#(but tbh it might be jossed when i end up actually writing the s3 arc. we'll see)
shrinkthisviolet · 3 months
ooooh Morgan and Accidentally Hurt by Friend or Caught in a Storm? :)
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Sure thing! Here's my @badthingshappenbingo fill for “Accidentally Hurt by Friend”:
Fandom: The Flash
Pairing: Barry & Morgan, Morgan & Caitlin, Barry & Caitlin (all platonic)
Character: Morgan Wells (OC), Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow
Read below the cut (also available on AO3)
Morgan was pretty sure she knew what freezing felt like. She’d been outside in enough winters to know it was manageable—with the right number of layers, it was…unpleasant, sure, but manageable. As it turned out, though, it was much different than being shot in the chest with a blast of ice. It hadn’t been Caitlin’s fault, not really. She’d been aiming for someone else—not even the heart, but the stomach—but her powers were still so new, and Morgan was shorter than her intended target, and she… “Morgan?” And she… “Morgan!” Her teeth clacked and chattered, shivers wracking her body as she tried desperately to pull her jacket tighter around her…but it was no use. The jacket wasn’t thick enough, and even if it was…the cold was inside her, not outside. “…did you do?” “I didn’t mean—” Someone shook her by the shoulders, and less than a heartbeat later, she was in the medbay, squeezed in a tight hug as Barry rubbed her back…probably trying to keep her as warm as possible. “How do we fix it?” “…what?” “How do we get the ice out, Caitlin?” “I…” “Answer me!” Barry cried. “I don’t know!” Caitlin sounded distressed, and if Morgan weren’t so cold, she would’ve broken away from Barry to hug her big sister instead. “I don’t…I shoot snow and ice, but I can’t…I can’t take it out of someone.” He scoffed. “B…Barry…” Morgan pleaded. “D-don’t…don’t be m-mad at h-her…I j-jumped—“ “Shh, Mo, don’t strain yourself.” His voice hitched—he was crying. Crying, and it was her fault, but she couldn’t regret saving him from this. This relentless, biting, burning cold, tearing at her insides, making her burrow further into Barry as if he could banish all the cold from her… But he couldn’t. Because the cold was in her heart, and spreading too quickly to be healthy. And if it’s this bad for me…imagine how bad it would’ve been for him. Being a speedster and all... “Am I g-going to die?” She whispered, her voice choking. “No,” Caitlin said firmly. “We won’t let that happen. I...I’ll fix this.” Barry’s eyes widened. “So you do have a solution!” “No,” Caitlin admitted, regretful, “but I’m gonna do everything I can think of. We won’t let you die, Mo, I promise.” Morgan wished she could share the sentiment, but as the cold kept spreading, she couldn’t muster anything but terror. And she was so…so tired… “You’ll be okay,” Barry whispered, his voice shaking, Caitlin nodding determinedly beside him. Morgan wished she could believe them.
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