#( threads. )
mwrjorie · 7 months
starter fechado com @elecnora
emoji: ⛈️
a guarda acreditava que encontrar algumas respostas deixaria sua mente tão controlável quanto antes, mas o efeito que surtiu foi exatamente o contrário. apesar do clima não ter mudado com eleonora, suas questões se multiplicaram e seus pensamentos inadequados também. sentia cada vez mais dificuldade em disfarçá-los ou aprisioná-los no fundo de sua cabeça, precisando de mais trabalho para fugir disso. a sugestão de saírem do castelo veio da própria marjorie, uma visita na cidade. um tanto arriscado, mas já havia conversado com outros guardas para acompanharem-nas e aumentar a segurança. só esqueceu de conferir a previsão do tempo, o próprio céu dando a notícia de que seria impossível sair dali. "por deus..." murmurou ao parar na frente da janela, notando o céu cinza escuro, anunciando a chuva que cairia a qualquer momento. "nora... acredito que seja melhor cancelarmos nossos planos."
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cflcstxsculs · 1 month
The whole idea of going to a party with a bunch of annoying teenagers and making sure there were no deaths was agonising to kol. Why Davina dragged him along confused him - but he did it, for her. Despite being softer since Davina came into his life, and hope too, he still had the wily and murderous streak in him.
He stood near the bucket of cold beers and had one in one hand and a bottle of bourbon in the other. As another approached him, he glanced to them before back to the fire roaring nearby. "you know I'm not really sociable tonight... unless we're family, get lost." he spat.
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hienaquatro · 2 months
onde: ??? quando: pós plot drop, quando quiser. com: você!
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"caras!" chamou como se estivesse sentindo uma lâmpada ascender em cima de sua cabeça junto do pensamento, não parando para notar se alguém realmente estava prestando atenção em suas palavras. "se nós estamos na vida após a morte, purgatório, good place, sei lá como você prefere chamar..." gesticulava de forma eufórica a medida que articulava o que era dito. "isso quer dizer que o que quer que tenha acontecido lá em pride lands foi tipo o começo de uma guerra? uma vibe assim matrix?" falou o primeiro filme que veio a sua cabeça, balançando a mesma por um momento antes de continuar. "... não sei se essa analogia foi boa, tenho que trabalhar nela..."
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xluciifer · 4 months
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[ organized by urls ; check reblogs for reply. ]
Note: After a month without a reply back, I drop the thread; however, you can always check for your URL on my blog for any old threads if you want to pick it back up again! :]
-> @arachnaemboss ;; speaking in tongues. || × need to reply.
-> @chthonicrage ;; stasis bound worry. || × need to reply.
-> @crimsiin ;; hidden dealings. || ✓ replied.
-> @deadcmd ;; angelic security: chastity. || ✓ replied.
-> @gethellbcnt ;; just a drink. || × need to reply.
-> @hclluvahctel ;; a rigged hand. || ✓ replied.
-> @hellsbroadcaster ;; a once peaceful night. || ✓ replied.
-> @hlylight ;; angelic trauma. || × need to reply.
-> @killercmd ;; angelic security: temperance. || ✓ replied.
-> @lilitophidian ;; toxic leash of love. || × need to reply.
// // Lilith ;; a bloody 7 year wait. || × need to reply.
-> @pompedia ;; an estranged relationship. || ✓ replied.
-> @pridefell ;; the past's a heavy burden. || ✓ replied.
-> @radioiaci ;; an overlord's secrets. || × need to reply.
-> @rejec ;; innocent teasing. || × need to reply.
-> @rockange ;; made in His image. || ✓ replied.
-> @spiderslvts ;; caught in a spider's web. || ✓ replied.
-> @therealricksanchezpleasestandup ;; another excounter. || ✓ replied.
-> @veneror ;; the lamb and the serpent. || × need to reply.
-> @voxistem ;; hell's tank. || ✓ replied.
\\ \\ Vox ;; talk of the town. || ✓ replied.
