#(and I can see a better future kim write articles for some left wing thing. man he'll never do that will he)
bluastro-yellow · 6 months
Harry and Kim are like Annette and Plaisance, like Cuno and Cunoesse, like René/Gaston and Gaston/René, like Steban and Ulixes, like Fuck the World and Pissf%%t, like-
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republicstandard · 6 years
Defending The Faith: Does The West Have a Future Without Christianity?
We live in curious times. The oppression of Muslims in the West is purportedly a great shame on our societies- the dread word ‘Islamophobia’ is thrown around at the drop of a fez, proof that Europeans are little better than racist bigots. You may then be surprised to hear that Muslims are not the most persecuted religious group. You should be forgiven for having assumed so. The Liberal media has largely ignored this very real persecution happening all over the world; but it is not the Muslim who is being beheaded and crucified in the streets, it is Christians.
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While North Korea is considered to be the most unfriendly to Christians, outside of the grasp of Kim Jong-un, the persecution is taking place primarily in the Middle East; and you guessed it, predominantly at the hands of Muslims. The Christian minority in the Middle East face a sobering reality of their daily existence; they risk the penalty of death for the simple act of practicing their faith. The media occasionally acknowledges these exterminations, but turn a blind eye to the scale of persecution suffered by these minorities because it doesn't fit their globalist political narrative. Islamophobia and hate speech are worthy issues to pay attention to, not the slaughter of the Christian faithful at the hands of Muslims. Once again the press exposes themselves by virtue of omission; much like their denial of the genocide of white farmers in South Africa. In doing so they are proving their crusade to ‘fight the good fight’ is not really about standing up for the underdog but about pushing a political agenda. They love minorities, as long as they are not White. They love religion, as long as it’s not Christianity.
Meanwhile, False reports of hate crimes are on the rise in the West, From tall tales of hijabs attacks to fake reports of attacks from Trump supporters. Websites like FakeHateCrimes.org document these cases with new hoaxes occurring weekly. The left-wing media tells us to hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise if that's true then why do so many feel the need to fake them? Often these so-called hate crimes are reported as truth and then later retracted only when it’s too late, the story has already spread and the damage done.
When all the left can point to is microaggressions and mean words, they have to blow up fake hate crimes and make mountains out of molehills. They force reality to fit their narrative of "the evil White" who makes his fun persecuting the poor brown minorities. I’m sorry but asking someone where they are from is not a hate crime. A million raped British girls- that I do consider a hate crime.
Muslims are living it large in the freest countries in the world, able to openly practice their religion in their mosques and on the streets; even hate preachers are protected by the police and the state. Christians living in Muslim homelands are not so lucky.
Let's get into some simplified, brief history. In the pre-Islamic Middle East Christianity was one of may dominant religions along with a mix of Arab polytheism and Judaism. That was until the rise of Islam and its Jihad of terror marched across the land with a convert or die campaign. Oppressing every community into submission. So not much has changed in the last thousand years. Since Islam's inception it has been raging war on the unbelievers, yet, many people believe that Islamic terrorism has only existed since the West’s intervention into the Muslim countries. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The crusades of 1095 – 1291 were the first wars on terror. Implemented by Pope Urban II with his famous Deus Vult Speech, he launched the first fight back against Islamic occupation of the holy lands. The crusades themselves came at end of centuries of Islamic encroachment into Europe.
Islamic oppression of Christians has been going on for over a thousand years. Throughout history, more than 70 million Christians have been martyred for their faith- More than half of those were murders to place during the 20th century and around 100,000 to 160,000 murdered in the 21st century, so far. Not all were victims of Islam- though in contemporary times, the vast majority are.
"Is there a global war on Christians?" he says. "That question is asked in this issue and judging from the number of deaths and torture in recent years, my conclusion is, yes – and the casualties are staggering.
