#👑; it's magic yaknow!
Day Twenty-Three, Dream
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I went with more of a dream-y aesthetic with this ;0
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Grabbing my f/os I hc as bisexual rn so we can party
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Hi bestie!!! Hope you're doing well on this *checks date* lovely Sunday! May I please ask ANOTHER WAY OUT, LION, KILL EVERYONE, BELIEVE for Maleficent and/or Heisenberg please? ~ avid -adoxography
@avid-adoxography hi!!!! I am doing alright this fine Sunday, hope you are too!!! And ofc you may ask and receive!!!!
ANOTHER WAY OUT - what lengths would your f/o go to protect you?
Heisenberg: He makes sure I have some metal on me whenever I go out cuz yaknow. Lycans are dangerous, I'm a clutz, etc etc! I'd also say he's more vocally protective? Like someone talks shit, they get hit and bitched at, yaknow?
Maleficent: AAA- honestly just tagging along with me or having Diaval follow,,,but like less in a "if someone looks at my beloved wrong so help me they're gone" way but in a "the world is dangerous and I don't want you to be afraid or full of hatred for it" way? If that makes sense.
LION - was it hard to get close to your f/o? did they have a difficult time opening up to you?
Heisenberg: Not really! After yaknow. Reassuring that there is no threat here we were chill. I probably annoyed him asking millions of questions tbh. But yeah!! (Also this question is funny considering that Ambrosio, my s/i with Heisenberg, literally chained themself to a wall to prove they weren't a threat 😭). I also think he's lonely and it's nice to have company that isn't uh...*gestures vaguely*. Also he absolutely did that whole "super sized bitch, doll bitch" speech without hesitation. Maybe without asking for my help but just. Talking. Which is kinda funny?
Maleficent: I'd say opening up took a while, but that's okay cuz god did she go through shit. Since we met post-first movie, it wasn't too hard to get close! Awkward in a charming way is how I'd put it.
KILL EVERYONE - is your f/o a villain? if so, are you the "i can fix them" type, the "stand by and watch them" type, or the "be a villain with them" type?
Heisenberg: Technically he is a villain,,so,,,"stand by and watch them". It's kinda hot- anYWAY- no but in all seriousness, he wouldn't want me mixed up in his family drama and despite my willingness to help, he'd refuse every single time. Then say some stupid cheesy thing like "I just need you to sit there and look pretty" mshxhsjhf-
Maleficent: *vague gestures*? I don't know if she still counts as a villain? If she does then absolutely the "be the villain with them"! Because I mean, Aurora kinda "fixed" her I guess? But yeah, I will not hesitate to help her <3
BELIEVE - how does your f/o help you with your insecurities?
Heisenberg: OH OH!!! so because I made my self insert a fallen angel, they have scars on their back from losing their wings, and I have scars on my back from acne, so the wings thing is more of me adding different flavoring to them cuz I imagine Ambrosio and I's back looks the same. Anyway anyway, the amount of times I have had silly little day dreams of him just,,, absolutely not caring about how bad my back looks and being in absolute love?? OUGH <33!!!! Just,,,a finger making shapes with the stupid things, kissing, calling them "constellations",,,I AM A SUCKER!!!!!!! this man this bastard this fucker I love him. I also completely went off about one insecurity lmao- overall I'd say he's like the vocally comforting type if it's something he can't touch, and if it IS something he can touch, then body worship. Just. Absolutely drowning whatever I'm insecure about with attention.
Maleficent: I haven't thought of this actually,,,:0! I'd say she'd talk to me about whatever it is. Try to understand the why, and then take time to think about it, like days and such. Then come back with just...gentle words to help. I cannot think of an example atm bc over the quarantine I've gotten better with my insecurities :D! Anyway <3
Thanks for the ask lovely!!!!
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Hewwo, can I get a 1, 2 and 5 from the f/o asks to rile y’all up for Cinderella + Prince Charming and Maleficent please? 👀 ~ @avid-adoxography
Oh!!! Ofc ofc!! Hewwo, thanks for the ask <3 @avid-adoxography
1) what’s a Hot Take you have about your f/o?
Ella: Hmm,,,it's not a hot take but like she doesn't like any forms of the nicknames that relate to "Cinder"? Like,,,Idk if the D*sney movie had it that she got the nickname "Cinderella" from sleeping on cinders but yeah??
Charming: HIs CHARACTER DESERVES SO MUCH MORE like I know it was the animated movies and the sequels were just money grabs but STILL.
Maleficent: Atm I don't have any? She's the most recent addition to my f/os and yeah! I'll def update this when I do get a hot take LMAO-
2) on what do you disagree with other fans of your f/o?
Ella and Charming: Honestly nothing! I haven't seen too much that I would disagree with so...
Maleficent: Probably the critiques about the betrayal thing that happened cuz we didn't know her and Stefan's characters yet but like,,,idk if it's just me but it made it more... impactful? It's probably just me tho oof.
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl? 
Ella: this is gonna sound so stupid cuz the OG movie came out in 1950 and was just the fairytale bUT WHENEVER PEOPLE SAY THAT LIKE SHE WENT TO THE BALL TO GET A MAN- SHE DIDN'T SHE JUST WANTED TO PARTY idk it irritates me. I don't have one for Charming ;-;
Maleficent: PEOPLLE SAYING THAT SHE BECSME TOO SOFT- like okay I see where they are coming from bc she's yaknow, Maleficent, the villain that scared kids back in the day bUT LIKE. VILLAINS ARE ALLOWED TO BE SOFT DAMNIT!
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