#''time travel sucks actually'' - adam murray
svturn-exe · 1 year
can i hear. abt the minutexminute au
nkJDhfjkbKLDF y E !! it's. Gabriel Experiences Hubris: the AU p utting the rest of my rambling under a readmore vv
the premise is!! gabriel trying to minmax Suffering by trapping the victims in an infinite loop of the worst days of their lives. it backfires for them really badly bc u shouldn't combine time loops with The Horrors gabriel goes and kills cesar & his mother to make an alt with cesar's appearance to go kill mark, bc mark is extraordinarly strong-willed and that could end up being a problem down the road. gabriel traps cesar in a loop of that night (rip mama torres) mark's loop is the full three days that he's trapped for, not much changed from canon jonah & adam are stuck in their loop together! which is the entirety of their investigation, including part of the drive there. this also means they have that fuckin arguement every single tim e but eventually smth goes wrong bc somethign something MAD + time looping = Not Good and jonah starts getting deja vu. and eventually that escalates to jonah straight up starting to Remember Things He Shouldn't and from there it becomes jonah trying different things each loop to try and break them and adam out of it. he tries going in the basement with adam, wrestling the steering wheel away from adam ont he drive and trying to turn the car the fuck around, smashing the tv , etc but nothing seems to be working bc they just. cannot bat out an alternate in a figh t it's gets to the point where jonah starts going by like. speedrun rules and if he fucks up an attempt he just picks up a box cutter he found and . "resets" but the more and more loops he goes through, the more warped he becomes........ and adam finally starts to notice. which is what starts to get adam to start remembering things, but he's not quite where jonah is just yet anyway jonah does snap and fuckign Maul six to death in the basement and preacher wisely decides to peace ou t . fulfilling the mission given to her by gabriel ain't worth this ma n there's two of these crazy bitches by the time they get to that point adam is also kinda warped (i'm still thinking abt this bc. this au was pre-vol 4 but i do know i want adam to b an alt still. just gotta figure out how to work that in) and he can go thru tvs n shit like six :) he can also drag other people thru tvs, and that's how he and jonah finally leave their little personal hell bubble
so the Backstreet Boys are free and they're on the run for multiple reasons now. 1. they're still wanted by the fbi 2. they don't exactly look Normal anymore
they end up retreating to mandela county bc where else to hide as a horror than amongst the horrors & they choose a particular abandoned house to camp out in until they figure out what to do
but then jonah starts to notice smth Weird abt the house they're in like they just have a Feeling u kno. n after a bit of poking around they and adam discover a tv in a bedroom that . looks a lot like a crime scen e
it's mark's house, and now adam & jonah are interfering with his Hell Loop
by the time adam & jonah get there, mark is. definitely a lot worse for wear, since he has been looping since 1992 and it's currently 2009, but all things considered he's still going strong. and by strong i mean day 1 of his loops now he's running out his room w a gun, yelling insults at the horrors & cursing out God
anyway adam crawls out of mark's tv and quickly has to go the fuck back bc mark does tries to shoot his ass IMMEDIATELY. boy is not playing around
it'll take some time for adam & jonah to earn mark's trus t. mostly via adam hastily shoving notes thru the tv & quickly yanking his hand back b4 he can lose a finger to the Deagle
meanwhile cesar is still stuck with gabriel. but gabriel is also stuck with cesar.
the only reason mark is still as "intact" as he is after 17 years of this is bc he has a Will Of Steel
cesar is not nearly as unflappabl e and so he has become. a lot different
at first gabriel thought it was interesting and they wanted to see where it would go . now they feel Regret bc cesar is no longer trying to run away or plead or anything and is just comign @ gabriel with Intent to kill. but every time gabriel kills cesar he just. resets & comes back & continues trying to kill them
h ell for all parties involved .
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Musical Massacare Act 1
*the year is 3095
Jospephine *narrarting the story* "life in the year 3095 can be pretty awesome. We have the coolest technology, the greatest lives, and dare I say it? the coolest ansestors"
Brianna and Sally walking out of a building that reads *National Musuem of Technology*
Brianna Quinn: "I can't believe they actually did that"
Sally Vulcano "neither can I! We legit have the best ansestors in spirit existence"
Jospehine: *still narrating* "my friends along with me are also descendents of the Impractical Jokers. Yes, you heard that correctly. Of course, everyone assumes that we all want to be comedians, but we all have more important jobs. Not that making people laugh is important, but when you're being counted on to make relations with other galaxies or rescuing people from black holes, it can be tough, not too mention downright scary"
Jospehine: "what's up Jamie? working on those techno beats for the party?"