"Sadly, the names of Christ's heroes and their inspired stories go largely unspoken today and their cause goes unreported in the popular press." ~ Michael Austin
The followers of Islam continue to persecute Christians living in Muslim lands. Every month around 322 Christians are murdered; 214 churches are vandalized and destroyed, and around 772 forms of violence such as kidnappings, rape, and beatings are committed against Christians, in more than 60 countries.
Egypt has the largest Christian population in the Middle East with a conservative estimate at around 10% of the general public, though that number is considered to be higher because many hide their faith in fear of the repercussions. According to Open Doors -a non-denominational, non-profit organization supporting persecuted Christians- Around 128 Christians were killed in Egypt last year. 49 of these deaths took place on Easter in the Palm Sunday church bombings where a suicide bomber blew himself up during mass. 28 more were killed in the Ascension Day bus attack, where a gunman opened fire on two buses traveling to the Coptic Feast of the Ascension. All of these attacks are religiously motivated, the Islamic State has made that much very clear, vowing to wipe out all Egyptian Christians.
In other areas of the Middle East, the story is not much different. Even though this region of the world is the birthplace of Christianity - since the death of Christ - Christians only make up around 5% of the population. That’s down 20% from the end of the last century. Iraq until 2011 was the largest Christian community until fear of persecution caused more than half of the country’s Christian population to flee resulting in numbers dropping from 150,000 to barely 35,000 by spring 2017 – a fall, of more than 75 percent. Some predicted that Christianity could cease to exist in Iraq by as early as 2020.
Interesting that most Syrian Christians are overwhelmingly against more US airstrikes in their country and believe they’ll prolong this horrific civil war.
— Laura Ingraham (@IngrahamAngle) April 10, 2018
Syrian Christians (also known as Saint Thomas Christians) are one of the oldest Christian communities on Earth. By 2013, more than 450,000 Syrian Christians have fled their homes as a result of Islamic state oppression. More recent data is simply unavailable, thanks to the on-going jihad. Many Syrian Christians are kidnapped and murdered. Now, following a clear false-flag attack in Syria designed to draw the West into regime change operations against Bashar al-Assad, there are fears that Christians living there are in even more danger. Tucker Carlson raised his concerns on his FOX show, Stating:
"Starting a new war overthrowing Assad's regime in Syria would result in chaos many thousands would die, in fact, we might likely see the genocide of one of the last remaining Christian communities in the Middle East."
I could go on listing events, murders and kidnappings resulting in Christians fleeing or facing persecution; I could list enough of these incidents to fill pages and pages of information, but that would be futile. What is happening is already horrific, I’m sure we can all agree. These atrocities are enough to turn anyone's stomach - but that’s not why I am writing this article. I’m writing this as a warning of things to come. At the moment we have a growing Muslim minority in the West that is getting larger by the day. The more that community grows, the more power and influence they have in our societies, and the more they become emboldened.
In what universe do Western governments think it was a good idea to import large numbers of a group who not only hate Christians and persecute them to near extinction in the Middle East, but also hate the West and its Christian roots? How long until the waterline overflows and tips the scales resulting in the kinds of persecution we see happening in the Middle East? When will this start pouring over into Western - Christian - countries? We live in representative democracies, theoretically run on majority rule. What do you think will happen when we no longer have the majority? Christianity is already becoming a minority religion in the West; power, even in the theological realm, abhors a vacuum, and Islam is stepping into that void. How long until the persecution starts? I’m not talking about the terrorist attacks- we are seeing now, they are bad enough as it is. We have already seen the fallout of the migrant crisis bringing rape, murder, and terror to Europe. I’m talking about nationwide attacks, Church burnings, beheadings in the streets, crucifixions and kidnappings. That may sound hyperbolic to you and I can understand that reaction, but remember, the Middle East was once Christian too.
I’m sure at one time - before Islam took hold - many people mocked the few warning of the coming danger. Eventually, the balance of power tipped, and Islamic rule reigns supreme resulting in the horror we see unfolding in the Middle East today.
