#''oh wow... i mean. it's good but. yeah." go off!!! youre wrong bc everything nathan yaffe does is great but go off!!!
morninkim · 3 months
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maybe the kids are alright after all
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Episode #3 - “I Stand For The Flag, I Kneel At The Cross” - Amanda
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Moral of the story, never trust a weeaboo goombitch
Audaux or whatever that fucking tribe's name is is dead to me. They are worth nothing. SCUM. Scum is what they are. Liars. Their word is worth nothing in this game and neither are they. Unlike them I've got an idol. Time's ticking. And sooner or later their times gonna be up.
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im overwhelmed
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Amanda is removed from the game.
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I’m not a Christian but I know who Monique Heart is. “Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” Luke 12:3
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oh wow. This game really took a turn for the worst huh. Nicholas left, Dani exploded, one world and a swap happened, tea was spilled, my closest ally was removed from the game, and Athena is ending after this season. I would like it to be known that I had absolutely no idea Amanda was so problematic and would not have gotten so close to her had I known! I'm taking this whole night kinda hard because it's like a punch in the face for me, not only because it hinders my game but also because it's so sad that I had gotten so close to Amanda these past few days and it's honestly super tragic what happened. I literally had no idea she was problematic and I had grown to care for her. I'm def just gonna take the night off and try to gather my bearings before I try to focus on the game or anyone else in it for now. Today has been insanely exhausting. Tomorrow is a new day and I fully intend to play just as hard (if not harder) as I was before, but I'm probably gonna have to start back at square 1. Wish me luck!!
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So, tribal went exactly as I planned, and the swap happened... just as planned. However, Amanda wasn't something I had planned or even considered happening. Like, it's crazy when you think you know somebody, but then it turns out they are actually a 180 of what you think they are... Naturally this throws the Night Owls into serious haywire, and honestly, it might as well be a new game only with less allies at this point.
Well, Dani as it turns out is the Abi-Maria type, you know "fuck with me, you're dead." Good news is that I'm on a different tribe. Bad news is that I went in that tribal with 6 people willing to work with me, and walked out with 2.
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As time goes on, I'm slowly feeling a bit better about my tribe, but we'll see how I'm feeling when/if we go to tribal. Bodhi surprisingly seems less upset than Dani, almost makes me glad I got him instead of Dani. (Though having Colin and Timmy would have been ideal for me.)
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Hi hosts I haven't made a confessional yet. honestly last night was wild like. i was drinking because i'm on vacaytion and that's what you do and like i started drinking like RIGHT when ryan sent the letter so i knew this was gonna be an interesting night so i kept on doing it and i was definitely gone. so yeah my tribes cool i like dani a lot. hopefully her drama will keep us alive. i don't know who's from what tribe but i do know anna and i are the only ones from talio on a tribe of 8 so that's really cute!
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Okay so... last night was a hot mess. We tribe swap but then get put on One World with a scary pairs challenge, but then everyone fights Amanda Lynn for blindsiding Nicholas, THEN she gets exposed and quits the game. Omg Dani’s mind... So now I’m on a new tribe so let’s assess them! Super happy Andrew is with me. My closest ally from the old tribe that I can trust. Nathan and Nicole are here too, but they seem like a tighter duo with each other than us. I just hope they don’t do any shady business. Super happy to be reunited with Bodhi, we were a duo in B.B. pokémon but it might be known with Julia on this tribe. Speaking of Julia, don’t think we’re on good terms. She doesn’t like me so I’m not gonna bother messaging her. I played furby with Colin, we didn’t talk much there though. He tells me he lead the blindside against Nicholas and Kori was with him too so they’re probably working together. And then there’s Isaac, don’t have an opinion of him. Let’s just hope this phase of the game goes swimmingly.
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OK WOW THAT AMANDA LYNN DRAMA I THINK SORTA SAVED ME! I WAS PAIRED WIHT JAKE! IN THAT PAIRED UP WHAT EVER CRAP TURN LEFT TURN RIGHT BULLSHIT! and well i was most definitely going to turn right on his ass. Bc i know for a fact he was lying to me i know he was also turning right. IM NOT DUMB JAKE! sooo i was shook! bc like i didnt know all that wud play out. BUT THEN QUEEN JAY B. EXPOSED AMANDA LYNNS ASS! WHICH GETS HER PRETTY MUVH REMOVED/WALKED FROM THE GAME! which means no dumb pairs! sooo now we r on this one world tribal beach for like no reason ! ahah. but yeah i pretty much trust no one on my tribe like at all. BESIDES DANI A FUCKING QUEEN ! DANI I FUCKING LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AN BACK! <3 well im on the ugly audax tribe now. and i need to make  a video DR about other stuff   
ali and emily TY TY FOR PUTTING ANNA on my tribe after the swap! SHE  IS A GODDESS ON THE UNDERWORLD <3 (mean this in a good way) she is definitely a slytherin sooo cunning! ME AN HER BOTH BEING POTS AND VILLAINS OF OUR GAMES AND BEING ON THE SAME TRIBE <3  wow ty for rigging us together <3 SHE IS MY QUEEN! LIKE i hope she is bein genuine wiht me right now bc i want to work with her sooo bad!