\\ \\ Vox ;; craved temptations of his holy grace. || ✓ replied.
-> @wonderful-balan ;; the greatest showman. || × need to reply.
* . * . *
-> @infernal-feminae / @arachnaemboss ;; event: a star is reborn. || Zestial's turn.
-> @blitzs ;; a personal bodyguard. || ✓ replied.
-> @gctchell ;; walkin' a tightrope. || ✓ replied.
-> @hellsbroadcaster ;; a night we won't forget. || ✓ replied.
-> @infernal-feminae ;; surprise after surprise. || × need to reply.
-> @voxxisms ;; bearing an offer. || ✓ replied.
* . * . *
[ NEXT. -> ]
* . * . *
Rick ;; Intergalactic Secrets.
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Updated -> 05.20.2024
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giselle-clarke · 3 months
booze cruise 🚢
closed starter: @limalatina & @wmu-giselle date: march 23rd, 2024
Giselle hadn't woken up with plans for her final full day in paradise, but she knew she'd wanted to explore a little bit more, maybe snap a few more pictures, and at least try to be sober for half of the day at most. She'd barely ventured too far from the bungalows when she bumped right into her ex, and although slightly awkward at first, they'd agreed that the chance encounter was the perfect time for them to go and thank Mariana for the painting. By the grace of lesbian Jesus, they managed to put all of their drama aside for the time being and the trip to visit Mariana turned out to be enjoyable. All of Mariana's paintings were beautiful, and she'd even ended up purchasing two more to go along with the one Santana had gotten her. She'd found herself attempting to decipher what Santana and Mariana were saying as they spoke, picking up on a few words here and there but not quite piecing together what exactly they were talking about. Giselle made a mental note to ask Santana about it later, though she was positive the Latina wasn't going to tell her or would make something up, but she'd try it anyways.
The rest of the day went just as smoothly, for some odd reason. Since they hadn't spent any time together the entire trip, they had mutually agreed to keep up the momentum. It was a plus for her since Santana could translate everything, so she let the brunette lead the way as they did some sightseeing on Isla Holbox, grabbed lunch, and even did some more shopping before they'd headed back to the hut. Soon after arriving back, Giselle had been instructed to get appropriately dressed for dinner and to grab a sweater, and while she had an abundance of questions, she decided not to fight it as she quickly freshened up and changed into the thin strapped, low cut, little black dress that she'd packed in case of a certain emergency, and this fit the bill. She'd made time to touch up her make up and her hair before she was slipping on a pair of red heels and following Santana out. As usual, she asked a plethora of questions as she was led to whatever her ex had planned, and her jaw dropped once they arrived at a boat, which was apparently where they'd be having dinner for the night.
"After what you said the other day, I wouldn't have expected you to do all this just for me." Giselle stated once they were settled on the boat. After their little run in days ago, she'd spent the time since processing all of her feelings, attempting to get her head and her heart on the same page, and although she felt like she was there, it didn't settle her nerves much. But she couldn't keep putting it off, that much she was aware of, so she figured they should at least try to get...further than they were now. "Before I start drinking, I do want you to know that I did actually listen to everything you said then too. I have been pushing you away, but not because I don't love you or want to be with you. While you were in therapy working on yourself, I spent the past three years detaching from everything about us, and you, because it hurt less that way. Reopening that door scares the hell out of me, and I've been fighting it since I got back to Lima, but I know that's not fair to you. I also know that we're not going to fix all of our issues in one night, but we can start tonight, if you want to."
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princesaginny · 2 months
onde: tanto faz.... com: você!
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"gente..." as palavras não foram direcionadas para ninguém em específico, era mais como se ela estivesse colocando um pensamento aleatório em palavras. "se vocês não tem celular aqui, o que vocês fazem quando tão com a autoestima meio abalada e querem validação da sua aparência dada por feios que você jamais daria bola nenhuma?" fanziu as sobrancelhas pensando em uma noite até relativamente comum de um sábado onde ela não estava com força de vontade o suficiente para sair de casa e olhar pessoas ao mesmo tempo que queria uma validação vazia e fútil que conseguiria facilmente no tinder. "ás vezes eu não quero me arrumar, sair e me encontrar com pessoas feias presencialmente, sabe? cansa."