Do you want your children or grandchildren to face a similar persecution to what people living in the Middle East have been and are facing now? Are you willing to stand by and let that happen to your country?
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For better or worse, our faith has been a shield, and a uniting force against those who would conquer us. Secular societies are naked, weak and ripe for plunder.
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ladyburksn-blog · 7 years
Marketing Tumbler Blog
Marketing Blog Tumbler Post Big Hit Entertainment
 Intro: Big hit is a Korean entertainment company. They produce good music and are home to some big name artist. The most famous being The Bang Ten boys or BTS as they are better known by their fans. I think social media is essential for what they do because it allows the company to get their name as well as the artist name out as well as spread the word about different types of music they are working on right now. In turn this builds up their cliental and their artist fandoms grow and more of their music albums to be sold. They are in the Korean music entertainment industry quickly making a name for themselves overseas and globally particularly here in America as of lately. Many Entertainments companies find it essential today to use social media to market their music artist and Big Hit is no different. In fact if anything I would say this is one of Big Hits’s strongest marketing tools and one of their greatest strengths as a company. Big hit has a whole team whose sole purpose is to use various social media sites to het their name and the name of their artists out to as many people as possible at one time.  They do this by updating their artist fans regularly by posting about their everyday activity on both Big Hits social media sites as well as the group of artists individual social media sites.  They encourage themselves to frequently update the SMS as well as the fan café online encouraging them to post selfies and go live. This is accomplished using the V app an app which allows one way video chat and answer questions or just talk to fans normally allowing their fans to have a small peak at their being the scenes in their life.  As often as possible leaving their fans the ability to connect to them.  Big Hits is really good about using every social media tool there is at their disposal. 
 Overall social media use: Big hit entertainment company that was founded by Bang Si Hyck back in 2008 -2009 has been using social media since as early as 2010 to promote their up and coming groups. I have found footage that dates back as early as 2011 of the now members audition to get into their company. Although in recent years it has become clear that Big Hit has defined their practice of using social media as an effective marketing tool, which is probably what lead to their biggest KPOP group winning best social media artist in the 2017 billboard awards. This was a first for a KPOP group like themselves a huge feel considering they had to beat out a lot of big name artist like Selena Gomez, Arianna Grande, & Justin Bieber. This group uses twitter, instagram,Vapp,onlinefan café, you tube, facebook, and snap chat it has also been rumored that a  couple of BTS has some secret fan accounts on these platforms as well as tumbler used to interact with their fans. As far as I can tell the company use both their Twitter & Instagram accounts the most when it comes to the promotion of themselves. They use You tube, the V app and fan café a lot. Their strategy seems simple use the media sites for promotion of the group and its activities and use the other media outlets to build fandom and increase the sales of their merchandise and sales.
