#A Weed Tryin' to Bloom (Raven)
talesofourworlds · 1 month
@pyonpyonpyon liked for a Spring Festitales starter!
Things had started out well enough at the festival, he felt pretty sure. Raven had been having a good time, going around the festival and just palling around. He'd thought the hooded figure handing out masks was a little weird, but he'd accepted one without too much thought and put it on. The mask itself didn't appear to be all that flashy. It was one that was black and white, split down the middle with one color on each side and feathers adorning it, matching the colors of each side. He'd liked it well enough, though.
Then the headache started as he'd gone back to wandering the festival. He was near enough to the inn to go in and get whatever he needed from his room, but far enough to still be around the various vendors and games. No matter what he did, though, his head didn't feel much better.
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Just walk it off, Raven decided. Whatever this weird feeling he had was, it was sure to pass. In fact, as he walked the feeling started to dissipate.
Just in time, he also happened to see someone familiar to him up ahead. The pink hair and bright clothing were dead giveaways. Ramuda was one of the people he'd met last year. He remembered that much. Just what the pink haired lad was doing was uncertain, but he wasn't about to just walk by and act as though he hadn't seen him. Headache or not, faint though it seemed now, it would have been rude. And one would expect him to at least be sociable.
"Ramuda." Though the greeting was friendly enough, something had changed about the way the old man was carrying himself. His expression seemed different somehow, too.
"It's been some time since last we met," he said. "How have you been?"
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fireandfigures · 1 year
Think, Raven, think! What did you do?? He thought, and thought, and finally...
Oh. Oh no.
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"Don't tell me. It's Estelle's birthday, ain't it," he finally said. Oh shoot, if it was then he was in trouble. No wonder Rita was mad. He'd have to get his butt in gear and fix that mistake.
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“That’s good. This way you won’t die stupid.”
Orange sparks swirled around Rita.
“Any last words?”
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talesofourworlds · 4 months
@valiantxunion continued from here!
Lost certainly was one word for it, especially after they'd chased that monster down to stop it from taking their kills. So when Karol had chased the beast, Raven had chased after him to make sure he didn't get into a worse situation. The kid... he was pretty much like family by that point, right? Karol sure did seem to look up to him an awful lot, but gods knew why. Raven felt pretty sure he wouldn't be able to bear it if something happened to Karol. Outside of what had happened at the Blade Drifts, of course. That had been scary for everyone involved.
Eventually, he'd caught up to Karol and joined the efforts to take down the beast and get their catches back. No one would be happy if they came back empty handed. Especially not Rita. Best to avoid Rita's wrath. That was one thing Raven didn't want to be on the receiving end of, and he knew Karol likely felt the same.
One last well timed arrow coupled with a blow from Karol had taken down the beast, and Raven had been relieved. They'd gotten their catches back. They'd taken down a monster that likely could have caused more trouble for others. But now, they were lost. Lost, and as Karol pointed out, about to get caught in a nasty looking storm.
"Well, Cap'n Karol, I think you're right."
What were they meant to do now? Survival skills started to come back to him as he looked around, hoping for any signs of areas they could shelter in. They needed to find something, otherwise they'd both get soaked to the bone. He already could feel the rain starting to fall a little faster, soaking into his baggy coat. Think, dammit!
"First, gotta find somewhere ta take shelter. We ain't gonna have any better of a time if we let ourselves get soaked," he advised. A part of him felt a little odd, being the one giving out advice. Karol had asked for it, though, and he wasn't about to let Karol panic if he could help it.
"There's gotta be somethin'. A cave, a conveniently hollowed and split in half log..." Okay, the second option would be a stretch. But the longer they stood standing around, the more likely they were to get soaked. Old man didn't want to get soaked, and he sure didn't want that for Karol.
Then he heard a clap of thunder. Yeah, okay. No more time to stand around. They needed shelter. Now.
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"Quick, let's try that way," he urged, motioning to the side and hoping for the best. He hadn't actually noticed anything new there, but it was worth a shot to look there if nothing else. "Before this ol' man, or you, gets zapped!" Maybe lightning wouldn't actually strike then, but he didn't want to take any chances.