Before my first tribal https://youtu.be/RfsGDjeD9_w   After my first tribal https://youtu.be/NDCkPgw75II 
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https://youtu.be/M4bMaLxzwpY  Update on what I said about Blake though: we both like the same shows so that’s amazing because they’re Netflix shows which are my favorite.
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Ali won't tell me where the idols are. That fucking snake this is why I told the hosts I refused to play with him.
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Well, now that the Amanda fiasco has been said and done, I feel good about AJ and Julia in my tribe, meanwhile I still have Colin and I'm trying to work on a potential 5th, if we can get 5 that's a majority in a possible vote, and then I can move through this tribe fearlessly.
I dunno how I feel about the challenge, because it feels like one that if I'm in, I could definitely drop the ball, and as a result be the target, which would SUCK like majorly.
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Hi My name is john coffey And yes I drink coffee.
Talio wins immunity, sending Audax is sent to tribal council.
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I'm a little late with this confession but Amanda got removed cus sis, she's homophobic, bye.
17 more to go.
So theres some annoying beef going on between Timmy and Dani and I mean I might as well be annoying and call them out about it in the tribe chat. It's the last season of Athena we gotta spice shit up.
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So much is happening, I wanted Dani out, Dani wanted me out, Mo was trying to instigate stuff in the tribe chat. Once the challenge results were posted Ryan was messaging me saying that we should keep the 4 of us who were in the challenge safe because we need strong competitors and I agreed. Then after that I heard from Anna that Dani was saying my name, which is fucked up because she (Dani) had just said last night that she wants to put the past behind us. But honestly, and this is going to sound really stupid, after the Mo thing in the tribe chat, I'd much rather have him gone. The way to do that is to work with Dani and just let everything out into the open. Especially since Mo said, both in PMs and in the tribe chat, that he is trying a more assertive and bold strategy. Don't reveal your strategy, that's stupid. So Dani and I have been talking and we want Mo out because that seems like the best idea right now because he is trying to personify that there is an issue between us. I can get Anna on board and she seems like she would agree to it based on a small talk about it and Dani said she got John. But also John hasn't responded to my last message so....that's something. Trusting Dani could be what gets me out of this game and I really could be booboo the fool, but sometimes risks need to be taken. I'm just hoping that I can convince Ryan that this is the smarter plan, or maybe he can talk some sense into me and then Dani goes. Either way I don't want to be the one leaving tomorrow and I'm going to try everything to make sure that that does not happen. But right now it is 1am and I can get nothing accomplished this late, so that will have to wait until tomorrow where hopefully I don't wake up to a tribe chat on fire.
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ofc my tribe loses. Tribal council loves "ana" ;) @ emily anyway dani and timmy are fighting which makes it sooo easy to just sit back and vote one of them BUT i really like timmy. and Dani is close to Blake and Ryan who I have an alliance chat with so I don't think they will vote her. Naturally I threw out the idea to keep BOTH of them for the drama and since Dani is going to go after Colin, Kori AND Timmy she will make such a great meat shield even in the future. So I threw out Mo's name. We were originally not going to vote anyone who competed in the challenge but Mo took literally so long, 5 minutes longer than the person on the other tribe and Ryan had gotten him a beautiful lead. Ofc I was 2 minutes slower but hear me out. Apparently in the jeopardy challenge he had bad internet or something and flopped and let everyone down. So thats kinda 2 in a row. Don't get me wrong, I think he's a super nice guy and I get why everyone loves him BUT him and I's convo's seem to run dry. Compared to people like Blake or Ryan who I want to talk to all the time, I don't see myself working with him closely in the future. So we will see. Looks like its gonna be one of those three!
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it's me again. SO last night mo was like stirring the pot or something and tried having like an intervention with dani and timmy. or like, relationship therapy i guess. BUT it seems like little mo's fun backfired because mr timmy came to me this morning and it appears he and dani have kissed and made up and now they want little mo out. gay gagging! anna's on board i think. and it doesn't seem like vindicta is united. i know john said he didn't really connect with everyone so that's good. and timmys gonna pull in RTP so we can vote out mo. so that's fun!
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The numbers to get Mo out seem to be there so I am thrilled! We don't need someone who is going to try to cause drama just so they can then hide in the shadows. The difficult part comes next and that is telling Ryan that Mo is the target, but I am hoping that will go well because the numbers are already there, and I'll phrase it in a way that is me asking him rather than saying it is already happening...even though it is.
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Kori is literally.... like... insane. Every single time I'm on a call with him and one other person he offers a 'voice chat' alliance to f3. We've had one with Timmy since night 1, made one with Nathan yesterday, and he also offered one to Isaac. It's literally too much I'm screaming. Straights are WILD.
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Mo is sent home by a vote of 6-1. You can watch his preseason interview here.
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