#(well they're not explicitly mentioned by name but 'tiger' 'snake' we all know who i'm talking about there)
hikayunas · 2 months
the selection of animals in promised blood is really good for a lot of reasons, but something i've always liked was the fact that the animals even fit together when you look at their real-life diets.
as apex predators, tigers have a wide selection of prey on their menus -- but most notably, will snack on monitor lizards (closest thing to dragons), snakes, horses when they can get their claws on them, and potentially even bats (given the overlap of range between flying foxes and bengal tigers, i'm not sure why a tiger wouldn't eat a bat if it managed to snag one.)
a very common predator for a lot of bat species worldwide? snakes.
given all the talk of killing each other for "food" in futatsugi...it all sort of just clicks together well, i think.
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