  Big Hit seems to use a lot of marketing strategies whether it be promoting their albums with contracted marketing firms to promote a certain album or just using their connections with local radio programs and various music shows and variety shows at local broadcasting stations to promote their artist current activities and keep their name on the front of people’s minds to generate buzz and interest in their groups . This causes an increase in album sales, revenue, and builds fandom which increases concert sales, merchandise sales, and sales for future concerts. The marketing strategy seems to be the use of social media along with its various platforms to promote their artist as well as their products. For example when BTS released their Wings album back in 2016, Big Hit released multiple mini clips of each member with a dramatic back story along with a small snippet of a song each lasting about 30 seconds a piece and the fandom went nuts trying to figure out what was going on.BTS became a hot topic on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even you tube as several people began to debate what these teasers could possible mean as these theories were circulated around #’s related to BTS began generating more specifically BTS fans. Now this was not a first for Big Hit as they did a similar mini story release when BTS released their third album in their “The most beautiful moment in life trilogy titled “The most beautiful moment in life Forever Young” which included a dramatic video that took the whole fandom by surprise and the result was a storm of comments and theories circulating around the fandom along with multiple hashtags about the video again. However like the mysterious video teasers they had used to promote the wings album. This video preluded a whole dramatic back story that left the fans asking one question. “why? What happened? This was a good move on Big Hits because it peaked everyone’s interest it got everyone asking about upcoming Album and MV release. In fact the interest was so much several you tubers even add videos about both of these campaigns to share their own theories. Even Big Hits current campaign for BTS newest album “Love Yourself” was first introduced with a highlight reel featuring a different back story for each member. All of which were very cute and memorable due to the cute meets the members had with girls featured in their reel and it got the fans talking about who these girls were and how they related to the album as BTS rarely use female actors in their MV’s again this album was released two weeks ago was met with much anticipation and numerous hashtags has managed to top the chats of all the KPOP charts and music shows and has made it on to the Bilboard top 100 here in the US. So you know if to determine the most critical relationships necessary for Big Hit and their success. I would say it is probably the relationship they have with Korea’s various broadcasting stations and music shows like music bank and mnet countdown as the various entertainment variety shows. The relationship they share with local radio stations who often play the boys music their relationship with various news reporters and online news sites who are always writing articles on their activities, success, and their own relationships with different brand sponsors who see their artist model things which currently include puma, BBQ chicken, smart uniform,SK Telecom. 
Data : Facebook BTS’s official Facebook page has 5,223,675 people following on their page and 5,144,119 likes on their page there is a link on this page to Big Hits home page which hasn’t been set up yet so I wasn’t able to see how many people had visited it. But seeing as it was pretty high up in the search bar when I googled it so I think it is pretty safe to assume that I am not the only one interested in this company. However I did find their Wikipedia page & was able to gain a ton of useful information from there. Big Hits facebook page has 1,595,756 followers and 1,573,413 likes There are featured videos and articles about its artist. I’m pretty sure it’s the same stuff that appears on BTS page only Big Hits is in all Korean, while BTS’s has been converted to English for their overseas and international fans. Wikipeida: Big Hit which is a south Korean entertainment company founded in 2005 by Bang Si- Hyuk and is currently home to to kpo idol group BTS and Musical duo Homme, although it previous groups include 2am,8eight,Glam and Lim Jeong-hee, and its more notable former trainees includes Hwang Eunbi (SinB)  and Jung Eunbi (Eunha) of well know upcoming female kpop group Gfriend, well know rapper Iron who was featured on popular television show “sshow me the money” Jin Hyo-sang (kidoh) and Kim Sang-gyun (A-tom)of well know male Kpop group Topp Dogg, Park Seung-Jun (seungjun) and Jung In-Seong (Inseong) of popular up and coming kpop group KNK, Jo So-Jin (sojin)of popular female kpop group Nine Muses, Kim Joo- mi (Zumy) of famous and well seasoned female kpop group Ladies Code, and Ahn Hyung-seob a former contestant on popular audition program Produce 101, season 2. Big Hit which is a private company has 52 employees and has an annual operating income of 35,500,000,000 won as of 2017 and is located in Seoul Gangnam-gu, Nonhyeon-dong, 155-010,10-31 Cheong-gu bldg,2F, South Korea. Twitter:Big Hits Twitter has over 3.6 milion followers and seems to be updated frequently , and is used to promote not only Bighit as a company but their Artist as well. Their most recent tweet which was tweeted just 12 hours ago  was used to share an article written on Naver.com about their group BTS and how they took first place on Music Bank for the second week in a row. The Article goes on to say that BTS beat out another famous artist I.U.’s song “Autum Morning” with their new track “DNA”.  