#''i dont like seeing [fandom] positivity'' then unfollow this blog dumbass?? block the tag hello???? idot. absolute asshat.
💎. ┊    thinkin abt when I was into [fandom] & I had a mutual who very openly didn't like it so I asked them if it was okay that I still followed them & they said yes so long as I tagged my shit (which I always did, of course). but then when I asked them to tag their crit posts they said no n started attacking me 🙃 like why did u say it was ok for me to still follow if u clearly had a Problem with it then??? and then they sent other people to harass me too like wtf.
#* mine / txt#they were SO fucking judgemental when they initially asked why i liked [fandom] too#should've trusted my Instincts & blocked when they made that post tbh#''i dont like seeing [fandom] positivity'' then unfollow this blog dumbass?? block the tag hello???? idot. absolute asshat.#WAIT i remember. they did have the tag blacklisted. bc they hated it so damn much. then WHY THE ABSOLUTE FUCK—#''wish you all the best'' then repeatedly tried to harass me after i blocked them 🙄🙄🙄🙄#shit like that is why i hate sharing my interests/fandoms/making ''friends'' in fandom#bc the moment someome finds out you like smth ''controversial'' they forget cirtical thinking skills & nuance exist#like shocker! making fun of the ''controversial'' thing that i like wont make me stop liking it. it WILL however make me stop liking YOU.#this was back in 2021 btw im just. venting ig.#i dont even like [fandom] anymore lol i only watched 2 people involved in it anyway#yet that ex mutual acted like i was commiting warcrimes or smth geeze#anyway. reminder that i dont owe u shit! i do not nor will i ''justify'' my interests to you. if you dont like something here then fuck off#sometimes i think im too mean on here & then i remember this happened n im like ''no i should be meaner''#controversial was probably the wrong word to use it was more considered ''problematic''. not that i ever cared but. yknow#what is it w me & having terrible friendship experiences oh my god. no wonder i dont trust anyone lol.#this is y i dont talk to ppl anymore pft
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