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talesofourworlds · 5 months
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"It's too damn cold!" Even with his lovely new scarf. Curse his stupid body for getting cold too easily!
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"What's a man gotta do ta change the weather, huh? Winter's gonna kill ol' Raven one'a these days. I'll be a Raven popsicle, ya hear me?? A popsicle!"
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talesofourworlds · 26 days
A sharp intake of breath broke the quiet of night.
As Raven sat bolt upright in his bedroll, breath panicked and quick, he started to pat around his chest. In the dark, as eyes adjusted, he needed to feel for what he was looking for. He only stopped when his hand touched against the shape of his blastia. His breath, still quicker than he would have liked, stopped for just a moment.
Still there. Still alive.
The two thoughts rumbled through his mind like a storm, and he tried to calm himself. He couldn't quite manage it, though, and so forced himself to his feet and stumbled out of the tent. Into the moonlight he went, blinking rapidly to adjust to the light while still trying to get a handle on himself.
Horrible images of what had happened that fateful day had plagued him that night. He thought he'd banished those dreams a long time ago. How many bones had he broken in that fight? How long had he been laying there, defenseless, before Casey came rushing in to protect him? How long had she survived, trying to save his sorry ass from that horrific monster they had faced? Answers refused to come as tears welled in his eyes, him forcing himself to blink them away.
The worst images still lingered. What was left of Casey. His blind fury, forcing himself to his feet no matter the pain he endured. The last horrific stabbing sensation as the beast's tendril stabbed through his chest, through his heart...
Even after ten years, it still unnerved him. Raven made himself sit, tried to calm his breathing, but it just wouldn't slow down. His chest felt tighter than he remembered, and as he sat there he could feel himself shaking. But he'd be fine. He had to be fine. He was Raven.
He hoped no one had heard him wake up, or leave the tent, or would even see him like... this.
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talesofourworlds · 2 months
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(ooc: Finally reading The Empty Mask and I AM IN PAIN. ALL THE GOOD RAVEN CONTENT BUT AT WHAT COST?)
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talesofourworlds · 3 months
"This guy still hasn't completely unlocked Zaude's controls."
Looking past Rita, Raven found that what she had said was right. Alexei was still fiddling with the same sort of panels Rita always used to access the controls for blastia and the like. So that meant Alexei was just buying time as the ground they stood on continued to climb upward. Maybe they stood a chance after all, he thought as he nocked an arrow in preparation. They had a rough fight ahead of them, but there was a chance.
"Ah, Rita Mordio. How careless of me," Alexei said, dismissing his panel. He still wasn't preparing for a fight, though. Why? The man was commandant of the knights, for crying out loud. Was he just that confident that he could wipe them out? That he didn't need to prepare anything for the fight ahead? Or was there something else?
Footsteps. Raven could hear footsteps just behind him and the others. He drew in a breath and whipped around, arrow pointed at their target. Then he stopped. His breath caught in his throat and his hold on his bow slackened
"Ah. Canary, you made it."
Alexei's voice carried some sort of twisted satisfaction. There before him stood a woman. Brown haired, brown-eyed, and oh so familiar. But her eyes lacked something. A spark of life that was once there no longer seemed to linger. She was adorned in the orange uniform of Alexei's knights, and she too carried a bow.
"Canary? Who the hell?" Of course Yuri would ask. The others were starting to look now, but Raven only could see it from his peripheral. No... no, this wasn't right. It couldn't be right! She was dead. He'd seen her die!
Apparently, Alexei had noticed his state.
"Did you really think I wouldn't have a replacement in mind for you and Yeager? After you both failed me so?"
"C... Casey..." Raven didn't know when he'd started to shake so. His bow clattered to the ground and, before long, Raven found himself sinking to his knees. A guttural, choked cry rose up from within him.
Not her... not her, too! Memories of himself, freshly brought back from beyond, asking about her whereabouts came rushing back to him. Alexei had said that he hadn't had a use for her.
It shouldn't have been such a surprise. Of course Alexei would lie. He had wanted to cut him off from everything. So why. Why did this sting so much? Why was seeing Casey standing there, bow pointed at him, so wrong?