BTS’s official results K-charts was calculated based off the fact that they received 65% of the digital music record votes, 5% music sales, 20% number of broadcasts, and 10 % of Audence preference to give BTS a score of 8,876 points to the 6,376 points I.U. won. BTS historic unseating of Kpop Queen I.U. is just the beginning though . Because this trophy was not the only one BTS has managed to score this comeback. They have also won first prize on MBC’s music show “Show Champion”, and KBS’s 2 TV “Music Bank”, SBS’s “Popular Song” and Mnet “MCountdown” and have secured a spot in Billboard’s top 100, proving that not only are they a very powerful and talented boy group, but that “DNA” is an awesome song and this has already a very successful comeback. (Article is written in Korean, but was translated by @NefariousEunoia and can be found on Big Hit’s most recent Tweet in the comment section, or if you can understand it feel free to read the original article on Naver, link can bee found in Big Hit’s most recent Tweet.) Instagram: Big Hit does have a Instagram in fact it has two… @boys.BigHit which has 2,900 followers, and  is believed it is used to promote the Big Hit trainees to promote their activities, although this Instagram page only has 1 post.  Meanwhile the other Instagram Big Hit has @BTS.BigHitOffical  has 5.8 million followers and has over 346posts each with at least a million likes. Which is why most people believe that this is Big Hits official Instagram, as it is used most often to promote the boy activities. However it is possible that both of these are used by Big Hit as they both have verified and each includes a link to the Big Hit website. (Which again unfortunately has not been set up yet) BTS Amino: This is an app that connected the BTS’S official fan café and its purpose to allow international fans of BTS and other Big Hit group to stay connected to their favorite artist and the company keeping them up to date. Many fans are not able to join the official fan page as its layout is entirely in Korean as is the majority off their uploads. By going through this page which is in English and updated in English (for your language of choice) You can both keep current with events and stay connected to your favorite artist and meet other fans like themselves and even send fan mail via email to the boy and their company. It’s a pretty cool app I had it on my phone in order to research it for this project, but I am considering keeping it as it allows for having fun with it. 
 Assessments and Recommendations Big Hits over all marketing seem to be a pretty successful one. Big Hit uses all their tools at their disposal which means their music and their main musical group at the moment BTS.  Big hit uses their connections with various to secure BTS a spot on the music shows every time they have a comeback, which allows BTS to perform and promote their new song which in turn increases album sales. By doing shows like this in which fans are encouraged to vote for their favorite performer or team it generates buzz online and produces numerous hashtags with BTS as part of the subject line. This in turn generates more fans, more interest in their group by increasing sales of future concerts and merchandise sales. Another thing this does is bring in perspective companies who are looking for bright young stars to model clothing lines or participate in photo shoots which gives another line of revenue through group contracted work in which Big Hit gets a portion. So as you can see social media plays a key role and works hand in hand w Big Hits as well as other marketing tools to help promote their product. Which in ths case shows they have a solid foundation and a lot of potential as a group. Recently it has become a trend to cast popular idols K-dramas and variety shows in turn this reaches a new demographic and a new population. This boosts the drama rating thanks to KPOP fans it draws the prospective Kdrama fans into the KPOP fandom therby once again increasing their sales of merchandise and concerts. In addition to bringing the artist appearance fee plus the fee for singing the show OTS all of which Big Hit gets a cut of it also means it is sure to buzz among the fans of the said artists and groups and KDrama fans everywhere meaning more online articles, mentions, reviews and hashtags ultimately building more revenue coming in as the show fans will purchase the OTS on I tunes if not. Another new marketing concept for Big Hit whom had been using the boys beyond the scenes you tube channel to shoot Bangtan Bombs. Also BTS appears in a similar show back 2014-2015 called “American Hustle Life” it was shot in LA despite the boys of KPOP not being very well known at the time it was received pretty well and most of the episodes can still be found on you tube today all with a pretty significant amount of views as we know leads to more social media posts. Overall I would say that their marketing strategy is a pretty solid one. I don’t really have anything to recommend in the way of changing things, what they are doing seems to be working. I would however say that Big Hit does need to get their website up and running soon. 
 Citations: www.http://facebook.com/ibighit
www.http://youtube.com/vip www.http://youtube.combangtantv 
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