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fledercanons · 2 months
@thefcxandthehcund (Plotted Copper and Sarabi)
───── ⋆⋅☽⋅⋆ ─────
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"Tod!" Copper's enthusiastic bark bounced out through the yard as the hound came barreling toward his best friend. Without much warning, he tumbled right into the fox kit.
"We gotta get goin', Tod! We're gonna miss it!"
───── ⋆⋅☽⋅⋆ ─────
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greengideon · 5 months
starter: open @aurorabaystarter location: seaside hotel, new year's eve
"I can't say that I have the most fancy palette, but I'm really on board with what they're serving here. Only problem is is that you gotta snag a whole tray to even halfway satisfy your hunger," Gideon observes, offering his tiny cocktail plate to the other.
"You tried these stuffed mushroom caps yet?"
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wyldache · 5 months
@honortodth : ❝ touch me. ❞
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before feanor even speaks, the only thing zhenya can think about is what it might be like to reach out, break the distance between them and drag her mouth across his. ❝ you want me to touch you. ❞ she murmurs, the golden rings in her hair clinking together as she moves closer so that her scent of cedar and incense clouds the air between them.
she could joke that she already is, a hand pressed to the cloth bound against his stitched-up wound. but she won't.
❝ where do you want me to touch you? ❞ zhenya's breath ghosts up against his cheek. all he'd have to do is turn his head. all it would take is the purposeful tilt of his chin for their mouths to meet. the idea robs her of all her breath, holds her fast by a fierce longing. her palms burn, aching to take his face into her hands and pull him against her. ❝ here? ❞ a hand presses to his thigh, wraps around the firm muscle there. ❝ or here, perhaps? ❞ her nose against his ear, her heart in her throat as she exhales. ❝ or... maybe here? ❞ that hand on his thigh travels up, travels high. settles between feanor's legs, so close but not close enough.
she almost smiles. would, if her heart wasn't racing. ❝ is that what you meant? ❞
SMUTTY DIALOGUE : always accepting.
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edietello · 5 months
starter for: @noah-atwood location: outside seascape, new years eve
"I didn't know if you'd want a Coke or a Pepsi but, considering that you don't appear to be a psychopath, I got you a coke."
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wyrdhearth · 5 months
@honortodth : plotted starter.
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the moon is full, the wind is sweet and salted, and the city is alive, and still the air between them is quiet. an amicable, gentle silence, but silence nonetheless. zhenya reclines against the rough trunk of a nearby thick-barked tree and sets her eyes upon feanor. like many of the other gravetenders she's met in her travels, he's quiet; reflective. rumor had it the cleric had taken a vow of silence for a year; she isn't sure if this is true, but looking at him now, she believes it.
❝ back home, ❞ she murmurs in her husky, heavy accent, so different from the regal tones of the gate's elite. ❝ we used to tell stories and feast after a funeral. to remember the deceased in more ways than their last days. I am... not so used to the melancholy here. ❞ zhenya understands, of course. death wears different cloaks for different people. ❝ will you break bread with me? to remember those that are gone? ❞
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mwrjorie · 5 months
starter fechado com: @elecnora
evento: festa de ano novo
era a primeira vez que marjorie se importava em estar perto de alguém na virada do ano. embora vivesse um conflito constante entre o que deveria fazer e o que queria, era fácil esquecer do primeiro quando eleonora a olhava daquele jeito. combinaram que se afastariam dos demais antes da contagem e, após encontrar o cantinho perfeito, a beijaria exatamente meia-noite. uvas ficariam para outro momento; uma desculpa para terem sumido. no entanto, mesmo com tanto cuidado e planejamento, esqueceram de algo importante: ela era a princesa do brasil. pouco antes da contagem, antes mesmo que a guarda pudesse sinalizar, a viu ser abordada por alguém importante. não sabia se interrompia ou não, tudo parecia ser suspeito demais. então, a contagem veio. não tirou os olhos dela, a pressa substituída gradualmente pela aceitação da derrota. meia-noite; feliz ano novo. todos se cumprimentavam, mas os olhos de fontes continuavam focados no mesmo alvo. seu olhar calmo, com um sorriso um tanto desapontado, mas não totalmente incômodo. discreto também, como de costume. como não conseguiria atravessar o local considerando toda a movimentação, pegou seu celular para mandar mensagens.
