voxxisms · 1 month
@cannibalxroses is hosting the blood ball! cont.
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VOX ARRIVED a little early, present just before the doors had opened. he liked to be anywhere early as much as he could, for most things. this event, of course, would be no exception — in fact, was much more important to arrive within reason for. a wonderful opportunity to network with those in attendance, && even more so a good chance to to rub elbows with the hostess in a way that he was most familiar with.
without a head on his shoulders, his magic was part of the very mask he was meant to wear instead, only grateful that it appeared not to cause any issues. he would feel odd, later, when he put his head back on, but for now, he started up the steps && approached, a singular deep red rose in hand that he offered up to her once he located the lovely hostess herself.
❝ hello, there, rosie. it really is wonderful seeing you, thank you for hosting such an event for us all. ❞
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condemnedsouls · 2 months
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@spidersins requested a meeting ! ; always accepting!!
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❝ hey, angel? can i ask a little question? ❞
there was a hint of hesitance in charlie's voice. she wasn't worried, not really, but she did want his opinion, && she was finding herself unsure who else to ask it of. she didn't give him much of an option, regrettably, pushing forward with her ask.
❝ what do you really think about ... well. about redemption? the hotel? ❞
she couldn't seem to help the smallness of her voice, the way she peered up at him with worry. she wanted his honest answer, she truly did, but she wasn't sure what she would do if it were still the same type of answer it was at the start of all of this. did he still find it ridiculous? was it still unwelcome?
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staticgcne · 14 days
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@radiiosugars whispered a line !! more angst prompts ( accepting! ) 'lying is your first language, isn't it?' - Lucifer
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     LAUGHTER  WAS  SUCH  a joy to indulge in.  It came so easily these days,  he found himself more  &&  more entertained by the hour,  it seemed.  The words spoken from the King felt oddly confrontational,  almost accusatory.  He wondered what had caused such a question.  Naturally,  he practiced little white lies every day,  there was even an art to lying by omission,  which he certainly had plenty of experience with.
        ❛  Oh,  what makes you think that?  Please,  your Majesty,  I assure you my native tongue is merely English like many others!  Of course,  I am also fluent in French,  if that is of any help to you.  ❜
     He wore a wide smirk,  hands clasped around the top of his microphone,  lifting one to peer at his claws like he had little better to do.  
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hcllishdreamer · 2 days
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wandcrsoul · 2 days
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lustled · 2 days
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wrathstricken · 2 days
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hcllishqueen · 2 days
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heavcnborn · 2 days
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valiantsouls · 3 years
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    @actliving​​  responded  to  a  whisper ;
𝐈  𝐄𝐗𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐃  𝐀𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐘  𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄  𝐈  𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃  𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏  𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅;   my  own  breath  a   tell   of  my  fear  of  sincerity.    abe’s  calloused  fingers  moved  to  rest  on  the  back  of  my  hand,   either  to  comfort,    or  in  seeking  comfort.    i  could  guess   which;    but  i  won’t,    &&  leave  reading  to  the  detectives.
❛❛   More  than  likely.  ❜❜     i  said,    glancing  askance  absently  before  attempting  to  soften  the  gloomy  declaration  with  a  chortle,    ❛❛   If  past  can  truly  be  used  as  a  predictor.   ❜❜    
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          THE  WORDS  WERE  NO  COMFORT.  Abe wasn’t necessarily one who even needed it to start with, but it would have been a little nice to hear, he wouldn’t lie to himself.  But, regardless,  regret wasn’t really a prominent emotion for Abe.  He didn’t often regret anything, unless it was a case of pure negligence on his end.  He simply couldn’t stand a job half-done.
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         ❛ I’m sure it’ll turn out okay, really.  ❜   He let his thumb run over the warm hand he’d place his own, gently, almost imperceivable. Still too cowardly.   ❛ I’ll do my best, regretting it or not. ❜
   He always did, after all. With Marcus, there was no such thing as relaxed effort. He would only ever give the man 110%, whatever that may mean.
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voxxisms · 1 month
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@poisonedspider whispered a line ;; wanna interact ( always accepting! ) STARTER! 
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VOX didn't usually see angel outside of valentino's studio. even rarer, really, that he even saw him while he was there, their passings often being very brief, on purpose, && without much fanfare. he did not have much reason to interact with the star, outside of when the moth demon asked him to check in, or step into the role overseeing the set, or while, in general, working his magic there for one reason or another.
yet here the spider demon was, in more or less his territory of the tower, && curiosity got the better of him. he could see where he was on the cameras, vigilant as ever, so vox quickly transported himself, only a few feet behind him.
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❝ angel dust. whatever are you doing on this side of the tower, hm? away from the studio. i'd assume you'd prefer to spend your free time elsewhere. ❞
a smug little smile on his screen, eyes narrowed as he looked the other over. was he looking for something?
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condemnedsouls · 2 months
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@xluciifer requested a meeting! ; starter call ( always accepting! )
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STRIKER wasn't worried about this encounter — as strange && unexpected as it was. the king of hell was welcome wherever he pleased, certainly, && the imp would be far from someone to deny him access, even if he wasn't the happiest about it. settled into his place of relative hiding, leaned in && peering through the sights of his gun, he had his attention ripped away by the sound of an approach.
&& there he was. royalty who deserved it, royalty he could respect.
striker's target wasn't likely to be going anywhere important, so he let out a measured breath && lowered the weapon to give the ex - angel his full attention.
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❝ ... your majesty. somethin' i can do for 'ya? hope my work ain't too distractin' from your day. ❞
gruff words matching a gruff tone, with no real heat behind them. he was curious what the other might have wanted from him, more than willing to listen. or answer to him, should there be something for that.