Jamie Murray: "yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I? techno music is my life"
Josephine: *to the audience* "the thing that's so great about descending from Joe and Bessy Gatto is that you learn a lot of interesting things in life. One of them being how awesome of a planet we are, when we all just learn to love one another"
Sally: "wow, living so close to the 5th millenium is so exciting. I feel bad for the people that had to deal with inferior technology"
Josephine: "yeah, I know right? Imagine seeing a delicious pie on TV and not being able to eat it right away or not being able to jump in the TV to go to place advertised on it? that must really suck"
Josephine: *to the audience* "here's a breakdown of our careers. You're probally already familar with what Jamie, Brianna, and I do for a living because who can possibly forget about black holes, jamming out to some good techo music, or the possibility of paralel universes?"
Sally: "my favorite era that I have been in so far definitly has to be 2800's. I loved how the once fueding countries were so close, really warmed my heart"
Joesephine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano is the time era consultant, which means that whenever someone messes up the time line she restores it back to normal"
Brianna: "can't wait for the party this week. heard it was going to be awesome"
Jamie: "you bet. already got the track down"
Jospehine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano probally has the hardest job out of all four of us. If she is unable to identify and fix what exactly went wrong in the time era system, it can throw the entire universe off and we all know we don't want that to happen"
Sally: "let's hope no one tries going back in time and does something they're not supposed to, because I don't have the energy right now to fix people's errors"
Brianna Quinn: "that doesn't mean other people have to suffer. I'm in charge of getting people rescued from black holes, the place where there is no escpae from, I help them find an escape. We all have diffucult carrers, everyone counts on us to do an awesome job"
Sally: "because if we don't, we'll never hear the end of it. Like how somene got trapped in a black hole last year, and you couldn't rescue them. The entire planet hated you for months"
Joesphine: *to the audience* "Our ansestors may have been nervous of how people would react to their jokes, but it's a whole different story when you have a career that can dangerously effect the entire universe if you don't do it correctly"
scene 2
Gretel: “today we will be learning about the Trump Presidency and the events that happened because of it”
Christiania- “why do we have to learn about occurrences that happened 1,000 years ago?”
Addison- “yeah, what does that have to do with us?”
Gretel- “history builds our future, it’s a foundation of our character and how we perceive the world around us and treat others. It’s important we learn this stuff in order to create a positive building block for the future”
Sally- “can we learn about our ancestors after this?”
Gretel: “the Impractical Jokers? They have an exhibit at the Antique shop. You can teleport there after school if you would like”
*Brianna and Josephine high-five each other and then give their friends Jamie and Sally a thumbs up*
Michelle- “and don’t forget shows like Adam Ruins Everything, the Chris Gethard Show and the Carbanaro effect”
Gretel- “yes, those shows have an exhibit as well”
Gretel- “okay, now the Trump Presidency occurred in the year 2017. Many people lost their families due to violence. This was by far the worst presidencies known to mankind”
Darla: “why did people vote for him then? Wasn’t it because they liked him and thought he would make a god choice for president?”
Gretel- “he won for that reason, but historians for hundreds of years have said that problems erupted due to his term as president”
Jamie: “how bad were the problems? I’m sure they couldn’t have been that horrible”
Gretel- “back then there was a disagreement about guns. Most of the people that voted for Trump thought that weapons shouldn’t be banned, because they were afraid they would have nothing to protect themselves with”
Brianna- “so they couldn’t trust each other? They actually thought they had the need for weapons?”
Gretel- “it was a conflict that effected many lives. Take the Parkinson shooting for instance. After the tragic event occurred, many Republicans were serious about keeping the “right to bear arms” amendment”
Josephine- “were all Republicans like this?”
Gretel- “actually some of them fell in between with their beliefs. Not all Republicans thought the same like historians would like us to believe”
Michelle: “do you know why the Republicans thought that way”?
