#'the jedi can't acknowledge that the clones are slaves bc it would complicate the story too much'
wantonlywindswept · 10 months
fox kills palpatine ficbit idea
The worst part, Fox thought, was the boredom. 
It wasn't that his entire existence was now confined to the Jedi Temple and about five feet outside of it: the building was absolutely massive, a city unto itself that he still hadn't explored the entirety of, and it's not like he went many places before.
It wasn't even the slave collar around his neck, a reminder of both his classification as dangerous property in need of regulation and a reassurance to the displeased natborns who would have preferred he be decommissioned.
No, the worst part of his new life was definitely that the Jedi, in their infinite wisdom and absolutely useless naivete, recoiled from giving him anything that could even remotely be considered orders, acting like if they tried hard enough, they could believe that he wasn't their property to use as they saw fit.
At least Palpatine--may he rest in the fucking pieces Fox left him in--gave him something to do.
so i'm not going to continue this, bc it would involve more politics and morality discussion than i have the energy to write, but the gist would be that fox kills palpatine, and the only thing that keeps him from being executed/decommissioned by the senate is the jedi desperately going 'hey, we paid for the clones, that makes him our property/responsibility'. so he gets confined to the Temple under guard, and the jedi are all very sorry like 'we didn't really mean that, it was just to keep you from being killed' and he just kinda shrugs, because. it's not that much different from his life before?
he can't go anywhere he's not allowed to without being punished, he has to obey whatever orders are given to him, everything he does is monitored, there's always the threat of being killed hanging over his head. the only difference is that now he has an explosive collar and actually gets 8 hours of sleep at night.
and with fox now having the trappings of a slave, the jedi have to actually face the fact that the clones are slaves. and the clones have to face the fact that they're slaves, too. because loyalty and believing in the cause are all well in good, but they were literally created to fight and die for the republic, and they don't actually have any choice in the matter.
and there would probably need to be other things, palps' death making waves that may or may not end the war, him being a sith may or may not actually matter to the senate because a clone still killed someone in power and that's Not Allowed. the clones may or may not actually get their freedom. (probably, i'm a sucker for good endings)
but that is way more emotional investment than i currently have the energy to put into a story, so if anyone wants to run with the idea, feel free.
...also everyone should go read Sailing the Stars by @esamastation.
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