#''disgusting snot-nosed little brats'' BRING ME TO THE PLACE U LIVE SO I CAN SEE THESE KIDS
piplupod ยท 2 months
people who loudly hate kids always talk about how kids are so noisy and sticky and messy and gross and I'm always ???? because what kids are you meeting out there ???? are you living inside of a badly-run daycare???
the kids i see out in public are rarely ever runny-nosed, they are usually fairly quiet (their voices might be a little louder than the average adults, but I've seen adults yelling in public more than I've seen kids doing so), they're never sticky(??? are you touching the child???), and I would never use the label gross for them unless they're sneezing all over the place without covering their mouth properly in which case that ends quickly and their parent usually cleans their face and hands off within a couple minutes. where the fuck are people seeing these kids LOL
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