Gretel-“they wanted to protect their loved ones, and thought that having been armed with guns would have been the best way to achieve that. However there were people that disagreed with this, these were the people that decided to put a ban on gun usage”
Addison- “how was that going to help? Even if they did ban weapons, the people guilty of pertaining one would just have found a new way to hurt people”
Gretel- “questioning the world around you. You’re just like your ancestor. And yes, banning assault rifles wouldn’t have helped. A lot of civilians thought that guns were needed for protection, and this caused a conflict about whether to keep guns or ban them”
Brianna- “if people were for guns, how come they were also pro life? That doesn’t add up”
Gretel- “people in the past thought the same thing as well. In fact there was a Women’s march that took place two months after President Trump set foot in office. Many people thought the Women’s march was a symbol for girl power, but the message others received, were horrendous”
Jamie- “how bad was it?”
Gretel- “during the march, people held signs with words and images hinting that they were pro choice. This angered lots of Republicans because they believed that everyone deserved a chance to enter the world”
Darla: “if they were pro-life, how come when I went to the antique shop the other day, I saw comments from those very same people, posting about how others should have been aborted? Even if someone commits a sin, you shouldn’t say stuff like that”
Gretel- “you’re absolutely right. No one should be told that they shouldn’t have had the chance to be alive. Unfortunately, people back then were extremely cruel. For reasons that we don’t know of”
scene 3
Cassidy- “wow, a simulation exhibit. This must be cool”
Brianna- “apparently this is an exhibit that lets you travel back hundreds of years, and it gives you a glimpse of what it was like to live in the 90’s and early 2000’s”
Jamie- “we can see how our ancestors lived. That’s awesome because all of them lived during the same time period”
Josephine- “we go to this antique shop all the time and all we never did this exhibit. I say we give it a try” Addison- “we always heard about in history class how these people lived, but now we actually get to experience it first hand. What could be more exciting?”
Sally- “wait, so if we go back to 2017, cause that’s when all of our ancestors were on Tru TV, at the same time, that means we’re going back a thousand years”
Brianna- “wouldn’t the time jump effect us? As in terms of how slow or how fast it passes?”
Darla- “well it’s true that we would be traveling back to a millennium ago, but I don’t think it will effect the passage of time”
Sally- “so we’ll be in an ancient era, but the time wouldn’t be affected at all?”
Cassidy- “exactly. There’s actually a time blocker. If the machine detects you’re about to do something that would affect the future, it stops that from happening. As long as this feature is enabled, we should be safe.”
Christiania- “when we get back, we should visit the music from the past exhibit, to help us find inspiration for the Talent Bash”
(The girls are back in the year 2017)
Michelle- “this place looks weird”
Brianna- “yeah, when you spend your entire life where chrome buildings, jet packs, hover cars, and robots are the norm, it can be weird being in a world where the cars are on the ground, the buildings are made out of bricks, and the robots haven’t evolved yet.”
Josephine- “this is New York. Our ancestors must be near by because they filmed here all the time when they did their episodes”
Brianna- “we should try the mall. Everyone will just think we’re girls trying to get a deal on jewelry, but in reality, we just want to see our awesome ancestors”
Sally- “all right, let’s go”
Jamie- “try looking for your ancestors. Pay them a visit for being amazing”
Micelle- “we can just see them in the spirit world”
Cassidy- “you can visit the Impractical Jokers. We want to walk around and explore this place a bit”
Christiania- “I mean look at this place. We’re so used to seeing aluminum buildings, so in a way this could actually be good for us”
Addison- “change of scenery. It can actually be quite healthy changing your surroundings”
Jamie- “our ancestors are super cool, so we might be in the mall for a while. Explore this ancient city of New York and knock yourself out”
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svturn-exe · 1 year
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a quick thing of minutexminute mark bc i don't feel like doing anything even remotely resembling coloring rn
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Act 1 of Musical Massacre (please, if you see this post, you can like if you want, but please, reblog, no matter what)
this is just an excerpt, to read the rest, go visit, www.sweek.com. You may have to sign up though in order to do so
*the year is 3095
Jospephine *narrarting the story* "life in the year 3095 can be pretty awesome. We have the coolest technology, the greatest lives, and dare I say it? the coolest ansestors"
Brianna and Sally walking out of a building that reads *National Musuem of Technology*
Brianna Quinn: "I can't believe they actually did that"
Sally Vulcano "neither can I! We legit have the best ansestors in spirit existence"
Jospehine: *still narrating* "my friends along with me are also descendents of the Impractical Jokers. Yes, you heard that correctly. Of course, everyone assumes that we all want to be comedians, but we all have more important jobs. Not that making people laugh is important, but when you're being counted on to make relations with other galaxies or rescuing people from black holes, it can be tough, not too mention downright scary"
Jospehine: "what's up Jamie? working on those techno beats for the party?"
