#'Her sex and status simply did not allow her the regular and acknowledged access to power enjoyed by politically ambitious male favourites'
wonder-worker · 27 days
"...Walsingham, the monastic author of the St. Albans Chronicle, was by far [Alice Perrers'] harshest contemporary critic, who in his venom has (somewhat ironically) left us with the longest and most detailed account of her background and personality, her influence as Edward’s mistress, and her subsequent trial. He describes Alice as a shameless lowborn meretrix (a word variously translated as mistress, whore, or harlot), who “brought almost universal dishonour upon the king’s reputation […] and defiled virtually the whole kingdom of England with her disgraceful insolence.” Although Walsingham was not always accurate and, specifically in this case, clearly heavily biased against Alice, he nevertheless provides a truly contemporary account, and his importance as a source should not be underestimated. Likewise, the anonymous monk of St. Mary’s York recorded that in the Good Parliament the Commons (represented by their speaker, Sir Peter de la Mare) stated that it “would be of great gain to the kingdom to remove the said dame [Alice] from the presence of the king both as a matter of conscious and of the ill prosecution of the war.” During the same assembly, the bishop of Rochester, Thomas Brinton, preached from St. Paul’s Cross that “it is not fitting nor safe for all the keys of the kingdom to hang from the belt of one wife.” Although the word wife (uxoris) is used, it is widely accepted that this is a reference to Alice.”
-Laura Tompkins, '"Edward III's Gold-Digging Mistress": Alice Perrers, Gender, and Financial Power at the English Royal Court, 1360-1377", "Women and Economic Power in Premodern Courts" (edited by Cathleen Sarti). Italics by me.
#alice perrers#historicwomendaily#my post#edward iii#@ anon who asked me how much faith should we put in Walsingham's account of Alice#Walsingham is undoubtedly vicious and prejudiced (and thus not always accurate - perhaps deliberately so) where Alice is concerned#But he is also a direct contemporary eyewitness and is thus invaluable as a source. His importance can never be emphasized enough.#More importantly however - the image of Alice as a transgressive woman with improper influence who 'hijacked' the kingdom#is not merely painted by Walsingham or limited to his account#It's how these other sources - the monk at St. Mary's and the Bishop of Rochester - depicted her as well#('it is not fitting nor safe for all the keys of the kingdom to hang from the belt of one wife' is pretty telling in more ways than one)#as did contemporary literature of the time like Chaucer's 'Wife of Bath' and William Langland's Lady Meed in 'Piers Plowman'#the whole point of the Good Parliament & the Parliament after Edward III's death was to simultaneously restrict her influence & punish her#So...I'd say Walsingham's image of Alice (unfortunately) tracks with how she was widely perceived at the time#Of course that doesn't mean that this image shouldn't be reassessed and recontextualized#Misogyny and classism very demonstrably played a huge role in how Alice was regarded by contemporaries#Ormrod has also pointed out that no matter the extent of Alice's influence she would ultimately always be limited by the practical#reality of being a woman and a commoner#'Her sex and status simply did not allow her the regular and acknowledged access to power enjoyed by politically ambitious male favourites'#It is not impossible that she was 'a symbol rather than a cause' of the crisis in Edward III's late reign#And of course it's true that WERE people who defended her publicly and privately even after Edward's death as Walsingham himself admits#She can't have been as universally detested as most people think#(we should also consider Walsingham's deriding comment about her 'seductiveness' ie: she was probably very witty and charismatic)#But ofc none of this change the fact that Walsingham's image of Alice's 'impropriety' transgressiveness was a widespread one#Nor does it change the fact that this image was fundamentally rooted in the very real and impressive power she had#Alice WAS proactive and acquisitive and wildly influential (Edward III listened to her over several of his own children ffs)#She DID have more power and visibility than any other royal mistress in medieval England#She DOES seem to have acted in ways that would have been perceived as 'inverting queenship'#*That's okay*. Alice's actions & image should absolutely be recontextualized and given more sympathy than they are#but I have absolutely no intention of diminishing or downplaying them either. That's why I love her so much.
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infospot12 · 4 years
This is the part that portrayed all the privileges of ladies in Islam.
Ladies have consistently been treated with separation with regards to their privileges. They have consistently confronted shamefulness and divergence of unreasonable society. Ladies have all the essential rights simply like each other human. Ladies rights human rights. The law gives all people a similar equivalent rights with no qualification. The general public and the way of life, in any case, neglects to actualize the equivalent.
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Ladies rights in Islam:
Ladies are commonly denied equivalent access to instruction, work preparing, business, relaxation time, salary, property, social insurance, open office, dynamic force, and opportunities, just as authority over their own body and life inferable from social standards, crazy laws and silly methods of reasoning.
In any case, with regards to Islam and its treatment of ladies, it tends to be said most assuredly that everybody is equivalent before Allah. Islam propagates fairness. Peruse the Holy Book of Allah with interpretation. The precise translation of the Quran clarifies how people both are rise to and have equivalent rights in each circle of life. Since learning on the web is increasingly helpful, you can learn Quran online to find out about it with a huge number of Quranic lessons accessible on the web to answer your inquiries.