"Casey...!" He choked back another sob.
"I'm sorry... you seem to have mistaken me for someone," she said. "I am Canary. And I will not let you stand in the commandant's way."
So... she was just as much a puppet as he had been. How long had she been alive? How long had Alexei kept her from him? His breathing quickened. Alexei...
"Bastard...!" Raven's voice broke as hot, angry tears came rolling down amid his grief-filled ones. "Bastard!!" He shot a look back at the man who once had him entangled in his strings. The commandant's sick satisfaction only served to make him angrier.
"Canary, take care of them. Should you fail... well. You'll have served your purpose. The same as the others."
"...Casey... please..." Raven turned to look at her again, hoping beyond hope he could reach her. "It's me... Damuron. Ya gotta snap out of it. I don't wanna do this..." But he could see it in her eyes. She didn't have a choice. Neither did he. So he reached a shaky hand out for his bow again.
He hoped she could forgive him.
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talesofourworlds · 2 months
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This just in, mun is thinking about this garbage man again and like. Raven's actually pretty athletic when you think about it. I mean, he'd have to be since he was a knight in the past and that likely requires a lot of strength and what have you, but also? The man can do back flips. Back flips. Just out of the blue random back flips! I'm no expert, but I feel like you need to be pretty athletic to pull that kind of stunt off!
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talesofourworlds · 1 month
@cataclysmus liked for a Spring Festitales starter!
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Well. That was the last face he'd expected to see at the festival. But stranger things had happened, hadn't they? Like whatever kept happening while he was wearing the mask he had on. Might as well try to make the most of this encounter, right? How did he even approach it?
One way to find out, he supposed. He approached, moving past the cherry trees and moving further down the trail until he'd managed to catch up. At least Alexei was easy to pick out.
"What're the chances, am I right?" Raven put on a smile. A part of him was pretty sure he'd get called Schwann. After all, Raven was just a role as far as Alexei had been concerned, right? Something to be thrown away? Maybe. Raven just figured he'd see where this went. Find out what Alexei was doing there.
Nothing wrong with a conversation between an old boss and an empty mask, right?
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talesofourworlds · 8 months
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Talestober day eighteen!
18. Attack in unison
"In an instant, we echo and our hearts meet! Impact Cross!"
Poses are hard. Poses are very hard xD BUT I TRIED. Gave me an excuse to draw Gauche and Droite (and also Raven) but I also did give thought to the unison attacks in Symphonia, the group attacks in Legendia, Yuri and Flynn's dual Mystic Arte, Jude and Milla's also could have worked, and then there's Boost Strikes in Arise and dual Mystic Artes in Berseria but I just love Gauche and Droite. So I went with them.
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talesofourworlds · 3 months
Belongs in the Trash
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"Hey! The hell are you doing in here?"
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"What do you mean 'the hell are you doin' here'? I belong here! What about you, kid? What're you doin' here?"
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"What does it look like? I'm the one that belongs in the trash. Go find your own trash can!"
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"Can't tell if I should think it's a compliment or not that you don't think I belong here. 'Sides, what business has a kid got belongin' in the trash?"
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"Because that's what I am."
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"Yeah, I'm not even gonna begin tryin' ta unpack that one, kid. I'm the one that belongs in here. Not you."
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"You're shady, old man. Just because something stinks about you doesn't mean-"
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"Oh, not you too, Jade! Get the hell out of here! Get your own trash can!"
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"No, I don't think I will."
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"Dammit, Necromancer, this trash can is only so big! Both of you need to get out!"
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"You of all people should know why I can qualify as 'trash,' Sync."
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"This is gettin' stupid. Let's all just agree we're garbage and get outta here. The trash can's gonna-"
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"Great. I told you you both you should've gotten out."
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"Perhaps next time we ought to find a bigger trash can."
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talesofourworlds · 2 months
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"Who the hell pissed Sunny off??"