Jamie Murray: "yeah, of course I am. Why wouldn't I? techno music is my life"
Josephine: *to the audience* "the thing that's so great about descending from Joe and Bessy Gatto is that you learn a lot of interesting things in life. One of them being how awesome of a planet we are, when we all just learn to love one another"
Sally: "wow, living so close to the 5th millenium is so exciting. I feel bad for the people that had to deal with inferior technology"
Josephine: "yeah, I know right? Imagine seeing a delicious pie on TV and not being able to eat it right away or not being able to jump in the TV to go to place advertised on it? that must really suck"
Josephine: *to the audience* "here's a breakdown of our careers. You're probally already familar with what Jamie, Brianna, and I do for a living because who can possibly forget about black holes, jamming out to some good techo music, or the possibility of paralel universes?"
Sally: "my favorite era that I have been in so far definitly has to be 2800's. I loved how the once fueding countries were so close, really warmed my heart"
Joesephine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano is the time era consultant, which means that whenever someone messes up the time line she restores it back to normal"
Brianna: "can't wait for the party this week. heard it was going to be awesome"
Jamie: "you bet. already got the track down"
Jospehine: *to the audience* "Sally Vulcano probally has the hardest job out of all four of us. If she is unable to identify and fix what exactly went wrong in the time era system, it can throw the entire universe off and we all know we don't want that to happen"
Sally: "let's hope no one tries going back in time and does something they're not supposed to, because I don't have the energy right now to fix people's errors"
Brianna Quinn: "that doesn't mean other people have to suffer. I'm in charge of getting people rescued from black holes, the place where there is no escpae from, I help them find an escape. We all have diffucult carrers, everyone counts on us to do an awesome job"
Sally: "because if we don't, we'll never hear the end of it. Like how somene got trapped in a black hole last year, and you couldn't rescue them. The entire planet hated you for months"
Joesphine: *to the audience* "Our ansestors may have been nervous of how people would react to their jokes, but it's a whole different story when you have a career that can dangerously effect the entire universe if you don't do it correctly"
scene 2
Gretel: “today we will be learning about the Trump Presidency and the events that happened because of it”
Christiania- “why do we have to learn about occurrences that happened 1,000 years ago?”
Addison- “yeah, what does that have to do with us?”
Gretel- “history builds our future, it’s a foundation of our character and how we perceive the world around us and treat others. It’s important we learn this stuff in order to create a positive building block for the future”
Sally- “can we learn about our ancestors after this?”
Gretel: “the Impractical Jokers? They have an exhibit at the Antique shop. You can teleport there after school if you would like”
*Brianna and Josephine high-five each other and then give their friends Jamie and Sally a thumbs up*
Michelle- “and don’t forget shows like Adam Ruins Everything, the Chris Gethard Show and the Carbanaro effect”
Gretel- “yes, those shows have an exhibit as well”
Gretel- “okay, now the Trump Presidency occurred in the year 2017. Many people lost their families due to violence. This was by far the worst presidencies known to mankind”
Darla: “why did people vote for him then? Wasn’t it because they liked him and thought he would make a god choice for president?”
Gretel- “he won for that reason, but historians for hundreds of years have said that problems erupted due to his term as president”
Jamie: “how bad were the problems? I’m sure they couldn’t have been that horrible”
Gretel- “back then there was a disagreement about guns. Most of the people that voted for Trump thought that weapons shouldn’t be banned, because they were afraid they would have nothing to protect themselves with”
Brianna- “so they couldn’t trust each other? They actually thought they had the need for weapons?”