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staticgcne · 14 days
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@sixwingedmercy whispered a line  !! first impressions matter  ( accepting! ) Woods. - emily human verse sender  &&  receiver bump into each other in the woods. one of them is holding a shovel.
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     SO  IT  WAS  DONE.  The burial of one more body,  in the place he had been taught to put them.  Careful not to send them into the same position as the last,  to be positive they would not stick out above the mud  &&  plants.  Close enough to the water  &&  the rest to be effective in shooing off any lurkers,  what with the wildlife here.  With a satisfied sigh,  he turned,  lifting his shovel from the soft ground,  boots going up to his knees squelching loudly in the wet sludge underfoot.
     Alastor only made it a few feet into the surrounding woods,  eyes watching everywhere except for the very faint footpath he was on,  before bumping into something.  Not just something,  but another person.
His heart raced,  &&  he considered his options even as he spoke,  his voice smoother than he felt.
        ❛  Oh!  I am so sorry,  I wasn't looking.  Are you alright?  ❜
     What was someone else doing out here this time of day?  It was barely breaking dawn,  the softest of morning light streaming through the leaves.
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condemnedsouls · 2 months
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@lcftcult requested a meeting! ; starter call ( always accepting! )
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AH, the smell of a battle that he took care of on his own front lawn ( of a sort ) was nothing short of delightful. copper hints of blood, the scent of gunpowder && fire in the air. the sight of bodies were less welcome, but only because they were a nuisance. he would clear them up soon. they could easily be carted away after a little call over to the folks of cannibal town, after all.
he spent a little time meandering through the destruction, rummaging through pockets && personal affects. he was slightly distracted by the actions that he very nearly missed the very much still - alive sinner there, amongst the bodies && debris. there was a moment where he considered taking her things anyway, but let out a small sigh. the fur - covered sinner looked haggard && injured.
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an opportunity.
so down he knelt before them, peered over their form to get an idea of what they could have needed, && stretched out a hand.
❝ sorry about the mess, you poor thing! got caught in the cross - fire, hm? ❞
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voxxisms · 1 month
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@xluciifer whispered a line ;; wanna interact ( always accepting! ) Starter!! Plot!!
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AN INVITATION to a rather rare get - together of the sins themselves was far too difficult to turn down. if there was one thing that vox was good at, it was networking, presenting himself exactly so in order to gain an audience, to endear himself to those around him. plenty of research, plenty of planning, attention to every single little detail to ensure that he could be the best && most attractive version of himself that he had ever had the opportunity to present to anyone. the sins rarely came into pride, after all, certainly not more or less together, either. he needed to be pristine, perfect, the exact image of impeccable.
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he was already exhausted, && he hadn't even been there for more than half an hour.
it was an overarching invitation to any overlord, && vox was far from the only person happy to jump at such a chance to work his magic. various powerful people in their primes, or at least here to enjoy themselves, were taking up the time of each other && the sins. vox had made a decently quick first round of introductions, bowing to each one deeply, appealing to what he knew of them. there was plenty to learn online about their preferences, the things they liked, he had a little gift tucked away for each of them, nothing too special, but far from stereotypical. they'd been covered by the press for as long as they existed, after all, && he could at least prove that he knew how to keep up with the latest information.
the building turned meeting hall had a long table of various foods out for any to grab during their stay, && considering that vox had at least another hour && a half to go before he could comfortably excuse himself to go home, he chose to stop by it, to examine the treats offered on display. meats, vegetables, various desserts ... he gravitated to the sweeter end of the spread, trying to pick between what appeared to be a sweet, thick custard && a lighter looking mousse in a cup. one of them had to be sweeter than the other, but it was hard to tell.
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he was a little focused — he wanted to actually taste it, && oftentimes only the most extreme flavors came across — enough that he didn't appear to notice when another person approached nearby.
❝ could always pick both, i guess ... ? ❞
a soft set of words spoke aloud, finally making a determination not to pick at all.
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voxxisms · 16 days
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@venisontransmission requested a meeting! [ cont. ]
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     THE  CIRCUMSTANCES  of how the last overlord meeting went was what prompted vox to appear at this one.  originally,  he had been hesitant to go,  last time,  &&  so when velvette had proposed going in his stead,  to present the angel's head they had found,  he had been happy to let her.  she had plenty still to learn about the politics  &&  responsibility an overlord came into,  &&  there was no better way than by doing.
her handling of the presentation had not been  ...  his favorite.
     he'd had to smooth things over with carmilla carmine,  something only made easier due to the other circumstances surrounding the time.  she would hold a grudge against velvette,  certainly,  but the rest of them were on semi - decent terms,  which mostly meant that she was still willing to listen in to his angelic security proposition.  all for the better,  considering.
     he knew alastor might be there,  &&  so he worked hard to keep his gaze trained elsewhere,  on carmine herself,  or peering past them all.  to watch out of the windows,  or down at his notes that he took ever so diligently on notebook paper.  college - ruled,  a spiral notebook.  he often made mental notes  ( literally )  but always found that he would be more likely to recall if he physically wrote it down a few times.  he could feel when a pair of eyes landed on him,  sending a tremor of awareness down his spine.  his own snapped up to meet them,  surprise  &&  then frustration on his face all too clear.
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     a challenge.  something in the other's expression,  &&  he knew this would be a new battle.  what exactly,  he did not know.  everything was different now;  perhaps once upon a time this look could have conveyed something different,  a silent exchange of words directing one to follow the other.  but now,  it was a call to arms.  a request to duel.
        ❛  take a picture,  it will last much longer.  ❜    words not spoken,  but rather mouthed in the direction of the radio demon,  expression pulled into something amused.  another note for his book,  too,  carmine made some mention of territory being possibly available soon,  something about a struggling upcomer,  not ready yet,  but something to keep an eye on for when the contracts faltered there.
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