In the event that you learn Quran online to comprehend what the Holy Book of Allah needs to state about the privileges of ladies in Islam, you will be amazed to discover no segregation rather than what individuals for the most part lecture for the sake of Islam to regard ladies as substandard compared to men. The exploitation of the privileges of Muslim ladies is the consequence of sexist translations of Islam. Ladies are qualified for the same number of rights as some other human and nobody has an option to deny them their essential rights.
The privilege to training is everybody's inborn right. Islam empowers the two people to learn, look for information, and get training. The support isn't sex explicit. Everybody paying little mind to their sexual orientation is similarly qualified for quality training. The Prophet (harmony arrive) stated, "Instruction is obligatory for each Muslim."
Decision of mate
In the event that a man can pick his life accomplice, so can a lady. There is no limitation on ladies in Islam with regards to picking a companion. They are allowed to pick whoever they need to wed. Islam awards them this privilege however it is viewed as a disgrace in a cliché society. Who a lady needs to wed is her inborn right and has its premise in Islam. Strong marriage has no balance in Islam. At the hour of Prophet Muhammad (harmony arrive), a lady came to him and stated, "My dad has hitched me to my cousin to raise his social standing and I was constrained into it." The Prophet sent for the young lady's dad and afterward in his essence gave the young lady the alternative of staying wedded or invalidating the marriage. She reacted, "O Messenger of Allah, I have acknowledged what my dad did, however I needed to show other ladies (that they couldn't be constrained into a marriage)."
Right in regards to separate
The idea of separation has consistently been there. It was there before Islam as well. In any case, there was no kindness in it for ladies. Islam made it helpful and positive for ladies. There is no requirement for you to hold fast to a relationship that isn't beneficial for you. Instead of across the board misinterpretations, Islam has offered ladies the option to cut off the conjugal association with a separation.
In the event that you learn Quran online to comprehend the point of view of Islam regarding the matter of separation, you will realize that Islam permits a lady to cut her binds with her significant other on the off chance that she no longer needs to live with him for whatever might be the explanation.
During a separation, lady's property isn't isolated. Whatever she claims remains her if the marriage closes. Likewise, she is qualified for help and upkeep from her previous spouse in the event that she requires it.
Equivalent Members of Society:
In each field and in each circle of life, ladies are qualified for equivalent treatment. Equivalent space and equivalent nearness in any field is their intrinsic right conceded to them by both state and the Islamic law. They have the right to be perceived as equivalent citizenry. In social, residential, political issues and fields, ladies are conceded the equivalent option to take part and put forward their conclusion.
Ladies as Daughters
The inconsistent and unbiased treatment of ladies as little girls is very regular in our general public. The children are constantly rewarded better than girls simply because they are children. The separation dependent on this outlandish explanation is absolutely silly and denied in Islam. Ladies, as little girls, have similarly the same number of rights as men. Islam denounces the sort of uncalled for and unreasonable conduct. The Prophet(PBUH) gave happy news to the individuals who didn't affront their little girls or supported children over girls.
Ladies as Mothers
What else can more readily clarify the status and notoriety of ladies in Islam than the way that a lady ascends to an enormously raised status after she turns into a mother? Heaven is set under her feet when she turns into a mother which gives her priority over men.
Opportunity of articulation
Ladies are allowed to communicate. They are allowed to voice their feelings. The opportunity of articulation is their inborn right. Nobody has an option to close them or treat them viciously for articulation of their feelings. They can settle on choices and take an interest in open life advancing their position with no limitations dependent on the way that they are ladies and subsequently are not permitted to communicate unreservedly.
It is accounted for in the Qur'an and in history that ladies communicated their sentiment unreservedly as well as contended and took part in genuine conversations with the Prophet (PBUH) himself just as with other Muslim pioneers. This occasion alone portrays the viewpoint of Islam on ladies' opportunity of articulation.
Instead of common unreasonable treatment to a lady with regards to the conveyance of the property, she has a legitimate case to perished kinfolk's property. The offer relies upon her level of relationship to the expired and the quantity of beneficiaries. Nobody is approved to exclude her. Regardless of whether the perished wishes to deny her by making a will to different relations or for some other reason, the Law won't permit him to do as such.
Fairness of sexes all through the Qur'an
The privileges of ladies and the fairness of people are talked about in numerous spots all through the Holy Book. The understanding of a portion of the refrains are:
Whoever carries out something to be thankful for male or female-and is a devotee, will enter Heaven, and not the least foul play will be done to that individual. (Quran 4:124)
The Qur'an's essential position is that Muslim ladies are as a matter of first importance Muslims, the strict equivalents of men (Quran 33:73).
It alludes to ladies and men as each other's "defenders." (Quran 9:71).
Muslim marriage is portrayed as far as adoration and kindness (Quran 7:189; 30:21).
The Qur'an portrays companions as "articles of clothing" for each other (Quran 2:187).
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