Gretel- “it was a conflict that effected many lives. Take the Parkinson shooting for instance. After the tragic event occurred, many Republicans were serious about keeping the “right to bear arms” amendment”
Josephine- “were all Republicans like this?”
Gretel- “actually some of them fell in between with their beliefs. Not all Republicans thought the same like historians would like us to believe”
Michelle: “do you know why the Republicans thought that way”?
Gretel-“they wanted to protect their loved ones, and thought that having been armed with guns would have been the best way to achieve that. However there were people that disagreed with this, these were the people that decided to put a ban on gun usage”
Addison- “how was that going to help? Even if they did ban weapons, the people guilty of pertaining one would just have found a new way to hurt people”
Gretel- “questioning the world around you. You’re just like your ancestor. And yes, banning assault rifles wouldn’t have helped. A lot of civilians thought that guns were needed for protection, and this caused a conflict about whether to keep guns or ban them”
Brianna- “if people were for guns, how come they were also pro life? That doesn’t add up”
Gretel- “people in the past thought the same thing as well. In fact there was a Women’s march that took place two months after President Trump set foot in office. Many people thought the Women’s march was a symbol for girl power, but the message others received, were horrendous”
Jamie- “how bad was it?”
Gretel- “during the march, people held signs with words and images hinting that they were pro choice. This angered lots of Republicans because they believed that everyone deserved a chance to enter the world”
Darla: “if they were pro-life, how come when I went to the antique shop the other day, I saw comments from those very same people, posting about how others should have been aborted? Even if someone commits a sin, you shouldn’t say stuff like that”
Gretel- “you’re absolutely right. No one should be told that they shouldn’t have had the chance to be alive. Unfortunately, people back then were extremely cruel. For reasons that we don’t know of”
scene 3
Cassidy- “wow, a simulation exhibit. This must be cool”
Brianna- “apparently this is an exhibit that lets you travel back hundreds of years, and it gives you a glimpse of what it was like to live in the 90’s and early 2000’s”
Jamie- “we can see how our ancestors lived. That’s awesome because all of them lived during the same time period”
Josephine- “we go to this antique shop all the time and all we never did this exhibit. I say we give it a try” Addison- “we always heard about in history class how these people lived, but now we actually get to experience it first hand. What could be more exciting?”
Sally- “wait, so if we go back to 2017, cause that’s when all of our ancestors were on Tru TV, at the same time, that means we’re going back a thousand years”
Brianna- “wouldn’t the time jump effect us? As in terms of how slow or how fast it passes?”
Darla- “well it’s true that we would be traveling back to a millennium ago, but I don’t think it will effect the passage of time”
Sally- “so we’ll be in an ancient era, but the time wouldn’t be affected at all?”
Cassidy- “exactly. There’s actually a time blocker. If the machine detects you’re about to do something that would affect the future, it stops that from happening. As long as this feature is enabled, we should be safe.”
Christiania- “when we get back, we should visit the music from the past exhibit, to help us find inspiration for the Talent Bash”
(The girls are back in the year 2017)
Michelle- “this place looks weird”
Brianna- “yeah, when you spend your entire life where chrome buildings, jet packs, hover cars, and robots are the norm, it can be weird being in a world where the cars are on the ground, the buildings are made out of bricks, and the robots haven’t evolved yet.”
Josephine- “this is New York. Our ancestors must be near by because they filmed here all the time when they did their episodes”
Brianna- “we should try the mall. Everyone will just think we’re girls trying to get a deal on jewelry, but in reality, we just want to see our awesome ancestors”
Sally- “all right, let’s go”
Jamie- “try looking for your ancestors. Pay them a visit for being amazing”
Micelle- “we can just see them in the spirit world”
Cassidy- “you can visit the Impractical Jokers. We want to walk around and explore this place a bit”
Christiania- “I mean look at this place. We’re so used to seeing aluminum buildings, so in a way this could actually be good for us”
Addison- “change of scenery. It can actually be quite healthy changing your surroundings”
Jamie- “our ancestors are super cool, so we might be in the mall for a while. Explore this ancient city of New York and knock yourself out”
0 notes