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talesofourworlds · 3 months
🌟 Drop one of my characters’ names in my inbox and I’ll tell you 10 facts about them 🌟
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Raven choosing to switch his fighting style from sword fighting to archery largely had to do with Casey. It also had to do with knowing that he was free to be a different person as Raven than who he was as Schwann. He also used what he remembered of Casey's artes when he learned to use a bow. Admittedly, Garnet Chaos was always an intimidating arte for him to potentially tackle. It was the arte Casey used to try and save him during the war, so it took him a long time to even consider learning it himself. Eventually, though, he did.
A lot of his perceived perverted nature is largely an act. A part of the mask he wears as Raven, one could say. It also reflects a bit back on who he was long before he was Schwann. A tiny piece of his oldest life he allowed to carry over into his identity as Raven. He isn't really that way anymore, so doesn't really play it up as much as he could.
Raven does enjoy a good drink. No denying that. He doesn't go out of his way to get drunk off his ass or anything, though.
While Raven isn't particularly fond of eating sweets himself, he does know how to make them pretty well. Usually he doesn't go out of his way to make them unless he's asked. He'll save making them for special occasions. Mostly Valentine's Day and things like that.
He's well aware of the bird symbolism that surrounds him. Schwann's name being derived from swans, Raven from the obvious. He thinks Alexei picked out the name Schwann for him not for typical swans, but black swans. He isn't unaware of their particular symbolism, which isn't too different from what most people associate with ravens. He acknowledges the death symbolism of both, but finds some comfort in what other things ravens symbolize.
Even though his friends accepted him back as one of their own after everything that happened, Raven still does carry guilt over the part he played in Alexei ending up capturing Estelle. For the most part, by the end of the game he's moved past it. Before that point, though, he isn't quite sure how to live with himself. Self preservation and self care may have gotten put on the back burner on a few different occasions. He tries not to make the others worry about him, though.
Due to the nature of Raven's blastia, it was unaffected by the events of the end of the game. It's powered by his life force, after all. He knows it likely is the only working blastia left, or at least one of the only ones, and it only works because it's powered by his own stupid body. He does still hate the thing. He never asked to be brought back to life by Alexei. Still, he knows he's alive for a reason. So even if he doesn't like the thing keeping him around, he does what he can to make the most of what time he's got. If nothing else, he owes it to himself since he has one of the few working blastia.
His blastia gives off a pretty constant glow, hidden beneath his clothing. He chose the colors he wears specifically to try and keep it hidden. It must have worked better than he thought, considering the surprise he was met with when everyone found out the reason he's still alive and all. He still does what he can to hide it.
Raven never liked the celebrations related to the Great War. He never really liked anything having to do with his role as Schwann, but always showed up to the celebrations when it was required of him and when he was able to. Sometimes he could make excuses to not go. But not always.
After the events of the game, Raven continues to help out Brave Vesperia. He doesn't know for sure if he's an officially recognized member of the guild, but he does what he can to keep helping out. He also just wants to do what he can to help Karol, Yuri, Judith, and any future members they gain out.
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
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"C'mon. Ya missed ol' Raven, right? Right?"
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talesofourworlds · 4 months
Confess your secrets to me and I'll tell you what you need to hear
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the sun will not set on you
whatever you are looking for, it can be found. it is waiting for you. this fear has no place in your home. no matter what shape your grief comes in, there will always be a place for you in this world.
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this does not have to be the end of you
you did not deserve that, you did not deserve any of that. one of these days you will feel safe again, you will open your heart and you will find it everywhere. do not be afraid - there is so much love and warmth searching for a way to get to you.
Tagged by: @forgottenluck (thank you!)
Tagging: @thosetaleskids (Anise!), @mathcs, @mistralxsoul, @emily-lotus, @pastelfates (Sunny?)
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talesofourworlds · 1 year
@sunsetangelus liked for a Raven starter!
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"Hey." The greeting was coupled with a wink and a smile. Nothing wrong with being a little bit casual, right? Dahngrest was his stomping grounds, and it seemed fate had meant for them to encounter one another.
...Or something like that. Raven didn't claim to be a romantic. Just a flirt.
"What'cha doin' all by yerself? Need someone ta show ya around?" Okay, maybe he was pushing his luck a little. ...A lot. He hoped that Sunny didn't mind too much.
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