📲: feliz ano novo, micaela! :)
📲: creio que teremos que esperar o próximo ano para realizar essa tradição...
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heyymikki · 5 months
WHO: @nikodimopoulos LOCATION: Gold Dust Diner
In all honesty, Mikayla hadn't expected her late-night text to receive a response, let alone for it to result in Niko agreeing to grab food with her. After all, he'd said it was to be used for emergencies only, but he didn't seem to push back against her bucking the rules too hard, which only served to amuse her and make her want to see how far she could go with it. Still clad in her pajamas, she'd met him outside of her house, and they drove the few minutes to downtown, arriving at the diner shortly after.
"You can take a seat over there. I've got to talk to them real quick," she said, motioning towards her usual booth, then made her way to the counter to speak with the waitress on shift to request a fresh pot of coffee be made. It was the least she could do for him considering he'd gone out of his way to pick her up. She slid into the booth across from him and let out a sigh as she picked up one of the menus. "Will you actually eat while we're here or should I keep my recommendations to myself?"
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peterbasara · 10 months
open starter @aurorabaystarter location: outside of oasis nightclub
Peter took a hit from his vape before posing a question, obnoxiously exhaling the smoke of it into the air between them.
"Okay so what's the absolute worst song to play in a club? What could make everyone stop dancing immediately and send them home in the worst mood-killer? An anti-banger, if you will."
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insidiousxhopes · 3 days
The whole thing in town was enough to get everyone on edge - atleast thought with knowledge or within the supernatural community. Henrik felt it too, though the eart and nature. While being taught magic beyond that of nature, he often found the connection to nature and magic keeping his wolf at bay. He had been studying late at the library and had a less that pleasant encounter on the way home the previous night with a vampire who clearly didn't care for henriks family threat. The bruise on his cheek and neck were slowly healing with the bite marks more of a two point brushed than a cut. As he stood in the kitchen he finished making his sandwich and sat with a glass of water when he felt eye on him causing him to look up and in the direction of another.
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giselle-clarke · 4 months
spilling tea over coffee // f2f ⬌ danselle
To say that Giselle was already stressed out over her studies would be an understatement. She was still failing at learning when to take a break to do absolutely anything that would get her out of her dorm room, which was why she'd been holed up in here since getting out of her last class of the day. Luckily an opportunity presented itself when Dani offered to buy her coffee, which she was in desperate need of at the moment anyways, so it only took a minute or so for her to say screw studying and agree to it. Though, there was an incentive here: the other woman was going to reveal who she thought was the best looking person on campus, and she was all for getting it out of her.
With this being a quick trip over to the Lima Bean, she'd chosen not to change out of her leggings and sweatshirt but she did take the time to run a comb through her hair at least. God forbid I be caught on campus looking a complete mess. She thought to herself as she made sure she looked decent enough at least. Once she was sure her hair was fine, and then her make up, she slipped her feet into a pair of Nikes before heading out.
Giselle had only been to the Lima Bean one other time since arriving on campus and while it hadn't been her personal favorite, it would do for tonight. It didn't take long for her to make it there, and she managed to spot Dani almost instantly. "Hey, cutie." She teased, smiling as she approached her. "Ready to get this coffee and tell me your secret?" @daniwmu
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