got somethin' for you." The letter hidden within the pocket of her coat broke a good many rules, but Hades was a good enough man to turn a blind eye when it came to the boy. 'Course, wasn't much good the letter had to offer: with each passing year, Eurydice faded more and more, looking like the rest of the Shades down below. Still, she wouldn't keep it from him... Anything to try and find that spark within him again.
@storiedhistories for ORPHEUS || sc
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missallanea-a · 7 months
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"Brought you somethin'." Not that he needed anything, not really. Not that he ever asked for for anything. Still, the gift sits tucked in her bag, hidden away amongst the things she felt important enough to make the trip up above and down below.
@mvndrvke for HADES || sc
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missallanea-archive · 11 months
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@willowdied: ❛ will i see you again? ❜ orpheus to persephone?
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For some, the question would've been met with a teasing boastfulness -- she could already hear the words she'd have uttered echoing in the back of her mind: long as this earth keeps on spinnin', I'll be here, child. Sure as the sun falls and rises. Orpheus seeks not godly promises or wisdom, but something smaller. Something far more personal than Persephone is used to offering to mortals, even those who she would consider to be her champions.
She reaches out thoughtfully, tracing a hand along his cheek in an almost motherly fashion. He sought comfort, and while it was not always in her habit to give it, she can afford a bit of kindness to him. He had more than earned it.
"If you need me, Orpheus. Anywhere the summer sun is shinin', you know I'll be 'round."
various question sentence starters
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missallanea-archive · 11 months
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@willowdied: ❛ are you sure this is a good idea? ❜ eurydice to persephone ?
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"Ain't no harm, ain't no sin..." Persephone's words are hummed softly under her breath, gaze barely lifting to look at the young woman. What could Hades possibly do to her now? Their contract had been fulfilled the moment Orpheus had turned around; wasn't much more he could do to the Shade, and her man wasn't exactly in the habit of kicking folks while they were down.
Pushing the sheet of paper across the table once more, Persephone gestured to the pen settled between the pair before fetching a pair of glasses off another table. Setting them down, the goddess took a moment to pour two healthy glasses of wine before returning to her seat: "B'fore your mind starts to go, Eurydice. You're going to want to write everything down, an' I'll take it up above with me... Doesn't break no rules."
various question sentence starters
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